
You're My Twinkle



Amber POV

“Kle umma~”

Eh? Isn’t that Ellie’s voice? What the heck she called Krystal umma? I stopped from my track and peek behind the curtain. I saw Elli snuggling closer to Krystal as Krystal caressed her mushroom’s hair. 

“Kle umma~” I saw Ellie happily uttered the words, without any hesitations.. or force.

Before Krystal could respond to her, I dashed into the living room from my hiding. 

“Ellie-ah, why did you called Aunt-Krystal like that? She would be embarrassed if other people heard it” I said calmly as I put the tray on the table. I moved to sit on the couch which is situated next to the couch where the three girls were sitting right now. 

I took a glance towards Krystal who happened to have an expressionless looks right now. I return my gaze towards my little daughter and found that she was pouting.

“Appa, why?? Ellie.... l-loves K-Kle u-umma” Ellie’s voice croaked.

I was about to take Ellie into my arms before Krystal spoke

“It’s okay Adden-ssi, I wouldn’t mind if Ellie called me like that...” 

All of eyes were focused on her; however, it’s only me who seems shocked to hear that. 

“Besides,.. I would rather be called ‘umma’ than ‘aunty’, since ‘aunty’ made me feel like an ahjumma.. ” 


“And, nowadays there a lot of younger mothers, so it wouldn’t be really awkward if people heard Elli calling Krystal as umma though” Sulli interrupted while smiling from ear to ear. 


Are they mad or something??? con17.gif 

I turned my head back to my daughter and found that she was at the verge of crying. Sulli on the other hand, eyed me to agree on Krystal’s suggestion after seeing Ellie’s condition. 

Is it that important to call her umma, Ellie-ah??? Tsk con20.gif 

I have no choice then.. 

“Allright, you may call her as your umma ..”

“Yeay!” Ellie jumped on her seat after I said that. Seriously Ellie, does it that important to call her umma? con16.gif 

“But only for today...” con19.gif 

Ellie who was excited just now is pouting. Krystal gave me an awkward smile while Sulli on the other hand whisper something to the other two. I couldn’t determine what Sulli told them but it made Krystal to frown whereas Ellie grinning widely with her. 

“Okay Appa!” Ellie said gleefully. Allright, that’s weird. What are they planning?

Before I can totally process the sudden changes of Ellie’s mood, Sulli spoke

“Eating timeeeee!!”

“ Ellie-ah, try this sandwich. Kle umma made all of these this morning and her sandwiches are the best in the world! ” 
Ellie took a bite of the sandwich and her eyes beaming as she swallows the so called Krystal’s masterpiece. 

A squeal of joy can be heard and Sulli joined her afterwards. 

Now I wonder how it tastes... 

“Adden-ssi, try some..” Krystal said as she handed me the plate. I took one and take a bite from my sandwich. 

Somehow, eating this homemade sandwich brings my memories back.


It was during the last semester of my senior year when I saw ‘her’, saving a poor kitten from being harmed by a stray dog. She shoo the dog away and took the kitten to her lap before petting the cute creature. I hid behind a tree, watching how happy she is while playing with the kitten. 

“I’m sorry kitty, I can’t bring you back with me. Mom definitely would disagree if I told her I want to keep you.. ”

“..but I promise I’ll come here every day to play with you lil kitty..”

With that, she kissed the kitty and took out something from her lunch box and gives it to the kitty. She walked away from the park as the kitty ate her food. Once she was out of my sight, I walked towards the kitty that was .

“Delicious is it?” 

“Meowwwww~” the kitten replied, as I felt she understood what I was saying. I took the kitty, and place it inside my shirt’s pocket and walked towards my home. 

I wonder what Tiggre would react when he meets his new little friend... 

Next Morning... 

I woke up early than usual and went to see my little friend, kitty. She was sleeping soundly besides Tiggre. It seems that both of them are comfortable with each other. I went into the shower and prepared myself for school. Once I’m done, I took kitty with me and walked to the train station. 

While waiting for the train to arrive, again, I saw ‘her’. Her face seems happy as if there’s no problem to be encountered today. I smile as I saw her angelic smile. When the train comes, I went into the same coach with her but through different door. I watched her throughout the journey until I saw she stepped out of the train. Once she was out of the train, I finally realize that I need to stop at that station too. However, it was already late since the door already closed and the train started moving. I sighed, thinking of how clumsy I am. 


I walked past the park where I met Kitty. Since the school probably started by now, I decided to skip school for that day. I walked towards one of the bench at the park and took out Kitty out of my bag. 


“Hungry huh?”

“Meowwww” she snuggles closer to me. 

As I tried to figure out what to give to her, my attention directed towards the bench where kitty and the girl played yesterday. There’s a small box on it. I walked towards the bench, with kitty on my shoulder. 

A small lunch box was placed on the bench. There’s a small note on it, saying 

“To My Little Kitty,
I prepared this for you. Eat well! ♥ ♥
P/s: To Mr/Ms Kidnapper, please take a good care of my kitty. Thanks
-Bbuing Jung ”

A smile formed on my lips as I finished reading the note. 

