008- FAKE


It was supposed to be a normal day but a new student arrived. He was welcomed and introduced himself to Sooyoung who was ignoring his presence. She always have done that, when there's a new classmate, she would just sigh and go back to what she was doing.


"Wah. You're already studying for next week? Jagiya~ Don't stress yourself out"


She hissed at him. He was confident that she won't surpass her because he's doing it for a reason. As he scrolls down his phone , he can't help to smile.


"OMO!" Sehun shouted, behind Kris "NOONA! Your so Cute! Look Kai! Luhan! Everybody!" he stole Kris' phone and in a matter of seconds everyone was looking at it


Apparently it was the pictures of Sooyoung from their date. Sooyoung was flaming in crimson as she punch Kris. Sehun was already sending the pictures to his phone when Kris swiflty took it from him.


"Give me your phone Sehun."


Sehun stick his tounge out and ran, Kris was following him everywhere. Sooyoung can just sigh at the sight, the others are laughing and jerked their heads to Sooyoung.


"You were cute" Baekhyun commented


"Can't blame Kris for liking you eh?" Kyungsoo teased


"Geez guys stop."


They were stopped when someone came inside, it was the teacher carrying loads of papers. All of them sat and waited for the instructions. The teacher reveals a bowl of rolled papers inside it.


"Pick one and he or she will be your partner of this project"


Sooyoung picked one and opened it, she picked Kyuhyun. She looked at him who was already looking at her, he nodded stating his pleased with them being partners. She sat beside him and they planned the project. Kyuhyun seems to be good, less worry for Sooyoung. The project needs time and effort between the two doing it.


"AHHHH! why didn't I picked noona?!" Sehun yelled and had Tao send electric gaze to him


"Don't worry Sehun. I'm not pleased with you being a pair too!" Tao states


It was lunch and Sooyoung and his partner are getting along well, Kris who knows that she don't talk to people much wrinkled his forehead. He hissed in annoyance in the thought. Something tells him, the new guy has something. He sips his drink as he eyes the guy suspiciously, he's so familiar.


"Sense what I sensed?" Kai who was seating beside him asked


"Yeah. Bad sense"


Kai shruggs "I guess. But it's bad to judge people"


"Where did you get that? That's rare from you" Kris asks


"I got that from Sooyoung."


Kris snaps his fingers "As I thought"


It was the end of class hours and Kris walked Sooyoung to their car. He was silent on the way and made Sooyoung confused. It's not everyday he's like that. He caught her looking at him, he stopped walking and held her shoulders.


"Choi Sooyoung"




"Keep away from Kyuhyun, I sense something bad"


She wrinkled her eyebrows the moment he said that, Kyuhyun has been good to her and now he, HE? is telling her to keep away.


"Kris. Your being unreasonable"


"No. I'm serious"


"How can you know?!" she pushed him "You just feel it!"


Shoving his hands in his pockets, "Trust me."


"Your exaggerating"


"No I'm not."


"Yes you are! Kris, he's a friend. He's new and you can't judge him. Your being stubborn!"


He looked at her with angry eyes "Why can't you believe me?"


"Because your unreasonable"


"Fine. Have it your way then"


They avoided each others gaze and walked to their respective cars. Both are angry, confused but really sad. Sooyoung is  being sad because Kris is judging people the wrong way, Kris being sad because Sooyoung doesn't trust him.






"Fighting with sir?"


She nodded slowly.


"I'm not in the place to say this but. If it's about your safety, I cant blame him."


"But Minho he's being unreasonable!"


"If being unreasonable means your safety, better be unreasonable."


She heaved a big sigh, the kidnapping was a month ago. Surely the Wu's are now afraid of touching her.


"Do you trust him miss?"


That made her think, of course she do trust him. But this time he is being absurd. Minho stops the car and opens it for her, she get out with a worried and frustrated face. She gets inside and proceeds upstairs.


