
The Vow {Chenlay remake}
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First, I want to apologize to my readers. It's been almost two months I didn't updated. I'm sorry but I had a huge blocking about the story. I also felt not inspired, mostly because I didn't get much feedback so my inspiration broke. I tried to overcome this no-inspiration phase and I hope this chapter will be up to your expectations and worth your wait.

P.S. I was so eager to publish it for you that I barely re-read myself, so sorry for eventual mistakes.


The next morning, Yixing was woken up by noises in the kitchen. He get up from the couch and was surprised to see Jongdae in, serving coffee.

"Morning." Yixing said, sitting on one chair around the kitchen table.

"You can't sleep dressed, don't you ?" Jongdae pointed out, smiling a bit.

Yixing had put some pants but no shirt, leaving his chest bare. He yawned while replying.

"I'm not used to you complain about it."

"Yeah, right. Even if it's not a distasteful sight, not at all, I'm a bit... umh... shy with... you know... body exposure."

"God Jongdae... You sounds just like five years ago, when we started dating. You were uncomfortable with me shirtless because you had body issues... I thought we were past that..."

Jongdae looked down and Yixing took his hand on his.

"Back then, you were scared to show your body because you said you didn't wanted to handle people's stares. You felt sick to the slightest lecherous leer. Now listen to me. Even if I want you with every fiber of my being, I never had, and never will, do something that could harm you. I love you. All of you. Not just your body, even if you're ing gorgeous. I love you in your interity."

"Hum... Thanks..." Jongdae said, uneasy. 

They started eating in silence before the younger breaks it.

"I want to speak to Jongin."

"Today ?" Yixing rose an eyebrow.

"Today." Jongdae stated, determinate.

"Okay. I have a practice with EXO at 2P.M. You can come at SM's headquaters around that time."

"Thank you." the younger smiled before shoved another spoon full of cornflakes in his mouth.

After breakfast, Jongdae helped Yixing to wash the dishes. Yixing cleaned it and Jongdae rinsed and put them in the drainer.

"Can you... Sing a song ?" Yixing asked, making the other blinks at him.

"Ah... euh... well, I guess I can. What do you want me to sing ?"

"Anything you'd like."

Jongdae nodded softly and started to hum a merry tune before singing. Even if he was amnesic, he still control his voice to perfection. Jongdae stopped when he caugh Yixing staring at him like he was some wonder.

"Stop staring at me !" he said, all flushed.

"You are amazing." he soflty whispered. "What is this song ?"

"Kim Yeon Woo's Love, the Common Word."

"You never sang it before. Is it one of your favorite songs ?"

"It was." he nodded.

They finished cleaning and soon, Yixing had to leave for work.

"So, I'll see you this afternoon."

"Yes," Jongdae nodded, "I'll be here on time."

"Once you are in, ask for me. People will lead you to our dance room practice."

"Ok. Can you warn Jongin that I will come to have a serious talk with him ?"

"I will. Take care by then !" Yixing said, kissing his hand before passing the door.

Jongdae looked at his hand, pensive. He gradually become used to Yixing's display of affection, since the other wasn't cumbersome about it. Jongdae sighed and walked toward the bedroom to go take a shower when he heard the bell rang. He immediately ran to the door.

"Have you forgotten someth... Omma ?" he said in disbelief when he saw her.

"Adeul-ah ! I brought you some viennoiseries." she said brightly, putting a basket on his arms  before passing him, making her way inside the house, her eyes inspecting every inch of it. Jongdae sighed and put the basket on the kitchen table before crossing his arms. 

"What are you doing ?" he asked.

"Well, I was curious to see where my son was leaving." she replied, checking the dust on the trinkets. "It's more spacious than I thought. At least your not leaving in a tiny 20 m2 garret."

Jongdae sighed and kept looking at his mom.

"The neighborhood leaves much to be desired, but well, I think some people can't have everything." she added scornfully. "Oh my, this is a one room thing ? Where do you sleep ?"

"In the bedroom. Yixing insisted for me to have it. He sleeps on the couch." Jongdae answered.

"That's so nice of him." his mother said, but there is something in her voice that make Jongdae feel she wasn't sincere.

"Look omma, Yixing is a really nice guy. He really is."

He didn't know why, but he need his mother to know. Yixing was so nice to him, he treated him with care and tenderness, and Jongdae was immensely grateful to him.

"Look who's speaking." his mother laughed ironically. "Weren't you at Joonmyeon's office no later than yesterday ?"

Jongdae flushed deep red at the implicit accusation.

"I wasn't... It wasn't..."

"Don't worry sweetheart," he mother said soflty, brushing some bangs away from his forehead, "I'll always be on your side. I know this situation must be quite confusing for you, I don't put the blame on you."

Jongdae bit his lower lip and nodded slightly.

"It must be hard for you, above all the "living with a complete stranger" part, when you are obviously longing for Joonmyeon." she stated.

"Omma ! I'm not longing for him." Jongdae rolled his eyes.

