She can't believe this. Although in some stories the girl is only wearing her girly clothes and the guy is in her room and she grew embarassed  but in our story Sooyoung was wearing a t-shirt twice her size and her favorite Spongebob pajamas, she wasn't embarassed but was horrified at the reason why Kris is in her room.


"Who let you in?"


"Your mom."


"Does Dad know this?"


"Yeah, he said that you won't wake up if you yourself won't wake up. So he said that I should wake you up becuase he's 100% sure  that you're gonna wake up if I wake you up" he said nodding in the end


"Can I decline?"


"No you can't. Or else I'm gonna drag you" he threatens


"Okay Okay. I'm up see?" she sighed defeated "Just go downstairs and wait"


Kris beamed a smile of victory as he steps out of her room. She slams the door and quickly took a bath. She wore her casual clothes too and fixed herself. She was combing her hair while looking at the mirror.


She studied her features. For her, she is  waaaaaaaay to far from Krystal's perfect ones, she sighs as she walk downstairs. She badly wanna eat breakfast, she spots Kris and her father talking. She dashed to he kitchen and helps her mother prepares the table for breakfast.


"Mom? Why are there four plates?"


She was surprised cause her mom shot her a not so good look "Young lady have you forgotten about Kris?"


Oh right. Why is it when it comes to Kris she forgets easily? Maybe because of her annoyance to him. The two men was still talking until they sat. Her mom placed the pancakes first in Kris' plate and that made Sooyoung pout.


"Mom I'm your daughter right?" she asked and saw Kris grin


"Visitors first" she said smiling to Kris


"Thank you Mrs.Choi" he arrange himself


Mrs. Choi swatted his shoulder "Call me mom. Since I knew that Sooyoung likes you well I really want the wedding to happen soon" she said now filling Sooyoung's plate


"Yah Princess I didn't knew you like Kris! You were so determined to beat the crap out of him in exams" Mr.Choi stated earning a glare from Sooyoung


"Yah Dad don't call me that!" she shouted, her mother flicked her forehead "Mom what was that for?!"


"Choi Sooyoung your mouth is full and aren't you embarrassed to Kris?" her mother said


She saw Kris grin as he eats. All she thought her dad was against it, but now it's the total opposite is it? She shuts as she focuses to eat, she just have to listen to their conversation.


"Where are you going today?"


"Ah the Amusement Park m-mom." he said a little bit embarrassed


"It's a date then! I remembered when we first had our date dear" Mr. Choi wriggled his eyebrows looking at his wife


Sooyoung suddenly felt sick, here comes the lovey dovey thing again. Kris was just focused on eating his pancakes.


"You're gonna wear that?!" her mother shrieked looking at Sooyoung


"Yeah what's the problem?" she asked plainly


"Your going on your first date! You must look nice!" her mother said tugging her shirt


"But mom! Everything looks awful to me!"


"Oh no you don't young lady. Get up. Excuse us gentlemen" her mother held her wrist and dragged her upstairs


The two men just chuckled and finished eating.


"You would take care of her would you?" suddenly the older man asked


Kris looked at him surprised. The old man sighed and folded his arms.


"She can be reaaaaally stubborn but nevertheless she takes care of us. Even one time .." he chuckled and continued "She said she would never get married but will spend her life taking care of us"


Kris smiled, that is Sooyoung.


"Family is very important to her, she sacrificed her teenage years that is supposed to be fun to helping us. I wanna see her happy" he heaved a sigh


"Your daughter always smile sir. When the kidnapping happened, even with bruises and cuts on her face she even had the strength to smile at me" Kris said


"That's her. She doesn't want anyone to see her in pain. So please, be the first one to know what makes her sad, happy, excited. " he pats his shoulder


"I will... Dad"




The two of them chuckled as they continue to talk. After that Kris was already waiting for her at the gate. He was glancing at his watch and found it the right timing to go, the weather is being friendly to them.


"Kris Wu!"


He turned around to face her. She was wearing a simple but definitely cute white dress with shining doll shoes. A part of her hair was tied by a pink ribbon, and she was pouting adding to her cuteness.


