XVIII - The future isn't always what we imagined it to be

Kings of Anything

Title: Kings of Anything
Genre: Comedy (?), Fluff, Romance, Drama
Character/s: Super Junior x OC
No. of Chapters: 18/?



The future isn’t always what we imagined it to be




“I just wanted to hear your voice before I sleep.”

“Mika,” I chuckled softly and shook my head in amusement as I stared at her smiling picture which is right across me, placed on my office desk. It makes me feel like she’s here with me as well. It helps me get through the lonely nights here at the bar. “It’s late. It’s already midnight. You should be sleeping.”

“Aww, are you pushing me away, dear?” I can clearly hear her laughter from the other side of the line.

“Yes, because I don’t want you to get sick. You just finished your shift at that firm of yours and I don’t want you to not sleep because of me.”

“Aww, should I be touched?” I can imagine how she looked like at the moment; she’s wearing that goofy grin on her face, and if I were standing right in front of her, she’d be looking at me like I was someone guilty for taking away her candy and she just found out— but in a playful way. I’ve known her for so long— for almost half of my life that’s why I practically know every possible reaction that she’d give me whenever I say something.

“Mika,” I just laughed, knowing that I don’t have a chance in winning this argument. She always won, just like what she said. But this time, it was different.

“Okay, okay. I’ll sleep, but only if you would sing me a lullaby.”

“A lullaby? Out of the blue?”

“You know that I love your voice, dear. It’s the thing that I loved the most about you.”

“My voice? Honestly?”

“Honestly?” She chuckled. “Do you want me to be honest or do I need to sugar-coat them?”

“I choose the latter.”

“I let you court me that time because of your voice. You’re really good.”

I raised an eyebrow. “That didn’t sound nice. What’s the honest one?”

“If it wasn’t because of your voice, you would never have even a single chance of earning a yes from me, or even a chance for me to say yes when you asked me if you could court me. So basically, thank your beautiful voice.”

“Are you saying that I am ugly?”

“I never said that. I was just saying that your voice is awesome, and I love it. Just like how I love turtles.”

“I am a turtle.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I am your turtle.”

“In your dreams. Now, sing me a lullaby.”

 “A lullaby? What are you, a baby?” I joked as I checked some documents placed on top of my table.

“Mm. I’m your baby.” She giggled, and it was the one that I loved the most.

“One moment you’re dissing me and my looks, now you’re acting all cutesy and stuff. I really can’t understand your mood swings.” I chuckled.

“You don’t need to understand me, you just have to appreciate me.”

“Mm. Okay then. I’ll sing you a lullaby. But promise me, you’ll go to sleep?”

“Yes, sir! Your wish is my command.”

“Okay. I love you.” I smiled.


I raised an eyebrow. “Thanks? Is that even an answer?”

 “Oh, am I supposed to answer? Were you asking me a question?”

“Mika..”  If she was right in front of me, I’d be glaring at her right now.

She laughed. “I was kidding. I love you most, more than you can ever imagine.”

“I know. I just wanted to hear it from you. Now go to sleep.”

“My lullaby!”

“Yeah, yeah. Here it goes…”


October 13, 20xx


“Hyung, wake up.”

“I’m awake now, thanks.” I turned to face my brother and gave him a sleepy smile as I sat up on my bed. I ran my fingers through my messy bed hair and rubbed my eyes as I yawned, trying to make myself feel more awake than I am at the moment.

“Today’s the big day, hyung. Eat up.” Jongjin said with a smile and patted my shoulder. He looked like he just got home from his shift at the hospital, he’s still wearing his uniform; he’s an intern at UST’s hospital. He’s on his third year as a med student. He’s doing a good job, I can tell. I am really proud of my younger brother.

I nodded and fixed my messy bed hair with my fingers. With this bed hair, my head would look bigger, just like what Kyuhyun usually say. That’s what he used to tease me about— my head and my hair. He said that my head looks big, but what he doesn’t know is that only my hair made it bigger. “I will. Thanks. Go wash up.” I stood up and patted his shoulder.

I can tell that he’s really tired because of the dark bags under his eyes, but he still managed to give me a smile. “I will, hyung. But I’ll sleep first since I’m up all night. That isn’t good for the health, you know. You should go down and eat breakfast. Mom prepared a feast down there.”

“She’s really excited about the opening of the restaurant, eh?” I shook my head in amusement as I chuckled softly. Today is the opening of the restaurant and cafe that I had been dreaming of, and I am excited, it’s just not that obvious. As you can see, my mom is the one who’s more ecstatic about it. I can’t really blame her, since I told her that I’d let her run it since she knows how to cook well and bake well. I’m still asking Siwon’s mom if she would like to be partners with my mom because she’s a great pastry chef as well. Siwon said he’d be talking to his mom about it this week.