"Jongdae stop acting like a stubborn child. There is nothing wrong about it. Joonmyeon is your first love, the first your heart flutter for. I remember how flustered you were about everything  concerning him back then."

"I was a teen. And definetely stupid." Jongdae rose an eyebrow.

"Anyway," his mom chased the discussion with a movement of her hand, "I didn't came all the way here to talk about Joonmyeon. We will, but later. Actually I came to invite you to our Christmas dinner and New Eve's party. Christmas would be the usual, the big family dinner. We organize it this year." she said, handing him an envelope.

Jongdae took it before taking a look. Inside was an invitation card for Chistmas Dinner and New Eve's Party.

 "Your halmeoni will be present. Her plane comes after tomorrow. Your father thought that maybe you'll want to accompagny him at the airport to pick her up."

Jongdae nodded happily. He loved so much his dear grandma. He missed her.

"We also throw a big party for New Eve's at home. Everyone will be there."

"Everyone ?" he asked, suspicious.

"Yes. You know, our family and friends."

"Let me guess. The Kims ?" Jongdae said, crossing his arms in the process.

"Of course honey. You know that your father and Mr. Kim are partners."

"Omma ! I don't want to bump into Mr. and Mrs. Kim, adding Joonmyeon, especially with Yixing." Jongdae protested.

 "You don't have to bring him if you feel uncomfortable."

"He is my husband !" Jongdae exclaimed. "How am I suppose to ask him to stay away of my life ?"

His mother looked around and finally sat on the couch, tapping the space next to her. Jongdae sat beside her, a questioning frown on his beautiful face.

"Jongdae," his mother started, taking his hand on hers, "your father and I had thought about this issue together and, well, seeing how things were, we think that you should consider divorce."

"What ?" he muttered, way too shocked to say anything else.

"There's no hurry sweetie," she reasure him, "but you should think about it."

"I can't do that to him." Jongdae said, standing up. "It would destroy him."

"How could you know that ? You don't even know him !"

"Maybe I didn't know him as well as I used to, but everything he says... everything he does... You have absolutely no idea of how much he loves me."

"Honey, what's the point of considering his feelings if you don't share them ?"

Jongdae fell silent. How was he supposed to argue that ?

"Adeul-ah, we should go get some luch." she proposed. "Have a mother/son time, just the two of us."

"Yeah, why not ?" he agreed.

"Can I just use the bathroom for a second ?"

"Hum, sure. Go in the bedromm, it's behind the sliding door."

His mother walked away in the indicated direction, and he could have sworn he heard her say "not even a proper room for the bathroom." Jongdae sighed and undertook to arrange the living room, in other words patting on the cushions or change their place. He was stopped in his random task by the tune of the arrival of a a new text. He checked his phone, expecting something from Yixing but frowned when he saw another number, very familiar.

Hi Jongdae ! I hope you're fine. Hum, I was wondering if maybe you'll want to have lunch with me today. In good faith of course, just to talk and catch up... Well, I'd be expecting your answer.

Just in case you forgot my number, it's Joonmyeon ;)

Jongdae wonder how Joonmyeon had gotten his new number, but couldn't help but chuckle at his text. The latter obviously haven't change a bit. He pursed his lips a frowned a bit, as he usually does when he was in deep thought, when his mother reappeared in the living room.

"Omma, Joonmyeon just texted me for lunch. Do I told him to join us ?" he asked.

 "Oh !" she said. "Well, in that case, go luch with him."


"Really, I'm fine." his mother smiled. "I'm sure you guys have tons to say to each other. Plus, you're a man now. You don't need your mother to chaperon yourselves."

"You're sure ?" Jongdae said in a little voice, as a child asking for permission. 

 "Absolutely sure." she nodded, smiling. "Agree and meet him, I'm fine."

"O... okay. I'll answer him then."

Jongdae thought deeply about it before his fingers started taping his message. How are you supposed to say to your ex that you dumped ages ago that you agree to meet him for lunch, adding the fact you're married to another man you're not sure to love anymore ? Dear God, why in hell his life was so complicated ?

Hi Joonmyeon ! How did you get my number ? Curiosity aside, I'll gladly meet you for lunch. You'd better pay ! :p

Merely a minute after, Jongdae's phone buzzed with the answer.

My sources remain confidential, you know lawyers and professional secrecy... And don't worry for lunch. As the one who invites, it's normal that I pay. Let's say at noon, in that French Restaurant where we used to go ? I'll wait for you.

Jongdae bit his lower lip when he read about the restaurant. Adding to the fact it was linked to the last memory he have, it was also a place very meaningful and full of memories for Joonmyeon and him. He responded with a simple "Ok, I'll see you there." before sighing loudly, throwing his phone on the couch.

"What's wrong honey ?" his mother asked, patting his back.

"I'm nervous... Facing Joonmyeon after he told me... I really ended our engagement ?" he asked his mom in disbelief.

"No one understood back then," his mother started, "why you broke your engagement with him. I tried to make you confide to me, but you were so enclosed upon yourself. The only thing I manage to pull out of you was that you couldn't be with him anymore, and when I asked you why, you said you just couldn't."

