New Start

The Vow {Chenlay remake}
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I wanted to wait more to publish it since I published the previous chapter not so long ago. But since I'm going back to Uni and won't have the time anymore to update regulary, I'll give it to you guys. I hope you'll enjoy it.


“Dear passengers, we begin our descent to London Heathrow Airport. Please raise your seats and tablets. Thank you.”

After 12 hours and 25 minutes of flight, the plane landed. Baekhyun sighed of relief. Travelling alone was so boring. He put back the waistcoat he used as a blanket in his bag and stood up. He bowed politely to the staff before exiting the plane. He was in one of those corridors they attached to the gate and walked until he got inside the airport building. He looked around, rapt with wonder. He was in London. He was going to study in London, and he could do whatever he wanted because of his parents generous allowance (both too scared he lacked something) and the fact both of them weren’t there to chaperon him.

He took his phone out of his pocket and created a room chat for Joonmyeon, Jongdae and his friends back in Seoul.

Just landed in Heathrow Airport. Had a good flight. Sleeped and watched movies most of it ^u^ miss you all already. XOXO he typed quickly.

He then called his father, he promised he will. No matter the time, his dad insisted.

“Yobuseyo ?”

“Appa, do I wake you up ?”

“It’s Baekhyun.” He heard him say, probably because of his mother’s nudging. “No we weren’t son. It’s barely past midnight here, and we both couldn’t sleep before hearing from you. Did you have a nice flight ?”

“Yes, don’t worry about it. I am waiting at the customs right now.”

“Did you call Joonmyeon’s friend, the one supposed to pick you up ?” he asked.

“Not yet. I wanted to call you both first. I’ll do it when I’ll wait for my luggage.”

“Fine fine, I’d give you the phone.” His father said, irritated. “I’ll pass you your mother son. If she keeps elbowing me like she is, she’ll break my ribs. Have a good rest and call us as soon as you wake up tomorrow.”

“Arasso Appa.”

Soon after, he heard his mother’s voice on the phone.

“Honey, are you alright ? Not too jet-lagged ? It’s nine hours of difference over there.”

“Yes, but I’m alright.”

“You’re a grown man who studies overseas now. You’re not my boy anymore. It feels like yesterday when you gripped on my leg to stand up.”

“Omma, I’ll always be your child, so stop feel sad.”

“It’s just that… I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too.”

His father then took the phone back, not wanting that his crying wife make Baekhyun feels bad about studying overseas.

“She’ll be fine.” He told his son. “You just focus on studying, ok ? Have a great time son.”

“Thank you Appa.” Baekhyun told him the thanks part in English. “Take care, both of you.”

And on that note, they hang up.

After getting through the customs and collecting his baggage and put them in a cart, he dialled the number Joonmyeon gave him.


“Hello, is Miss Stuart speaking ?” he asked.

“Yes, this is she.”

“I am Baekhyun.”

“Joon’s little brother !” the woman immediately exclaimed. “I saw on the panel of arrivals that your plane arrived. I am waiting for you at the arrival gate.”

“I am getting out now. Where are you ?”

“What are you wearing ?”

“A leather jacket, red and black shirt…”

“I see you.” He heard on the phone. “Over there !” he heard someone shout, and he turned his head to see a young woman waving at him.

“Hey.” He said when he arrived in front of her.

“Hey yourself. Did you have a nice flight ?”

“Yes, thank you for your concern. It’s nice of you to pick me up.”

“It’s nothing.  I’ll do anything that can accommodate your brother.

“Did you guys had a relationship ?” Baekhyun was too curious to not ask.

“Oh dear Lord no !” the woman laughed. “He’s just a very good friend of mine. We met in LSE years ago. He just came from Korea at the time, and so do you. Your flight was long, are you hungry ? I know 3:30 p.m. is a bit late for lunch, but I could eat anytime.”

“If it doesn’t bother you…” Baekhyun said shyly.

“Of course not !” she exclaimed, playfully hitting his arm. “Come on, what do you want to eat ?”

“Something English.” He said with a smile.

“English it is then ! And you can forget Miss Stuart. It’s too formal. It’s Emma for you.”


Minseok woke up without the alarm clock, way earlier than he should have. He was , lying on his side and could still feel Luhan against his back, one arm around his waist, like when they fall asleep. When he returned home after his conversation with Heechul, Minseok was so distraught he jumped on Luhan like a wolf in heat. As if making love to him will solve everything. As if having Luhan the way no one else could will keep the younger man forever.

Minseok felt truly stupid. He didn’t have the courage to tell Luhan about his offered promotion. When he asked if his meeting was good, he just answered evasively before his breath out of him by a rough kiss which ended up with them in bed. He sighed, defeated. One thing Heechul said was definitely right. He and Minseok were the same. They were careerist. And the worst thing was, when Heechul handed him the job, Minseok almost said “yes” on the spot. For one second, he forgot about Luhan, his fiancé, and their plans to get married to say yes to a career he badly wanted.