"Hello dear."


"M-mom? What are you doing with my clothes?"


Her mom stood up and was smiling "Your moving to your new house"


Eyes widen, jaw drop. "WHAT?!"


Her mom nodded with excitement "Yes, in three days. We decided to make it earlier so that protecting both of you will be easy and I trust Kris" she sighs and tuck Sooyoung's hair "You'll be happy with him, he's a good guy. He promised your father"


"M-Mom. Your giving me already?"


"No No of course not." she chuckled "I love you that's why I'm doing this"


"But mom--"


"Young lady, Sooyoung. I know it's not appropriate for a girl and a guy to live in the same house. But it's for the best"


She nodded slowly "I understand eomma"


Her mom beamed a smile "Good. Your getting married! Cheer up!"


"How can I cheer up?" she sigs "I'm moving in another house. What about you and dad?"


"Tss. Your treating us like kids. We can manage and I'm really excited about your wedding" her mother stated "Kris is a good guy."


"No he's not."




She snapped "Ah haha nothing mom! Why don't I take care of my things?"


"Okay I'll be downstairs."


"Yeah mom thanks"


She slowly closed the door and immediately slammed herself on the bed. Thinking of how will her life be now, when she will move to the house. To add up, they're currently fighting.





"Wait a minute, Minho. Why are you following me inside?" Sooyoung asked, surprised of his bodyguard's presence


"Miss" he pointes to the little card pinned on his shirt


"Wait.A.Minute you'll study here?!"


Minho nodded.




"Your fiancé instructed me miss and your Grandfather also"


She rolled her eyes and stomps her feet, it's not like she's overreacting but is this too much? The bell rang and they parted ways, it's been two days and two hours of not talking. Kris suprisingly survived it but it was natural to Sooyoung.


And she's focusing on things that's much important than their fight. Exams, projects and all other researches.


"Noona are you okay?"


She jerked her heas to see Sehun looking at him worried. "Yeah why?"


He sat on a chair infront of her "You seem, quiet"


"I always have been Sehun"


He shook his head "Not until two days ago. You became the unsmiling noona"


"Really?" she asked, not quite believing him


He nodded "Did you know that hyung spent three hours staring at your picture, he was wearing a worried face you know."


"Oh. That's creepy. I thought he and Krystal are in good terms."


"WAH NOONA! If Kris marries Krystal, can I marry you instead?" he asked with sparkling eyes


Someone in the back slightly punched Sehun, they turned around seeing Kai. He sat beside Sehun, giving the looks.


"Yah, Kris will kill you."


Sehun puts his hands up "Okaaaaaay I'm sorry but noona YOURE SO SQUISHY!" he said pinching Sooyoung's cheecks


The door opened revealing Kris and Krystal tailing behind him, she was wearing a vibrant smile, more like mocking Sooyoung.


"Kris thanks for the treat!" Krystal says, flipping her hair


Sooyoung felt a pang of irritation and annoyance, she shakes her head and goes back to her books. Sehun and Kai would just shrug, scratching their heads because of them.


They ate lunch in silence. Not the always vibrant Special Class lunch. Someone coughed behind them and saw Minho, Kris instructed him to sit with them, he sat beside Sooyoung.




"Annyeong. How's first day?" she asks


"I met her. I don't like her" he points to a girl sitting beside the window, wearing eyeglasses


Sooyoung swatted his arm "You're too honest Minho"


Minho bowed to the other people on the table, he smiled to Kris "Sir"


"How are you doing Minho?"

"Good sir"


Kris nodded, his gaze landed on Sooyoung's eyes but broke the contact right away. After that it was quiet. Kyuhyun was the only one who's talking non-stop to Sooyoung who seem not so interested.




All the Student in Special Class obeyed, they arrived in the gymnasium and sat to the seats with their names on it.


