Chapter 6

House of the Sun

What is Chinese New Year?

In China, New Year celebrations are synonymous with “Spring Festival” (春节 or chūn jié) and it is typically a week-long celebration.

The origins of this renaming from "Chinese New Year" to “Spring Festival” is fascinating and not widely known.

So let's get back to the story~ Anyways guys~ Xin Nian Kuai Le or Happy [Chinese] New Year.


CHAPTER 6: Letting Go Problems


You walk in the school corridors and spotted your best friend Byul with her boyfriend, they were both too sweet with each other in this fine hot day so you let them be and ignored them. 

Inside the classroom Baekhyun was sitted on his chair day dreaming as you enter the room, you tried to get his attention but he didn't even move even an inch, his face was pretty handsome when he's in his side view your heart thump as you walked slowly in, his face looks so smooth that you felt like touching it, he is like the men inside the books that you read, his hair and eyes sparkled by the sun, his fingers touched his hot lips... you stop with the lame thoughs and you sigh as you spotted a crumpled paper in the floor, picked it up, and threw it on him right in the forehead. 

"H-Hey! What was that for?" Finally ge got back on his senses. He looked at you with such beaitiful eyes you just stop there for a minute and realize something weird is happening inside of you as your heart thump and thump, you have to say something. So you went close to him, to stay cool.

"So... what were you day dreaming about?" You lean in closer to look at his dazzling eyes but, it just made your heart go *boom* all of a sudden and you decided to not do that. "What the? Heart what is wrong with you? Don't give me a heart attack, why did you go booming and why is my face red???" You're just too naive and you just don't know what that sound meant yet. 

"Hye?" Beakhyun raised his right eyebrow as he looked at you.

"N-no uhm." You immediately react and cover his face with your hands.

"O-oi! What is wrong with you Park Hye Mi????"

Luckly, nobody saw this happening cause it's just you two alone in the Classroom, it was break time.

"D-don't look at me like that!" Beakhyun let go of your two hands in his face as he stood up from his chair.

"S-sorry" You slowly put down your hands. 

"You're acting weird today Hye Mi, is their something wrong?"

"No, nothings wrong it's just that my heart started to go boom that's all."


"Yeah, boom! like Boom! Boom!"

"Boom, boom?"

"....yeah." He scartched his messy hair to look it more massier and ier. "Uhh.. okay." The both of you were in silence, it was a really weird feeling but you like that weird feeling.

He then looks at another direction, but your eyes was locked at him, you saw sweats on his neck, and you didn't even realize his polo shirt was ed only half of it to see his collar bone. You gulp, and studied him. His white skin blended with his dark brown hair. Loose stands of hair perfectly frames his oval shaped head. Those dark-brown eyes brought out his natural beauty, and you couldn't help but stare. His thick eyebrows shows content, but friendly at the same time. He was truely a man of your dreams. 

The school bell rings as students suddenly came inside the classroom, you just stand at the spot looking at him, that you didn't realize you were drooling, Baekhyun already went back to his sit. Students were looking at you standing. Girls were muttering, guys were laughing, and you came back to your senses and wipe it out using your hankerchief and got back to your sit. It was really embarrassing, you heard Baekhyun laughing silently with two other guys sitted next to him. You hid your face under one of your text book and thought. 

", it's your fault being a hottie in Class. Thank You!"

Class then ended, Byul came to you and asked. 

"Hye Mi, are you free after Examinations? My Uncle just recently opened a new 5 star hotel in Jeju Island, would you like to go?" Byul smiled, you can't just say no for answer and you said yes.

"Good! So it will be the four of us then!"

"Wait, four?"

"Uhh.. Yeah..... Me, You, My honey Chanyeol, and Baekhyun duhhh.. who else would it be?"

You rolled your eyes and then you felt a presense that someone was stairing as you, you turned around and saw Lu han, your eyes widen and a little bit shock.

"Hello" He smiled with his cutest smile ever.

You and Byul said hello too.

"It's has been awhile now Byul, I heard that your Uncle just opened up a new hotel, am I right.. In Jeju?" He said in a slow voice.

"Hmph, so what?" The air starts to feel cold all of a sudden, You never thought that Byul would come to hate this guy all though you have feelings with this guy before you know.

"Lately, our stocks has been up pretty high lately, how's yours?"

"This is a disgrace, you shouldn't talk to this in Public. Mr. Han, we should go now Hye Mi, I still need to study for the up coming exams, good day to you." Byul suddenly grabs my hand and went out of the classroom.

"Good Day to you too, Ms. Choi." Lu Han happily grind and went to his rich group of friends.

"You know what Hye Mi."

"What?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Just forgot about what happened earlier, and you know, I mean I know that our families been like an all out war cause of the business stuff going on." Byul said.

"Then, why is he in this school of your family has tough connections with them?" You asked Byul in a curious manner.

"Well, long story short. A lot had happened in the past so we need to accept it then, his family owns a lot of business especially his Family Hotel, they own a lot of Casino all over the world and #1 in the U.S. that rates high more than $ 1,000,000,000. My family back then had serious problems so we almost like lost all of our stocks, my Grandfather and his Grandfather made a deal to help our company go back into business so that we won't lose everything, the deal is really private so I can't say everything, that's all I can say." Byul looked down when she said it, I hugged her. "It's okay, you guys will not lose everything, what about Chanyeol?"

"I first met him when we're in Middle School, he's my first love. Both of our families wanted us to be together so they set up an engagement for us. You already know we're engage so there will be no problem with mine as long as we love each other, nothing else will change, except the fact that Chanyeol father is business partner with Lu corp."

You understand Byul, since she's your bestfriend and agreed with her, she is really thankful to be your friend to share her problems with you, friends understands each other when you were feeling down.

"And I'm sorry for doubting you Hye Mi, I also know that Lu Han guy helped you when your parents got that accident 3 years ago, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Byul, it's okay, so stop worrying and just smile. Past is past, we all move on, and I did happen to move on after 5 months of shock and sadness, alone and isolated in my own home when nobody is around, exept fpr myslef of course. We all have different problems but we know that we can manage it, and deal with it, that's how life works." You smiled and let go off the hug.

"Talking with our problems freshens up my mind, and right now I feel so happy and refreshed. Thanks Hye Mi!" Byul got her smile back her smile was brighter than the sun it was warm and friendly, we just need to let go of our problems and face something positive and think straight.

"Yeah, We just need to let it go."




Chinese New Year Tomorrow~ <3

May you guys be all in best in Luck of the Year of the Horse :3

Ma Nian Da Qi

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FanFan999love #1
Chapter 2: nice story plot! update soon author nim! i lik- i mean i love this!