f i v e .

The Ugly Side of Pretty

"Namjoon, I really appreciate you being concerned for me and whatnot but I think it'd be best if I just go back to the company, back to Jungkook." I said hoping that he would let me go back. I really didn't want to be rude but it was making me anxious that I left like that, especially with Jungkook being so under the weather. I looked across the table and Namjoon was looking down at his phone.

"Actually I just got a text that I have to be somewhere right now. You have to leave and I have to leave so let's save this meal for another time, yeah?" His smile looked a bit forced and I got the impression that something was wrong.

"Sure but is everything okay?" He simply nodded and we headed for the door.

"I'll see you later Ae Ri." He said when he dropped me off at the front door of the company building.

"Bye." I waved and he started walking away. "I wonder what happened.." I was nervous for him but I was more concerned for my boss. No matter how much of an he was to me before, I knew how crummy it felt to be sick and not have anyone there to take care of you. I went up to the recording room on the third floor and opened the door. "Jungkook?" I called out. He was no where to be seen. Everything was basically the way I left it except he wasn't laying on the couch anymore. "Jungkook?" I called again. I looked at the recording equipment and noticed that some lights were flashing on and off. At the top of the door that led into the room where the singers went was a red light that said "RECORDING" in big letters. I peeked through the glass and there he was. He was on the mic, headphones on, eyes closed, swaying to the music that only he could hear. I could only wonder what type of music BTS made. I looked over at the soundboard for a button that would let me hear his voice. "Ah, there it is." I pushed it and that's when I heard it for the first time.

"I give it to you
조금 어색했었지만 이젠 다 주고 싶어
I give it to you
때론 울고 웃어주는 나에겐 너뿐이란 걸
For you"

"Wow.." I whispered. "He can sing, he can dance.." I was rather impressed. He was a very passionate performer, I could tell he put everything he had into his voice and into the words. When he was finished he opened his eyes and took the headphones off. I stepped away from the glass and started cleaning up, acting as though I hadn't been listening.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat when he came out.

"Oh, hey there." I greeted him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I work for you?"

"I thought you were with Namjoon hyung, eating." His voice was flat.

"I told him that it would have to wait for another day, that I had to work today. It didn't seem fair to leave you alone since you're sick and stuff."

"Mm." He sat on a rolling chair and watched me.

"I didn't want to come back but seeing how you couldn't even feed yourself ice cream, I figured that it would be best."  I smirked. I kept cleaning up and he just watched me silently.

"Did you eat?" He asked.

"Nope." I said simply. "I'll be back, I'm going to throw the rest of this out." I went back downstairs to the trash bins outside.

"Hey you!" Eun Mi was walking towards the elevator at the same time I was walking back inside when she greeted me.

"Hi!" I waved.

"How's your second day on the job?"

"Better than the first, I haven't had any type of beverage dumped on me, so that's good!" I laughed. "Yours?"

"Awesome. Jin, J-Hope, and Suga are really really nice. Rap Monster is too but I haven't seen him at all today." We waited for the elevator until the doors fnally opened. "What floor?"

"Third." She pressed the button with the number 3 for me then pressed the button with the number 4 on it for her.

"Oh, I forgot to mention to you that one of the managers said we have to pick up this weeks schedule for the group at the desk on the fourth floor, with Hong Sil."

"Okay, I'll make sure to go before the end of the day." I smiled.

"You should give me your phone number incase I need to pass you any information or vice versa." I nodded and she handed me her phone so I could type it in, then I did the same with my phone. "Awesome." She smiled. "Oh, here's your stop." She seemed so enthusiastic about working here and I was just so bland in comparison. "Bye Ae Ri!" She waved as I got off.

"Bye." Even my goodbye's were boring. I walked back to to the recording room and was surprised by the strong scent of food that filled the hallway. "I wonder where that sell is coming from.." I opened the door to the studio and there was all the food I had been smelling! Plates of rice, teobokki, ramen, fish cakes and so much more! "What the hell..?" I muttered under my breath.

"Hey." Jungkook came out of the recording room.

"What's all this?"

"Food, duh." He rolled his eyes. "Stupid.." He muttered.

"I meant what for." I said flatly.

"You said you haven't eaten anything." He looked at the clock. "And it's past noon, so I figured you must be hungry, so eat." He just stood there. I felt like this was some kind of trick so I didn't sit down. "Well? Go on!" He raised his voice impatiently. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I slowly picked up a bowl that was off to the side and put food in it. I grabbed the chopsticks from the table as well and started eating. The food was like sent from heaven! I started stuffing my face and he just kept staring at me. It was awkward.

