IX - Never assume unless otherwise stated

Kings of Anything

Title: Kings of Anything
Genre: Comedy (?), Fluff, Romance, Drama
Character/s: Super Junior x OC
No. of Chapters: 9/?


(Chapter focus: Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook and Henry)


Never assume unless otherwise stated


September 26, 20xx, Thursday



“I know I am handsome, but you don’t have to stare at me, dude.” As soon as I entered our condominium unit, Eunhyuk stopped in his tracks and stared at me with a what-the- kind of look. What did I do wrong? He is standing right in front of me, staring at me with his mouth agape, holding the spoon with his right hand and his really large phone, Samsung Galaxy Note II. I don’t know why he likes really large phones when he already has that large iPad of his. I prefer small phones like my iPhone. It really comes handy.

I just came back home from one of my photo shoots for Cosmopolitan magazine. What can I do, I am on the list of our agency’s in-demand models mainly because: a. I am good-looking and no one can deny that fact; b. my poses are natural, they don’t look forced or scripted; c. I am easy to work with (they said it themselves) and d. I am good-looking. I am one of the top-paid models in our agency, and even fashion designers want me for their runway show, even though I am not as tall as the others. I am not being arrogant or anything, I just know that I am awesome.

“Go away, Hyukjae.” I threw my pouch at him but he managed to catch it. So much for being overly-amazed with my handsomeness, Hyuk.

“Why on earth are you wearing floral pants, Lee Sungmin?” Eunhyuk asked me, finally recovering from the shock that he got after he saw my handsome face. He stressed on every word of the sentence.

“Because I’m awesome.” I smirked as I walked pass him and patted his shoulder. What can I do? I look good with anything that I wear. These floral pants were given to me as a gift last Christmas by one of the fashion designers that I worked with, and I know that I would look good in it. I am Lee Sungmin for Pete’s sake, the most awesome Korean person living in the Philippines. {Sungmin's outfit}

I placed my black duffel bag on the sofa and headed straight to the kitchen to look for some food. I am really hungry since my last meal was during lunch and it’s almost nine in the evening right now. “What’s for dinner?”

“Ryeong is studying for an exam and he’s too lazy to cook so we decided to order pizza.” Eunhyuk sat down on his place once again and placed his cup of coffee on the table before wearing his reading glasses once again. His eyesight is good; I just don’t know why he loves to wear those glasses. According to what Ryeowook said, Eunhyuk works better when wearing those useless glasses of his. He opened his laptop once again and started working with where he left off before I arrived.

“Oh.” I nodded slowly and checked the plate of pizza covered with a bowl on the counter. I took a slice and ate. “Greenwich?”

Eunhyuk nodded, his eyes focused his laptop. He suddenly opened his mouth as he looked at me, asking for a bite. I rolled my eyes in amusement and walked towards him to feed him. He mumbled some words that I wasn’t able to understand and chewed his food. Mm. I guess he’s working on a new project once again.

“New project?” I asked as I munched on the slice of pizza that I was holding. I really like the bits of pineapple on the pizza.

“Mm.” Eunhyuk nodded. “It’s really tiring, you know? The owner has so many demands, it’s almost impossible to meet. I had been working on this project for almost a week, but still, I wasn’t able to meet his expectations. It’s the third time that I am revising this fxxking proposal.” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t even know if I can finish this overnight. It’s due tomorrow.”

I patted his shoulder. “You can do it, Hyuk. I know you can.”  I sat down beside him after getting another slice of pizza before getting my phone from my pocket. “Anyways, how was the girl that you have been talking about the other week? What was her name again? Jenny?”

“It’s Jeremie.” Eunhyuk corrected, his eyes still fixed on his laptop.

“Ooh. Jeremie.” I nodded and took another bite of my pizza. “How’s she?”

“I met her the other day when Sasha dragged me to Benilde.

“Sasha?” I asked him in an amused tone. Eunhyuk always talk about how Sasha makes his life harder than it already is. If only Eunhyuk didn’t sign that contract with them, he’ll be able to leave easily and not suffer in Sasha’s company. I don’t know what I would do if I was in his situation. “It to be you, dude.”

“I know.” Eunhyuk sighed as he stretched his arms.

“What happened in Benilde?” Eunhyuk told me about the happenings in Benilde and how he ended up treating Henry, Jeremie and the other guy whose name I don’t know some coffee and snacks in Starbucks. Jeremie and the other guy whose name I don’t know called him ‘charger’ because of the incident the night before, and I burst out laughing after hearing the whole story about the charger thing.

