You Are My...


You Are My...



It was dark both inside and outside whole school when Baekhyun went in and entered their building. He was holding the railings near him as if his life depended on it. He was also starting to regret coming here at this time of the night.


It was almost midnight when Chanyeol called him and asked him to go there. He doesn't know why and he didn't even bother to ask.

He just knows that Chanyeol needs him so he just grabbed his jacket and walked out of his house. And he just realized now that that was the dumbest decision ever. It was freaking cold outside even though he's already wearing a jacket and he knows he's going to catch a cold. 
Baekhyun swore that whatever the reason Chanyeol tells him for calling him this late will be unacceptable. Whatever the giant tells him will not stop Baekhyun from punching him.




Chanyeol was nervous. His hands are shaking and his whole body is as cold as ice.
He's standing near the stage, checking if everything is fine while he was playing with his own fingers—a symbol of nervousness.

"If I were you, I will prepare my sweet slash gross speech already." Jongin appeared next to him, holding a bouquet of roses. He handed it to Chanyeol and the giant took it from him with his shaking hands.


"Baekhyun's near!" Kyungsoo shouted while he was running to Jongin and Chanyeol's (Mostly Jongin's) direction. He was carrying Chanyeol's guitar but he threw it to him when he knows that Chanyeol will be able to catch it. Fortunately, Chanyeol caught it.


"Ohmygod. Faster guys! Arrange the freaking table already!" Kyungsoo ran around the whole room, telling everyone to do their work faster as he approach and help Sehun with the speakers. 

Tao, Kris and Sehun just realized that this Kyungsoo was the Kyungsoo they used to bully.
But now what? That Kyungsoo was ordering them around and was throwing table napkins to their face.



"Why am I even here?" Kris asked himself as he place the two plates on the table Sehun arranged a while ago. He really doesn't know how he got here in the first place. It was just like a poof to him. One moment he was sleeping on Tao's couch, then the next he was in his school (at a ing midnight) and he was helping Chanyeol for something.


"Less complains. More working." Tao appeared from nowhere and he was placing some candles on the table. He lit them up and then he ran off to somewhere.



"The sound system is doing good." Sehun was smiling widely as he approach them and he looks so proud that Jongin wanted to wash off his stupid smile.


"Now, all we need is..." Chanyeol said under his breath, still nervous.


"Yup, only one thing." Jongin smirked as he pulled Kyungsoo and the others to hiding. Because he knew.



Baekhyun was just outside the gym.



And once he enters, he will see everything. 




Everything that Chanyeol did for him for this night.





It was just a few minutes ago when Baekhyun received a text from Kyungsoo telling him to go to the gym as fast as posible. It made him wonder how Kyungsoo knew he's at school at this time of the night. Or maybe he didn't. Maybe Kyungsoo also wants him to go to school at this time. But if so, was it a coincidence?

But Baekhyun still went to the gym. He noticed the steel door was slightly open so he went inside and what he saw was really a jaw dropping view.


The whole gym was freaking decorated. 

The stage was filled with heart balloons and other fluffy designs and there were speakers and those speakers were not supposed to be there unless there's an assembly or something.

The gym was a dark and the only light was coming from the center of the room.

There was a table, a decorated one—with candles and flowers and everything and there were two chairs. Two plates. Two sets of utensils. Two glasses. 


And then there was Chanyeol.


Chanyeol was standing in front of him and he was carrying a guitar. Baekhyun opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by a voice coming from the speakers.


"Oops. Don't talk Byun Baekhyun. Just..listen." 


Baekhyun smiled because he knows who the owner of the voice is. Kyungsoo, you idiot. He thought as he shook his head.



Just the giant's simple way of calling his name made his heart skip a beat. He doesn't know why Chanyeol have this effect on him and it's making him furious.
Baekhyun wanted to speak but then he remembered that he's not allowed to. So he just shut his mouth and listen to whatever Chanyeol wants to tell him, forgetting that he was supposed to beat him.