Kris abruptly turned around to hide his red face. He wanna explode right now.


"Yeah die laughing." Sooyoung stated with a flat tone


He immediately faced her, he was trying to be composed "He-Help!" he acted dying as he clutched his chest


Sooyoung the once gloomy girl became worried and held his shoulders. "Wh-Why? Yah Kris! What's wrong!"


He opened an eye "Your too beautiful I can't take it anymore!"


The worried face was replaced by laughter, Kris smiled as he stand up properly.


"Geez! Kris! That was hilarious! I mean just give me a real cheese for me to eat not your cheezinees!" and another round of laughter


"Tsk." he suddenly held her hand and started to walk


Kris felt her hands as of it was his first time, he intertwined his fingers to hers and that made Sooyoung stop laughing.


"Yah Let go"


"No I won't. Punishment for laughing at me"


Sooyoung sighed in defeat as she relaxes her hand, Kris was surprised and suddenly became happy. They waited for the bus to arrive.


"The Almighty Kris Wu is taking a bus. HA! Are you sure you would be comfortable?" though it was supposed to annoy him, she can't deny that she sounded worried


"I used to ride these stuffs long time ago with my father" he suddenly became serious "But after those times he grew to be a busy man. We didn't had the chance to ride this again"


She looked at him with concerned eyes, she poked his arm and made him look at her.


"He's working for your future. Maybe someday you'll get the chance" she encouraged


Minutes went by and people start to fill the shed. And well there are already girls checking out Kris. He was just in his casual clothes, sneakers and a necklace hung in his neck. But nevertheless even without him doing something, he's handsome and no one can deny that even Sooyoung.


The bus arrived and the two of them climbed, Sooyoung got the window side and was wearing a happy expression because she got to get that side first, and Kris would just chuckle at her cuteness.


"I never went to the Amusement Park before" Sooyoung declared, holding her hair for the wind is blowing it


"Really? Don't worry. Me too" he chuckled, remembering what the girl's father said that she doesn't know how to be fun "You like childish stuffs so I'll take you there."


She playfully punched his arm "Thanks"


He was a bit surprised at her reply, he stared at her smiling face and was relieved that the memories of the incident was slowly fading. He suddenly caresses her cheecks and made her back away.


"I'm still sorry until now" he said looking deep in her eyes


"Yah Kris. Past is past and the important thing is you and I are alive." she answered


"You know" he chuckled a little "I would have blamed myself all my life if .. You know"


She can't deny that she was touched, all these years she was plotting against him. Hating him for reasons, but now. But since the day they began to actually talk, Kris was not so bad after all. Her thoughts was abruptly stopped when suddenly  the bus halted and caused her forehead to hit the seat infront of her.


"Yah you okay?" Kris asked, it was supposed to be the perfect question but "You better stop thinking about me and start to be attentive to your sorroundings"


She displayed an annoyed face that had Kris ruffle her hair and pull her up. They arrived at the park and just by the entrance, Sooyoung's face went awe. Kris was beside her, fighting the urge whether if he should hold her hand or not.


"Daebaaaak~" she commented "Kris come on!" she pulled him by the hand


Unknowingly their hands are already glued to eachother and had Kris hide his face again. They first bought some ticket. The line was long but Kris  being the gentleman  was the one who got in line and have her waiting, sitting on one of the benches.


While waiting Sooyoung was observing him. Maybe it's not bad to be good to him today. She wants to know him more.


And the thought of her asking Kris if he loves someone. She felts a little uncomfortable of the thought, and her face fell. She should have asked him in the first place, she should have considered his feelings first. Because there is no need to consider hers, she hasn't have anyone anyway.




But still his endearments still steal her attention.


"I have the tickets now. Hey what's wrong? You okay?"


He had the worried expression on his face. She finally decides to ask him at the end of the day, but before that they should enjoy each others company. If she can.


"Ani." she beamed a smile "Let's go!" she pointed the rides


Kris' worried face turned into a smile. He just can't understand her sometimes. But still, being with her was not boring ever. He held her hand and smiled cause Sooyoung wasn't struggling to let go. They can finally acted as a couple now.