“Dude, that is freaking hilarious.” I laughed as I looked at him, clearly seeing in my mind how his face looked like that night. “I can’t imagine Ryeong watching that thing with you.”

“He’s still a man, Sungmin. You can’t deny the fact that he should watch those things once in a while.” Eunhyuk grinned.

“I kn—”

“Are you talking about me?” Ryeowook suddenly appeared from the hallway, holding a book in his hand. He adjusted his glasses as he walked towards where Eunhyuk and I are seated. He suddenly eyes my pants and grinned. “Nice pants, hyung.”

“I know.” I gave him a curt nod and grinned. Ryeowook just shook his head as he laughed before taking the seat across Eunhyuk.

“He’s too gay, isn’t he?” Eunhyuk said as he tapped Ryeowook’s arm.

Ryeowook nodded with a grin. “What were you talking about before I arrived?”

“The charger incident the other night.” I wiggled my eyebrows as I looked at him. “I can’t believe that you watched that thing with Eunhyuk.”

“I’m still a man, hyung.” Ryeowook chuckled softly as he looked at me. “And besides, it isn’t . It’s just a.. an film, I guess?”

I never thought that Ryeowook would react that way if I confronted him about watching an film with Eunhyuk. A few years ago, when he was still in high school, he’d blush or stop talking whenever we talk about things like this. He was finally over with that phase of his life and I am happy about it. He matured— a little. “If you insist.” I shrugged playfully and gave him a small smile.

“And why are you wearing those pants?” Ryeowook eyed my pants and chuckled. I guess my pants are distracting him, eh?

“I’m awesome you wish you’re just like me.” I smirked.

“You’re stealing Kyuhyun’s line!” Ryeowook said as he got a slice of pizza.

“I taught him that!” I scratched my head. Really? It’s my line, not Kyuhyun’s! “He just used it more than I did.”

“I suddenly missed Kyuhyun and Kibum.” Eunhyuk suddenly said out of the blue as he tapped on the table.

“We’ll see them next week. We’re going to Baguio, right?” I said as I stood up. I walked towards the refrigerator to get a cold bottle of water. “Are you coming, too, Ryeong?”

“I still have classes until the 11th.” Ryeowool stood up as well and walked towards the refrigerator. He took out two packs of Hershey’s Kisses from the freezer and a small carton of milk.

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him. “What’s the chocolate for?”

“To help me remember what I reviewed.” He grinned as he opened the pack of Hershey’s Kisses with a pair of scissors.

“Gimme some.” Ryeowook gave me three pieces and grinned.

“Hey guys, look at this.” Eunhyuk said, pointing at the screen of his laptop.

I unwrapped the chocolate as I walked towards him. “Why? What is it?”

“?” Ryeowook asked curiously as he looked at Eunhyuk.

 Eunhyuk looked at Ryeowook with a straight face. “Do I look like I watch all the time that all that I’m going to talk about my whole life is ?”

Ryeowook shrugged playfully. “Maybe.” Eunhyuk gritted his teeth and threatened to hit Ryeowook’s arm, but the he just laughed. “I was just kidding!”

“But still, half-true.” I winked at Ryeowook, only to earn a glare from Eunhyuk.

“Stop messing with me and just look at it.” Eunhyuk turned his laptop so that the two of us can see.

Kyuhyun Cho was tagged in Louise Perez’s picture.
Movie date kuno with panget. Wintermelon milk tea + 7 11’s hotdog sandwich is the best lalo na pag libre. Wahahaha
{Insert picture of Kyuhyun and a girl with a mask}


{Wintermelon milk tea + 7 11’s hotdog sandwich is the best lalo na pag libre. Wahahaha - especially if  it's for free}
{A/N: I can't find the picture.. OTL}

“Kyuhyun has a girlfriend?!” My eyes widened as I chewed on the chocolate. “And he didn’t even tell me?” How on earth did this person get a girlfriend? What kind of spell did he use to get that girl? AND HE DIDN’T EVEN TELL ME?!

“Why would he tell you?” Eunhyuk asked, laughing. “He knows that you’re going to tell everyone once he tells you.”

