First Kiss


First Kiss



The first week was difficult for Baekhyun. He almost died pretending to be sweet with Park Chanyeol in public.


After the revelation Chanyeol did at the cafeteria, Baekhyun grabbed his arm and when they were alone, he hit Chanyeol's head hard. Really hard.


"Ouch! That hurts! You're so small yet you give so much force on hitting someone." Chanyeol pouted while holding the part of his head that Baekhyun hit.


"You ing giant. What the hell is your problem?! I am not your freaking boyfriend!" Baekhyun wanted to punch Chanyeol's face but he doesn't want to ruin something that looks so good.

Yes. He admitted to himself at that moment that Park Chanyeol was handsome. And that's why he hated him even more.


"Calm down...uhm.. What's your name again?"


That's when he punched Chanyeol's stomach. How dare he say that he's his boyfriend if he doesn't even know his name?!


"Whaaaat? I'm just asking your name!"


Baekhyun ignored him and started walking away. He was irritated. He wanted to beat Chanyeol to his death. But he knows he can't.

Chanyeol helped him.



He stopped and looked back at Chanyeol who was currently kicking the sand and cursing.



"My name's Byun Baekhyun."


Chanyeol stopped to look at Baekhyun who was trying hard to hide his embarrasment. He wanted to say something but Baekhyun ran before he could open his mouth.


Byun Baekhyun...


My Baekhyun.....


Chanyeol felt the butterflies once again as he smiled widely.



So after a week, Baekhyun was trying his best. Trying his best to not punch the tall guy who was making small attempts on being sweet in public.


Chanyeol would always try to hold Baekhyun's hand whenever they're with his friends (Kris, Sehun, Tao and Jongin). Jongin would just look at their intertwined fingers suspiciously but he wouldn't say anything. Kris will just smirk whenever Chanyeol tries to feed Baekhyun during lunch.




The one who was affected the most was Kyungsoo. He was left with no one now Baekhyun was always with Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo knows the truth about Baekhyun and Chanyeol's fake relationship but he decides to stay quiet because he knows that once he spills everything, those bullies will come back.

And he was tired of all the they're causing.


Another problem was Jongin. Kyungsoo was always hiding whenever he catches the sight of his old friend.

He was dead. That's what Jongin knows.

He died because of a car accident with his parents. He was not supposed to be seen by anyone from the past.




Baekhyun was starting to feel something weird whenever Chanyeol holds his hand. He wanted to pull away but he.just.can't.

He tells himself that he was just afraid that he might get bullied again once Kris knew that Chanyeol and his realtionship was a fraud.

Byun Baekhyun, you're not starting to like that giant. He tells himself the same thing everyday.


At the same time, Chanyeol wanted to take back everything he said. He really regrets telling everyone that Baekhyun was his boyfriend and making up their fake relationship. Because now, he can't flirt with other girls. He can't play and go to bars at night without being reminded of Byun Baekhyun. On how he would be sad if he found out that his boyfriend was at a bar, flirting.

Chanyeol would always just laugh at them. If only they knew. He was the only one.

It's an unrequited love and all he wants now is for their relationship to be real. He doesn't want a fake one anymore.

Because Park Chanyeol finally admitted that he was now in love with Byun Baekhyun who he soon figured out was older than him by months.




Jongin wasn't stupid. He knows that the person he sees at school is Kyungsoo. His Kyungsoo.

Even though Kyungsoo would always hide from him, he knows that he's alive from the start so what he's doing was nonsense.


Jongin was only 10 years old when a news was reported to his father.


The car the Do family was riding was hit by a truck. No survivors were found.


Jongin cried and cried that night. His best friend is not dead. He knows he isn't because he can feel it but why won't he show up?!

He needs Kyungsoo's comforting hugs. He needs Kyungsoo to sing him to sleep. He needs his best friend.

He waited for years.


But Kyungsoo never came back.




The following weeks of pretending became easy. Very easy. Chanyeol doesn't need to nudge Baekhyun so that they can begin they act. Now, Baekhyun is the one that initiates the first move.

Their relationship grew deeper and deeper without them noticing. Almost everyone, even Kyungsoo, knows that they're not the same couple anymore.


Kyungsoo knows that the two were not pretending anymore.




Another 'first' happened at the 4th floor of their school in same library where they first met.


One time, when it was already late, Baekhyun was with Chanyeol who was doing his homework in the library.

The school was not yet close because there was some kind of event happening. It was not clear to both of them whether it's a festival or a just a school program. They were just so busy to even bother knowing but both knows there's still a lot of students outside.


Chanyeol was typing important things on his laptop for hours while Baekhyun was just sitting beside him, earphones plucked in his ears. It was noisy outside and Chanyeol really can't concentrate. He tried but he failed. Giving up, he breathed heavily and tapped Baekhyun's shoulder.

When Baekhyun turned, Chanyeol's pleading face welcomed him. He was stunned by the sight. Chanyeol looks cute. Too cute that he felt his heartbeat double. But he wouldn't let it show of course.


"What?" Baekhyun asked sounding a little annoyed. Chanyeol pouted at his tone and then he held Baekhyun's hand without his permission, making Baekhyun yelp.


"Yah Yeol! I almost fell down my seat." Baekhyun was irritated and surprised at the same time. He threw a small book at Chanyeol who was now laughing. No one is in the library except the two of them so they're free to shout and laugh like there's no tomorrow.

Chanyeol never really meant to surprise Baekhyun by holding his hand. He just wanted to ask Baekhyun's help but the older's reaction was so pleasing to Chanyeol's eyes. He knows he wouldn't forget anything from this moment.