“Bbuing Jung eh? What a cute nick you got pretty girl..”

“Kitty, your friend give you this. Let’s take a look on what she had prepared for you... ”

I opened the paper-covered lunch box and saw a sandwich within it. Seeing Bbuing’s sandwhich made my stomach growled in return.

Aish.. I forgot to eat my breakfast.... 

An idea came to my mind as I take a small portion of the sandwich and gave it to the kitty. I watched kitty munched her part, before I eat my portion. I don’t remember much but one thing for sure, it’s the best sandwich ever!! 

After seems like forever, the time finally come. I put the kitty at the same bench and went into my previous hiding. I waited, until a familiar figure walked across the park. She walked towards the Kitty and I can clearly see her confusing face afterwards. 

If you asked me why she would confuse, it would be because I replied to her note. What’s in it? Let’s just say that I told her that her sandwich is the best ever, and I used a small wood to scribble the note, just to show that it’s Kitty’s handwriting. Silly? Haha.. Let’s go back to this Bbuing Jung girl... 

I saw she wrote something on the note while smiling. She placed another sandwich onto the lunch box and walked away afterwards. After a few minutes, as I believed that she already out of my sight, I walked towards the bench. 
I saw two sandwiches inside the box and the kitty seems like waiting for me to give her portion. I took one and place it in front of Kitty.

“It’s all yours..” I said as I munched my tasty bbuing sandwich. 

This is sooo good... 3.gif 

How lucky your husband to taste all your delicious bbuing foods, bbuing jung.. con21.gif 

Nyummy... con10.gif 

“You!!!! ”


I spitted what I was munching as I shocked to hear a sudden shout from my back. I turned my head and found that it was Bbuing Jung.

She also was shocked to see it was me who became the kidnapper of her cute kitty and sandwiches. 

“S-sorry... ” that’s all I managed to say.. 


She’s stuttering. I wonder why... 

“I’m sorry Mr.P.. I-I’m n-not intended to-to yell at you l-like that..”

I chuckled a bit after hearing her words and she hung her head low. 

“It’s okay... uh.. Jung.. I’m the one who need to apologize. ” I scratched the back of my head before looking directly to her, 
“Forgive me for taking your little kitty and ate your delicious sandwiches, Bbuing Jung”

I can see there’s a shade of pink color on her cheeks. “I’m sorry, but your name is?”


Long story short, now I’m walking with her side by side to the train station. I already told her that I brought Kitty home yesterday and promised her to keep Kitty properly and I would receive her sandwich everyday in return! Yeay! 

We walked to the station in silent where I was dreaming about eating her bbuing sandwich everyday while she on the other hand, pet the Kitty who’s in her hand. Suddenly, a yelp can be heard as someone pushed her aside, making her fall on her . 

“Heyyy!!!!!” I shouted as I saw the guy ran away. He looked like in hurry, but hey, is this his road where he can push anyone like that? 

I wanted to throw something to the guy but was stopped when I heard Soojung’s croaked voice.

“Are you okay??” I asked her as I examined her ankle. 

“Tsk... tsk... y-yes...”

It must be hurt so much.. 

I took her into my arms, bridal style and I brought her towards the nearest building. I placed her on the stairs before taking kitty and her bag. 

I gave the kitty to her and took out my tie from my bag. 

“What are you d-doing?”

I smile to her and continue on doing what I wanted to do. 

“It would hurt a little but believes me, this is the best thing to do at the moment...” 

She nodded her head and I continue on wrapping her ankle with my tie. Once I’m done, I asked her to lie on my back, so I can piggyback her. She hesitated for a moment until I threaten her I about Kitty, then she gives in. I put kitty on my shirt’s pocket before bending on my knees in front of her. Once everything settled, I walked towards the train station with her on my back. 

End Of Flashback



“Adden ssi..”

I was brought to reality when I heard Krystal’s voice. It seems like they tried to get my attention for a while now.

“Uhm.. yes?? ”

“Oppa, you’re smiling while eating Krystal’s sandwich. Want to share with us about it???” Sulli asked as she went back to sit on her seat. 


All eyes were focused on me. I smile as I focused my attention towards Krystal.

“It’s about Bbuing...”

tbc :D
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I'm sorry everyone. I don't think I can update this story anymore


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Chapter 13: Been two years.plis comeback
mareza4 #2
Chapter 13: good story author ****
update please .......
SNSD-Taeny #3
Chapter 13: Pleaseee update soon
Lysanguyen #4
Chapter 13: What is taking u so long,author?
mexxco #5
update your story pleeeaassseeeee... i love it
munyil_cutez #6
Chapter 13: update soon and good luck for ur job! im new reader, annyong!!!
Hi... new reader here
i love your story
Chapter 13: Okaay....take ur time :D

Good luck with ur ideas :)
Chapter 13: okie~ next week~ :D
Chapter 3: Lol. Those were yuri's hahahaha!