They tried all possible rides they can. All the time they were arguing about what to ride first but Sooyoung always win. Kris would let her win of course because he always want to see her smile.


"Kris I'm hugry let's eat. Your treat" she stated, dragging him


"Yah Yah I'm not your personal bank." he replied "But there is a way."


"Eh? What way?" her brows crinkled


"Kiss me here" he pointed his cheecks


She walked towards him and that made him widen his eyes. But instead of kissing him she kinda slapped him playfully.


"I rather starve." she said


He laughed "Okay jagiya tell me what do you want? I know my heart but let's talk about food first"


"Kris your heart? I have mine, I don't need yours" she stuck her tounge out


"Ahh~ Im hurt" he acted "Yeobo, your words hurt me."


"Kris, how many endearments have you called me already? Are you really fond of that? Because honestly it creeps me out"


He laughed "I rather call you that. Your my wife duuuh" he made a funny expression


"We're not married yet" she says, remembering the thoughts she had earlier


Kris swung his arm over her shoulder and walked "I'm gonna make sure we're gonna be married no matter what."


"Whoah, like you weren't opposed on it the first time you heard this" she stated


"Well~ Let's just say I fell inlove with you and I was so desperate on having you"


They both chuckled as they walked to the mini food court. Sooyoung's eyes was twinkling with delight as she saw food, Kris would just shake his head of how obsessed she is. They picked a table and placed down their trays.


"What's your father like?" Sooyoung suddenly asked


Munching on his burger he replied "Busy man. He's a bit strict"


"Oh. Is he scary?"


"Not much. As long as you obey him." he replied


"Is he the reason you agreed on marrying me?" she quickly shifted her gaze on her food


"Of course" he drank water and proceeded "Not"


She instantly looked at him "Then what?"


He shrugged "I don't know. If it was Krystal, I would do my best to decline. But fate brought us together,  why would I decline?"


Cue blush.


"I really planned my life to take care of my parents" she suddenly opens


He instantly stopped eating and listened, she was opening her feelings now and he was hapoy about it.


"But then here am I. Getting married" she sighed after chuckling


"Sooyoung. No need to be upset about. We will surely take care of them even if we're together. I promise you that" he pledges, raising his right hand "See? I'm serious. So stop sulking"


She can't help to wait for the day to end so  she finally asks.


"Do you like someone?" she eats her sandwich








She choked on the sandwich that had Kris gave her his drink. When she was already okay, she wiped .




"I'm serious! Don't you believe me jagiya?" he asked winking


Sooyoung's mind was flushed. This guy is seriously just joking, right?


They finished eating and Sooyoung excused herself to go to the comfort room. On her way back she bumped a guy and quickly bowed to give an apology.


"Are you Choi Sooyoung?" he asked


He was wearing a cap, and was hiding his face. Trying not to be seen. She nodded in return, and suddenly the guy gave her a rose. And suprisingly it was a white one, he bowed down and quickly ran away from her. Her brows wrinkled in confusion as she make her way back.


Seeing the rose on her hand he suddenly stands up and was wearing a confused face.




"Wah. Chill. A guy gave me this. He was in a hurry actually"


Kris took it from her "It's white."




"Yeobo. Our emblem remember? Ah maybe it's just coincidence" he shrugs


"Yeah. But why did he gave it to me? Weird"


They started walking back. "Can't blame him for liking you. I even like you, you have to feel privileged" he stated


She scoffed "Your so full of yourself. Nobody will like me"


"I do"


"You were forced! You dum dum." she said


"No I was not. Dad can't force me to like someone. You're just lovable that's all" he shoves his hands in his pockets


Sooyoung giggled, she? Lovable? Not. The next thigs that happened were full of laughs, arguing and annoyance. Even if they were already taking the first step as a couple, they can't help to argue at certain points.


 Sooyoung was so happy when Kris bought him a really big teddy bear, she really appreciated it that she hugged him without a warning. He was just doing what a boy really do, but Sooyoung is Sooyoung; happy about small things.