“When have I told anyone his secrets?” I asked in an irritated tone as I unwrapped another chocolate. Kyuhyun and I are really close. Among the group, we are the ones who always stay together. He always tells me everything first before telling the others. At first, Kyuhyun wasn’t in good terms with the others because of his smart mouth, but I was one of the few people (besides Donghae and Ryeowook) who first made friends with him despite his disrespectful attitude. It turns out that he was just trying to gain our attention and test us to see who will still stay with him despite his attitude.

“I can’t see the girl’s face clearly.” Ryeowook said as he looked at the picture. “Why is she wearing a mask?”

“Maybe because she has lots and lots of pimples.” I scoffed.

“Aigoo..” Ryeowook shook his head as he chuckled softly. “Maybe it isn’t like that. Don’t talk about her like that. You’re just jealous that she’s the one with Kyuhyun right now.” Ryeowook grinned as he looked at me. What’s the meaning of that look?

“You sound like you’re talking to a jealous best friend who’s in love with the best friend, Ryeong.” Eunhyuk grinned as he got his phone from his pocket.

“I’m not in-love with Kyuhyun.” I crossed my arms and threw the ball of chocolate wrappers at Eunhyuk who is busy texting. Don’t get me wrong— I am not in love with Kyuhyun. I am just used to be the first person to know everything— besides his family, of course. I know that I sound gay but what can I do? I just value our friendship that much. Eunhyuk glared at me, but I didn’t mind him. I just laughed and stuck my tongue out at him.

“But the jealous part is true.” Ryeowook grinned, his eyes still focused on Eunhyuk’s laptop screen. Since when did he start using his laptop? He was laughing silently to himself because of an unknown reason.

I just shrugged. “Maybe.”

“You’re so gay, Sungmin.” Eunhyuk looked up from his cellphone screen to me and grinned. In return, I just made faces at him and threw another ball of chocolate wrappers at him, which he managed to catch. He glared at me and threw them back at me, which made me laugh. “Do I look like a garbage can to you?!”

I shrugged playfully and grinned. “I don’t know. Maybe?”

“Aish!” Eunhyuk hit my arm with his large phone. “You’re such a m—”

“HAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAAA!” Eunhyuk was cut off with Ryeowook’s loud laugh,that he almost fell down from his seat if he wasn’t able to hold onto his chair.

Eunhyuk and I were dumbfounded as we looked at Ryeowook who looked like he was about die due to lack of oxygen because of too much laughing. He was busy laughing while the two of us stared at him from head to toe. Just what is he looking at that made him laugh like that?

“What on earth are you laughing at?” I blinked as I watched Ryeowook calm his self down after too much laughing.

“L-look at this,” Ryeowook pointed at the screen and wiped the tears of happiness that were formed at the corner of his eyes. He gestured for me to come closer and I did. “This is really funny.” He stressed each word that he said.

“What is it?” I took a look at the screen and after seeing the cause of Ryeowook’s laughter, I laughed hard as well.

Eunhyuk, being the curious cat that he is, looked at the screen as well, only to find out the he was the lead star of the laughing fit. From the corner of my eyes, I saw his face slowly turn red after seeing the picture. It was taken five years or more ago, I think, but I’m not really sure. I think it was taken when we were in high school.

“Y-you look really different!” I held my stomach as I laughed, even falling over from my seat and onto the floor, while Ryeowook looked like he was having a hard time breathing due to too much laughter. {Eunhyuk's Picture ; isn't he cute? huehue}

“YAH, KIM RYEOWOOK! WHY DID YOU LOOK THROUGH MY OLD PICTURES?!” Eunhyuk asked, looking agitated.

“I-I’m sorry, hyung,” Ryeowook said as soon as he stopped laughing. “I was just looking for something to do since I got bored.”

“Aish!” Eunhyuk scratched his head out of irritation.

“Don’t worry, Hyuk.” I said as I patted Eunhyuk’s shoulder. “We all had that phase of our lives, it just happened that yours was a lot funnier than ours.”

“Aish! Just check her profile so that you’ll have something to do!” Eunhyuk said.

“Okay, okay!” Ryeowook clicked on her profile.


Louise Perez

Studies at University of the Philippines Baguio
Lives in Baguio City
From Malolos, Bulacan

2 Mutual Friends
Kyuhyun Cho
Kibum Kim


“She’s from Bulacan as well?” Ryeowook looked at Eunhyuk and he just shrugged. He tried to look at the profile pictures but it was set on private, even the posts on the wall are set as private. “I can’t see anything on her profile. All of it’s in private.”

“Instead of stalking her, why not ask Kibum?” Eunhyuk suggested as he got a piece of kisses and unwrapped it.