Minseok took his lover’s hand and gently moved away his arm wrapped around his waist. He got up, picked up a boxer that was lying on the floor and put it on without checking if it was his or Luhan’s, before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Not feeling like sleeping again, despite the fact it was nearly five in the morning, he got to the kitchen and started to make coffee. It was one of his small pleasures that filled him with contentment. Once he was done, he sat on the living room’s sofa, then lit the lamp next to it.

He couldn’t sleep because of the ugly thoughts that clouded his mind. Thoughts he was ashamed of, thoughts he didn’t want to have, but were still there. A part of them was that Luhan was holding him back. Since the day they started being together, Luhan always came first when it comes to work. Minseok wanted him to achieve his dreams, to be a respected lawyer, and for the sake of it, he hold back his own ambition.

Now Luhan had reached his goal, and yet, he didn’t manage to get his own. He worked hard, but not enough to be noticeable in the company. He knew if he was, he would get more involved, and if both Luhan and him had time-consuming careers, they will pass their lives only crossing each other between two meetings. He saw nothing wrong with this situation in the beginning. What’s a little sacrifice when it comes to love ? And God he loved Luhan so much.

But his love wasn’t strong enough to break his desire to be successful. So when Luna proposed him to work with the Kims, he jumped on the occasion without consulting his fiancé. It was the first time he took a decision alone, without consulting the other. He felt good for a while, but at the end of the day guilt made it awful. But Luhan took it as if it was the greatest news ever. He congratulated him, told him he was happy for him and proud. Minseok felt even more awful after that. He was here, thinking Luhan was the cause of his failure to progress in his job, when the other was encouraging him whatever he did.

Then Minseok realised. He was the one who chose to put himself back for Luhan. Luhan never requested such a thing. He only wanted Minseok happy by his side. So Minseok pushed away the guilt he had felt all these years and started to work for himself. And the result was beyond what he expected. Heechul, the founder and big boss of the firm he worked in since years, proposed him a big, high jump promotion. This is what he wanted, right ? So why was he feeling bad now ? Surely because, for the first time, he let his work and his desires come before Luhan and their couple. The most precious thing he had.

He sighed deeply, sipping on his coffee. He took his laptop on his briefcase he left on the floor and lit it to check at his mail box. He had unread mails concerning work for most, but the one that caught his attention was the one sent by Kim Heechul.


From : Kim Heechul Object : About my proposal


I understand that my proposal was sudden and that you need time to think about it. I have to go to Dubai a few days to deal with a new project, but I’ll be back to Seoul on the 20th. I hope I will have your answer by then.

Sincere regards,

Kim Heechul

P.S. I send you attached the employment contract that I have set for you, and the documents concerning the executive vehicle and company housing that will be provided to you if you come working to our New York office. I hope this will tilt your decision positively.


Minseok opened the said documents. He wanted to see the accommodation first, he will read the contract later. Heechul send a full description of the apartment, with pictures and a map with closest transports and shops nearby. The apartment was in the heart of Manhattan, fifteen minutes away from their office. The residence was modern and neat and he got two private parking spaces. The car that was assigned to him was an Audi A5 Sportback, and Minseok nearly fainted at the sight. This car cost more than his actual apartment. Minseok bitted his lips. This choice was becoming decisive for the rest of his life.


Luhan flinched in his sleep when his hand roamed into emptiness. His eyes opened immediately to see what his body had already sensed. Minseok wasn’t by his side. Rolling on the other side, one glance at the alarm-clock informed him it was almost six already, but he could have slept an hour more. He growled, not wanting to leave his warm comfy cocoon, but he knew he couldn’t sleep without cuddling his bāozi anyway. Luhan fumbled until he found his bathrobe and put it on. As much as he didn’t mind walking around , they were in winter, and getting sick wasn’t scheduled. He rubbed sleep off his eyes and walked out the bedroom. First thing he saw was the soft subdued light of the lamp beside their couch, and eventually Minseok sitting on it, a much surely filled with coffee and his laptop on the coffee table in front of him.

“Still working ?” Luhan asked groggily, stumbling on the sofa.

“Go back to sleep bǎo bèi. It’s still early.” Minseok said, tenderized by his messy bed hair and sleepy doe eyes that made him look like a child.

“You know I can’t sleep without my bāozi.” Luhan protested, his voice faint because of tiredness. The younger was getting comfortable beside him, curled to his side.

Minseok softened, as always when it comes to Luhan, and his hair.

“You’re so beautiful Lu. I love you.”

“Mmm Mmm… Love you too my love.” Luhan hummed, falling asleep again now that he was cuddling with his lover.

Minseok didn’t dared to move as Luhan went back to dreamland.


The morning after their debut stage was filled with anxiousness. Finally, this was it. Finally, they did it. Kyungsoo woke up earlier than everybody else, washed up and made breakfast for EXO and the manager who will fetch us in the morning. When he finished, he got back to his room to wake up his roommate, Jongin. Ah no, he should call him Kai from now on. He always forgot. After Kai he went to Tao and Sehun shared room and woke them up with the appealing bribe of breakfast waiting for them. Last one he woke was Chanyeol, and he had to kick the giant to not be pulled in his bed.

