A Little Tease

The Consequences Of Reading Fanfiction
Baekhyun was awaken by a hand landing on his face, he grumbled slapping the hand away, after a while the said hand slapped his left cheek making it impossible to ignore Baekhyun gasped and used all his force to shove the hand away, but then again his face meeted the same rough hand.
"Chanyeol, goddam-" his previous anger was washed off at the state of the sleeping giant, who looked so peaceful and Baekhyun couldn't help but you shut up and leave his eyes lingering at the others features, he wanted to kiss him full on the lips and maybe cuddle with him, but if Chanyeol kissed him in the past why couldn't he do the same?.
And so he got closer reaching for the taller's lips, and even thought he saw Chanyeol fluttering his eyes open he couldn't stop himself from proceeding, the latter gave him a confused look when he pressed their lips together, his breath hitched when Baekhyun's tongue was poking at his lips, he then granted access, and they kissed for a while until Chanyeol was out of breath, that sight it was something Baekhyun wished to see in the future, panting red lips, flushed cheeks, it made Baekhyun's lower regions twitch in excitement.
"Baek I-" Chanyeol's argument was interrupted by the plush lips pressed against his, Chanyeol sighed and Baekhyun smirked into the kiss. When Baekhyun parted the latter stayed with his eyes closed and his mouth parted, Baekhyun brushed his thumb against the other's abused lips cleaning the saliva that was left after the kiss, he then took the thumb between his lips and it looking intently at the giant. He smirked then left the lad in the bed, Chanyeol didn't know what happened but he wasn't complaining.
The six of them were in the black van while the other half was in the white van, Baekhyun didn't regret what he did earlier but now he wasn't so sure, Chanyeol kept looking at him with those lustfull eyes and whispering in his ear and he didn't know how to react, he didn't felt as bold as before. Also the lad's hand was too close to his crotch for his liking and he would repeatedly shove the taller's hand away.
In the interview Chanyeol kept giving him suggestive glances and he would roll his eyes and look away, he was taken aback that the members didn't notice.
When the interview was over they stayed in the place for a little while to eat and go to the bathroom Baekhyun chose the lad, he made his way to the bathroom sighing and closing his tired eyes and splashed his eyes with the cold water, he didn't hear the lock closing and two hands wrapping at his waist, he dropped the paper he was drying his face with and turned around only to be meted with Chanyeol's smirking face.
"You thought you could tease me and get away with it."
Baekhyun let out a shaky breath when the lad closed their left space and kissed him frivolously, he gasped on the kiss, his hands were trapped between his and Chanyeol's chests. The latter bit his lower lip in order to get him to open his mouth fully and he did so. Chanyeol took the opportunity to shove his tongue down his troath.
"Hey I'm peeing over here, can you guys please move it." Luhan inputted, kicking the door to make his point.
Chanyeol groaned resting his head on Baekhyun's shoulder and on his neck until a purplish mark was formed, he smirked then kissed the mark leaving Baekhyun speechless and a Luhan running to the toilet.
When Baekhyun got over his high, he left the bathroom and left to the van even thought the members were not finished eating, he didn't want to see a certain person right now. Chanyeol was confusing.
They were soon at the dorm and Baekhyun was the first one to get off the van, hurrying to the shower, he abided under the hot water breathing trough his mouth and washing the brown locks with his hands. He swiped his bangs to the back, sighing as he recalled Chanyeol's lips and how his hand touched his body, the placed he touched still burned, he changed the water to cold but even then the hotness allover his body lingered.
He turned off the shower, grabbing a towel to dry himself, while looking at the mirror he noticed the fresh mark in his neck, he groaned and touched the place where the mark was.
He got out of the bathroom with a hand over his neck, when he was stopped by Kyungsoo's knowing voice.
"It's that a hickey?" He squeaked and hurried to his room scurrying under the sheets, he groaned when he heard a Kyungsoo chuckling in the distance.
a/n: do you guys want ? 
I'm in that mood *y* haha but not right away obviously
i hoped you guys liked this though
OMG 72 subscribers
wow much love very appreciated!
(۶ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ )۶ʸᵉᵃʰᵎ


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I swear i'll double update in this week


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carelessLISPer #1
Chapter 14: Hmn.. I dnt knw what to say..
carelessLISPer #2
Chapter 5: My.. Jongin and Baekhyun kissed... Dear me..
Chapter 13: ......... They didnt even confess
jambydsy #5
Chapter 2: How sweet of you to let baek not be alone, yeol
jambydsy #6
Chapter 1: I love how baek hit yeol with pillow
Chapter 13: ahahaha.. you won't see your beautiful sleep tonight, jonginnie.. and thank you soooo much for keep updating until the end.. i like this fic and thanks for finishing it! ^^
Chapter 13: ChenHun was hilarious XD
Chapter 6: Suho overacting xD