“Hyung, gimme your phone.” Ryeowook laid his hand out as he looked at Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk blinked as he looked at Ryeowook. “Why?”

“Because I don’t have enough prepaid load to call.”

“Just text Kibum!” Eunhyuk held his phone tightly to himself. “I’m going to suffer in paying my bills!”

“It won’t last long, hyung! We’re just going to confirm if Kyuhyun really has a girlfriend!”

“Isn’t that picture enough as a proof?”

“It’s best if we ask Kyuhyun directly. We all know that Kibum always leaves his phone in his room when he’s at home.”

“But still! My bill!”

“What’s the commotion about?” Henry walked towards the dining table while rubbing his eyes. He still has the messy bed hair and it is obvious that he just woke up, maybe because of the noise that the two are creating.

“They’re fighting because they think that Kyuhyun already has a girlfriend.” I said while I played with my phone in my hands. I looked up and saw Henry yawning before as he sat down across me. “Were you asleep?”

“Mm.” Henry nodded slowly as he rubbed his eyes. “I woke up because of these two.” He pointed at Ryeong and Eunhyuk.

“Are we that loud?” Ryeowook asked as he popped a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

Henry nodded and stood up. He jumped on the couch and lied down. “What are the two of you talking about?”

“Kyuhyun has a girlfriend already.”

“Really?” Henry asked with no trace of interest in his voice because he still feels sleepy. This kid had been busy with some musical work since he’s always inside his studio and only goes out when he needs to eat or do his business in the bathroom. He reached for the pillow on the couch and hugged it tightly.

“I just said that.” I said with a pout.

“Sorry, I am still half-asleep as of the moment. Please try again later.” Henry said in a tone that’s just like the one that you hear whenever someone you are calling isn’t picking up, as he covered his face with the pillow. I just shook my head in amusement as I chuckled before focusing my attention on my phone once again.

Ryeowook chuckled. “We’re sorry if we woke you up. Just go back to sleep if you want to.”

“I’ll go back to sleep when the three of you are asleep as well so that I can sleep peacefully.”

“Back to business.” Eunhyuk stared at his laptop screen once again, focusing his eyes on the photo of the girl displayed on the screen. “Are you really sure that she is Kyuhyun’s girlfriend?”

“Why don’t you ask him?” Henry said.

“Hyung’s debating whether to ask him or not.” Ryeowook said.

“Then ask him so that you’ll know the answer. It isn’t that hard.” Henry said in a matter-of-factly tone.

“But it’s a li—”

“Hello? Kibum?”All three of them turned to look at me. What can I do when all of them are attracted by my ever-so-y voice? Ha.

“Who’s this?” Kibum asked in a somnolent voice and it is obvious that he woke up because of my call. Sorry not sorry, Kibum.  We need to know if that evil maknae has a girl already. “Sungmin, is that you?”

“Yes, it’s Sungmin. Did I wake you up?”

“What do you think?” He chuckled in a low and husky voice. I suddenly missed hanging out with Kyuhyun and Kibum.

I nodded and chuckled softly. “Sorry. I just want to ask you something.”

“Put it on loudspeaker!” Ryeowook said.

I rolled my eyes and pressed the ‘speaker’ button on my phone before placing it on the table. I never knew that these men love gossip. “Go, ask him.”

“What is it, hyung?” Kibum asked and yawned. “Make it quick, I’m sleepy already.”

“Kibum!” Ryeowook called.

“Oh, hey Ryeong. What’s up?”

“Who’s Kyuhyun’s girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend? Kyuhyun has a girlfriend?”

“You didn’t know?” Ryeowook raised an eyebrow and turned to look at me, then at Eunhyuk then at Henry who’s resting his chin on the couch. “Check his facebook.”

“I’m too lazy to open my laptop. How did you know that he has one? I didn’t know.”

“His girlfriend uploaded a photo and tagged him.”

“Really? I’ll go ask Kyuhyun.” Kibum’s footsteps can clearly be heard through the speaker. “Yah, Cho Kyuhyun, who’s your girlfriend?”

“I don’t have one!” we heard Kyuhyun say in the other line.

“Ryeong told me that you have one!”

“What? Where on earth did they get that?” Ryeowook raised an eyebrow after hearing the statement and looked at Eunhyuk who just shrugged. Henry just blinked as he looked at Ryeowook. I guess he’s too sleepy to join the commotion about Kyuhyun’s ‘girlfriend’.

