

So when all the lust had died down and sheets covered their bare bodies, Chanyeol wrapped his strong arms around Baekhyun's petite figure and whispered his I love you's to Baekhyun but there was no response.

"I said I love a million times and I don't even get a single one back." Chanyeol blurted out of frustration. 

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol with eyes that were filled with a multitude of emotions but confusion stood out causing Chanyeol to instinctively wrap his arms around Baekhyun tighter. 

"What's wrong? I thought we're okay now?" Chanyeol asked while ruffling through Baekhyun's hair and nuzzling through it as well.

"That's what I thought, too..." came Baekhyun's reply. He shifted his gaze to Chanyeol who's brows are furrowed. "Look, Yeol. I know it's been months since that fight but I wanted to sort things out." Baekhyu sat up straight causing Chanyeol to prop up on his elbows with his head in the headrest.

"Baek, are we going through this again?" 

"Chanyeol, you know how much you mean to me, and you know all about my insecurities and all.. I still don't get why you go on with shipping yourself with other members.. especially without notifying me first. You know how jealous I could get.. but you kind of disregard that."

"Baek.. I told you, onscreen we're kind of different. I'm doing those to protect you.. to protect us. Do you think that because we have a huge fanbase for Baekyeol or Chanbaek the general public would actually let us be? Bae kwe live in Korea. In a Korea where homouality is not accepted. We just have to deal with it Baek."

"Oh the world. All I want is you." Baek threw his hands up in exasperation.

He quickly dressed himself and aimed for the door. Chanyeol dressed himself as well and followed Baek who went to the ktichen of the now empty and silenced dorm. Baekhyun grabbed a glass of water and drank until the very last drop. Chanyeol watched Baek from afar. When he saw that the smaller male had finished his drink he approached Baekhyun who didn't bother to look his way but instead sat on the dining area, elbows propped on the table, running both hands through his hair. Chanyeol sat perpendicular to Baekhyun and softly grabbed the older males hands. Baekhyun didn't bother to look his way but Chanyeol was persistent. He held Baekhyun's hands tighter and gave them butterfly kisses that have awaken Baekhyun from his spacing out.

"Look, Baek. I love you. When I say I love you, you just have to believe me. I love you more than anyone else. I don't want us getting through this big fight agin just because of petty reasons. I thin kwe have both suffered long enough. Don't you?" Baekhyun caught Chanyeol's gaze and his eyes became teary. 

"I love you too, Chanyeol." and tears streamed down Baekhyun's eyes. " but I don't know if this love, can survive everything.. I'm too afraid to lose you, you know."

A confused look on Chanyeol's face is enough to keep Baekhyun going on with his speech. 

"A few months ago, I can still remember that talk we had. The talk we had before things went wrong."

"Aren't we to obvious?" Chanyeol asked while they were playing video games in their respective laptops.

"What do you mean?" Baek responded without taking his eyes off the laptop screen.

"I mean us.. We have so many shippers. They love us Baekhyun but is this healthy.. I mean for our career? For our relationship, too?" Chanyeol asked as he paused the game on his laptop. Baekhyun hit pause as well and turned to Chanyeol. Chanyeol opened his internet browser and searched BaekYeol and ChanBaek on different tabs.

"Look. They are figuring things out." Chanyeol pointed out to the screen of his laptop,

"don't be silly Chanyeol. You know fans can be delusional.. and besides, it helps our popularity doesn't it? So what's so negative about it?" Baekhyun responds with a laugh trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"No Baek, I think we should do something about this. We should try for other ships... and lessen our onscreen interactions." The smile faded from Baekhyun's lips.

"Why don't you want me anymore? Don't you love me anymore?" Baek asked. Chanyeol figured he must have said the wrong words. He knew Baekhyun had issues with his insecurities within himself and with his relationship with people. He may appear like the class clown always ready to cheer people up ut he will always have that side of him filled with insecurities. Chanyeol wanted to take his words back right then and there when he noticed Baekhyun's face turn blank.

"ok." Baekhyun answered and he left. Leaving Chanyeol with his thoughts.

For the next few weeks, Chanyeol tried to make it up to Baekhyun but the smaller male chose to avoid him.. making their interactions lesser and lesser as the days went by. Baekhyun must have taken his words all too seriously. Well he and Baekhyun were still together, yes, but Baekhyun choses to cometo him when cameras are not there, when there's only them and the other members but still Baekhyun felt cold. He knew something was off and he tried to talk it over so many time but Baekhyun was just too tough to let his invisible wall crumble down to pieces.

