Episode One by secretseven

TabiSan fan-fest
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A/N: I wrote this to end the fest on a lighter note, because it seemed that the two last stories were a bit heavy. :3 So this one is light, and a bit stupid. Haha. Please forgive it for its shortcomings, since I did write this in a bit of a rush. I honestly think this has lapses in sequence, but I still think it has its moments. LOL. Well, just, um, relax and don’t expect too much. Teehee.




Sandara was hooked on cheesy kdramas. Like really, over the top hooked on the cheese. She loved it. All the clichés. All the overused tropes. She loved the overly attractive male leads with the over the top anger management issues. She loved the secretly nice jerk in his overly expensive clothes.


She loved it. All of it! Cheese on her morning cereal! Yes, please. Cheese on her lunch burrito! Yes! Yes! Yes!


This was her life. She liked dramas more than real life. But who the heck cares about reality anyway. They were filled with dreary that never goes away: bills, deadlines, jerkass part time bosses. No. Reality is such a freaking drag. So prefers her cheesy TV series over reality’s dreary any day, everyday…


So on one of those cheese filled moments on her lunch break, she watched Ju Ji Hoon strip for his well-expected shower scene, and she ogles. Extra cheese on the abs, juseyo, extra freaking cheese.


When a masculine voice asked "is this seat taken?"


She didn't even bother to look. Well, Ju Ji Hoon's shower scene only lasts like 2 minutes. Why the hell would she look up?


So she just shrugs a no. And on her peripheral vision a dude settled himself across her and comments, "are you a ert?” as he looks on the upside down screen of the girl's iPad featuring a guy showering rather melodramatically.


Dara snorts and dismissively said, "ert is a rather relative term in our society. If you mean, do I enjoy watching publicly then no." She flips her iPad to face him. "It's not . Though Ju Ji Hoon in would probably make me a consumer of the industry."


The guy looks at the screen amused as another scene plays where female lead who is obviously too attractive for her own good falls off a lip of a pool and was then saved by this Ju Ji Hoon guy who could turn innocent looking girls to converts. He laughs.


"You are quite interesting."


Sandara frowns, "I am not interested in real boys. I only like fictional flower boys, so do yourself a favour and don't even try hitting on me." She sticks her tongue out  at the other guy, and makes a rather flamboyant hair flip that would put female leads to shame, and exits the cafeteria with as much drama as footsteps can muster.


She could still hear the rumble of his deep laugh as an after thought popped up in her head, well, dude was kind of cute.




Dude turned out to be some sort of kingka. She saw him again with a bunch of equally good looking guys. Dude's and her eyes connect and dude's eyes widen in recognition.


"Oh! You! 2D-dater!"


Dara grimaced at him which dude found extra charming, extra funny, extra reasons to bug the becheesus out of her.


He takes her by the shoulder which irked Dara to no ends, "if you only date fictitious boys does that mean you're a ?"


"You, sir," she picks up his fingers and peels it off her shoulder, "are an overly familiar, rude jerk! And my ity has nothing to do with you." She gives him another hair flip, that brushed lightly on his cheeks.


He laughs, "I thought Drama girls like jerks with a good heart?" He call out.


"Only when they are on TV." Another stuck out tongue.


"What's your name, 2D dater?"


"My name is business, none of your goddam."


Dude laughs, "well mine is Choi Seung hyun. I'm really better than your 2D boyfriends. Look me up, babe!"


"I refuse."



The next time they saw each other was in the library. Dara indulging in cheese, yet again. Ju Ji Hoon being an adorable piece of hotness. Ack. He was so cute with all this I am not emotionally ready (for ). So she was making fangirl squirming poses when dude taps on her shoulder, she makes a disgusted face.


"Aisht! You.” She pointed, “Away." She shooed with her fingers.


Dude, instead, catches her hand, "why do you dislike me this much?" He asked amused.


"Because this,” she gestures to her screen, “is how I get through life! You are impeding coping mechanism!" She hissed.


A number of students studying raised their head and wore disapproving glances at the two. Sandara bows absentmindedly at them, whispered a rather insincere apology.


Dude thinks this is a good opening, "why are you watching videos in the library anyway? You are stealing prime real estate for studying from people who actually study, you know? Not to mention you are streaming from wifi meant for educational purposes... 2D Dater, have you no shame?"


Dara grimaced at Dude, whispered harshly, "well, no one cares about those couple canoodling each other over there. Why is my 2D dates such a public nuisance? Huh?"


Dude thinks this girl was annoyingly witty, but he guffaws nonetheless. The noise he made ultimately got them kicked out... Which dude thinks was a mission accomplished.


"Oh my god! How do I get you to stop bothering me? How? TELL ME. HOW?" Dara exclaimed frustrated as she marched along the hallways of the university.


Dude grins, "first tell me your name."


Sandara shook her head, this was exactly why she doesn't deal with real boys. Annoying is not cute in real life. It's just plain annoying. "Sandara! My name is Sandara Park. Are you happy now? Are you going to leave me alone?"



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TabiSan Fan-Fest: Calling writers, artist, and gawkers.


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catwilled #1
Chapter 59: still wait for the fourth fest authotnims.....
rika08 #2
Chapter 25: So sweet
rika08 #3
Chapter 23: So Cute!
Chapter 1: I strongly suggest -carpediem to be part of this fest ( I tried to write on myself but I can't seem to finish the story
Chapter 27: TabiSan is so #pterodactylscreech
I want to join, but I'm scared.
Chapter 59: I really wanted to join this time since I wasn't able to join the previous fanfest but I'm freakin' nervous to fail. The previous writers are my favorite Tabisan writers and those I really looked up to. I'm afraid I'm not in their level when it comes to writing a story. Lol. I really appreciate the invite! Hopefully I could write and make it to deadline. I'll try my best! I'm honored! Thank you so much!
yuki_no_ #7
Chapter 59: I want to join. I really want to but I can't write to save my life (much less to save the day). Inspiration has been aloof but I badly want to write T.T
Chapter 59: Oh I think I read that long exchange between you and orenji-dongseng in twitter. I'll be happy to join again !!!
Chapter 59: Ugh Henry Cavill. Ew. No.

Chapter 59: I can not be held responsible for my bad sense of humour.