I did my morning routines in a hurry because Jongjin said that my mom was waiting for me. Maybe I’ll just take a shower later, I still need to eat the feast that my mom prepared for us.

“Congratulations, darling!” My mom said and welcomed me with a hug as soon as I reached the edge of the stairs. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thanks, mom.” I smiled and hugged her back tightly. With her hug, all of the nervousness that I have for the opening tonight went away, just like that.

“I feel so ignored.” Jongjin said with his arms crossed, as he stood behind my mom. He looked at me with a smile and winked. “That hurts, mom.”

My mom let go of me and looked at Jongjin. “Aww, of course I am proud of you, too, Jin. You’re my future doctor. I am so proud of you.” She gave Jongjin a tight hug as well and pulled the two of us to the kitchen.



“Sir, is this all that we need for the opening tonight?” Jen asked as she walked towards me, holding the clipboard with the checklist of the things that we needed for the opening of the restaurant. Today’s the big day, just like what Jongjin said earlier this morning. It’s the opening of the restaurant that I have been planning ever since I was in college. Before, it was just on the single piece of paper, but at this very moment, that dream came true.

Mika, my fiancée, made the plan for this place years ago. This is the kind of place that we have been dreaming of ever since we were in college, along with the plans for our future family and other stuffs. This looks exactly like what we imagined it to be, and I’m glad that it was made that way. I can’t get any more excited for the opening tonight. I’m hoping for the best, that this place would be a blast soon.

“Stop that, Jongwoon Kim!” She laughed as she threw the balls of paper at me. She held her large sketchbook in her arms and stuck her tongue out. “That was so mean of you! I told you, you can’t take a peek not unless I am done!”

“But Mika,” I playfully pouted as I looked at her. “I am dying out of curiosity here. And you’re not even paying attention to me anymore! This was supposed to be a date, not some day for you and that sketchbook of yours.”

She ignored me and continued to draw something that I don’t know on that sketchbook of hers. Am I supposed to get jealous of an object like that?

“Mika, I am getting jealous of that inanimate object.”

“Inanimate? Wow. I never thought that you knew that word, Yesung.” She chuckled as she took a peek at me, and then focused her eyes back on that sketchbook of hers. “One year in college really made a great contribution to your vocabulary.”

“I am insulted, Mika.”

“I was kidding, baby.”

“Now you’re calling me baby.”

“Why, don’t you like it when I do that?”

“This is, in fact, the fifth time that you’ve called me that in our three years of being together. Am I supposed to feel that something is off?”

“Stop doubting my undying love for you. You know that I’m not the kind of person who is up for some weird and cheesy stuff.”

“Can’t you get a little cheesy, even just for one day?”

“Yada.” (No.)


“I’m sorry. I’ve got no romantic bone. Maybe my parents ran out of romantic genes to pass on to me. Blame them.”

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “How can you do that?”

“Do what?”                                                                                                                                

“Make me fall in love with you over and over again?”

She looked at me and frowned. “Shut up.”

I laughed and shook my head in amusement. It really is effective to shut her up. “But seriously, how do you do that?”

“Do what?!”

“You’re doing it right now.”

“Doing what, just get straight to the point!”

“Drawing and talking, even without looking at me.”

“Do I need to look at you when I draw?”

“You look really cute when you’re sarcastic.”

“And that sounded sarcastic.”

“I love you, Mika.”

“And I, the same.”

“Can’t you say it in front of me?”

She chuckled and looked at me. “I love you so much.” I smiled after hearing what she said. She doesn’t really like to say that phrase to me since she’s Japanese— and we all know that those words are precious for them. They even have assigned phrases that meant I love you for friends, for someone that you like and for someone that you would want to spend your life with. How I wish everyone treats that phrase very special..

“I’m done!” She grinned as she placed her red color pencil on the table.

“FINALLY.” I sighed in relief. I am used to this, since I already know that she loves to draw. Her list of priorities are: 1.) God, 2.) Family, 3.) Studies + Drawing 4.) Friends (yes, friends over boys, since she said that we could break up, which I am wishing not to happen, and her friends would always be there for her even if I break up with her or not, and I understood what she meant.) and last but not the least, 5.) Me. Her handsome boyfriend. Yes, I am in the bottom but I couldn’t care less. I know that she loves me even though she isn’t that expressive, even if she talks to her sketchpad more than me, even if we study in different schools and talk to a lot of people everyday. Her presence gives me the assurance that this isn’t just something that would pass. Something’s telling me that she’s the one.