“In your facebook!”

“My facebook account?”

“Aish, talk to them. I’m sleepy. It’s freaking ten o’clock in the evening! Just place my phone back on the desk.”

“Hello?” It was Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun, it’s me, Sungmin.” I said with a smile.

“Oh, Sungmin. I missed you.” Kyuhyun’s chuckle can clearly be heard from the other line. “What was that? What was Kibum talking about?”

“You see, these guys in here,” I turned to look at Ryeowook and Eunhyuk. “They assumed that you have a girlfriend.”

“I don’t have one.”

I looked at Ryeowook and grinned. “See? He said he doesn’t have one. Your minds are so creative.”

“Where on earth did you get that ?” Kyuhyun asked in an amused tone. “I am still y, free and single.”

“You’re not y!” Eunhyuk commented, trying to contain his laughter after hearing Kyuhyun’s statement.

“Who’s Louise Perez, then?” Ryeowook asked. “And what’s the date she was talking about? She tagged you in a photo with a caption, ‘movie date thingy’.”

Kyuhyun’s loud laugh can clearly be heard from the other line. The four of us who are waiting for an answer were left dumbfounded by Kyuhyun’s reaction. What is happening?

“Yah, Cho Kyuhyun!” we heard Kibum’s shout from the other line. “Shut up! I am sleepy! Just go somewhere else and don’t stand by my door!”

“S-sorry,” Kyuhyun tried his best to stop laughing. “You thought Kean is my girlfriend?”

“We’re talking about some girl named Louise, Kyuhyun. Who on earth is Kean?” I raised an eyebrow. Ryeowook looked at me with a confused expression, like he was searching for an answer, and I just shrugged since I don’t know the answer myself. “Don’t tell me.. you have two girlfriends? Oh my gosh, Kyuhyun! I never thought that you’re like Sungm—” I glared at him before he even finished. I don’t do girlfriends; I play with girls. Ryeowook gave me an awkward smile before looking away. “Nah, nevermind.”

“Kean and Louise are the same person. She’s Kean Louise Perez.” Kyuhyun chuckled. “Don’t lecture me about relationships; it’s not in my to-do-list yet.”

‘Oh’ was all that the three of us (Eunhyuk, Ryeowook and I) were able to say.

“And you assumed that we were together because of the picture that you saw?”

“They did.” I said. I’m not guilty, I’m innocent this time.

“Kean, is my best friend. She’s m—”

“Then what am I then?!” If she’s his best friend, what does that make me? WHUT.

“She’s my girl best friend.” Kyuhyun emphasized the word ‘girl’. “Are you happy now, Sungmin?”

“No.” Still not convinced. Tsk. You’re breaking my heart, Kyuhyun. How can you do this to me?

“She’s my best friend here, you’re my best friend everywhere. Happy?”

“Yes.” I guess that would do. I grinned and turned to look at Ryeowook and Eunhyuk.  “See? She’s not his girlfriend. You just over think and assume things with not enough evidence.”

“At the moment,” Henry suddenly said. “You sound like a jealous best friend who is secretly in love with the best friend.”

“Shut up, Henry.” I grimaced and glared at Ryeowook and Eunhyuk who are laughing at the moment. I’ve had enough of the jealous-best-friend-who-is-secretly-in-love-with-the-best-friend statement. I’m not gay, okay? I know I am fabulous but Lee Sungmin is not gay.

“Is that all that you want to know?” Kyuhyun asked. “Is that the only reason why you bothered Kibum? You disturbed his sleep, you know. He wasn’t able to sleep well in the past days because of the paper he’s been working on and when he had the time to sleep, you wake him up and ask him if I have a girlfriend. You should’ve called me instead of him.”

“Sorry,” I said. Oopsieeee. . .“Tell him we’re sorry.”

“That’s right. Tell him we’re sorry.” Ryeowook said as he munched on his chocolates.

“I will, and don’t worry about it. He won’t be mad. I was just messing with all of you.” Kyuhyun laughed. “I’ll hang up, I still need to study.”

Himala, you’re studying!” I told him. It’s a miracle! Cho Kyuhyun is studying! I should go to Quiapo or Baclaran to pray.

“Next week is our finals. I need to get good grades, you know. I can’t earn money with just my looks.”

“Shut up!” Eunhyuk laughed.

“Anything else?” Kyuhyun asked. “I will really hang up now.”

