Baekhyun ♡

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     You hurried over to where the bicycle rental shop was and sighed with relief when you saw him leaning against a tree and gently touching the bark out of boredom. “Baek!” you called out, not wanting to call out his full name as you never know if some exo stan was walking past.


     He looked up and smiled brightly when he saw you. You rolled your eyes at his geek specs and threw your arms around his neck. “Hey, tinkerbell, you’re late.” He whispered as he hugged you tightly. “Mianhe.” You pulled away with a sheepish smile, “I missed two buses.”


     Baekhyun smiled helplessly, “It’s a cold day, isn’t it?” “It’s Christmas. Winter.” You shrugged casually, “But ice-cream would be real good right now.”


     Baekhyun chuckled as he glanced over at the bicycle rental shop. “I already chose one and paid for it. Come on, let’s go.” He pulled you towards the sporty-looking black and red tandem bike at the front of the shop. “You paid already? But I haven’t-” you began. “Let the guy pay, tinkerbell.” Baekhyun smiled cutely.


     He just looked so darn cute with those specs. Geeky cute guy alert.


     You sat on the back seat of the tandem bike while Baekhyun sat in front. “Ready?” he asked as you placed your feet on the pedals. “Kaja!” you smiled excitedly. And the two of you pedalled off.




     “SLOWERRRR!~~” you screamed out of fear yet exhilaration as the bicycle zoomed down the slope. “BUT ISN’T IT FUN?!” Baekhyun laughed loudly. “DO YOU WANT TO KILL US?!” You were laughing as the bicycle reached the end of the slop and did a pretty sharp curve.


     The two of you were neared the outskirts of town, and there wasn’t much people and cars so you two could cycle freely on the road. Along the row of trees, alternate trees had decorations and when the two of you reached where the houses were, the decorations increased, and they were absolutely beautiful.


     “Hey, babe, look.” Baekhyun said as the two of you started pedalling slower as you approached an orphanage which had a huge banner outside looking for volunteers to spend time with the children and play games on Christmas – which was today.


     You blinked and looked at Baekhyun. Smiles slowly formed on your faces. “Let’s have some fun with some children, shall we?” he smiled cheekily. You laughed, “Sounds good.”




     “I want to put the angel at the top!” the little girl exclaimed. “But I want the yellow star!” the little boy beside her protested. “The angel is prettier!” the girl cried out. “I want the star!~” the boy whined loudly.


     Baekhyun stared at them blankly and looked at you, his eyes pleading for help. You bit your lip and smiled as you moved over to the two little kids who were pouting at each other. “Can we put both?” you smiled sweetly. “NO!” they burst in your face.


     Baekhyun stifled a laugh behind you as you twitched your nose and threw him a quick glare. The other two volunteers – a kind-looking elderly couple, made their way towards the two kids slowly.


      The old lady picked up an ornament from the plastic bo

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Chapter 10: OMG, LuHan!!! *Melts*
Chapter 15: Forever Tinkerbell!
Chapter 10: I love it! Thanks! Look forward to your Christmas present! Santa baekkie<3
Chapter 2: oh my goodness you made Kris here so cute:3
Chapter 1: my Suho feels <3
Update soon .. =)