"What about Joonmyeon ? Did he attempted to keep me ? Did he even tried ?" Jongdae asked, confused.

"Maybe he did." his mother said. "But at least not in public. It was very shoking for him, and obviously more humiliating, so you two sort of cut ties progressively... I think the day before yesterday, at this club, was the first time he saw you since you gave him his ring back five years ago."

Jongdae collapsed on the couch and his mother took carefully place beside him.

"It doesn't make sense at all." Jongdae grumbled. "If I made him suffer that much, why does he want to see me ?"

"Jongdae sweetheart please !" his mother huffed with a knowing smile. "Everyone knows Joonmyeon never get over you. Do you remember that you engraved your initials into a heart on our peach three trunk ?"

"Please omma..." Jongdae sighed. "It's no longer revelant today. I'm married, and from what Joonmyeon told me, he is in a relationship with another guy."

"No !" his mother exclaimed, stunned.

 "Yes, and it has been going since nearly a year now." Jongdae conclued.

"It's not serious." his mother stated automatically.

"How can you be with someone for a year and not being serious about it omma ?" Jongdae rose an eyebrow.

"Joonmyeon didn't introduced this person to his parents. You know how close we are to the Kims, even despite the total failure of your relationship with their son. They would have told us if Joonmyeon introduced someone to them, at least to taunt us a bit. But they didn't, so Joonmyeon didn't introduced the supposed partner he had, so I conclued it's not serious. You know how much Joonmyeon is a very filial son. He would never do something that could harm his relationship with his parents. I guess this person he frequents isn't good enough, that's why in a whole year, he never dare to tell his parents about it. The Kims being as demanding as we do, Joonmyeon surely knows the kind of person would be suitable for him. Being so filial and respectuous of his parents, he would never dare to disappoint them or to shame them by being serious with someone who's not worth it."

"The complete opposite of me, huh. That's what you think right ?" Jongdae said, anger raising in his voice.

"No Jongdae I...."

"Yeah, I know ! No need to explain what a disappointment I am ! First I dropped Law School, crushing appa's dream to make me the heir of his law firm. Second, I ditched without notice Joonmyeon, the perfect suitor in the universe in your eyes ! For what ? I know the judging look you give me ! I know you are displeased with the life I choose ! I'm an singer, living a bohemian life,  and married with a man, who, in addition to not have any qualities you considers essential in a man, isn't even Korean ! Oh yes, your disappointment is so obvious I even wonder why you bother to come !"

"And what am I supposed to say, huh ?" his mother replied, sounding hurt. "That I'm not hurt ? That I didn't dream about being by my first born's side the day he'll get married ? It was our dream Jongdae ! To both of us ! The white roses, the alley ended by an arch of flowers, the cream and ivory tuxedo with golden seams... We dreamed about how your wedding day will be together ! We planned it all together ! But then you leaved... and you came to live this moment without me..." she started crying. "There is so much things I wanted you to know, I wanted to say..."

Jongdae rushed towars his mother, sitting next to her as he took her in his arms.

"I'm sorry omma. I didn't meant to raise my voice at you. I'm so sorry. Please don't cry."  he asked, rocking her gently in his arms.

She cried against his shoulder until  she eventually calm down.

"You better get ready." she stated, wiping her tears with a embroidered handkerchief. "It would be rude if you were late."

"Okay... I'll... get dressed then..." he muttered before locking himself in the bedroom.


Around an hour later, his mother dropped him to the agreed place. Jongdae could see Joonmyeon from the street, already sitting at one of the tables next to the glazed bay window. He made his entrance in the restaurant, smiling when Joonmyeon looked up at him.

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Thank you!
It took me a while do be able to write about EXO after everything happened. I should update before the end of the Year. Love you guys !


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LN_ileri #1
Oh an update, it's been a long time ! J'voudrais des updates perso aussi hein~ ^^
kikyo-sky #2
omgg an update
kakashilover #3
Chapter 13: Oh my God ,,, I'm so so so happy ,,,although it's kinda scary because I was just retreading it agian when the new update alarm pop up !!!!
But I'm really happy U decide to continue the cause it's one of the amazing fic a ever read and I miss it so much
I'm really reallr really thankfull for u "deep bow "
aliayana #4
Chapter 13: im so happy that you not give up on this story (even though there is no chenxing in here..but its ok I'll wait next update) i also hope you not giving up on Exo too..but I respect your decision.. its okay..
arcana_crown #5
Chapter 13: I'm so happy you decide to finish this story, thank you so much.
Kimdeaqua #6
Chapter 12: So good..... plz was nice....I wanna know what is minseok's decision.....
aliayana #7
are really not gonna update your story of exo members? its so sad.. i really hope you can continue write it.. its ok i will wait.. fighting!!!
kakashilover #8
God >\\\\<
How much I miss this fic so much

I'm so sad ,,,I just wish .....
Chenchenlay #9
Chapter 12: This is the very first time i see this story but you leave it already..Oh poor me T _ T
macysmiles #10
Chapter 12: Can you update please.