"Baekhyun. You know how this all started right? I mean, this. Everything..?" Baekhyun nodded, remembering how Chanyeol stopped Kris and the others in bullying him and Kyungsoo.


"Right. It was because I wanted to protect you from Kris, Sehun and Tao and all those other bullies as well..that's why I told everyone that..uhm.. That you're my boyfriend." Baekhyun noticed the slight blush on Chanyeol's face and he just smiled at the sight.


"So..we continued the..relationship..or should I call it the show or something? Because really I don't know whatever that is..."


"Stuuupid~" Someone from somewhere (Probably Jongin) said in a singing voice. Then a sound of a slap was heard then, "Ow! Why'd you hit me Sehun?!"



", I guess after the ehem..incident in the library, you know, the fireworks and all?" Baekhyun nodded and looked down to hide his blush as continued to listen, "..I guess after that, whatever I show or tell or do to you wasn't for the show at all. Because I think after that, I finally admitted to myself that.."


A long pause.


Baekhyun looked up and he almost stumbled when he saw Chanyeol in front of him.



"Byun Baekhyun. I am..."



Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun directly at the eyes and say those words.
The words that made Kyungsoo and the others scream in joy.




"..I am in love with you."




Baekhyun's jaw dropped to the ground. He began feeling tensed. He started sweating. He wanted to say something but nothing would come out of his mouth. He felt like he just lost his voice.


"Yes. I know you may not feel the same way but—" Whatever Chanyeol wanted to say was cut off by Baekhyun.


"Stop!" As if on cue, everything became silent. Even the frogs that were heard before went mute. Everything stopped when Baekhyun screamed.


"Oh God Park Chanyeol! You do not know what you're saying right now!" Baekhyun started stomping his way towards Chanyeol and Kyungsoo wanted to run and stop his best friend from doing something bad when Jongin held him by the wrist to stop him.

"Don't. Just let them talk." Jongin told him while smiling a nervous smile. Of course. Even him was nervous. All of them are.


"Baek, a-are you angry?" Chanyeol took a step back each time Baekhyun takes a step towards him. Yeah. Chanyeol was afraid of Baekhyun's reaction.


"You do know that once I ing believe you, you cannot take your words back, right?!" Baekhyun was really shouting now. He was already in front of Chanyeol who was so shocked that he almost dropped his guitar.


"B-baekhyun... I get that you're surprised but.. Please calm down a bit. You're making me more nervous."


"No! Chanyeol, I will not! Tell me you are just joking. You're lying right?"


"Why would I lie about this? Really, what made you think I'm even lying?"


"No! I am just dreaming. This would never happen. Yes. I love you but I know you do not feel the same way so—"


"Wait! HOLD IT." This time it was Chanyeol who stopped Baekhyun. He really can't follow whatever Baekhyun was saying but...


"Did I hear it right? You love me too? " Chanyeol asked Baekhyun, eyes wide open, mouth hanging and heart beating like it was on a race.

"Of course I do! I would never go to this place at this hour if I don't! Why are you so—OH MY GOD! ING ER. Did I just—?! Did I say—?! Oh !" Now it was Baekhyun's turn to be crimson red and nervous.

It was freaking accidental! He didn't want to confess that way! It wasn't even romantic.


"Baek.. You love me... You really love me.." Chanyeol could help but grin. But Baekhyun was too embarrassed to be able to see that.


"Oh no. Now you're going to hate me. You're going to avoid me. You're going to stop talking to me. You won't come near me. You will deny that we even know each other. You will be ashamed of me. You will let me die in vain. You will find someone else and OH MY GOD. You are going to ing marry someone. Then that someone... and OH NOOOO!" Baekhyun was literally walking around the whole room while voicing out his thoughts and that made Kyungsoo laugh. He kind of miss this side of his friend that he saw once before when Baekhyun forgot to study before an exam.


"Baekhyun..." Chanyeol tried to get his attention but he failed when Baekhyun just continued talking about his future problems.


"When you marry, I will cry. When I cry I will look stupid and ugly and no one will want me..."


"Baek?" Chanyeol tried again only to fail once again.


