Chapter 2;

Complicated Situation

A/N; So, yeah. Basically this chapter is all about Jongin and his dad. 

Kind of long because of Jongin's past and his previous event in school. Please, bare with it. 

Again, few mistakes and errors are present. Sorry for that. 

'Jongin-ah, you failed.'

'Kai-shii, would you stop it?'

'Your father is such an amazing person! I love him.'

'Would you mind getting me in touch with your father?'

'Jongin, you don't look like your father.'

Kim Jongin, also known as Kai, was tired of this s. Why can't they just leave him and spazz over his dad straight? Was it hard? Or they just want Jongin to hear it.

The third bell rings and Jongin did hear it but he ignored it, instead, he just sluggishly lay his head on the arm chair and didn't even bother to look up when someone touch his shoulder.

"Jongin-ah, you okay?" A voice asked him. It was Kyungsoo, his bestfriend. He slightly nodded his head, still not raising his head.

"Maybe he's tired?" A low voice added. It was Chanyeol. He heard Sehun says that they should leave him for a bit. And Jongin heard their footsteps to fade by seconds.

Jongin is lonely. Yes, he certainly he is. But he likes being alone. A moment later, he sensed someone entered the classroom. This time, he looked up and saw her. Her. Kim Bambi. Minseok-hyung's younger sister.

Minseok always warned them that Bambi can't date either of them. He was aware of it but he can't stop liking her smile. It's cute and adorable. Wait that's the same meaning.

Bambi noticed the tanned man, looking a bit unhappy. She frowned and walk closer to the man. Jongin flinches when Bambi is near at his sight. She smiled down and Jongin tug a small smile.

"I see that you're not gonna come down and have lunch with us." Bambi smiles and settle herself besides Jongin. On the other hand, Jongin can't stop himself for being timid in front of her.

"Y-yeah. I'm not feeling great." Jongin stuttered. He mentally slapped himself for stuttering in front of her.

Bambi chuckles at the reaction that Jongin showed. He looked at her, confused.

"You're sound so adorable by just stuttering." Bambi commented and it made Jongin's cheeks to flushed bright red.

"You have a girlfriend, right?" It suddenly came to that. Jongin couldn't help it to remember his past. How things doing great with her, how things doing great by just holding or kissing her, and how things doing so great just by experiencing new emotions. He hated the fact that because of him, he was betrayed.

"Jongin?" Someone called out to him. He looked at the source and tug a small smile. "Sorry..." He mumbles.

Bambi saw the sad Jongin a few seconds ago. She didn't like it at all. Because of her question, Jongin looked down at his lap and began to have deep thoughts.

Bambi mutters a 'Sorry' and 'It's fine.' Silence filled the room. Neither the two dared to talk.

"So," Jongin broke the silent. "What are you doing here?" This time Jongin didn't stutter. He sounds to serious at his question as he look at her, straight.

Bambi blinks a few times then snap, she remembered. "Sehun told me to come here and drag you there. But I said, I can't just drag you there. It's pointless anyways." She chuckles.

Sehun did what? Jongin asked, feeling a bit irritated at the youngest. That evil brat.

"I'm not actually hungry, though." Jongin replies then smiles.

"Tch. I knew it." Bambi pouted. Jongin loves to see that pout once again. But the girl suddenly pulled out a lemon bread. She handed the bread to Jongin and he gladly took it. "Joonmyeon-oppa told me, 'In case he denies it that he's hungry. Please hand this to him.' " Then Bambi smiles as he mimicked the older.

Jongin giggles and open the plastic wrap of the bread. "They knew me well." Jongin smirked and took a big bite out of the bread. Bambi closely drool over the bread. But luckily, she had a back-up.

She pulled out a plastic bag and took out three different brand of Chocolates. Jongin almost choked when he saw the chocolates.

"C-chocolates?!" Jongin grunts but he kept the bread near at his mouth. Bambi nodded in amusement and she took a small bite and munch it with a smile. Jongin couldn't help it to drool. He wants the chocolates. He want it so badly.

"Wait a sec." Bambi said. "You like chocolates?" She asked. Jongin nods his head fast.

"Here!" Bambi chirped and handed three more chocolates. At first, Jongin wants to drop the bread and eat it later at class. But he figure, if he eats the bread now. The chocolates can wait and he can eat it in front of them and tell them that it was from Bambi. He smirked at the thought.

The bell rings and Jongin could hear all the footsteps becoming clearer. The door slide open, revealing all his classmates to his next period.

"Did Bambi came here?" Sehun asked, setting his left-overs junk food on his desk. Jongin nodded.

