Cupid's Trap

Cupid's Trap


Hours flew by fast Sunday Afternoon came. She was still beaming about her yesterday bromance-cupid-plan success and was already making plans for her next one. Little did she know how much her life would change within a single day…

Shanederella was patiently waiting for his childhood best friend and his date at the Dabel S Café. She was pleased that Young Saeng invited her for his first bromance date but she’s a little bit jealous to be the chaperone. She called Denchi earlier to come with them so that she will not be *out of place* with the new lovebirds but Denchi said she also have a date with Kyujong. She sighed.

“It is for Saengie and I will support him all the way, yeah! Fighting!!” She smiled before having a sip at her hot white chocolate cappucino.

The mall was full with excitement and laughter as people of all ages and status from individuals, couples, friends, and family strolled back in fourth outside the Café.

“ Shane-shii,” she heard a familiar voice call her name.
“Saengie!” she replied.

She grinned when she saw Young Saeng and Hyun Joong holding hands, ignoring all the attention they were getting from various passersby.

“Come on,” she said, grabbing on Young Saeng’s other hand.

Together they strolled to various mall shops from clothing brands, bags, shoes, and various food café’s. Shanederella and Young Saeng were extremely having fun and even Hyun Joong who they only knew as very authoritative and strict president during practice also have a hidden 4diness.

She was thinking that this was probably going to be her best day for a long time thinking that it is her advance birthday celebration - that is until night fell and they decided to watch a last full show movie.

It was jam-packed in the theaters even though they thought few people will be left since it is the last full show. The trio found seats somewhere near the back far from the huge movie screen. Shanederella found herself sitting beside Hyun Joong  instead of Young Saeng and was a little confused with his facial expression – his happy face before was changed with awkwardness and hesitant.

She decided to ignore it and pass it off if is one of their President’s mood swings or he must be tired already. Before she could analyze it further though, the lights dimmed and the screen was illuminated by previews of future pictures.

Shanederella just glued her interest on the movie named “PRETTY THINGS”. The movie was all about a girl who falls in love with his gay best friend who also has a lover. The main girl lead that happened to have a y boyfriend want her to made love with him. Knowing that she was a she asked for her gay best friend help and asking him to be her first since he was special to him.

When the movie started rolling though and it was on the part where in some ual scene was being shown something didn’t feel right. She felt someone grab her hand to her right and squeezed it, intertwined, and then she remembered she wasn’t sitting beside Young Saeng.

Then it all came to her –Kim Hyun Joong, the dance club president, the leader, mover and most of all, her childhood best friend’s, Heo Young Saeng’s, supposed boyfriend was holding her hand so tightly. She felt awkwardly guilty and shocked.

“Umm…” she started, trying in vain to get her hands off their president hands.

Hyun Joong, on the other hand, was staring at the screen dispassionately as if Shanederella’s protests he didn’t notice.

Shanederella couldn’t take it anymore. She might have been the Bromance cupid of 501ville University, but no one cheats on her Childhood bestfriend and least of all, no one cheats on Young Saeng with her! Finally getting her hands free off, she stood up quickly and walked out of the theater, telling Young Saeng she needed to go the ladies’ room when he raised his brows in question and .

She walked off quickly, not looking around and not looking back - and not noticing anyone following her out of the theater and into the ladies’ room.

Inside the empty lavatory, she jailed herself inside a stall and sat on the toilet cover, inhaling deeply and gathering her wits. She have never been humiliated and being failed with her Bromance-cupid-plan before. There must have been a mistake. It MUST have been a mistake.  Yes, she thought – she had just overreacted. After all, it was just a hand. It’s not like Hyun Joong forced himself on her or anything, it was nothing serious. Yes, as soon as the movie ends, she and the President are going to have a little chat.

After a while of convincing herself, she decided she was in control of the situation and so she stood up and unlocked the door, stepping out into the now not-so-empty room – standing a few steps away from her, right in front of the sinks was Hyun Joong.

She didn’t have time to think though, because as soon as she stepped out of her little sanctuary, Hyun Joong launched himself at her, pinning her arms against her sides as he held her in a bone-crushing embrace, burying his face into her neck.

“Shane-shii, I don’t love Young Saeng, you’re the one I want” he whispered with a begging voice.

“Hyun…Hyun Joong…” she stammered, aghast and muted by shock. “Let go of me,” she struggled against his vise-like arms.

She was so shocked at the moment and her mind was blanked. Did I fail with my plan this time? What would Young Saeng say? Oh what would her dear Young Saeng say? Surely, he would hate her. And just the thought of it made her eyes well tears in frustration.

“Hyunjoong! I said – ”

She started to shout but before she could finish, her breath caught in as the door to the washroom opened and there, staring at them in disbelief was HEO YOUNG SAENG.

It all happened very quickly – Young Saeng turning his back on them and running out of the cinema, Hyun Joong let go when Shanederella shouted Young Saeng’s name and She, running after her childhood best friend out of the cinema, into the night.

Hyun Joong sighed and leaned against the concrete wall, wondering why in the first place he had agreed to this so called Bromance-Cupid-Trap-Plan. It was all because of the girl who patiently waiting for him outside the movie theaters. She smiled and grinned at him sweetly.

"See our plan worked out after all I even had to sacrifice my boyfriend though" Chareeh giggled as she poked Hyun Joong's face playfully.

Hyun Joong and Chareeh were secretly in relationship for a year already. Chareeh’s father was a strict Police Officer that was being protective of her only daughter. They were being so sneaky and careful that no one notices for so long. But starting next week, they can truly publically express their LOVE for each other. With the helped from Denchi they finally able to get the blessing from Chareeh’s father since the two were cousins.

"You're so going to get a punishment you know and you sacrificed your boyfriend not yourself. Shanederella looked like she was about to kill me when she thought I cheated with Yo~~~." Hyun Joong was stopped when Chareeh suddenly kiss him.

Hyun Joong being started with his girlfriend sudden action reached for her face and response with a passionate long kiss. The movie ended and the first crowd exits the movie theaters that saw the kissing couple giggles. The first kiss in public the reward for their 1st anniversary and start another year with no more secret notes, glances, and secret dates.

They broke apart and they started to notice the crowd who cheered. Chareeh smiled shyly grabbed Hyun Joong hands. “Let’s go to the park??”

“Why, it’s getting late already” Hyun Joong said.

“We still need to trap one farsighted cupid.” Chareeh replied and giggled. 

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ExoBlink_forever #1
Than you it was super awesome
cuuuuttee:D hehe :D love the story, so nice :D
@CFKHJO: thankyu!!!
Omooo i just love it your fic *o* pleaseee write more ^^ <br />
xoxo ..... CFKHJO