I Don't Know

I Don't Know
Chanyeol's heart was about to leave him. He was sure of that. It was beating very fast like it wanted to break free and he couldn't do anything. 
Especially when Baekhyun is in the same room with him.
They're in the music room and it was only a few of them. He was here because he was suppose to accompany Baekhyun's singing but Chanyeol really wanted to refuse his senior and take back his words after he mentioned Baekhyun's name but he can't. He doesn't want to be disrespectful. 
And now, Chanyeol was staring as Baekhyun was practicing his singing with Kyungsoo.
He really wanted to pull Baekhyun and hug him but he can't. Chanyeol knows it might make their misunderstanding bigger so he chose to keep quiet in one corner while watching others go near his Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was sweating. Not because he's already tired but because he can feel Chanyeol's gazes eversince he stepped into the music room. It was suffocating him and as a result, he can't sing well.
"Yah, Baekhyun! What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Kyungsoo asked him, worry visible in his eyes and that made his heart hurt.
Baekhyun doesn't want to see Kyungsoo worried for something so...unreasonable. Just because he and Chanyeol had a fight (It's not really a fight) that doesn't mean he could drag Kyungsoo with his worries. He should be a good best friend and hide everything from Kyungsoo to avoid making his best friend think about some useless stuff like his so called break-up with Chanyeol.
"I'm fine. I think I just need a break." Baekhyun and another person said at the same time.
But when Baekhyun turned, he saw Chanyeol looking down, face pale as snow as others gather around him, all of them worried.
"Chanyeol, are you sure you don't need to go to the clinic? You look like a zombie!" One of the staff asked him.
Chanyeol only smiled. He was called a zombie once again but he doesn't want to go to the clinic. He doesn't want Jongin to worry...
What the hell? 
There are two Baekhyuns in front of him..
"Chanyeol.." The two Baekhyuns called him..
Chanyeol wanted to extend his arm but..
Everything went black.
"MINSEOK! FOCUS!" Minseok's piano instructor screamed at him for the nth time.
The old lady was getting angry again but Minseok doesn't care. He doesn't want to learn anything today. He wanted to explore. He wanted to see that person again.
Eversince he was a kid, he was already locked in their mansion. His mother told her it's not safe since many of their rivals are not so pleased about the sudden good fortune they're receiving. His mother told him all the people outside are evil and will only hurt him.
Minseok believed her until he accidentally met someone.
It was summer, some years ago, Minseok was trying to paint the front of their mansion so he was permitted to go outside. But his instructor was with him, of course.
Minseok was trying to focus as he look at their mansion, all the details are being buried into his mind until his instructor started blabbing again.
"Just paint, Minseok. You won't be able to do it properly anyway."
Those words again. 
All his instructors always tell him that he won't be able to do things properly because he is just a boy locked up until he dies. All of them always crushes Minseok's dreams and underestimates his abilities.
That's why Minseok hated them...
All of them are just liars. Acting like angels in front of his mother then the next, they are all creatures with red horns and tails.
Minseok never trusted anyone except himself and their gardener.
Because only their gardener believed in him. She never lied to him. She had always supported him in whatever he was trying to do. She was the mother Minseok never had.
Until one day, their gardener was nowhere in sight and it was the day that Minseok needed someone with him. His mother did it again. She told Minseok hurtful words, blaming him for his father's death.
"Shh. Quiet Jongdae. Someone might hear you."
Minseok suddenly stopped. The voice was familiar.
It was their gardener and he's sure of it so he followed where the voice was coming from.
Being a young kid, he was kind of afraid of what he'll see. But what might their gardener hide?
It was when Minseok spotted their gardener when he saw a young boy, about his age, clinging to their gardener's arm.
Minseok wondered who the boy was. Could it be their gardener's son? If so... Then...
The sudden shout surprised Jongdae. His mother quickly hid him behind her so that the person in front of them won't be able to see him.
"Why did you hide him?" The young Minseok asked while pouting. Their gardener's mouth opened to say something but she was out of words. 
