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The Ugly Side of Pretty

"I can't believe you, how dumb do you have to be to lock us in?" Jimin kept yelling at V. I never thought I would feel pity towards the derp but Jimin kept putting him down and he was really harsh.

"HEY!!" I yelled at Jimin. He stared at me, bug eyed and shocked that I had yelled at him. "Stop yelling at him! It's not going to solve our prolem so just shut up!" Jimin muttered something under his breath and then sat on the floor in the far corner of the room.

"Alright, what do you suggest we do?" He snapped, obviously pissed.

"Do either of you have your phones with you?" They both shook their heads.

"Hmm.. Me either." I paced back and forth trying to think of a solution but I was simply blank. "Was anyone else going to come to dance practice? We could just wait."

"No, it was just going to be us. The hyungs are going to work on some lyrics, they're in a the studio a few rooms down the hall from here."

"They probably wouldn't even hear us if we screamed at the top of our lungs. The walls are soundproof in there." V said.

"We can simply wait it out." I suggested.

"What?! Just wait here?! What are we going to do for food?! We could be in here for hours! DAYS EVEN!" Jimin was in full on drama queen mode.

"Dude, you need to chill out!" I had to agree, waiting wasn't the greatest idea, I didn't want to be stuck in this tiny room with these two for too long but what else could we do? Meanwhile, the sky outside was rumbling, thunder and lightning cracking, "The perfect weather and I'm stuck in here.." I said to myself. I was looking around the room to see if there was something we could use to get out or as supplies when I noticed Jimin staring out the window.

"Aeri, you should go out the window and come back to open the door.." He suggested.

"Excuse me? Do you realize that we are on the fourth floor? If I go out the window, I die."

"Actually, there is a ledge that goes around the building. Climb out the window and onto the ledge until you get to another window and then get back into the building."

"Jimin, that is the most ridiculous idea ever. We're not in some movie where you can do careless things like that and get away with it."

"It's not ridiculous!" V argued.

Why is he defending the guy who 5 minutes ago was calling him stupid? I thought.

"If it's not ridiculous than you do it!" I snapped back. They both stayed quiet. I kept looking around hoping a solution would come to mind and suprisingly enough, it did. "A vent!" I pointed. "Someone could climb through the vent and find help."

"Oh, and THAT isn't a ridiculous idea?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"It may be ridiculous but at least it isn't dangerous." I climbed onto the counter and moved the vent cover out of the way. It was big enough to fit through and even have some wiggle room left. "I'll be back .. I hope." I crawled into the small metallic space. "What way do I go?" I crawled, turned left then crawled some more until I heard some voices. I followed the voices and reached another vent rack. I peeked through the openings and saw Suga, J-Hope, and Jin in a studio talking alone.

"I think he really likes her. Like a lot. He's only known her for a few days and he's already written lyrics about her." Suga said.

"I don't think he has time to think about girls right now. Especially with his problems back home, you know, with his mom being sick and stuff." J-Hope replied.

"We should just wait for him to tell us directly, he hasn't formally said that he feels anything for her, maybe we're making something out of nothing. I think it'd be kinda weird if he did like her though, she might be scared off since it they've known each other for such a small amount of time." Jin agreed.

I wonder who they're talking about...

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat before I spoke.

"What the? Did you guys hear that?" J-Hope jumped when he heard me but couldn't see me.

"I did.. What the hell was that?" They all started looking around trying to find the sound.

"Who knows, it was probably nothing." They sat back down and continued to talk.

"Hey!" I yelled while at the same time a loud thunder crashed outside and they all jumped up startled.

"What the hell?! You guys definately heard that, right?" J-Hope cried.

"Wh- who is there?" Jin stuttered.

"Calm down crybabies it's just me, Aeri. I'm up here in the vent."

"What are you doing up there?" Since Jin was the tallest he walked over to the vent and managed to remove the screen.

"Jimin, V, and I got locked in the closet of the dance practice room and I crawled around up here to get some help."

"Hey guys! What's going on?" Jimin and V came in out of nowhere with big goofy smiles plastered on their faces.

"Whatcha doin' up there Aeri?" V laughed stupidly.

"What am I doing up here? What are you doing down there?! How'd you get out of the closet?" I was infuriated.