"Stop laughing, you giant." Baekhyun was ready to throw another book at him so he tried to stop laughing. He did. But he couldn't stop smiling.


"What do you want? Why did even hold my hand?" Chanyeol noticed the way Baekhyun bites his lower lip and he just stared forgetting to answer Baekhyun's question. How would it feel to kiss such lips?


"YAH! PARK CHANYEOL!" A shout from Baekhyun pulled him back to reality.


"A-ah. I'm just going to ask if you can help me. I really can't concentrate because of the noise coming from outside." Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with pleading eyes. But Baekhyun decided not to help him. Instead, he placed the earphones back to where it belong and raise the volume of the music he's listening to.


"Baekkie~" Chanyeol called Baekhyun and the older paused the music for a while only to tell him that..


"I don't want you to finish your homework. It was because of you that I wasn't able to finish mine before." Then Baekhyun continued on ignoring Chanyeol but he never played the music again, his phone's battery was almost empty. He just pretended not to hear the younger one.


"Baek...Then I'm sorry.. I told you I was sorry before, right?" Chanyeol poked Baekhyun's arm but he didn't even move or look at him.


"Baekhyun-ah~" Another silence. Chanyeol pouted at Baekhyun's stubbornness. He needs to catch his Baekhyun's attention.


And that's when his playful side kicks in.






Holy . Baekhyun cursed and cursed mentally. He wanted to slap Chanyeol and beat him until he can't move or until he's dead. He was furious. Chanyeol was so annoying that he managed to make Baekhyun's heart jump just by using a single word. But of course, Chanyeol was just being his usual playful self. He doesn't mean what he just said.

After all, they are just pretending.


But the blushing Baekhyun still looked at Chanyeol.



Chanyeol's eyes slightly grew larger at the older guy's expression. Byun Baekhyun is blushing.

His Byun Baekhyun is blushing because of him.



"What?! Y-you called me, right? So what now?" Even though Chanyeol heard Baekhyun's angelic voice, he was still amazed at how cute Baekhyun's blushing is.


"C-chanyeol? W-what's wrong?" Baekhyun was wondering why Chanyeol seems to look so amazed while staring at him. He bit his lower lip and stared at the giant who was also looking at him wide eyed.



And that's when a click was heard that was followed by the sound of heavy footsteps walking away, a whistle and the clinging and dinging of what sound like a set of keys.



Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol immediately stood up. If they were guessing it right, they were locked inside the library.


They can't be locked in here. Baekhyun was starting to panic. It seems like something was not right... He wasn't forgetting something, was he? He looked at his watch and saw that it was already 10:46 in the evening. That's when everything hits him.

He needs to go home tonight. Someone should be with his brother. Joonmyeon needs him now. How could he ing forget?!

Baekhyun tried to open the door. He screamed and shouted for someone to open it but nothing came. No one heard him because of the noise coming from the celebration being held downstairs.


He wanted to cry. How could he almost forgot?! His older brother was sick and he was supposed to take care of him after school. But when Chanyeol asked him to go with him to the library, everything was forgotten.



"OPEN THIS DOOR!" Baekhyun continued on shouting as tears started to form in his eyes. Joonmyeon hyung...


Chanyeol doesn't know what to do. He stared as Baekhyun kick and curse the door of the library. He was so surprise at the older's actions that he was glued to the floor while looking at the furious Baekhyun.



Baekhyun reached for his phone to call his brother only to find out that its battery was already empty.

. If I just didn't listen to songs. Baekhyun kicked the door as he curse himself for being so stupid. He couldn't hide his anger anymore. He pulled his own hair and that's when Chanyeol ran to him.


"Yah! Pabo! Stop that!" Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's arm but he tried to pull away.


"Baekhyun! I said stop, you idiot!" Baekhyun was surprised because of Chanyeol's sudden outburst. He stopped and looked at Chanyeol whose eyes were full of concern.


"Stop hurting yourself and tell me what the is wrong with you.." Chanyeol's voice was soft and calm and it makes Baekhyun want to embrace and cry in his arms.



"I...I am an irresponsible, stupid, useless brother.." Sobs started to form as Baekhyun tells Chanyeol his problem.


"Why? What's wrong, yeobo?" Baekhyun's heartbeat became faster. Yeobo. Chanyeol called him that again.


"I was supposed to take care of my brother who was ill... But... I forgot about him. I just remembered a while ago." I forgot about him because of you. Baekhyun wanted to tell Chanyeol that but he can't. He was afraid of his reaction. And rejection.


"Shhh. Stop it." Chanyeol enveloped him in a hug. Baekhyun was already crying as he hugged Chanyeol back.


"Calm down, Yeobo." That was the last thing Baekhyun heard Chanyeol say before he felt Chanyeol's lips against his.



That was their first kiss.




And fireworks was seen on the starry sky as people downstairs celebrate in joy.


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Chapter 6: Ahhhhhhhhh it's so cute!!!>3<
Sogogi_DeerGator #2
Chapter 6: Hihihihi~ Why do I have to read dis at 1am I cant show my feels~ coz my mom might kill me xD
Baekyeol<3 wait how come they already have a fanclub? Lol hahahaha xD
jiosne #4
Chapter 6: LOL, did they have a fanclub already? XD
Chapter 5: Ah...yes kiss him chanyeol! Kiss him hard! I'm so happy with them kissing again god you don't know my feeling somebody shoot me please
mymymy #6
update soon TmT
jiosne #7
goosecaryoseob #8
Chapter 5: OUHHHHHH!!!!!My god!! Want more! Update soon!!!
Sogogi_DeerGator #9
Chapter 5: T_______________T
Sterlinglight123 #10
Chapter 4: Pls update soon!!! It is really nice!