"Why did they called us here?" Chanyeol asks


Kai shruggs "Maybe the camping" he says


"OH! OH! I WANNA BE IN THE SAME TENT AS NOONA!" Sehun declared raising a hand


Kris hits him on the head and had Sehun shooting glares at him. Sooyoung sighed and shaked her head.


"What's the camping their talking about?" Kyuhyun asks her


"I don't know, for public schools they camp outside, build tents, ohh campfire!" she says


Someone on their back hissed "Poor you. You don't know OUR camping style" Krystal mocks


"Krystal stop it okay?" Kai says "Don't forget that she's still Kris' fianceé"


"They're fighting, my time to steal her spot"


Kai shakes his head "You can't"


Krystal wanted to talk back but the mic sounded. It was the Principal.


"Good morning Special Class. As all of you know we're here to talk about the camping" he starts "So can we start, Xiumin?"


"What start?" Sooyoung muttered to herself


She sees Xiumin raise his hand "I will sponsor the food! I'll bring our finest chef"


"Transportation will be mine" Baekhyun announces "Limousine or Ferrari?"


"TENTS! tents will be ours! Kai! Hyung!" Sehun says raising his hand "How big?"


"Can we just camp in our private resort?" Krystal complained


"I'll go for the clothes!" Lay shouted "My mom would be pleased"


"Are we gonna use electricity or water? My company will sponsor" Suho said


Sooyoung could just be amazed. It's not easy to be with these guys, rich kids really. She could just smile.


"What are you gonna contribute Choi Sooyoung?"


She hears Krystal asks and turns to look at her "They sponsored everything already. What can I give?"


"They sponsored already or you don't have something to sponsor for?" she asks with a raised



Kris and Kai could just sigh and shake their heads. Kyuhyun faced Krystal and smiled.


"Your a Choi too right? So what you own" he points her "She owns, but apparently her part is bigger" he sits straight and smiled at Sooyoung


"Can I give marshmallows?" Sooyoung gibbered


Krystal wore an annoyed face "BO? Marshmallows?!"


Sooyoung nodded "Yeah. Marshmallows, we toast it in the camp fire and put it between two crackers, and eat it like a hamburger" she munched on a imaginary burger


"Oh jinja? Is it yummy?" Kyungsoo asks


Sooyoung nodded.


"Then let's try it" Kris suggests


Chen nodded eagerly and smiled "Sounds nice"




Someone was left speechless.




Even wih the good atmosphere yesterday the next day was silent for the two. Their classmates was eyeing them suspiciously, Krystal took the chance to talk to Kris who was her seatmate. It was a surprise to all of them specially for Sooyoung because they're talking.


"Sooyoung-sshi can we finish this?" Kyuhyun appeared in front of her, stopping her thoughts


"Ah of course."


They finished it and thwy rejoiced a bit and Kyuhyun decided to treat Sooyoung. She nodded in return and decided it would be good so she can go stress debriefing. When they left all of tge people sorrounded Kris and Sehun was reasy to strangle him.


"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Sehun asked


Kris plastered an annoyed face, "I just ensured her safety okay. Then she grew angry"


"It surprised us really. Because now you should be annoying her or making her face in disgust" Baekhyun stated


Xiumin nodded and laughed. They all jerked their heads when the door was opened and hey were surprised who visited them. He guy handed a folder to Kris, he opened it and was shocked. He immediately ran outside the room, looking for his wife.



Sooyoung was enjoying herself eating the ice cream, Kyuhyun treated for her. They were just walking and talking after they passed the project. Sooyoung was telling him why she and Kris fought. They entered the music room and Kyuhyun led Sooyoung to the piano. The guy had a talent in playing the instrument, Sooyoung was amazed and grew excited.


"My father taught me how to play this." he smiled "But now he can't guide me anymore"


She wrinkled her forehead "Huh? Why?"


Kyuhyun pressed the keys in the piano, in low pitched. It made Sooyoung jolt in surprise.