"Jungkook left his duffle bag in the practice room and opened the door for us. Isn't that funny? Not even 1 minute after we get you up there and someone comes and saves us!" Jimin laughed.

"Yeah, it's hilarious." I said through clenched teeth. Thankfully, the older boys helped me down from the vent and sent me home. They didn't want me to get caught in the thunderstorm that was coming. "Bye, see you tomorrow!" I waved goodbye and made my way out of the building. The sky was really dark and the streets were almost empty. "Maybe I should just stay here." I hesitated because I could tell that this storm was a big one. I should've taken the bus home but I had just missed it and it wouldn't be back for at least another hour. "I guess I'm walking today." I told myself.

"Why are you talking to yourself? You freak." A voice came from out of nowhere and I turned to see Jungkook there, watching me.

"Dude, what the hell is it with you and the stalking? Are you in love with me or what?" I joked sarcastically. I know it was extremely unprofessional to talk to him that way considering he was my boss and all but he talked to me the same way and I wasn't going to him get away with that.

"Oh shut up, I came because I thought you might need help getting home." He handed me the umbrella that he had in one of his hands. "In case it rains." I took it from him.

"Thanks." I smiled a bit. "I guess you're not all bad."

"You better not tell people about this." He mumbled.

"Don't worry, it's not in my nature to lie so if anyone asks, I'll tell them about the arrogant, jerk-face boss you really are." I smirked.


"Bye Jungkook." I spun on my heels and started walking. For some odd reason, he was walking next to me. "What are you doing?" I stopped in my tracks.

"My mother raised a gentleman, I'll walk you home and make sure you get there safely." He said, looking straight ahead.

"If you're a gentleman then I'm the queen of England." I said sarcastically while walking next to him. We walked in silence but it wasn't awkward at all. Slowly, Jungkook and I were adapting to the idea of being around each other without trying to murder the other person. There were very few people out on the streets, no cars whatsoever, and all the shops were closed. Little by little, the wind became stronger and stronger until debris from off the streets and dirty alleys started flying about. It started to rain and that also started to pick up until the drops were striking our faces like rocks, drenching us from head to toe.

"Jungkook!" I had to scream for him to hear me because the thunder was so loud. "We need to take cover!" We had already walked too far to go back to the company and still had some long way to go until we reached my house but there was no where else we could go.

"Aeri, watch out!" Jungkook grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and his hands were pressing the back of my head and held me close. When he released his grip on me a bit, I peeked and saw a huge cardboard box that was flying in the air and, had Jungkook not moved me, it would've hit me hard.

"HEY!" Someone shouted towards us from somewhere. We both turned to see a police officer standing there. "You can't be out here! Follow me!" He motioned for us to follow and we did. We had to fight against the wind but we were able to follow the officer around the block and inside a building that was close by. Once we were inside, we saw tons and tons of people that had all seeked refuge inside the huge unknown place. There were about 10 large tables setup throughout the entire room, and on the opposite side of the room there was a cafeteria like area where there was a line of people waiting to be fed. At the far end I could see into the other room that was connected to the kitchen and it was filled with cots,  pillows, and blankets.

"What is this place?" Jungkook whispered. I'd been in enough of these as a kid to know where we were.

"We're in a shelter." I made my way through the people and Jungkook was close behind. We sat at a table by a window and I watched all the people that were there too. Not everyone there was homeless, some people were obviously there because they had been out on the street when the storm hit. "It's crazy how quickly the weather changed, isn't it?" I stared out the window and started to shiver.

"Come here." Jungkook grabbed my hand and led me to the other room. "Excuse me, is this cot being used by anyone?" He asked the woman that was with her husband and baby on the cot next to the empty one.

"No, you and your girlfriend should take it." She smiled.

"Thank you." He smiled. "Sit." I did what he said and he went off to somewhere. When he returned, he had a large blanket and two pillows in his hands. He sat down and covered our laps with the blanket then put one pillow between my back and the wall and then did the same to himself. "Comfortable?"

"Yes." I smiled. We both leaned back and just watched everyone else. Without meaning to, my head drifted to the side and landed softly on Jungkook's shoulder but he didn't argue. I raised my knees up to my chest and just hugged them under the blanket. We watched as fathers fed their children from the steel trays that the cafeteria served the food on and mothers rocked their babies back and forth and laid them carefully on the cots when they were fast asleep. I watched as an older man placed a blanket on his sleeping wife and caressed her hair. The storm had brought everyone closer together. 