He had seen him.
Minseok had seen her son.
She felt nervous as she remembered her master's reminder which sent her chills down to her spine as she said those in a sweet voice.
"You can keep your son here. But if you let him see my baby Minseok, he'll have to say goodbye to this world. No one from the outside is allowed to see my young angel, understood?"
It scared her. She loves Minseok but Jongdae is more important.
So after their first meeting, she told her son to never talk or let Minseok see him anywhere in the mansion.
But Jongdae never listened.
Minseok did not listen either.
After a week, every weekend, when Minseok doesn't have any classes with his instructors, he would go up to his room and wait.
Wait until it gets darker outside.
And when it does, it was the time of the day that Minseok would escape through his window and meet up with his new best friend at a tree near a lake, not far away from the mansion.
Minseok smiled remembering their first meeting. Eversince he met Jongdae, his whole life changed. And he never believed his mother anymore.
He figured all the things coming out of his mother's mouth are lies.
He washed away all his negative thoughts as he get nearer to the lake.
From afar, he could already see Jongdae laying down under the tree, a book covering his face.
Minseok ran smiling as he called his best friend's name.
"HYUNG!" Jongin's voice prevented Kyungsoo from almost starting to sleep.
Kyungsoo straighten up his sitting position as soon as he saw the younger boy running towards him. He was holding an Algebra book and he accidentally threw it because of too much shock.
Kyungsoo heard Jongin laugh as younger bent down to pick up the thrown book.
"Yah hyung. What's with the reaction?" Jongin was still smiling as he hand the book to Kyungsoo, making the older boy pout.
Jongin blinked several times, not realizing what just happened. Why the hell did his heart beat that fast? Is he sick? Does he need to have an appointment with his doctor? But what if his sickness is at its worst and.. What if he is already dying?!
Many questions are swimming in his head but all of those were left unanswered.
"PABO! Are you even listening?" Kyungsoo hit Jongin's head using his book and that made Jongin come back to reality.
"Why? Are you saying something, hyung?"
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes then stared at Jongin with his deadly eyes.
"I am asking you why you called me." Kyungsoo was pouting again and Jongin wanted to flip tables because of the cute action.
"Ah. I was just going to ask if you're..uhmn..you know. Free?" Jongin's face was already red but Kyungsoo didn't get what he mean.
"Free? What do you mean?"
"Uhm..I mean..If you are...ah..if you're free this weekend so..I could ask youtogowatchmovieswithme?" Jongin could explode anytime now. His face was already hot and red.
"W-what? You speak too fast Jongin." Kyungsoo's innocent (Yet irritating and cute at the same time) reply made Jongin want to ran off somewhere and scream all his feelings.
"Paboooo~ He's asking you to go out on a date with him."
A smiling Jongdae appeared out of nowhere. 
Jongdae is one of Kyungsoo's new found friends. He is one of the cast of the play Kyungsoo is joining and they became quite close lately.
"Really? Is that true, Jongin?" Kyungsoo's eyes grew larger as he stare at the younger boy.
"N-not really. I-i was..ahm.." Jongin was stuttering and he became pale in an instant and that made Jongdae laugh.
"Kyungsoo, don't embarrass the kid. Just say yes." Jongdae was grinning while he was nudging Kyungsoo.
"Shut it Jongdae. You're the one embarrassing him. Go away and practice your freaking high notes." Kyungsoo pushed Jongdae away and the other just smiled mischievously as he leave the two alone.
"Uhm..hyung? What now? Is it a yes? Or a hurtful no?" Jongin was looking at the floor. He doesn't want to look at Kyungsoo or else he might act like a brat and force Kyungsoo to go with him. But Kyungsoo was just smiling as he stare at his childhood friend.
He should've known. Kyungsoo would never go with—WAIT WHAT?
"What? C-can you repeat that, hyung?" He couldn't believe it. Kyungsoo said yes? He agreed to go on a date—I mean, to go watch some movies with Jongin. Kyungsoo said yes?!
"Yes. I will go watch a movie with you, Jongin. So please don't be embarrassed and all."
Chanyeol opened his eyes to see everything around him was colored white. He knows he's not yet dead because he can still feel everything. Even Baekhyun's hand on his.
Chanyeol stared. Stared. Stared. And stared more the sleeping figure of his beloved Byun Baekhyun. He placed his other hand on top of Baekhyun's and that made the other flinch.