Sehun was the first one out the shower, looking neat and handsome but still silent. Sehun barely spoke lately, and the Omma of the group was getting worried. He had discussed with Chanyeol about their maknae’s distraught, but sadly, they didn’t came to find a solution. “Today is a new day. Today is a better day.” It was Kyungsoo new motto when it came to the maknae line.

“Morning Kyungsoo-ah, Sehunie.” Tao said, freshly out the shower. He sat next to Sehun and elbowed the younger, but wasn’t getting any reaction. It was like Sehun turned blank nowadays.

“Good morning boys ! Slept well ?” their manager made a loud and cheerful entrance.

“Morning hyung, please sit and take breakfast with us.” Kyungsoo said, finishing to cook the soybean soup. “Who wants Doenjang Jjigae ?”

Chanyeol popped in the kitchen at the mention of food, and Kyungsoo narrowed his brows.

“Did you even wash up ?” he looked down at him, which was rather funny considering Chanyeol was way taller than him.

“Yes, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Jongin’s in the shower by the way.” He answered, giving him a goofy smile. Kyungsoo sighed but handed him a bowl of stew. He served the rest of the boys and the manager, leaving Jongin’s share aside to keep it warm and finally sat for the first time of the day.

“Kyungsoo-yah, your cooking is really good.” Complimented the manager.

“Thanks hyung.” Kyungsoo said politely, but he was preoccupied by something else. “Try to eat a bit Sehunie. Please, do it for me.” He almost begged when he saw Sehun playing with his food without bringing anything into his mouth.

“I’m not hungry hyung.” Sehun stated.

“Sehun-ah, eat. You have a long day.” The manager asked.

Sehun turned a deaf ear and avoided him.

Kai soon showed up and Kyungsoo patted the seat next to him. The older half on the maknae line greeted everyone by a silent nod and started to eat just as silently.

“What’s with the gloomy atmosphere ?” the manager asked, feeling something wasn’t right.

“Oh, right hyung, you don’t know us very well yet.” Chanyeol stated. “To make it short, Sehun was in a relationship with someone who left him to go back to his ex and Jongin’s boyfriend broke up with him when he found out about EXO and left the country to study in England. Apart from that, Tao seems fine so I guess he has no relationship troubles with his boyfriend and Kyungsoo and I are as always in Care Bears land.” The Happy Virus announced as if reading the tabloids.

“Park Chanyeol !” Kyungsoo shouted across the table, red of embarrassment. “Can’t you just watch your mouth, you stupid !”

“Sorry love.” The giant smiled apologetically.

“Don’t call me that !” the lead singer shouted again.

“You didn’t complain the other night.” Chanyeol stated while stuffing rice in his mouth.

“Enough !” Kyungsoo suddenly stood up. “I’m gonna freaking kill you !”

Thankfully for Chanyeol, the murder attempt never came, because the doorbell rang.

“I’ll check this. You… finish eating. We’ll leave soon.” The manager told them, a bit shaken by what he just learned.

After the manager got the door, Tao raised his voice :

“Who do you think it could be, so early in the morning ?”

Chanyeol shrugged, busy eating, while Kai and Sehun looked uninterested as ever. But soon loud voices were heard from the entrance and two cops get in their kitchen after their manager’s failed attempt to keep them outside.

“Which one of you is Oh Sehun ?” one of the cops asked.

All the members turned their heads to their maknae, wondering what the hell was going on to make the cops come into their dorm.

“I am.” Sehun said as he stood up, seriousness on his face.

“Please follow us Sir.” The other cop asked.


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Thank you!
It took me a while do be able to write about EXO after everything happened. I should update before the end of the Year. Love you guys !


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LN_ileri #1
Oh an update, it's been a long time ! J'voudrais des updates perso aussi hein~ ^^
kikyo-sky #2
omgg an update
kakashilover #3
Chapter 13: Oh my God ,,, I'm so so so happy ,,,although it's kinda scary because I was just retreading it agian when the new update alarm pop up !!!!
But I'm really happy U decide to continue the cause it's one of the amazing fic a ever read and I miss it so much
I'm really reallr really thankfull for u "deep bow "
aliayana #4
Chapter 13: im so happy that you not give up on this story (even though there is no chenxing in here..but its ok I'll wait next update) i also hope you not giving up on Exo too..but I respect your decision.. its okay..
arcana_crown #5
Chapter 13: I'm so happy you decide to finish this story, thank you so much.
Kimdeaqua #6
Chapter 12: So good..... plz was nice....I wanna know what is minseok's decision.....
aliayana #7
are really not gonna update your story of exo members? its so sad.. i really hope you can continue write it.. its ok i will wait.. fighting!!!
kakashilover #8
God >\\\\<
How much I miss this fic so much

I'm so sad ,,,I just wish .....
Chenchenlay #9
Chapter 12: This is the very first time i see this story but you leave it already..Oh poor me T _ T
macysmiles #10
Chapter 12: Can you update please.