Chapter 3

Loving You Again

20 October 2011

Its been more than two years since I went back to the time before we loved.

Those two years... I tried to live another kind of life - the life without him. I continued to work at the live cafe while I study. And like what I had experienced, my family was currently going through some tough financial period.

Three years ago, I was supposed to meet him again through Jihye. But I passed my chance to the closest sister that I had, Jeon Yerin. By 'sister', I didn't mean a kin sister, but she was just a friend that was very close to Jihye and I. Her personality, in my perspective, was very much like an angel.

Innocent, cute, pretty, and kind.


That night I went down to a private event that the live cafe was handling. Our cafe was managing the music, and yes, by that I would be playing the piano like I would do in the cafe. And our cafe was also managing the food.

Due to the fact that we didn't have had enough manpower, I would have to play the piano on my own for the performances.

"Juyeon," The cafe owner, Mrs Yoo, walked over and smiled at me, "I'm sorry. I know you have your finals but I still asked you to come over."

I shook my head and smiled, "No. Its nothing."

I went to the changing room and changed into my outfit that I'd be wearing when I play the piano. I was kind of nervous because it was my first time to play the piano in front of a big audience afterall.


After an hour, all the guests were coming in soon. And I had to play some songs as they were coming in. I chose some pop ballads, and also some songs that Yiruma played.

I played the song gracefully as I glanced back at the door and also the piano.

After performing all the songs, I went back stage and grabbed a cup of water as I rested for a while. As I was walking, I didn't notice the group of people that were in front of me.

I banged into one of them and my empty cup dropped onto the floor, breaking into smithereens. I looked up and my eyes widened, as I stopped breathing for a few milliseconds.

*Jinki.* I stared at the guy that I banged into just now. He stared at me and gave me a worried smile, "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

He continued asking, "Erm, are you the pianist that is going to play for the night? Because we're the performers of the event tonight. And because its my, erm... girlfriend's parents' company."

*Girlfriend,* That word seemed to make my heart felt so sour and painful.

"Yeah, I see," I answered half-heartedly, "I'm f-fine. I have to go for a while. Sorry for just now."

I walked away as fast as I could as my tears were on the verge of coming out. "How can this be? I didn't even know that this was... I avoided him for so long. I don't want to work with him. I don't want to even make my life overlap with his. Even if its for one day." I mumbled.

I wiped my tears as I calmed myself down and went back to the backstage where I had to talk to them about the performance.

I stood outside their waiting room and closed my eyes, breathing in deeply. I opened the door to their room when I calmed down and they were all looking at me while smiling in a friendly manner.

I looked around and saw that there was only one spot left, which was right next to Jinki on the sofa in the waiting room.

I sat down next to him and started, "I'm your pianist for the night. So what songs do you want me to play? And where is your manager?"

"We'd very much prefer," Jinki smiled as he answered my question, "Life, and Your Name. Both are from our new album. And manager hyung is on his way to grab the music sheets for you which are on the car."

"Oh, okay," I nodded. *Those are very nice songs. Jinki even wrote the lyrics for one of the two songs, along with one of s.*

"Do you know us?" Jonghyun asked cheekily. I nodded and smiled briefly, "Yeah, SHINee right?"

"Bingo," Minho added as he flashed his big wide smile.

"How old are you?" Taemin stared at me and asked. I answered meekly, "Erm... 20 this year." *And today is the day that I detest the most: My birthday. And the day that the accident happened.*

I stared at Jinki who seemed to be lost in his thoughts, not hearing what Taemin was telling me.

"Noona!" He shouted, making me turn and stare at him, "I'm asking your name. Why are you staring at Onew hyung and spacing out?"

"I'm... erm," I replied, "Han Juyeon."

"I see, Juyeon noona!" He beamed, "Thank you for playing the songs for us today!"

I shook my head and smiled.


It was time for me to play onstage, along with the 5 boys. I changed into another dress which they said it looked fine. I went onto stage with them and I sat by the piano, as they introduced themselves.

"And so," Jinki smiled as he introduced, "Our first song would be Life! Hope you like it."

I took a deep breath as I played the song. I couldn't help but look at Jinki as he sung. He still sung in a way that was so charming, and he looked ... perfect, especially with his white outfit.

We finished the performance of the two songs afterwards, and we went to the backstage. Upon arriving at the backstage, we saw Yerin and Jihye waiting for the group.

"Oh my god, Juyeon!" She ran over and hugged me. Jinki stared at the latter and asked, "Is she your friend?"

Jihye nodded enthusiastically, "YEAH! She's my best friend, oppa. I always wanted to introduce her to you, but she would always avoid me."

