Chapter 3

House of the Sun

CHAPTER 3: The Visit



“beep! beep!” Your alarm clock rang. It’s morning, you’re in your bed moving from left to right, and grabbed your pillow hiding your face, it’s actually weird, because, why in the world your alarm clock is ringing; it’s a Sunday. Your body is too lazy to move but you have no choice but to fall over from your bead, as you fall you hit your head in the damn floor but didn’t care, you move your hand to reach the alarm clock. Seriously, you spaced out a little bit and that woman you are half asleep after a while you heard footsteps coming up to your bedroom and then someone jams inside your room. “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING SLEEPY HEAD! RISE AND SHINE!” A familiar voice said, it was bright and blurry you can’t really identify who it was. “Huh?” You rub your eyes and yawn, after a while you can see a bit who the person was, the person came near into your desk and turned off the alarm. “Hye Mi, it’s time for breakfast you can’t be late for school, your Appa is waiting downstairs.”

*Appa????? Whuutttt????* You were confused. As you looked above, you saw a woman wearing a pony tail, white shirt, black office skirt, and an apron, and slippers.  “Huh?”

“Hmm?? What’s wrong honey?” The woman turned around and smiled the most nostalgia smile ever in the world. You were silent, unable to speak. Your tears start to fall down, your nose starts to stuff. And then after a while you spoke slowly. “Umma….?” You said in a shaky tone.

“Yes Honey?”

“Is that really you?”

“Of course, what’s the matter dear?” She said sweetly.

“Umma!” You tears fall and immediately grabbed your mother and hugged her. You haven’t felt this warmth for like three years. It must have been a dream that they died, it must have.

“Umma.. is this real?”

“What’s real hmm?”

“You and Appa won’t leave me right?”

“Of course we won’t leave you, we’ll always be with you honey.” A man in a deep voice said.

Someone knocked on the door. It was a tall man wearing a suit, and his glasses, his hair was classy.

“We should’ve be gone by now, you’ll be late.”

Your eyes widen as you saw the person. You look down for a bit to think if to see this is really real. You closed your eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

You stand up slowly, and hugged the person. He was the person you were dear, you loved, he was.....

“Tick tick” You woke up. The clock ticks, your breath was heavy, you moved your head to check the time.

‘3:07 am’ your body feels hot and it was sweaty, you slowly stand up and sit on your bed and the lamp. Hye Mi spaced out, placed her two bare hands all over her face and silently cried. 

‘It was just a dream…..’



You stayed at home for the whole entire day spacing out.

“Ding dong” The doorbell rang.

“Heeelllooooooooo is anyone home?” A young man’s voice called out.

“Yah~ Hyeee Miii~~~~~~ Are you home??? Ajusshi asked me to come up here, you know he was quite worried because you forgot this boo—“

You opened the gate outside and invited him over.

“Here tea.” You said placing it on the coffee table. Beakhyun was looking around the house, you asked him what he wants, and he gave you the book that you were supposed to buy yesterday.

“It’s a gift from Ajusshi, he said he wanted you to accept this as a get well gift since you didn’t visit the shop today. Are you sick?” He asked and look worried, you were flattered by his words. “I’m fine actually…”

“Oh! That’s good!” He smiled and stands up. “I thought you were sick, Ajusshi and his wife were worried about you, are you living alone? Where’s your parents?”

You looked at the small shrine placed on the center of the living room, two pictures were placed and a flower vase, also a candle vase for prayers.  You looked sad, you still remember that dream you were having last night, you thought it was real but it was just a dream.

“Ah.. oh.. I’m so sorrryy! (><) I’m so stupid, I didn’t know…. Haha.. “ Baekhyun bowed to me as he apologized. “It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize.”


You shook you head and smiled at him, he smiled back. And you both laughed, the atmosphere feels nostalgia you haven’t felt this for a long time now. You and Baekhyun talked the whole afternoon, getting to know each other and everything what you wanted to know about him, and what he wanted to know about you.

“What school are you attending Baekhyun since you just move here?”

“I’m going to attend Empire High starting tomorrow.”

“Oh really?? So we’ll both be seeing each other, tomorrow is the First Semester how about we should go together?”

“That’ll be great! Beakhyun smiled, after he left my heart start to feel that feeling of warmth again.

I guess we’ll both get along well in the future, I suppose.. 

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FanFan999love #1
Chapter 2: nice story plot! update soon author nim! i lik- i mean i love this!