“Here, look at this.” She gave me the sketchpad and smiled as she watched me look at the drawing.  It is a sketch of a restaurant, ‘Barioishii’ it says, although I don’t really know the meaning of that. It looked simple, the walls and the interior a mix of her favourite colors: red, brown and cream. There were some details below which says:

*Japanese-Korean-Filipino Restaurant. Isn’t it great?

* Yeye is the manager. I’ll be in charge of the kitchen. Yaaaaaay.

* Ten years from now, this would be reality. Of course, Jongwoon and I would still be intact. We’ll be together forever. (Yuck, ang bakla.) {Ang bakla - So gay}

I laughed at her notes. Her imagination is running wild again. “Do you want this to happen in the future?”

She nodded with a wide smile. “I’m going to study again after finishing Architecture. I want to improve my cooking skills and make that dream come true.”

“We’ll make it happen, baby.” I held her hand and placed soft kisses on her fingers. “Just trust me.”


“Here goes the finishing touches and then we’re done. Is this what you want, sir?” Jen asked as she placed the last copy of the menu on the table by the window.

I nodded and smiled at her. “Thanks, Jen. Couldn’t have done this without your help.” I patted her back.

She smiled and nodded at me. “Anytime, sir. I’m just doing my job.”

“Well, you’re good at it.”

“I’ll go check the kitchen, sir. I know that you want everything perfect for the opening tonight.”

“Thanks.” I nodded and headed outside to check if the sign was placed properly. It looked good, actually.


Authentic Japanese Cuisine with a dash of Filipino and Korean Flavours


As of now, everything is going as planned. Mika would be really happy to see this.

Mika and I met when we were in high school. She’s a schoolmate of ours in that international school where I met the other guys as well. At first, I never thought I’d like her— she was loud and weird and crazy. We’re the total opposites, but you never really know what would happen. It just struck me like lightning one day when I saw her, and bam. I fell for her.


“Please accept these roses, Mika.” I looked down as I offered her a bouquet of roses. “It’s a mix of red, white and pink since I don’t know which one you like.”

My friends stood behind me, silently laughing as they watch me make a move on the girl that I like. They have been cheering me on to pursue her, and when I did, all that they did was laugh at my ‘cheesiness’. They’re my friends, ladies and gentlemen. They are very supportive.

I didn’t bother to look at her. I just stopped her in the middle of the hallway and stood in front of her while holding the bouquet of roses that I bought using my five-month-savings.

“Who are you?” she asked and I looked at her.

I bowed at her, ninety degrees. “I am Kim Jongwoon. I am from Class C.”

“And why are you giving me roses?”

“Because I like you, Mika Takagawa from Class A.”

She blinked and raised an eyebrow. “For your information, I don’t like roses. I am allergic to flowers.” With that, she walked away, leaving me there, the laughing stock of my friends.

“Told ‘ya she’s allergic to flowers.” Kangin said and patted my shoulder, laughing.


She did reject me at my first attempt, but I never gave up.


“Stop following me!” She said in an irritated tone as she ran away from me. It’s our lunch break and I have been following her ever since she went out of their room— she has been running away from me back then.

I didn’t stop trying to woo her. It have been a month after the roses incident in the hallway, and ever since then, I have been thinking of other ways on how to win her. I really like her, and I’ll be really happy if she likes me back.

“Mika, please. I didn’t bring real flowers this time!” I followed her and gestured for Donghae to follow me. He’s my apprentice this time. I know this is going to work.

“I rejected you already. Stop following me, you’re creeping me out!”

“Please,” I ran faster and stood in front of her to stop her from leaving. I blocked every way that she can escape in, and Donghae stood behind me, with the funny but persuasive face of his.

“How many times am I going to tell you that I don’t like you? I don’t have time for you?”

“Please, listen to me.” I begged. “Just this one time.”

“Yes, listen to him.” Donghae winced in pain when I nudged his stomach with my elbow.

“If this won’t work, you won’t see me ever again. I’ll stop following you. I’ll make sure that you won’t see me around anymore if I irritate you that much.”

She blinked and crossed her arms. “I’m not interested. I am hungry.” She shoved my arm away and walked towards the school canteen. I know this is going to work. Please, help me..

‘If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fits yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?’

She stopped, but she didn’t look at me.

