Thirty Six

What Lurks

“What is it?” Sehun asks from behind him, curious and confused. Kyungsoo’s grip on Jongin’s shoulder tightens slightly, a little too close to his bite-mark for comfort,

“Your girlfriend’s pack is trespassing on our land!” he hisses. Jongin up and down his boyfriend’s back soothingly. He doesn’t want an argument to happen, if he can help it,

“What’s that- I don’t get it, why are they ‘trespassing’?”

“Because Jadzia’s from a different pack, and they want to take our land from us. We’ve tried to be reasonable but they aren’t having it.” Kyungsoo explains, without looking at him, and sounding less angry than before, though he’s still scowling.

“And I’m not leaving you –either of you- here alone where any one of them could follow our trails and find you unprotected and hurt you,” he unconsciously reaches for Jongin’s bad hand, tangling their fingers together.

Sehun’s eyes bulge out of their sockets,

“That was-?” he points at Jongin, “that’s how you were injured? It wasn’t a wild dog at all it was a ing werewolf! Oh my god,”

“Yeah, do you see why Kyungsoo is worried?” Jongin says scathingly, still trying to stop Kyungsoo from ripping Sehun’s head off. He slips two fingers underneath his shirt and presses them against the skin there.

“Yeah I understand,” he’s gone back to looking pale and sickly, and by the way his eyes dart all over the place, Jongin can tell he’s worrying about his own safety with Jadzia,

“Stop thinking so hard. The only reason I got hurt was because some stupid wolf from our pack decided to take me into the middle of a pack fight, Jadzia couldn’t hurt you even if she wanted to. And believe me that’s the last thing on her mind,” he scoffs.

Sehun stares at one particular spot on the carpet, eyebrows furrowed so much that Jongin can’t even see his eyes at this angle. At this point, Jongin thinks that leaving Sehun to mull this over for a while by himself is the best plan, so he waddles forward with Kyungsoo in his arms, out into the hallway.

He reverses into the wall, and slips down a bit so his eyes are nearly level with Kyungsoo’s – and more importantly his mouth- and pulls him closer, clasping his hands together just above his . Kyungsoo’s hands rest languidly under his arms and on the backs of his shoulders.

“He’ll get over it,” he whispers, referring to Sehun’s aversion to all things canine, “you just need to focus on being careful, ok?” he tries to whisper, hoping to calm him down by pressing a feather-light kiss on his forehead, and then touching his nose with his own. Kyungsoo’s smiling, although he’s doing his best to conceal it. It’s a nice role reversal; usually Jongin’s the one leaning on Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo closes the gap between their mouths, moulding their lips together but keeping everything sweet. Jongin hates how bittersweet it tastes; it’s not like they’re saying goodbye, and Jongin has faith in Kyungsoo’s ability to defend himself.

Kyungsoo’s kisses drift off down Jongin’s jawline, and wander down his neck towards his bite-mark, where he ever so gently on the swelling purple bruise. Jongin is surprised at the hot flush that courses through him, but he’s not sure if it’s the sting or just the mental stimulation attributed to that spot.

Either way, Kyungsoo notices, and chuckles, harder and pressing his tongue down on the double crescent shape. He seems a lot calmer now, less likely to tear someone head off, but Jongin is comparatively losing his mind. Surely this shouldn’t feel so good? This is almost as good as itself. In the back of his mind it occurs to him that they should really stop, but more. He wants more. His fingers trail lower, just peeking under the waistband of his boyfriend’s jeans, and pushing him forward, as close as he can get him.

He hums breathily as Kyungsoo grazes his teeth across the symbol of their permanency, rolling his hips forward. Now is really not the time, but his teenage human hormones can’t help it. He should have better self-control than this, but to be fair Kyungsoo’s provoking him.

“Jongin, when-?  Oh My God, ok, I’ll just-“ Jongin barely even notices Sehun walk in –or is it walk out? – on them, then backtrack and close the door behind him. He screws up his face and tilts his head back until it hits the wall behind him, panting and sweating a little.

Suddenly Kyungsoo is gone, and it’s cold and too hot at the same time. He looks around bewildered, to find Kyungsoo in front of him stripping out of his clothes with enthusiasm. He blushes further- he can’t be serious, right? He’s not going to have with him no, with Sehun right there, is he?

“Kyungsoo?”  he asks tentatively, really not sure what he should be doing, if anything at all.

“Mum’s here,” he explains, slipping out of his underwear. Jongin still feels rude looking at it, even though it was inside of him earlier. His heart sinks when Kyungsoo’s words finally sink in; he’s getting ready to shift, not take him against the wall. How embarrassing, especially the way his body reacted to the fantasy.

Before getting on all fours, he pecks him on the mouth teasingly. During the start of Kyungsoo’s transformation, Jongin pretends to kick him. He realises now that that was a deliberate plan to rile him up and then leave him all hot and bothered. He opens the door to the living room and jerks his head at Sehun to make him get up.

“Kyungsoo’s mum is here, so were getting ready to go,” he retrieves all their bags from upstairs, and sinks into a crouch in the doorway to put his shoes back on, fighting to ignore the way Sehun is so blatantly ogling his boyfriend. His mate. His everything.