"It must be saddening to live here." Jungkook whispered.

"It is. When I was a kid and my mom died, my dad fell into a downward spiral. He started drinking, he lost his job, we lost our house and, for several years, I lived in places like this." I said. "In school, I used to get picked on for being homeless. I was the poor girl that no one wanted to be friends with. That didn't bother me though, I went to school and worked really hard to get the best grades. I've always known that an education is my one way ticket out of that life. As for living in shelters, I didn't mind it very much, it was nice to be around other kids who knew what I was going through. People at the shelter were always nice to me, they cared about me and made sure I ate, even if it was a simple bowl of noodles or rice. For the first time since my mom died, I felt like I had a family."  I felt the tears forming  at the corner of my eyes so I stopped talking for awhile. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this." I laughed forcefully. "Just some memories that came back to me." I sat up, turned the other way and secretly wiped my tears away.

"I'm sorry Aeri." Jungkook pulled me back and into a hug. "I'm so sorry you had to go through those hardships." He suddenly kissed the top of my head and just held me. It was weird how, just a mere two hours, Jungkook and I were butting heads about everything and now we were cuddled together seeking comfort in each others arms. It wasn't anything romantic but he was the only person I knew in this place, therefore the only person who could make me feel safe. The ceiling lights started flickering on and off due to the storm.

"Ladies and gentleman, can I have your attention please?" The police officer that had taken us in was standing in the middle of everyone, getting ready to make an announcement. "I would like to inform you that it is currently 8:30 p.m. and we are going to be spending the night in this facility. It is far too dangerous to let anyone out and the rain is not letting up." People started to murmur. "If anyone would like to make a phone call home, there are 4 payphones available to you here. They are located near the front entrance." He pointed towards the entrance, bowed, and then went on to walking around again.

"We should call home." I stood up from the cot and made my way to the payphone before a line started to form. I dialed the house number and waited for my dad to pick up.

"Hello?" I heard him answer.

"Hey dad, it's Aeri."

"Aeri, where are you?!" He sounded worried.

"Calm down dad, I'm fine. I'm still at work, but they told us we have to stay here overnight for safety precautions." I lied. I knew that if I told him I was in a shelter, it would bring back those dark days we lived and he would feel guilty. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I've just been waiting to hear ftom you." We talked for a few more minutes and then hung up, there was a line forming behind me. "Bye dad, love you." I walked back to Jungkook who was still at the cot. "Aren't you going to call anyone?" I sat next to him again.

"No, there is no one at home right now." He said, indifferently.

"Oh." I rested my head on his shoulder again and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Aeri." He murmured.

"Yes?" I didn't look  up.

"Thanks for telling me your story. It must be hard to talk about that part of your life, and it must be even harder to talk about it with someone who has been such an to you in the past." He chuckled a bit.

"Your welcome." I smiled. We sat in silence, just listening to the natural disaster going on outside. "Jungkook."

"Yes?" He answered.

"Tell me your story."

Tender moments!

Sorry it's been so long lovelies but there is finally an update so let me know what you thought!
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Chapter 8: Author-nim please update!xx I really love this story and your writing
Update when your free please! Sorry I'm bugging you it's just this story is great!
Chapter 8: plz continue this is so interesting <33333
Acerv_ #4
Chapter 8: Jungkook what's wrong?!?! I feel bad now :(
Chapter 8: your back ! :'D Oh mah gosh ;-; i can't believe what just happened.. update asap ! D;
kpoplovr323 #6
Chapter 8: woahh.......somebody's on pms....
thanks for the awesome update~
Chapter 8: What happened to nice jungkook :0 is he only nice when hes sick and alone with her xD
Welcome back btw! :)
_TaeRee_ #8
Chapter 5: It would be great if your wrote in POV so it wont get too confusing. Anyway i love this story~
Chapter 7: OMG ?!?!?! UPDATE ASAP ! Dx I'VE BEEN DYING TO READ THIS STORY FOR SO LONG ! Dxx love it, continue it when you can (: );
Chapter 7: Kyaa! Update soon! ^_^