‘Mika likes to listen to music.’ Kangin told me two days ago. She’s quite close to Mika since they were classmates in elementary school. ‘Serenade her. That might help. But I am not sure.’

That’s why I listened to his suggestion. I brought Donghae with me, with a guitar in hand.


‘I’ll never know what the future brings
But I know you’re here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you’re the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?


She just stood there, listening. But she didn’t bother to look at me.


If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound on my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away but I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through and I hope you’re the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life


I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?


I was slowly loosing hope since it looked like she was just listening out of respect. I don’t care. This would be the last, I would stop if it’s what she wants.


‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?


I sighed and placed my hands inside my pocket. “Thank you for listening.” I turned my back and Donghae patted me as we walked. Maybe it won’t work all the time.

“Hyung, it’s okay. There are so many girls in here, those who would swoon over your voice. I’d make sure that I’ll be better with the guitar by that time so that she won’t reject you anymore.”

I just nodded. I’m not in the mood to talk. I just want to go home and ma— “OWW!” Someone threw a ball of crumpled paper at me, and boy, it hurts. I looked behind me and saw Mika, who was walking away from me. I sighed.

“What was that hyung?” he picked up the ball of paper and handed it to me, looking extremely curious.

I opened the piece of paper and what was written on it made my heart jump.

Sorry for rejecting you before.
I’ll make it up to you, I promise.
Call me. I’ll be waiting.
Mika Takagawa, Class A :)

I looked at her with a grin and heard her laughter as she went inside the school’s canteen.



I smiled as I remembered those memories. High school really made way for such love to happen, and I am really glad that I have her.

I went inside to check everything, and thanks to my assistant, Jen, everything’s in order. I looked at my wrist watch and it’s only three in the afternoon. I still have two hours before the opening.

Since everything is settled in the restaurant, maybe it’s time for me to see her, mm?



I fixed my hair as I got out of my car. I don’t want to look bad when she sees me. She might scold me for not paying attention to how I look, or if I look like an alien because of my hair. It’s been long since I last saw her; I have been busy with the restaurant that she wanted. I brought some flowers for her— of course I brought the fake ones since she’s allergic to the real ones. Tulips, her favourite. She’d be really happy to see me, I am one hundred percent sure of that.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier. Don’t be mad at me, okay? I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” I took out the bouquet of fake Tulips from my back. “I brought your favourite. I hope you like it.”

I placed the flowers right in front of her tomb and wiped the dried leaves that covered her name. I smiled and sat down on the grass.

Mika Salviejo Takagawa
19xx – 20xx

“Your restaurant is real now,” I smiled as tears formed on the corner of my eyes.  “You’re happy, right?” I know that she wouldn’t answer, but I want to talk to her. “I told you to trust me, and I did make it come true. I did make it happen.” I chuckled softly. “I know you’re happy. I am happy for you.”

“I-I really wish that y-you’re here with me, M-mika.” I looked down as tears started to fall. “I miss you so much.”


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*main character rather c:


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OMG, someone posted this on my wall and I got so curious so here I am!
Super junior is my bae <3 and having them in the Philippines just makes my inner fangirl explode!
Chapter 19: DBSJ~ GAH <333
Lagot si Daddy Kangin. :O
Chapter 2: drunken hyuk reminds me of EHB's laughing hyuk (laughing gas experiment) LOL
Chapter 1: Y am i reading this just now? EunHae phone conversation.... parang gago lang!! hahaha bagay!!! =)))) naimagine ko tuloy. hahahaha
EeteuksAngel #5
Chapter 18: I swear, Author-nim, this chapter really got to me. I just keep staring at the screen thinking about it...
EeteuksAngel #6
Chapter 18: Oh.my.goodness...
I had on the biggest grin while reading this and then I got to the end...
Author-nim, I'm not a crier. I never have been. But you made me actually gasp in shock out loud. So sad... If I was a crier, I know I would have been doing that...
Author-nim, I love the way you write! Keep up the good work! Hwaiting!
Chapter 18: Aww, what happen to Mika? saktong sakto, nakikinig ako ng Lonely by B1A4 habang binabasa ko to. Galing mo talagaaaa ;A;
Chapter 17: im so kinikilig :">
EeteuksAngel #9
Chapter 17: Nice chapter, Author-nim (once again ^^ )!

Ya! Siwon! Don't you dare say that it's a girl's job to cook again! xD
(I could never date a guy that said that or anyone who said I couldn't use the phone in front of them since I hardly ever do so. :P )
EeteuksAngel #10
Chapter 16: Thanks for the new chapter, Author-nim! Hwaiting!