Sehun unconsciously manoeuvres himself so Jongin is in the middle, using him as a barrier against the big bad wolf. Blaidd his cheek, and nuzzles at his hair, as a goodbye, then he’s sprinting out into the low evening light, even as his mother calls directions out to him while stepping out of the car.

Jongin wipes the saliva off his face, and gets into the car, sombre. At least she can’t smell what just transpired between the two of them, and Kyungsoo’s dad won’t until he gets back from the fight. It may well have faded some by then anyway.

“Where are we going, again?”

“Kyungsoo’s house,”

“Oh. Ok,” Sehun slumps to the side and stares out of the window. Jongin asks a few polite questions about numbers and percentages of success but Haejin doesn’t know the answers.

At Kyungsoo’s, Jongin takes Sehun into the living room and turns on the TV. As much as he’d love to go up to his mate’s room and bundle himself up in Kyungsoo’s duvets and stay there until he gets back, it’d be unfair to leave Sehun down here by himself.

Haejin says that Jongin’s mum is up in her room, doing some work. Jongin shrugs, at least she’s in here and safe.

They make up over the programs on TV; seriously, how stupid can a person be? Who on earth would actually do that, right? That had to be a set-up. During the third commercial break, Sehun suddenly turns serious again,

“Is Jadzia fighting? Out there?”

“I don’t know. She seemed like she’d be quite good, so I expect so,” Jongin shrugs.

“If she is out there, would Kyungsoo go easy on her?” he still seems to be thinking about her as though she were human. Jongin snorts,

“I doubt it,” he almost laughs, and Sehun bites his lip, not finding it funny, “for one thing I’m sure she can hold her own, and another, Kyungsoo doesn’t really go easy on anyone, not even me. Especially not me,” he says, thinking back to all of the games he’s lost to him.

“I still don’t like it,” Sehun frets, and now that Jongin’s looking he can see that he does indeed look tense.

“Neither do I,” he agrees, as he’s sat the same way, rigid, stiff and unsure which outcome to hope for.



didja miss me? huh? HUH? i was only gone like a week tho so...

but yeh please comment~ i haven't spoken to some of you in agesss D: its a travesty really 

also, again; advertising my because its fun answering questions you guys might have for them (。・ω・。)ノ♡

(or you could just read the ones already there lol)

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fml this wedding 'drabble' is probably going to be long enough to be a standalone oneshot -_-


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Can someone tell me what the story actually is about? Without much spoilers please
Naliaparamore #2
Chapter 50: Awwww♥ i really REALLY enjoyed it ♥ TT.TTA THANK YOU,IT WAS PERFECT SWEET AUTHOR-NIM! I'm kind of confused about something... so i'll re-read it in a week probably haha. Love for you! Again, muchas gracias!!
Chapter 7: wibbly wobbly ual wexual lol
nesi0806 #5
Chapter 50: That was soooo good, their not so cheesy but actually cheesy relationship was so well described I love it!!! I loved their constant arguments, it made their relationship more real in my eyes. All other wolf aus has that always lovely and protective alpha stereotype that he treats his lover like a fragile flower! But Kyungsoo in this story was so... how to say it... real (?) towards Jongin. I just love it!

Besides I would love to read them adopting their own tiny wolf! (^-^) Like he could be an abondaned little thing that Kyungsoo's parents have found and Jongin and Blaidd would warm up to him so fast that even if Kyungsoo would be against the idea at first (because he would keep taking all Jongin's attention and time to himself), they would end up adopting him and all that fluffy stuff I have just imagined! \(*-*)/

Overall, it was a good read. Thank you author-nim.
Bulbie #6
Chapter 50: Waaaaaaah this is so lovely tbh
I really loved reading ♡
Thanks for writing and sharing!!!

Awesome French btw ^^
audbear #7
Chapter 12: May I know who tops before I continue reading pls'?? ;)
laubar #9
Chapter 41: whats funny is that when kyungsoo talked about how wolves mate with humans for some reasons and said "until i met you" or something idk... I started imagining the whole plot in my head and i thought your story would be very similar to what i had in my head: jongin's father that was not present in his life was a wolf so jongin was also one and for some reason he just didn't developped it yet. The reveal to jongin's mother, freaking out at the hospital knowing that kyungsoo was a werewolf would be because shes scared that jongin gets hurt like she did when her lover left her. I thought that the wolf that attacked jongin could be from his father's pack and his father was the alpha of that pack. The bites would have alarmed jongins wolf and jongin would finally transform into his real form and in the end kyungsoo and jongin would have attacked that pack amd would have won and kyungsoo would end up as the alpha (sorry my english ) but yeah thats basically what i though was gonna happen hahaha (oh and i though that sehun was a wolf too because he was really not scared of kyungsoo at the beginning hahah. But Hey !!! i'm glad i've read this story and that it wasn't how i imagined it in my head because it would have been boring for me to read something whem i already know what will happen Do good job!!! it was cute :))) oh attend tu parles français?? aaah bon je n'aurais pas pri tout ce temps la a essayer decrire en anglais hahahah too late!!