"Where is she now?" Chanyeol add a question. Jongin shrugged. "Is she in the same class as we do now?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Uh, I guess. She said she had a study hall after lunch." Baekhyun announced.

"It's our study hall, right?" Jongin asked the latter and Sehun nodded.

A few minutes has passed when all the student came to the room to meet their study hall teacher. The teacher explained his rules in his classroom. He doesn't like  many noise, but if he wants to, he'll gladly wants to. He allow foods on the room but no litter. And most of all, no flirting.

The last rule strung Jongin straight to his pride. Everyone looked at him, even his friends. And he glared at his friends- followed by a smile of victory.

"We can talk, right?" A girl asked. It's a familiar voice and the 6 boys flung their heads to the source. The teacher nodded at her question and Bambi smiles. Turning her heads to her friends and they started to chit-chat about girly stuff.

Sehun turned his head to face Jongin and sighed in a disbelief way. Kyungsoo asked why.

"Seems like she befriended that girl." Sehun said, emphasizing the word 'girl.' Kyungsoo chuckles.

"That girl?" Chanyeol asked. "Yes that girl." Baekhyun sarcastically answered.

Chanyeol let out a growl. "I mean, what do you mean by that?" He asked.

"That girl, is a ." Then they all looked at Jongin. It was the first time that Jongin cussed.

"Huuh?" Joonmyeon peeked his head above Baekhyun's head, getting the great view of a pissed Jongin.

"That's the girl that tried to us. Remember? Sehunna and I went to my house and suddenly she attacked us." Jongin explained.

"I thought she was sent to jail?" Joonmyeon asked. Jongin shakes his head. He didn't even know why did his dad didn't send the girl to jail. I mean, for god's sake. That girl tried to him.

"Forget about it. What can get worse if Bambi befriends with her?" Baekhyun said. Getting stare then all of them glared at the Bacon.

"What?" Baekhyun asked. Then, at the same time, everyone sighed.

"You don't get it aren't you." Chanyeol said, sarcastically. Baekhyun shakes his head. Jongin couldn't help it but to slap Baekhyun's head gently.

"That girl is a , do you understand it now?" Then everyone chuckles.

Baekhyun received a slapped from Jongin. And it wasn't an ordinary slapped.

Study halls wasn't normal to them, or quieter. The six boys kept their eyes on Bambi.

"No matter what, don't let your guards down." Joonmyeon announces and the other nodded their heads.

Then the girl on Bambi's left side, giggle. It made the six boys to flinch.

What are they saying? Does the girl really changed? Or she's just using her?

A moments later, Bambi stood up, smiling and walk closer to them. At first, they were shocked and didn't respond to her smile.

"Yah!" Bambi yelled/whispered. Causing the six to flinched and look up, seeing Bambi frowning down at them.

"U-uh, hi!" Baekhyun stuttered and rub the back of his neck. Bambi smiles at Baekhyun. He was the first one to respond. She settle herself on the empty besides Kyungsoo. (The six boys where sitting round. So, basically, On the left side is Sehun, Jongin, Joonmyeon and there's like a space between Chanyeol and Joonmyeon. Then Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo, and besides Kyungsoo is an empty chair. c: )

Kyungsoo smiles. Bambi reaches Chanyeol's hand, and this time, Chanyeol blushed.

"Chanyeol-oppar~" Bambi cooed. Chanyeol gulped the remaining saliva in his mouth and kept his eyes on the girl.

The other five boys, clenching their hands tightly as Chanyeol's getting what they dream of, holding her hands.

Her hands were soft and cold. It was small yet a normal size as any other girls. Chanyeol smiles a bit when Bambi tighten the grip of his hand.

"I was thinking if Jongin-oppa can come to my house." She said then looking at the stunned Jongin, smiling a bit to him.

Chanyeol's jaw dropped. Why would she held her hands and grab his? Why? Is it-

"Sorry, if I held your hands." She said, chuckling to herself. "Minseok-oppa told me that your hands is warm." Then she smiled brightly as the giant, who smiles back.

Chanyeol doesn't mind it now.

"Come to your house?" Jongin repeated, blinking a few times at the statement that the girl just announced. Bambi nodded her heads.

"Sehun-oppa can come too. And Kyungsoo." Then she chirped. The other doesn't sound happy about the invitation.

Bambi notices it then pouted. "You guys aren't Freshmen, so I'm sorry." Then that explains why she invited the Freshies. The three nodded their heads.

Afterschool, Jongin and the others met in Minseok's house. Minseok told them that Bambi was on the market to buy something. They're were freaking nervous to see her not in her uniform.

