f o u r .

The Ugly Side of Pretty

"Pick one of you?!"

"Omo!" I woke up from my freak dream in a cold sweat. "What the hell was that?" I laid in bed wondering why on earth I would dream about my two superiors that way. "Aish, AeRi what's wrong with you?" I hit myself on the head and closed my eyes trying to fall back asleep.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I opened my eyes, frightened by the loud blasting noise coming from my phone. I grabbed it from off the nightstand and answered it. "Yeobuseyo?" My voice was groggy, almost manly even.

"Yah! Where are you?" I looked at my phone and didn't recognize the number. I also noted the time, 6:15 am!

"Who is this?"

"If you're not here by 6:30 you're fired!" The call ended.

"Aish, that stupid Jungkook! What the hell does he want me for at 6:30 in the morning?" I rolled out of bed, washed my face, got dressed and did my hair as fast as I could. I left at 6:25.


"I'm ... Here!" I panted as I ran into the recording room where I was told Jungkook would be in.

"It's about time!" Jungkook yelled as I walked in. "Go back out and bring me some breakfast."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me over the ph-" He eyed me evily and I stopped talking. "What would you like?"

"Bring me some coffee and a muffin.." he said quietly and sat down. It didn't seem normal that he be so quiet, but by the looks of it he was extremely sleep deprived.

"Alright, I'll be back soon."


"I'm so tired!" I got comfortable on the couch of the studio and instantly fell asleep. In my sleep I felt myself breakout into a cold sweat and shivers but I didn't wake up.

1 hour later

I felt something trickling down my forehead while I slept. Soon I opened my end was shocked to see Ae Ri there, sitting next to the couch. She had a bowl of steaming water on her lap and a cloth in her hands. She wringed out the cloth and started patting my face. I looked down and saw that there was a blanket covering me.

"Hello.." She said quietly, not looking me in the eyes. I didn't respond but instead tried to sit up. I realized I was too weak, quivering under my weight. Ae Ri quickly put the bowl on the floor and helped me sit. She grabbed a pillow from near by and set it up against my back.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"I brought you some food" she pulled out a styrofoam bowl with a plastic cover from a bag sitting next to her. "I know it's not what you asked for but I saw that you were overworked and tired and I figured a hot meal would make you feel better." She uncovered the bowl and it was hot stew, the steam rising slowly. It looked delicious. "I also brought some bread and even dessert!" She handed me the stew and then held up some bread loafs and a small ice cream container. After setting them down, she grabbed a spoon and mixed the soup before lightly blowing on it then holding it up to my lips. I hesitated a bit but took it anyways. "Is it good?" I nodded. I looked over to the bread but didn't speak up. As if reading my mind she picked it up and tore a off a piece before dipping it into the soup and offering it to me. I gladly took it and soon I didn't mind her presence. "I talked to your manager and he agreed that need to stop overdoing yourself. He said you are not welcome at the company to work for the next 3 days." I finished eating and she began to collect the trash in the bag. 

"Ahem.." I tried to get her attention to the ice cream but she couldn't hear me with the rustling of the bag. 

Ya! Get me my ice cream dummy!

I threw a temper tantrum in my mind. I heard Ae Ri chuckle while I stared long and hard at the ice cream. She put the trash down and handed it to me along with a clean spoon but I didn't take it.


"No, you feed me."

"You have two hands, don't you?"

"I'm sick, you feed me."

"Being tired isn't an illness."

"Just feed me!" I kicked from under the blanket.

"Yes boss.." she said through clenched teeth and a forced smile. Ae Ri sat back down and scooped up some ice cream to feed to me. Without her realizing it, a small grin crept up onto her face. 

"What's the sofa doing over here?" I asked after the first bite. 

"I moved it over so that the A/C wouldn't get you sick."

Silence filled the room and it was awkward. Grrr! Ae Ri's eyes widened in embarrassment.

"Sorry, about that... I didn't eat breakfast." She handed me the ice cream and spoon and then grabbed all the garbage. "I'm gonna throw this in the bins outside, I'll be back in bit." I watched her figure leave before I grabbed my phone and made a call. 

"Hey, I need a favor.."


"Bleh, this smells.." I flung the bag into the dumpster before walking around to the front of the building. I was about to open the door when someone else opened it for me. 

"After you.." Rap Monster opened the door for me.

"Oh? Namjoon!" I was generally happy to see him and even gave him a small hug.

"What are you doing here?" I thought you were going to quit."

"I need the money that badly.." I cringed. Grrr!

"What was that?!" He laughed.

"Sorry, Jungkook called me in really early and I didn't get the chance to eat anything." 

"That's it, we're going to get some food." He grabbed my hand and led me down the sidewalk to an outdoor restaurant. 

"But Jungkook ... I left him in the-"

"I'll call him, don't worry about it."

I better not get fired for this!


"Thanks for bringing this on your way here hyung!" I half hugged J-hope hyung when we finished setting up the food on the small side table. 

"What is all the food for Kookie?" 

"Ae Ri didn't eat this morning because she came to work and I kinda felt bad.."

Ring, Ring, Ring.

"It's Rap Mon hyung.." I picked up the call. "Yeobuseyo?"

"Hey kiddo, I'm just calling to let you know that I'm taking Ae Ri out for a meal. That's okay, right?" 

"Oh, um, yeah that's fine hyung.."

"Alright, I'll get her back to you later. I heard from manager Lee that you're taking some days off starting today so you won't need Ae Ri for much, right?" I could tell he was smiling on the other side.


"Cool, thanks Jungkook. Bye!" The line went dead.

I stared at all the food Ae Ri wouldn't eat.

Now what?


Hello everyone! :D it's been so long! Like 2 months to be exact :o Anyways, I apologize for not updating but hopefully it'll be more frequent now :) Please comment, subscribe, upvote etc. And thanks for reading!

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Chapter 8: Author-nim please update!xx I really love this story and your writing
Update when your free please! Sorry I'm bugging you it's just this story is great!
Chapter 8: plz continue this is so interesting <33333
Acerv_ #4
Chapter 8: Jungkook what's wrong?!?! I feel bad now :(
Chapter 8: your back ! :'D Oh mah gosh ;-; i can't believe what just happened.. update asap ! D;
kpoplovr323 #6
Chapter 8: woahh.......somebody's on pms....
thanks for the awesome update~
Chapter 8: What happened to nice jungkook :0 is he only nice when hes sick and alone with her xD
Welcome back btw! :)
_TaeRee_ #8
Chapter 5: It would be great if your wrote in POV so it wont get too confusing. Anyway i love this story~
Chapter 7: OMG ?!?!?! UPDATE ASAP ! Dx I'VE BEEN DYING TO READ THIS STORY FOR SO LONG ! Dxx love it, continue it when you can (: );
Chapter 7: Kyaa! Update soon! ^_^