Chapter 2 (SP)

Loving You Again

A/N: Some inserts before all the turning back of time and all happened, to give more insights about the fic :) (Listen to this while reading this ^^)



I stood by his side, as he laid there lifeless. Tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably. “Oppa, this is a joke right?” I laughed dryly, as I cried, “Its not funny, wake up please.”

“Aren’t we going to be engaged to each other soon? How can you do this to me? How can you leave me here alone?” I screamed at the lifeless body. “Why did you even want to save me, you silly !”

I didn’t bother if my wounds are actually opening up after the treatment, but what I wanted was him to wake up and tell me that all of these are part of a joke and part of my birthday surprise. Pathetic, I know, but I didn’t know how to accept that fact that he had already left.

He left his dream here, he left his beloved fans here, and s. If it weren’t for celebrating my birthday, he wouldn’t have even died. *Its all my fault. All mine.*

The other members soon came running into the room, and saw me crouching on the floor, crying hopelessly and screaming. Taemin came over and helped me up. “Its all my fault,” I muttered, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for ruining all of your dreams. I’m sorry.”

Taemin shook his head and gave me a comforting smile, “No, its not your fault, noona. Nobody wanted this to happen. Its not your fault.”

I went home shortly after. My mum, who got the news through the social media platforms, looked at me with her face imprinted with worry. Although I knew she was calling me, I didn’t answer her and walked upstairs. Honestly, I was very reluctant to open up the door of my bedroom. Almost everything in there was related to him.

I walked into my bedroom, and sat by my bed, as I looked at a photo that I took with him. I shouted at him once again, with tears engulfing my face. “Yah, what makes you think you can leave before I do? What makes you? Why… did you even sacrifice your life for me, you . I hate you so much… I… hate… you.”

*How do I even live without you,* I buried my face into my legs as I sat down on the floor, *Tell me where’s my only motivation to move on with life.*


5 months… That was the fifth month that I was living without him. It hurts so much knowing that he wasn’t here anymore. “I miss you,” I whispered as I sat by the bridge that we went to all the time.

I looked at him in the photo that we took together. We looked so happy and we looked like we were two people living in complete bliss. But now… they’re just nothing except for a bunch of stupid memories that I couldn’t exchange anything for. *If there was a chance for me to go back in time again…*

“What should I do?” I laughed dryly, “I know you wouldn’t want me to do anything stupid, but I just feel so broken and so weak for these five months that I’ve been pulling through without you.”

“I know I’m a foolish girl,” I continued, as I spoke to him through the picture, “But … I don’t think I could ever love another again. People still did confess to me, but I didn’t like them the way I did for you. I guess you’re the only person that I have this sort of feelings for.”

“So why should I live when I don’t even have you anymore?” I sighed, while tearing up, “Everyone has to die one day. Its just a matter of time and I choose my time to leave to be today - five months after that day.”

I stood up afterwards and climbed up the bridge. I shut my eyes as I jumped down the bridge.

I opened my eyes and saw myself at the bottom of the bridge, laying unharmed. I sat up, and realized that there was an old man, sitting at the rock right by my body. “Who are you?”

He stood up and laughed, “That’s not for you to know. And what’s wrong? Why did you choose to want to die?”

“There’s nothing for me here,” I answered flatly, “And its kind of not really about that. But I just lost all my motivation to live on. Because…”

He completed, “The guy that you loved left you on your birthday?”

I nodded. He walked in front of me and said, “Before you choose death as your path, I can give a chance to choose.”

I asked, not understanding what he was saying, “What do you mean?”

"I will give you a chance to relive your life ... which means that you have a choice between death and turning back the time." He answered, as he walked around a little.

"Turning back the time?" I probed further, unsure of what was happening. That was a little too unreal to be true.

"Yes... And that I mean... You have to return to the time before the two of you met, before the two of you loved,” He explained as he stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, “And this second round of loving him again, would not be as easy. You'd have to sacrifice something. And... trust me, it would be hard for you."

"I don't care. I'm willing to. I don't care if he forgets me but I'm just willing to give up my love for him in exchange for his success, his happiness and his life." I gave him my decision without much hesitation. Honestly, I would give all out to exchange for his life back. I didn’t care if I were to be hurt, but all I want for was his safety, and him to become more successful than what he already was.

"Interesting. And let me tell you, this is a one-way choice. There is no turning back and regrets," The old man nodded as he smiled.

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Chapter 3: the story is so interesting!
can't wait for more updates ^^
Shawolrinkey #2
It's really gud. Plz update soon
Update, please!! I'm dying for more chapters~~