The three settles themselves on the couch in the living room. Kyungsoo helped Minseok to prepare them some drinks while they were waiting Bambi.

Jongin decided to look around, like he usually do. He scanned the living room. The living room is neat and smells nice. It was painted a baby blue color and Jongin likes the color. When his eyes landed on a certain shelves. He saw many photos of Minseok and Bambi's family. There was a puppy and a girl. The little girl hugging a puppy while on the background, an angry boy. He assumes Minseok is the angry boy, cause of his round face. He definitely recognized the little girl.

On the other side of the photo is the Middle School graduation photo of Minseok. Smiling all brightly, he chuckles. And then he spotted an eyesmile from the girl. It was adorable but yet there's something on her eyes make Jongin remember his past. The past he tried to forget, the past he tried to get away from, and the past he tends to name it 'Hateful Past.'

'Daad! You're home!' A tanned 6 years old kid, running to the gate where his dad open it with a smile.

'Yes, Jongin-ah. I am home. Give your daddy a hug.' A man with a suit, spread his arms and waited to the boy to huggles him tightly.

'Daddy!' And the boy runs towards his dad and hugs him tightly like there's no tomorrow. In fact, there is for Little Jongin. Since he's dad is always busy with work. Only holidays or when he's sick, he can hug, shower his dad some kisses, and see him. Jongin missed his dad, a lot.

'Jongin-ah, daddy gonna be busy this whole week until my scene is over.' Whispered by his dad. Jongin was about to sob when he felt his dad patted his head.

'And always remember, Daddy is alwa-

Jongin woke up from his daydream when he heard the door bell rings. He heard Minseok's foot stomping to the door to open it and he immediately sat down on the couch.

Sehun was playing with his phone when Jongin once again sat his down.

"What?" Minseok asked/yelling. "What do you mean by that?" Then the two's head suddenly flew to the right side and waited Minseok to come to the living room.

Minseok sighed heavily and went to the couch, sitting his down and crouches down. Kyungsoo asked, "What's wrong?"

"Bambi brought a-" Before Minseok could finish his sentence, a bark was heard. The three looked at the door and it appear, a puppy.

"Come on, Oppa~" Bambi whines and kept on hugging the puppy tightly. Jongin blushes at the sight.

"What's going?" Kyungsoo asked, even though he was getting no attention, he kept asking to the older or to the girl.

"I found him outside of the cafe when me and Eunha went. I took her." She pouted in front of Kyungsoo, who nearly went his mind blank.

Minseok's mind were full. Should they adopt the puppy?

"I'll take care of the dog." Jongin butted in. Minseok look at him in a shocking way. What a shocker. Sehun thought. This tanned guy would adopt a puppy even though he hated animals.

"But, Jongin." Kyungsoo pouted and look at the younger. The latter smiles at him and grab the puppy. "You'll name it, Bambi." He then smiles.

"I'll name it Kai." Jongin tilted his head then blink a few times. Kai. He repeated the name in his mind.

"Yes. Kai is adorable." Bambi said softly, patting the puppy's head.

"Then, that puppy is Jongin and Bambi's child." Minseok announces. The two almost drop their jaws. Jongin agreed and Bambi smiles.

After his visit in Bambi's house, he went straight to his house and a woman open the gate for him to enter. "You're late again, Young master." A maid said, frowning at her master.

Jongin sluggishly took off his shoes and handed her his coat. "Get the bath ready in 10 minutes." He said bluntly.

The maid nodded, "And." Jongin pauses, ping his bag, revealing a puppy on his bag. "Feed him. After your done with it, wash his whole body and tell Ahjusshi to buy me a collar that has our address and his name." The maid nodded her head and grabbing the puppy. The puppy seems to like Jongin's warmth as it started to whimpered.

"What's the name, master?" The maid ask.

Smiling up to his ear, Jongin look up and say it with a smirk, "Kai."

"Yes, master." As the maid went nowhere and Jongin walk up to his room, flopping his body on his bed. Grabbing the photo that was above his night stall.

Smiling to the photo he took from his night stall, he mumbles. "Dad, I think I found her. I may be wrong but my hearts says go on. She even named me after our dog. 'Kai.' The nickname that you gave me before you died, dad." Then he sighed deeply and wondered his eyes. He remembered the incident once again.

Before his dad died, his dad gave him a name and it was Kai. He doesn't know what it meant either his dad. He kept it and he never tell this to his friends. Even Sehun, his closest friend.

Jongin smile to himself, 'Maybe this pet would be my favorite then.'

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newtokpop09 #1
K i read the 2 would gain more readers if you: beta-read your chapters..and revise the story to make it more interesting..just an advice!:)..