"He was accused of being a traitor to our family even if the ones who accused him are the real traitors." he stood up and approached the door, he clicked it clockwise and faced Sooyoung again


Still in confusion she asks "That's harsh. What is your last name again?"


Kyuhyun produced a white rose from his coat and gave it to Sooyoung "Still you don't remember?"


She reminisced the memories, and accidentally touched her scars and immediately looked up to Kyuhyun. Her eyes widened at the sudden realization.


"I'm the son of the person you and your stupid fiancé threw in jail" he grabbed her face


She attempted to run but she was blocked and harshly pinned to the wall. She was struggling badly and her eyes started to become watery. She remembers Kris, his warnings.




Kyuhyun  smirked "Well I can't kill your fiancé in a physical way but what if I'll kill him through the most important person he has now?"



Lee Kyuhyun what a fake name.


Originally he's a Wu. The annoying part is he's the son who kidnapped Sooyoung and he certainly wanted revenge. But he was witty, he won't go straight to Kris and punch him, he would go straight to his weakness, Sooyoung.


He was running around, looking for every possible room. Someone ran beside him and tapped his shoulder. Why didn't he did this in the first place? Now she's in danger again, because of him.


He momentarily stopped when he heard shouts from the music room. He peeked through the little glass in the door and his eyes widens in shock. He kicked the door open but it won't, this time with the person with him, but still it didn't. He was in the verge in errupting when he saw Sooyoung cry, Kyuhyun looked at him through the little glass and  grinned then yanked his attention to his hostage.




But Kyuhyun didn't listened and did a thing that Kris won't even do to Sooyoung yet. He saw her struggling, asking for help.  When suddenly they were more who helped Kris by kicking the door they used their strengths and opened it, causing it to fly.


He immediately strangled Kyuhyun to the ground.


"YOU ING MORON! I KNEW IT FROM THE VERY START! YOUR NO GOOD!" he keep giving him blows but someone halted him already "IM GONNA KILL YOU!"


Being halted, Kris dashed to Sooyoung's side. His eyes soften, but it was filled with guilt. The others dragged the beaten up Kyuhyun and left them.


Sooyoung was crying hard "Kris he tried to.. He tried to"


Kris punhed the wall harshly and took of his jacket and placed it in Sooyoung's back, he didn't utter a word but carefully closed he buttons on her blouse. He hugged her tightly and carried her. He was still silent on the way to the car. His phone ringed and he first placed Sooyoung gently and answered it.


"Eomma.. Today? I thought it was tomorrow?.. Yes mom everything's fine. Yes were going this instant.. Thank you, yes love you"


When he peeked inside, Sooyoung was already asleep. He drove to the house and gently put her in the bed. He plopped down beside the bed and ruffles his hair. He sighed looking at her sleeping face. He didn't uttered a word but instead kissed her forehead.


I updated guys mianhe for the long wait :DD

I had a surgery :) An irregular blood vessel on my forehead so yeah.


Comments are LOOOOOOVED. Please silent readers comment :D




































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working on the updaaaate


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Chapter 18: author-nim, eodiseo????
i miss you please update this one huhuhuh
kjm142 #2
Damn you author-nim. This chap is so asdfghjkl
happy ending with sookris and kryswoon xDD really love it!!
next chapter must be fasteeeer!!!
soobeautifulchoi #3
Chapter 18: I love it i love it! :D
Finally they can be together! Woah i'm so happy right now, please update soon :)
I want to know 'bout they honeymoon :D too excited!
Chapter 18: Woah! Love this so much. Krystal and Taekwoon...so sweet.
Chapter 18: auw really looking forward to their honeymoon hehehe
Chapter 18: auw really looking forward to their honeymoon hehehe
Chapter 18: Very nice update. Finally! Please update soon! Thank you and God bless :D
Chapter 18: thanks GOD you updated it :) hehehe can't wait for their honeymoon ;)