
Be Careful What You Wish For

  Jessica quickly hide the note inside her pocket so as to prevent anyone from seeing it.Especially from her grandparents,even how much her grandparents love her if they found out about the secret.They will surely hate her.Since it's weekend,Jessica decided to ask Taeyeon to come over her house.

Jessica took out her phone and text Taeyeon 'Taengoo ah,I am bored:( '.

'Should I come your house than keke^^'Taeyeon immediately replied back.

'Yeshh!^^Taengoo the best!'Jessica face immediately light up.

'How about your fishy huh?:p arraso,will be there before you know keke^^!'Taeyeon replied back before changing her clothes.After changing,Taeyeon immediately headed out.Since they live near each other,Taeyeon did not take long to reach Jessica house.

  'Sicaaa!Open the door!'Taeyeon shouted while pressing the bell.The guards of Jung Residence immediately open the door when they saw Taeyeon.Taeyeon greeted and thanks them before entering the mansion.'Sica!Sica!'Taeyeon shouted when she saw no sign of Jessica.'I'm here!'Jessica shouted from the bathroom nearest to the living room.'Aigoo!I will wait at the living room.'Taeyeon shouted back than took her sit.First thing came into Taeyeon mind was that why is Mr Jung and Mrs Jung at home since they are always home during weekend.The whole mansion was quite,she wonder where has everyone go.Her thought was cutted when Jessica appeared infront of her.'Sica,you shock me.'Taeyeon was shocked while Jessica chuckled.'Aishh...respect your eonnie.'Taeyeon lectured Jessica like a mother.'Taengoo ah,you are only older than me by one month.'Jessica did a mehrong face before taking a her sit next to Taeyeon.'Ya!'Taeyeon shouted and slap Jessica head lightly.'Oucch!'Jessica whined.'Where's everybody?'Taeyeon asked ignoring Jessica whine.'Uhmm...they went on a vacation.'Jessica answered.'Ahhhh..'Taeyeon nodded her head.This explained everything well maybe not.That's how their day went by,with all their childish fight and talk.

  In a blink of eyes,it's already Monday.Jessica hated Monday for just one reason she have to wake up early and go to school.'Aishh!'Jessica grumbled as she get out of her bed.She went on her usual morning routine like usual.After preparing herself,she immediately ran down for her light breakfast.'Good Morning!'Her grandparents greet her while eating their breakfast.'Morning!'Jessica greeted back than hug her grandparents.'Your parents and brother went to vacation.'Jessica grandma told her.Jessica nodded her head but she was puzzled.'How did grandma know?'She asked herself in her mind.'Well maybe Yuri left a note for them as well'Jessica resassure herself.'Bye!Grandma!Grandpa!'Jessica shouted while running out of the mansion.'Bye!Sweetheart!'Her grandparents shouted back.

  The first thing Jessica did when she arrive was meeting her bestie like usual.'Taeyeon-ah!'Jessica shouted when she saw Taeyeon.'Annyeong!Sica!'Taeyeon was smiling from ears to ears.They were walking to their classroom like the usaul gossiping stuff,'Anything you want to tell me Miss Taeyeon-shi?'Jessica asked sacrastically.'Aisshh...This rude girl!'Taeyeon shook her head.'Oh come on,did Leeteuk Sunbae talk to you,like finally?!'Jessica teased Taeyeon.'Yes!'Taeyeon gave a short answer and grinned.'Oh my gosh!He's like the hottest guy in this school!'Jessica exlcaimed while fangirling over what had happened to Taeyeon.

  'Pssh,I am handsome than him okay!'Donghae interupted Jessica and Taeyeon conversation.'You scared me!'Jessica was shocked by Donghae.'Did you do anything wrong huh?'Donghae asked sacrastically and rolled his eyes.'Uhmm guys I better get going.'Taeyeon said before walking away.'Why are you acting this way?Are you jealous?'Jessica defend herself.She was beyond pissed.'I am jealous?!Are you crazy?You're not my girlfriend so what do I care?!'Donghae shouted back.The student all gather around to see the drama.'I am not crazy!If I am I wouldn't be here,I probably be at the mental insitution.'Jessica said as a matter of facts.'You are crazy!I can't read you,you hated your sister.I don't get why you care for her so much only when she's dead.It is...just leave me alone!I hate you!'Donghae said,his mind was completely blank.He didn't mean what he said,he didn't want to hurt her.He's confused about his feeling.Jessica ran to the washroom while Donghae stared at her wanting to apologise but nothing one came out of his mouth.

  'Why?Why?Why nobody love me?Am I not good enough?'Jessica asked herself over and over.'If Donghae hate me,why should I love him back.Move on Sica!Hwaiting!You can do it!'This time Jessica was determined to move on.She doesn't want to love someone who don't love her back,she's tired for loving him all that while.'I wish I am the most popular girl in the school.'Jessica closed her eyes and make another wish.


Sorry for the super super late update:( I am running out of ideas:( Please comment any idea you all have in mind:)

I've been busy with my test and exam><(My teachers are so mean>< They give my class at least 5 test per week:( 

I am planning to edit this story since I found my story kind of out of flow and is kind of boring too>< Should I? I'm not so confident that I can re-write better but will try my best:) I've read many better fanfic so I felt demorolise on my writing

Please give feedback!Thanks:)

Please subsribe and Upvote if you're curious what's going to happen next ;)

P.S:To those who I had subsribed your story,I have read all the update but didn't know what to comment since my opinion is like some of the people who commented:)I really enjoy reading the update especially Illegal Marriage,Wasted Love,Please Love Me and many many more<3 ^^I will comment next time:) 


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Maybe the Wish Book has some consequences that Sica needs to pay back. The wishes are not granted for free or something. And yes I think you should edit your story. They can be more detailed, especially the part how Donghae fell in love with Sica. If you're still stuck, you should look at this writer's block flow chart: Hwaiting! :)
Chapter 7: Maybe let the people around Jessi realised how much she suffered. And the story goes on and Jessi will have a happy ending. lol.... lame idea
Chapter 7: Maybe umm..,, she is trying to kill herself and let everyone know no one loves her except for her grandparents but someone would always try to stop her??..
(Weird/lame idea??.)
Chapter 5: You changed the plot?
Chapter 4: Update soon pls....
Chapter 4: Update soon:)

Sica's is so labile here
rika430 #7
Chapter 4: say.. did donghae like her because he's pitying her or did he likes her bc of her attitude on krystal last week?
SwiftSwiftSwift #8
Chapter 3: For a second, I suddenly forgot Donghae's character lol. Please update soon, I'm really curious about this fic :)
Chapter 3: Why is Sulli saying unnie to Krystal and why did Sulli fainted.....
Chapter 3: Just like that T-T krystal is dead already?;(

Update soon! This is to short~~