Slowly, Baekhyun opened his eyes and what welcomed him was a breath taking smile of Park Chanyeol.
"Hi Baekhyun and..ahm T-thank you. I guess you were the one who brought me here." Chanyeol was smiling widely at Baekhyun and that made the boy's heart froze. 
"Y-you're welcome pabo." Baekhyun returned Chanyeol's smile but he stood up nervously a second after.
"I-i need to get going. I still need to practice for the, uhm.. You know, play. And don't worry, as for now..I think, I could go with the musical background...really..you don't need to push yourself too much.."
Chanyeol blinked at Baekhyun's nervous statement. Why is Baekhyun stuttering? Why is he nervous? Isn't Chanyeol the one who's suppose to be nervous?
Baekhyun was almost running to the door when Chanyeol held him by the wrist.
That did it.
Baekhyun wanted to throw himself to Chanyeol and tell him everything. Baekhyun wanted to hold Chanyeol's hands again and be able to express his feelings freely. To tell him that he has always loved the younger.
But he can't.
And he didn't.
Because all Baekhyun did was to cry like an idiot in front of a confused Chanyeol.
And the rest happened too fast. Both of them didn't know how it happened but Baekhyun was in Chanyeol's arms and was saying non-stop how Chanyeol was so ing stupid to not take care of his own health even though they're supposed to be not talking with each other. Misunderstanding, remember?
Chanyeol was only laughing softly while treasuring the brief moment he was able to hug Baekhyun again.
"Ehem. Sorry to disturb you guys but, the nurse said it's okay to discharge Chanyeol today."
Baekhyun pulled himself away as fast as a lightning when Jongin entered without knocking. He also wiped his tears away because he doesn't want Jongin to think that something dramatic happened even though its true.
"It's ing okay to knock, you know?" Chanyeol was glaring at his best friend but Jongin was just smiling like an idiot. Chanyeol only rolled his eyes.
"I talked to everyone at school already, you can skip school tomorrow to have some rest." Kyungsoo appeared behind Jongin and he was embracing him by the waist. Jongin only looked at him with loving eyes.
That made Chanyeol want to vomit.
"What the hell guys.. Is that what I think it is?" Baekhyun asked, his eyes almost popping out of its sockets.
"What?" Jongin and Kyungsoo asked at the same time making Baekhyun and Chanyeol look at them even more accusingly. Both Kyungsoo and Jongin just shrugged and smiled at each other with their gross stares. (Chanyeol: Eeeew.)
"Nevermind. Let's just fix this giant's things so we can go." Baekhyun shrugged off the idea of Jongin and Kyungsoo's sudden romance and went straight to fixing Chanyeol's things.
It was almost evening when they left the hospital. Jongin and Kyungsoo left them because they said they need to buy a DVD or something so now, Baekhyun was burdened by the responsibility of bringing Chanyeol back to his mansion.
While they were in the bus, there was a heavy feeling in Baekhyun's chest. He can't breathe. He wanted to escape but he knows he needs to act normal. Normal as if he was not hurt by their 'break up'.
"So Chanyeol, is it okay if I leave your things right at your door? I need to go home early or else my brother's going to scold me again." Baekhyun was pouting and he was so ing cute that Chanyeol needs to stop himself from grabbing Baekhyun and kissing him until he's out of air.
They went on like that the whole ride. Baekhyun was talking about some things and Chanyeol was pretending to listen.
Until Chanyeol had enough and...
"Aish. Shut up, Baekhyun." 
So that's how their second kiss happened.






And really, what the hell is going on with KaiSoo? One moment they're avoiding each other with "I'm dead blah blah" and now they're hugging each other by the waist and they're freaking exchanging gross (according to Chanyeol) gazes.


What am I writing, really? o__O


And XiuChen is there guys~ Ahlabdem tu. <3


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Chapter 6: Ahhhhhhhhh it's so cute!!!>3<
Sogogi_DeerGator #2
Chapter 6: Hihihihi~ Why do I have to read dis at 1am I cant show my feels~ coz my mom might kill me xD
Baekyeol<3 wait how come they already have a fanclub? Lol hahahaha xD
jiosne #4
Chapter 6: LOL, did they have a fanclub already? XD
Chapter 5: Ah...yes kiss him chanyeol! Kiss him hard! I'm so happy with them kissing again god you don't know my feeling somebody shoot me please
mymymy #6
update soon TmT
jiosne #7
goosecaryoseob #8
Chapter 5: OUHHHHHH!!!!!My god!! Want more! Update soon!!!
Sogogi_DeerGator #9
Chapter 5: T_______________T
Sterlinglight123 #10
Chapter 4: Pls update soon!!! It is really nice!