The Road to Changsha


Chanyeol needed the help of his trusty scarf to be able to show himself up to the public. Th lack of promotions and activities had prompted Baekhyun to initiate frequent love-making sessions anytime of the day, and Baekhyun happened to forget they were leaving for Changsha today so he was a bit rough on Chanyeol's neck the previous night, leaving a whole lot of hickeys. Luckily, it was winter and scarves were in season. 

"Are you sick, hyung? You look like a cancer patient or something."

Chanyeol snorts. Sehun had been pissing him off on the trip to the airport and Jongin was a perfect accomplice for him. Jongin laughs at every joke Sehun throws at Chanyeol. Baekhyun had been asleep the whole time so Chanyeol was forced to stay quiet as to give his lover the much needed peace and quiet. He's also afraid to wake the sleeping Kyungsoo who will never be satisfied wit hsending death glares, but night actually resort to stabbing. 

"Hyung let me see your hickeys.. They're not that bad aren't they?" Sehun pulls on Chanyeol's scarf. He was about to get the scarf undone until he hits Baekhyun and stirring the elder from his sleep.


"Damn Sehun watch your arm, I am trying to sleep here." Chanyeol fixes the stray strands of hair on Baekhyun's face and fixes the elder's head on his shoulder, resting his own head on top of Baek's.He sticks his tongue out at Sehun who stops with the pranks in fear that he might wake the dragon in Baekhyun. 

Theairport had always been a busy place for EXO. Fansite masters always wanted to get the best shots of them and there is always a crowd pushing each other. Baekhyun, the midget, is one puppy at the airport. Chanyeol knew that perfectly so he close to the midget but keeping a safe distance.


The plane ride was not much of a hassle as the airport since they get some privacy in the plane, at least not as chaotic as landing. Baekhyun tried to get some sleep again, an Chanyeol did as well. Halfway on the trip, Chanyeol stirred in his sleep and sat awake and he saw Baekhyun staring at the clouds. He turned to rest his head on Baekhyun's shoulder and the lack of reaction from Baekhyun told him how deep in thought the other must be. it reminded him of how Baekhyun was a few weeks ago.


They just finished ravishing on each other's bodies on that cold December night, when Baekhyun stirs from his sleep. Chanyeol felt the absence of flesh next to him so he stood up. He found Baekhyun nearthe window sill, staring bankly into the snow-covered streets. He sits next to his lover and leans his head on his shoulder. Baekhyun doesn't even budge.



"What are you thinking?"


"you stare out the window, I lean on your shoulder, and you do not even budge, and you tell me there's nothing wrong.. Baek stop beating around the bush, we'd been like this for so long.. now tell me what's wrong.."

"Aren't we good now, Yeol? We've been good since that birthday episode of yours in Showtime right?" Chanyeol rolls his eyes on Baekhyun and sits straight up. Baekhyun clasps theri hands together. 

".. Baek, we're good, yes, but there had always been that invisible barrier between us.. you had always kept your invisible walls up.. i don't know what you're afraid of."

"...Yeol, I'm scared. i'm scared that you'd leave me. I'm scared that the world we're living in is not accomodating to couples like us. I am scared of how driven you are, how determined you might get, and how focused you are on your goals. I am scared you'd leave me one day ebcause I would be a hindrance to all of your goals. Having a boyfriend when you'rea guy could actually bring you down i nthis industry we're in and I'm afradi that one day, maybe.. just maybe.. you'd get your head straight and choose to et me go for all the dreams you had since you were little.. i'm sorry Yeol, I don't know why I feel this way but I am afraid..." 

Baekhyun starts sobbing and Chanyeol gives him a dumbfounded look.

"Baek.. I.. told you I would never leave you.. why aren't you believing me?"

"i'm sorry. it's not that you are not trustworthy enough for me, it's just that.. I think the world hasso much in store for you.. you are one talented man, and I am blocking your way to success, keeping you rooted to the ground instead of lettting you soar. I'm sorry."

 Chanyeol hugs the sobbing Baekhyun. He knows how sensitive and insecure baekhyun might get and he finds it amazing that finally..Baekhyun opened up his worries and insecurities. 

"Baek, is this still about me trying to ship with other members?"


Chanyeol releases Baekhyun from the hug and looks him in the eye.

"Baek, I told you countless times, that's jsut onscreen.. off screen you're the only one for me."

"Do you know how much it hurt when you suddenly hung out with Kris instead of me? When I only had Tao by my side to comfort me each tiem you went for Kris? Chanyeol, that hurt. You made me feel unwanted at that time, and I was seriously doubting everything we had back then because I thought maybe, just maybe you were not interested in me but you were just probably  using me for fame.."

The words stung Chanyeol's heart like poison. He never knew that Baekhyun felt like that. He never knew Baekhyun would think of him that way.

"Is that what Iam to you Baek? A fame monster? A hungry fame monster?"

Baekhyun transferred to the bed. He sat on the edge and lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry Chanyeol. I was so hurt that time.. that's why I opted to stop talking to you and build fiendships with other members as well. I was to accustomed to just me and you.. then it was suddenly just me.. no more you..and I might have thoguht overboard.. I'm sorry." Chanyeol walked over to the bed and stopped in front of Baekhyun. He sat himself on the floor and grabbed Baekhyun's hands and squeezed them tightly.

"Baek.. I'm sorry. So I might have beem some fame monster back then, I might be a little guilty of your accussations but I promise I truly love you."

"Did you really love me from the start? because it seems to me that I just grew on you.." Baekhyun's sobbing continues. ".. and it hurts because I did.. I loved you the first time I laid my eyes on you."