When Chanyeol left for Micronesia, he wanted Baekhyun to use the time for contemplation. He expected the old Baekhyun back but instead, Baekhyun remained just the same. His invisble barriers were still there.. becoming more and more obvious that even the other members are concerned about their long rift already. 

Their relationship is hanging on by a thread.. and it's jsut frustrating not just for them but for the other members as well. They had to adjsut to the "No more BaekYeol is the sweetest thing"  moments. Well there are times when Baek and Chanyeol seem genuinely happy with each otherbut most of the time, it's not as perfect as it was. 

"You were butthurt." Chanyeol blurted. "You took things too seriously."

"You know how bad I am with handling my emotions." Baek replied.

"I'm sorry. I told you that over a million times but you were too stubborn to listen." Chanyeol stood up and wrapped his arms around Baekhyun giving him a backhug. "Why did you decide to give me a cold treatment? I mean I get the idea but I want the whole picture."

"Well, I felt like you dumped me right then and there. I was absorbed in all the pain and I cannot seem to face you because I am to afraid to lose you. I dont want you gone."

"So you chose to leave me instead?" Chanyeol responded as he sat himelf back down.

"No. I didn't. I thought it was best to give you what you want." Baekhyun responded crying.

"So you think that was what I wanted? You distancing from me?" Chanyeol asked with slight anger in his face.

"Yes." Baekhyun replied.

"I cannot believe you sometimes.." Chanyeol responded.

"I know. me too. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I'm a very stubborn person.. I swear it won't happen again." 

Chanyeol clasped Baekhyun's hands and gave them a peck.. mouthing something like "I  believe you" to Baek before dragging him back to the room.

Once in the room one more, Chanyeol dumped himself on the bed and enveloped Baekhyun in a tight hug. Baekhyun cannot help but smile. He looked up at Chanyeol.

"Damn, what good di I do to deserve someone so ing handsome as you?" Baekhyun giggled.

"I don't know. Maybe you saved the human race in your past life." Chanyeol responded fakinga frown.

"Maybe." Baekhyun chuckled. " I love you."

"I love you too" Chanyeol was slowly pulled into dreamland if not for Baek's interuption.

"So how do you explain that ChanKai thing?"

Chanyeol's eyes fluttered open and grunted." Tomorrow."

He hugge Baekhyun tighter.

"Okay tomorrow." And Baekhyun yawned at the last syllable. He hugged Yeol tighter as well and drifted off himself. 


A/N: So I actually finished this in one go bc I got enough feels tonight. Thank you aggain subbies~ I LOVE YOUUU. Sorry for this crappy chapter. I just cant get to sleep and decided to write this crap out instead. HAHA. MERRY CHRISTMAS~ <3













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Hi guys, I changed the title bc I think it is more appropriate and I need the title for another work :)


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Chapter 8: Haha I love this story! ^^ Hwaiting!!
pyc_th5k #2
Chapter 1: Nado ara~
i saw it too...
he start to looked down after they arrived at BWCW, must be something happened there b4 the airtime cz he simply enjoy yeol birthday shopping b4 that...
owh poor baek~
i thought me n my sis only notice that expression..
guess everyone do :-/
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 7: soo assault hahaha
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 6: they like never tired of each other lol
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 1: saw that too lol :)
Chapter 3: can you do another one for episode 4?? since I didn't see any baekyeol moment there or I was just so blind? Please please please???? thank you! you've changed my view on ep 3!!!!
nurulaiman1 #7
Chapter 1: WUU, WHUT! As much as a hard of a BaekYeol shipper I am, I didn't notice that white paper bag Baek was carrying! STUPID OF ME! T__T .. And I love this fic! Because actually I was feeling down when I watch that spefically ep of EXO Showtime, protesting that they didn't emits enough of BaekYeol, and I was very dissapointed over Baek's less reaction on the whole ChanKai things, but I do notice that "What is this? Let's leave. Let's leave Kai," but I was just dissapointed and thought, "Maybe BaekYeol arent real.." but your words made me realized, and open my eyes! Thank you authornim! ILY~ A HWAITING for you so you can keep going with such a good BaekYeol fic in the future!
Chapter 1: It reminded me of my ex.. Damn I just cried, waiting ~ I love it a lot <33 ;)
miki_baozi91 #9
Chapter 1: He was super duper jealous Kkk, aww and that mysterious gift bag he was sneakily carrying, so much love for baekyeol my very first exo otp, yay!!!