"My life will be useless. Having such a useless life will cause me to get tired of singing and oh, no singing means no Kyungsoo and NO! I cannot not have my Kyungsoo around!" Baekhyun suddenly returned to his cool state then looked directly at Park Chanyeol.





"Y-yes I do."


"Then why didn't you tell me in the first place?"



"WHAT THE ING HELL BYUN BAEKHYUN?!" Someone, probably Kyungsoo, shouted at him from the speakers.



"Actually Baek, I told you. Like, a lot of times already but you, uhm, never believed me until now."


"Oh." Was all Baekhyun was able to say before he turned too red to even say another word.


"And Byun Baekhyun..."


"Y-yes Park Chanyeol?"



"You're my first love."



"Well you're not mine."


"Wow. Thanks for ruining the mood, brat." Someone, who sounded like Kris, commented.


"But really! Chanyeol isn't my first love~" Baekhyun said as he walked towards the table, "So you say that you prepare this all for me? The tables, decorations and all?" Baekhyun asked as he ran his fingers across the roses.


"Yes. Chanyeol did. So listen to this because I will not sing to you anymore even though you're my best friend." Kyungsoo said before they heard some rustling sounds. A pause—a long pause happened then suddenly someone was on the stage.


It was none other than Kim Jongin.



Then a music was played and Kyungsoo sang as Jongin dance along to the beat of the music.
Baekhyun was amazed on how Jongin danced smoothly and flawlessly. He knows Jongin can dance but he didn't know he was this good.


As Baekhyun and Chanyeol watch their friends' performance, Baekhyun suddenly held the younger's hand, making Chanyeol nervous.


"You know you really aren't my first love. Music is. But, you can be my last." That made Chanyeol look at Baekhyun and he was able to witness the most beautiful thing on the planet, Baekhyun's expression made his heart beat fast and those butterflies in his stomach flutter.






Byun Baekhyun turned to see who called his name. He was walking on the hallway of their school and it was too early for someone to be that hyper.
But he took his words back when he saw Kyungsoo running toward him. Of course, Kyungsoo would be all hyper. Nobody knows why but since the day Chanyeol and Baekhyun confessed to each other, Kyungsoo also seemed to look happy.
And it already been a week since that day.


"Yes? And why are you so energetic again?"


"What? Me? Energetic? Really?" Kyungsoo asked with his innocent face that Baekhyun knows isn't fake. Maybe Kyungsoo really didn't notice the way he suddenly changed in a good way. Maybe he's just as clueless as always.


"Forget what I said. Just tell me why on Earth did you call me this early?"

"Oh, that? It's because.. Ohmygod! Baekhyun you don't even know how popular you are now." Kyungsoo was in between screaming, shrieking and shouting. His heart shaped smile is visible and that made Baekhyun curious.


"What's wrong? Spill it, you're making me nervous."


Kyungsoo got his phone from his pocket, tapped it for a while until he screamed, "Aha!" Then he showed the picture on the screen to Baekhyun.

It was a picture of Chanyeol and him.

And under it was...












Today is the last day of 2013 so I posted this update already because starting tomorrow, or should I say next year, I will start to do my project~ If I am not that lazy to do it~


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Chapter 6: Ahhhhhhhhh it's so cute!!!>3<
Sogogi_DeerGator #2
Chapter 6: Hihihihi~ Why do I have to read dis at 1am I cant show my feels~ coz my mom might kill me xD
Baekyeol<3 wait how come they already have a fanclub? Lol hahahaha xD
jiosne #4
Chapter 6: LOL, did they have a fanclub already? XD
Chapter 5: Ah...yes kiss him chanyeol! Kiss him hard! I'm so happy with them kissing again god you don't know my feeling somebody shoot me please
mymymy #6
update soon TmT
jiosne #7
goosecaryoseob #8
Chapter 5: OUHHHHHH!!!!!My god!! Want more! Update soon!!!
Sogogi_DeerGator #9
Chapter 5: T_______________T
Sterlinglight123 #10
Chapter 4: Pls update soon!!! It is really nice!