Yerin walked over and clung her arm onto Jinki's. That one small action made the stinging pain in my heart hurt even more. She smiled at me, "Hey. Its been a while."

"Hi unnie." I smiled back and answered.

"Join us for our dinner, Juyeon-ah. We're leaving for elsewhere to have it." Jihye smiled as she invited me for the dinner.

"No its--" I answered halfway and Jihye stared at me fiercely.

She shook her head and sighed, "You know I won't take no as an answer. And you guys wouldn't mind her here right?"

Everyone nodded and smiled at me.

"But I have duties at the event..." I replied. I really needed to find a way to escape. I didn't want to find my life entangled in his anymore.

"I talked to Mrs Yoo already, no more excuses," Jihye said sternly. I sighed as I stared at everyone and nodded.

"Yes! You're the best!" She beamed as she hugged me tightly.


And so, I really regretted coming for the dinner. Despite the fact that I would be spending time with Jinki, Jihye and the rest of the boys, it was giving me so much pain seeing the interaction between Jinki and Yerin.

"Juyeon, what have you been doing these months?" Yerin asked as she cut her steak.

"Nothing. Just studying and working." I stated.

"I see. Anyway," Yerin smiled again. I didn't understand why but this time her smile was anything but friendly.

She continued, "This is my boyfriend, Lee Jinki. In other words, Onew from SHINee. I bet you know from our interactions."

"Yeah," I nodded as I ate my food.

Yerin cut a piece of steak and brought it to Jinki's mouth. She cooed, "Jagi, this is different from yours. Try it. Its nice."

Jinki opened his mouth and allowed Yerin to feed him. I clenched my fists as I looked away in utter pain. Upon seeing my reaction, Jihye held my hand and muttered with worry, "Are you fine?"

"Yeah," I faked a smile as I stood up, "I'll go to the ladies for a while."

I walked to the ladies as I looked down and I was tearing beyond control. I knew I looked stupid, but I couldn't help it.

I knew I should have expected some thing like that. I knew I should have prepared myself to brace against something like that. But I just couldn't bring myself to see him being all lovey dovey with another girl. Especially when we were in love for 5 years.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see my senior from the same school editorial club as me, asking. I stared at him and nodded my head, "Yeah I am. Thanks for asking, Siwan-sunbae."

"Welcome," He smiled as he helped me up.

"What are you doing here anyway, sunbae?" I blinked as I probed.

Siwan laughed and patted my head, "Silly. I'm here to eat, of course. With my parents though. How about you?"

"I'm with my friends," I smiled.

"Do you want to leave?" He smirked playfully and asked. I blinked, "But aren't you with your parents?"

"Nah, I'm having an unhappy night with them too." He laughed dryly, "Let's go."


Siwan and I took a short walk around the Han River. And afterwards, we found a nice breezy spot. I played with the grass and stated, "Erm, Siwan sunbae."

"Just call me oppa." He chuckled, "Can't believe that you're still calling me sunbae after writing so many news reports together."

"Erm... Siwan... oppa," I called him in an awkward manner, which made him laugh. "I'm sorry. I never called anyone that except my ex-boyfriend."

"Really?" He looked at me and asked me in a shocked manner, "I thought you'd have a few close male friends. Because you are a nice girl."

"I don't really associate myself with the guys in school." I replied, "I guess you're the first."

"Yeah," He laughed and ruffled my hair, "I'm glad to be the first guy from school to become your friend."

"Actually," I coughed, "You're the first person from school to become my friend."

"Woah, really? You seemed close to the girls in the editorial club though." He shrugged.

I nodded and laughed a little because of his reaction. "Well, I never really got close with the girls from the club. Because all they've got in their minds are those idols. In other words, whoever they call their 'oppa'. And I only know one idol group..."

He chuckled and questioned, "And that's?"

I answered straightly, feeling the pain in my heart again. "SHINee."

I looked at my phone and I stood up. "Its getting late. We should go."

Siwan bounced up from his spot and smiled gently, "Let me send you home. Its getting a little late."

"Its okay," I shook my head and replied, "We still have school and club activities tomorrow. I don't want to trouble you."

"No," He grabbed my arm lightly as I turned around, "I won't allow girls to go home late at night alone. You would never know if a ert is lurking around somewhere here."

"Oh." I nodded, "Okay then... But I'm really sorry to trouble you."

"Nope," He smiled brightly, "And you're definitely not troubling me."



Author's Note:

And so, the second main lead would be ZE:A's Siwan ^^ Hehehe. He would be a non-celeb here for everyone's information :D Do comment and subscribe if you haven't <3

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Chapter 3: the story is so interesting!
can't wait for more updates ^^
Shawolrinkey #2
It's really gud. Plz update soon
Update, please!! I'm dying for more chapters~~