"Should we name it?" Kris asked


Sooyoung nodded in agreement "What would be it's name?"


"How about Sookris?"


Her brows wrinkled "Where did you get that?"


"Psssh. Sooyoung plus Kris you dummy" he flicked her forehead


"No I don't want that! Think about something else" she stared at the stufftoy


He observed her a little while "What about Sparkle?"


Her eyes widens and looked at him, smiling "Perfect!" she giggled "Sparkle"


He grinned "That would be our kid"


"What?"she was a bit horrified


"Sparkle" he looked at the toy "Don't worry, you'll have a baby brother soon" then looked at her winking


She slammed the toy in his face "What are you talking about huh?!"


"Okay! Okay! I give up!"


She finally let go and hugs the toy, she was wearing a pissed face. It really suprised her.


They finally decided to ride the ferris wheel last. It was magical for her, seeing what it is to be up. She can't help to scream at the beginning but her fright was erased when Kris laughs so hard and had her shooting laser beams at him.


"You tired?" he asks


She cuddled the teddy bear "A bit. But I enjoyed"


"We should head home. Your dad would be looking for you" he said


She nodded "Okay"


It was silent on the way to her house, probably because both of them was tired. They arrived and Kris walked her up to the doorstep.


"Thanks. I would like to do that again" she smiled hugging the stuff toy


He smiles "Yeah. I had fun." he steps beside her "I have a question"


"What?" she placed the bear down


"Do you know why girls like tall guys?"


She shaked her head "Why?"


"So we can do this"


He wraps her waist and pulled her closer, and suddenly Sooyoung felt him kiss her temple. Involuntarily she closed her eyes and smiled. Kris on the other hand was happy that she didn't shoved him away. He finally releases her and both was flushing in red, he was scratching his nape.


"Goodnight Soo"


"N-Night" she bows as she picks the teddy bear and slowly closes the door


Her heartbeat was so fast, she hugged the teddy bear and smiled widely.


"Sparkle, was he serious on saying that he likes me?"


And the thought made her smile wide and sleep soundly.





"Exams will be next week." the teacher announced


Sooyoung found herself looking at Kris, he was smirking with his hands at the back of his head. This is what they always do when the teacher announces. Seems like the rivalry between the two in academics is till burning.


"And by the way you have a new classmate. He just transferred today and please welcome him"


A guy entered and he was wearing a vibrant smile.


"Annyeong I'm Lee Kyuhyun"


Why is it that this times, Special Class gets a new student? He was sitted beside Krystal who is wearing a not so amused face. But still the guy was smiling. Like what the others did, they welcomed him warmly. They talked about him but Sooyoung was concentrated with her notes that she didn't want to even say hi. He was the one who took the initiative and walked to her front and gave his hand.


"Hi I'm Kyuhyun and you are?"


Sooyoung caught Kai looking at them wrinkling his brow. What's wrong with him? She gave her hand and smiled "Choi Sooyoung"


And they shaked hands. Unknown to them, there were guys observing them keenly.








Sorry for being a bad authornim -●- . I was aiming for something and because it happened. I updated! And I changed Kyuhyun's last name so he can fit in the story.




Leave a comment guys.


xoxo Pjane


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working on the updaaaate


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Chapter 18: author-nim, eodiseo????
i miss you please update this one huhuhuh
kjm142 #2
Damn you author-nim. This chap is so asdfghjkl
happy ending with sookris and kryswoon xDD really love it!!
next chapter must be fasteeeer!!!
soobeautifulchoi #3
Chapter 18: I love it i love it! :D
Finally they can be together! Woah i'm so happy right now, please update soon :)
I want to know 'bout they honeymoon :D too excited!
Chapter 18: Woah! Love this so much. Krystal and Taekwoon...so sweet.
Chapter 18: auw really looking forward to their honeymoon hehehe
Chapter 18: auw really looking forward to their honeymoon hehehe
Chapter 18: Very nice update. Finally! Please update soon! Thank you and God bless :D
Chapter 18: thanks GOD you updated it :) hehehe can't wait for their honeymoon ;)