"Baek.. I.. love you." Chanyeol's throat runs dry. He can't find the right words to tell Baekhyun.

"chanyeol, answer me. Did you love me from the start? When did oyu start loving me?"

"i don't know Baek.. Maybe you were right. I did not love you from the start.. you were just the other part ofthe Baekyeol ship and I need to be with you just to entertain the fans.. but somewhere along the way, I found myself drawn to you not because I wanted to give fanservice but because it makes me happy.. i don't know Baek. you get me under a spell.. when you told me you love me I was speechless because I did not really love you back then.. I admit to that.. but somewhere along the way, everything became real... are you leaving me now?"

Chanyeol's eyes become watery.

"No. That was all i ever wanted to hear. i just wanted to hear the truth from you."

Baekhyun pressed his forehead against Chanyeol's and he held Chanyeol's hands in his. He squeezed then gently and gave Chanyeol that loving look. Chanyeol's eyes were still watery from the confession and he looked at Baekhyun with a pleading look of apology.

".. Look Yeol, I know you. I know every single move you make, and it hurt so much when I knew you were lying.. and I got so insecurebut it's all in the past.. and I believe I wasted enough time already for thinking things over. The time we weren't talking, I eas rehearsing how this should go.. that I'll be walking out of your life permanently once we talked things through because tha's what I am supposed to do.. but here I  am staying.. because that's what i wanted.. we wanted. I don't give a about my pride anymore because it had given us so much damage already.. and I guess that's enough.. so will you pleease stay by me? and promise to do so until the very end?"

"Of course.." Chanyeol locks their lips together and lays Baekhyun down the bed.


He leans his head against Baekhyun's shoulder.

"Yeol, we're in a plane."

"Oh the world, i want my cute puppy right now, besides it's Valentine's Day tomorrow." 

Baekhyun smiles at Chanyeol. 

"But you said this was unneccessary especially in public." and Baekhyun pushes Chanyeol's head off his shoulders.

"Damn Baek don't play hard to get. Let's stop the hide this relationship plan for now. it's valentine's and we're working.. I can't stand to be away from you.. so let them be.."

They both laugh. 


The airport in Changsha is another crowded place. Of course, they have an army of fans awaiting.  Baekhyun, accustomed to finding whoever is next to him as his guide did not expect Chanyeol to walk by him. During the cold war between them, andthe time being Chanyeol would usually walk near him but not directly beside him so this is new for Baekhyun. Baekhyun cannot help but smile. Chanyeol smiled at him and leaned close.

"I told you I'll always be here for you."

Baekhyun giggles. 

Chanyeol accompanied Baekhyun throught their stay in the airport even during the snack time. Chanyeol sat adjacent to Baekhyun and Baekhyun was contented with that. Chanyeol watched him down his fries.

"Who the hell eats fries with a fork?" Kyungsoo rolls his eyes on Baekhyun.

"I do." Baekhyun proudly answers back and eats another bite of fries. Jongin and Chanyeol stay by the sidelines to watch the exchange of snide remarks from Kyungsoo and Baekhyun.

"so Chanyeol, why are you wearing a scarf?" Kyungsoo thought he had the best comeback from Baekhyun's comments on his eyes and heart-shaped mouth. Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol and smirked at Kyungsoo.

:uhmmm.. it's cold." came Chanyeol's scared response.

"are you sure, you're not hiding hickeys underneath that scarf?"

" you kyungsooo." and Baekhyun pulls Chanyeol up the seat.

"Hyung, where are you going? Trying to put more?" Kyungsoo continues on his assault at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun sticks his tongue out to Kyungsoo while hanging onto Chanyeol who just continues walking in the direction Baekhyun pushed him into.


A/N: An update after an eternity. Will try to get the rest of thi supposed valentine chapter next week. :)))














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Hi guys, I changed the title bc I think it is more appropriate and I need the title for another work :)


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Chapter 8: Haha I love this story! ^^ Hwaiting!!
pyc_th5k #2
Chapter 1: Nado ara~
i saw it too...
he start to looked down after they arrived at BWCW, must be something happened there b4 the airtime cz he simply enjoy yeol birthday shopping b4 that...
owh poor baek~
i thought me n my sis only notice that expression..
guess everyone do :-/
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 7: soo assault hahaha
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 6: they like never tired of each other lol
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 1: saw that too lol :)
Chapter 3: can you do another one for episode 4?? since I didn't see any baekyeol moment there or I was just so blind? Please please please???? thank you! you've changed my view on ep 3!!!!
nurulaiman1 #7
Chapter 1: WUU, WHUT! As much as a hard of a BaekYeol shipper I am, I didn't notice that white paper bag Baek was carrying! STUPID OF ME! T__T .. And I love this fic! Because actually I was feeling down when I watch that spefically ep of EXO Showtime, protesting that they didn't emits enough of BaekYeol, and I was very dissapointed over Baek's less reaction on the whole ChanKai things, but I do notice that "What is this? Let's leave. Let's leave Kai," but I was just dissapointed and thought, "Maybe BaekYeol arent real.." but your words made me realized, and open my eyes! Thank you authornim! ILY~ A HWAITING for you so you can keep going with such a good BaekYeol fic in the future!
Chapter 1: It reminded me of my ex.. Damn I just cried, waiting ~ I love it a lot <33 ;)
miki_baozi91 #9
Chapter 1: He was super duper jealous Kkk, aww and that mysterious gift bag he was sneakily carrying, so much love for baekyeol my very first exo otp, yay!!!