“Oh, we’re going there on the 10th.” I added. Leeteuk and Kangin planned this together and I just joined in and spread the word to the others. The more the merrier, right?

“On the 10th? Why?” Kyuhyun asked curiously.

“Vacation. It’s too hot here in Manila and in Bulacan. And also, to bother the two of you on your finals.” I smirked and Eunhyuk just shook his head in amusement.

“Nice idea.” Kyuhyun said in a sarcastic tone. “I’m lucky to have my last exam on the 10th. Who else are coming besides you?”

“Leeteuk, Hangeng, Zhoumi, Kangin, Shindong, Heechul, Donghae and Aiden are sure. I still don’t know about the others.” I turned to look at Henry. “What about you?”

“I have classes. Tri-sem, remember?” Henry lied down on the couch again and closed his eyes. I guess he’s really tired.


“I’ll check my schedule.” Eunhyuk smiled and went back to what he was working on his laptop. “I’ll try to cancel all of the schedules that I have for that weekend.”

“What about you, Ryeong?”

“I still have classes until the 11th.” Ryeowook sighed and tapped his fingers on the table.

“What about Siwon?” Kyuhyun asked. “I missed teasing him.”

“He can’t go. He’s working.”

“Oh. How unfortunate. When are we going home? It’s Yesung’s restaurant’s opening on the 13th.”

“We’ll be going home on the 12th.”

“Okay okay. I’ll hang up now. I really need to study. See you next week. Bye!” And the line went dead.

“Are you happy now?” Henry asked in a bored tone without even bothering to look at the others.  He covered his face with the pillow and turned to face the other side.

“So that’s how it is..” Ryeowook nodded slowly as he ate another piece of kisses. “Eunhyuk hyung was the first one to assume.”

“I just showed you the picture.” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and closed the internet browser. “Go to sleep. I still need to finish some things, and the two of you have classes tomorrow.”

“I still need to review.” Ryeowook stood up and gathered his things. “Good night, hyungs.”

“I need to sleeeeeeeep.” Henry lazily got up from the couch while hugging a pillow tightly. He stood up and followed Ryeowook. “Night hyungs.”

“Good night.” Eunhyuk said.

“And I am going outside.” I grinned as I placed my phone back in my pocket before standing up. “I need to freshen up before I sleep.”

“Don’t hit on young girls outside, Sungmin.” Eunhyuk glared at me, and in return, I just shrugged with a playful smile on my face. Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. “I mean it.”

“Yes sir!” I grinned. “I’m just going to get a cup of coffee in Starbucks.”

“Can you buy me one Java Chip Frappuccino?” Eunhyuk asked.

“No. You had one cup of coffee already before I arrived. Too much coffee intake isn’t good for the health.”

Eunhyuk chuckled softly. “Yes, sir.”

“I’ll be going now.” I smiled before leaving, heading towards the door.


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*main character rather c:


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OMG, someone posted this on my wall and I got so curious so here I am!
Super junior is my bae <3 and having them in the Philippines just makes my inner fangirl explode!
Chapter 19: DBSJ~ GAH <333
Lagot si Daddy Kangin. :O
Chapter 2: drunken hyuk reminds me of EHB's laughing hyuk (laughing gas experiment) LOL
Chapter 1: Y am i reading this just now? EunHae phone conversation.... parang gago lang!! hahaha bagay!!! =)))) naimagine ko tuloy. hahahaha
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Chapter 18: I swear, Author-nim, this chapter really got to me. I just keep staring at the screen thinking about it...
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Chapter 18: Oh.my.goodness...
I had on the biggest grin while reading this and then I got to the end...
Author-nim, I'm not a crier. I never have been. But you made me actually gasp in shock out loud. So sad... If I was a crier, I know I would have been doing that...
Author-nim, I love the way you write! Keep up the good work! Hwaiting!
Chapter 18: Aww, what happen to Mika? saktong sakto, nakikinig ako ng Lonely by B1A4 habang binabasa ko to. Galing mo talagaaaa ;A;
Chapter 17: im so kinikilig :">
EeteuksAngel #9
Chapter 17: Nice chapter, Author-nim (once again ^^ )!

Ya! Siwon! Don't you dare say that it's a girl's job to cook again! xD
(I could never date a guy that said that or anyone who said I couldn't use the phone in front of them since I hardly ever do so. :P )
EeteuksAngel #10
Chapter 16: Thanks for the new chapter, Author-nim! Hwaiting!