"Do you have to stare at me while I eat? I know I'm pretty but sheesh.."

"Don't flatter yourself." He snickered. "I was just staring at you because I've never seen someone that reminded me so much of a pig."

"Really? When was the last time you looked in a mirror?" I snapped back with a mouthful of rice.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you to not speak with your mouthful?"

"My mother's dead." I always waited for annoying people to mention my mother in an insult so that I could get them to stop bothering me. Jungkook's body tensed up and his eye's widened.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that." His voice softened.

"Yeah, so in the future, if you're going to include my parents in an insult, just talk about my dad." I stood up and started to picking up the food containers.

"Ae Ri, I'm sorry."

"Mhmm." I disregarded him. It didn't bother me so much that he made that comment, he just annoyed me in general.

"Here." He handed me take out containers. "Take the left overs home." I put everything away and into platic bags.

"Thank you, for the food."

"No problem."

"So is there anything else you need my help with? Anything I can do for you or are you going home now?" I started gathering my things.

"Uh, no? I think I'll be heading home. Do you need a ride?" He offered. I could tell that I had made him feel guilty, for him to offer to take me home? That was guilt at it's best.

"No, I'm fine. I'm going to look for Jimin and V, I'm not only your assistant you know?"

"Oh, okay." We headed for the door.

"Well I'll see you in three days."

"Three days?" He questioned.

"Yeah, you're on leave, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, you're right." We walked to the elevators. I stood in front of one elevator and he waited for the other. I was going up and he was going down.


"See you in a few days." I said as I got in the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor, I was heading to the practice room.

"Yah, where have you been?" Jimin shouted as soon as he saw me.

"With Jungkook." I answered simply. "But now I am here for you two so what do you need? What can I assist you with?" I put my stuff down and walked over to them. They were sitting next to an open window. I looked out at the city and it looked beautiful. The sky had become dark and cloudy, thunder in the distance. My favorite kind of weather.

"Get us some towels and water bottles from the storage room and setup the stereo so we can start dance practice." V commanded.

"Sure thing." I didn't feel like arguing with them so I just did as I was told and hoped for the best. I walked to the storage room and I found the towels but there were no water bottles. "Where are the water bottles suppose to be?" I yelled to them.

"In there, look for them!" Jimin shouted. I searched and searched but couldn't find them.

"They're not in there." I told them coming out of the room.

"My god! Do we have to do everything around here?" V fumed, marching over to the storage room.

"If we find them, you are seriously going to get it!" Jimin shouted, following V. I rolled my eyes and followed them in there.

"See? No water bottles!" I said.

"Maybe they're up here." V was standing on a stool, looking on the high shelfs.


The door of th storage room slammed shut. Jimin and I both turned to see the door completely closed.

"Nope, not up there.."

"V where is the stool that was holding open the door?" I asked with my palm covering my face. This idiot!

"YAH! What did you do?!" Jimin yelled. I ran to the door and couldn't get it to open.

"It's locked." I told them.

"We're locked in?" Damn it V!" Jimin shouted.

"HELP!" V started to shout.

Oh my god, we're locked in..

Hello there :) Long time, no update! Let me know what you thought ^^ Comment, subcribe, upvote, etc and thanks for reading!

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Chapter 8: Author-nim please update!xx I really love this story and your writing
Update when your free please! Sorry I'm bugging you it's just this story is great!
Chapter 8: plz continue this is so interesting <33333
Acerv_ #4
Chapter 8: Jungkook what's wrong?!?! I feel bad now :(
Chapter 8: your back ! :'D Oh mah gosh ;-; i can't believe what just happened.. update asap ! D;
kpoplovr323 #6
Chapter 8: woahh.......somebody's on pms....
thanks for the awesome update~
Chapter 8: What happened to nice jungkook :0 is he only nice when hes sick and alone with her xD
Welcome back btw! :)
_TaeRee_ #8
Chapter 5: It would be great if your wrote in POV so it wont get too confusing. Anyway i love this story~
Chapter 7: OMG ?!?!?! UPDATE ASAP ! Dx I'VE BEEN DYING TO READ THIS STORY FOR SO LONG ! Dxx love it, continue it when you can (: );
Chapter 7: Kyaa! Update soon! ^_^