
What Lurks


Jongin is conscious, but doesn't open his eyes. He's woozy, like he's been ill. Maybe he's thrown up or something, because it smells like cleaning fluid in here. Something itches below his nose, so he reaches up to scratch and finds something hard there. He screws his face up and tries to remove whatever this thing is, but another hand prevents him, fingers curling around his wrist and guiding it back down onto his stomach.

“No, don't do that sweetie,” a voice he recognises implores. It's his mum. She sounds ill too, voice hoarse. Must be a virus going around.

He tries to open his eyes, but he can't see much, it's all blurry. He rubs at his closed eyes to try and get some of it out so he can see, but there's a weird texture instead of the skin he was expecting. It's a little coarse. He blinks at it blearily, and it slowly comes into focus.

His hand is tightly bandaged all the way up to his elbow.

“What..?” the floor feels like it swoops to the side, and he feels the urge to regurgitate everything in his stomach. He gags painfully, his stomach contracting violently, but nothing comes out.

“Jongin, sweetie, you're in hospital,”

“What?” he looks around and finally the fact that he's not in his room registers. His mum is sat on a seat next to his bed, and he's hooked up to a heart monitor and he has one of the things in his hand that connects to a drip. Is that what's making everything sway? He's never been to hospital like this before and he's heard some people react badly to the painkillers.

“What happened? Why am I…in hospital?” he stares at his left hand, trying to figure it out. He can't move his fingers at all because the bandage is too restricting. He can’t even feel it. He can’t feel anything except sick, actually.

“I was hoping you could tell me that,” he looks at her properly for the first time: her eyes are wet, and she's not wearing any make-up. What the hell is going on?

“I'm not...sure,” he goes back to the last memories he remembers, mentally retracing his steps. He remembers Kyungsoo and everyone went off to go and defend their territory from another pack. Then. Then Canlie made him go with him so that they could help. Then...

It all comes flooding back to him in one second, like a physical impact.

The forest. The black wolf. The pain.

“The doctor said it looked like an animal attack. Jongin, were you playing in the forest, or something?” she reaches over and rests her fingertips lightly on his bad arm, and he can't feel anything there,

“No, no,” he forces out through the fresh tears marring his face-he's sure he'll be having nightmares about that forever, “where's Kyungsoo?” he sobs, letting is mother pull him closer and his hairc comfortingly.

“He's out in the corridor; do you want me to get him?” Jongin can only nod, unable to form coherent words anymore. She gets up and opens the door. Before she can even get it half way open, Kyungsoo is darting around her and diving into Jongin's waiting embrace. He looks like he's been crying too, and his hair is in traumatised tufts that can only mean he's been pulling it again,

“Jongin, Jongin,” he croons, rocking him slightly and brushing his fringe away from his face, “I was so scared, you weren't moving, Jongin,” he squeezes him, “there was so much blood,” Jongin reaches up to smooth his hair over,

“Wasn't your fault, it was Canlie,” he says, trying to get closer. Kyungsoo's presence is so soothing,

“Kyungsoo, can you tell me what's going on?” his mum asks softly. Kyungsoo stops moving and looks at Jongin, as if asking permission. Jongin his head, he doesn't know what he’s asking: he can barely think straight as it is.

“Um, yeah,” he perches on the edge of Jongin's bed, absently his hair, and Jongin moves over to give him a bit more room, and rests his head on his shoulder. He watches his boyfriend expectantly,

“I'm right here, Kyungsoo. Love you,” he reassures him, understanding that this is a huge deal for Kyungsoo, even if he doesn’t know what he’s about to say,

“I should be telling you that,” Kyungsoo laughs humourlessly. The room becomes watery and he gags again, turning his face in the other direction and covering his face because he doesn't want his boyfriend to see him like this.

Jongin's mum looks very suspicious now,

“What? Who's Canlie? Were you doing something dangerous?” she frowns, the corners of turned down in worry. Kyungsoo doesn't say anything for a while, so Jongin tries to answer the easiest question,

“Canlie is one of Kyungsoo's, uh, friends. And I wouldn't have been doing anything dangerous if he hadn't made me,”

“Where the hell is he? I'll go report him to the police,” she grits out, unmitigated fury projected from her face.

“No, don't bother, it won't help,” Kyungsoo breaks in. Jongin's mum's rage is directed at Kyungsoo,

“Are you really defending your friend?” she asks disbelievingly, disgusted. Kyungsoo turns cold,

“No. He will receive what he deserves,” and Kyungsoo looks all wolf at that moment. This still doesn't satisfy her, and she stares him down,

“Is that all? What were you doing?” she probes, suspicious and suddenly not trusting Kyungsoo at all. Her child is hurt because of him, he doesn't even know the extent of the damage yet, and she doesn't want to have to tell him,

“No, that's not all,” Kyungsoo deflates, and bites his lip hard. He’s probably squeezing his hand too hard, judging by the tendons popping out, but he can’t feel anything so it’s ok.

“Go on,” she encourages imperiously, and Jongin's pretty sure Kyungsoo's never seen her like this. Jongin's never seen her this bad, either. Not even when he broke her laptop a few years ago.

“I'll. I'll start from the beginning, you won't believe me, but please don't. Don't kick me out,” Jongin realises only now what’s about to happen. Is this really such a good idea? He nudges him and gives him a worried look, but Kyungsoo just shakes his head slightly, and pecks his forehead. He had to do this at some point.

“No promises,” she seethes, wanting nothing more at this moment that no throttle Kyungsoo, so he just speaks. This anticipation is too much.

Looking at his lap, voice monotone, he finally talks, “I'm a werewolf and Canlie is one of my pack, and we were fighting off some of the enemy werewolves. We left Canlie behind to protect Jongin, but he brought him with him because he wanted to fight too. Then one of the enemy wolves found him and attacked him,”

She doesn't say anything for a long time, face slowly contorting into one of repulsion and a dash of fear. Kyungsoo speaks again, “the wolf that attacked you is dead now,” Jongin stares at him, the unspoken question conveyed; you? Kyungsoo nods. Jongin feels slightly relieved, letting himself droop all over him again. He could so easily fall asleep right now, he muses; he’s warm, comfortable and sleepy enough. He doesn’t fully register the tension between his mum and his boyfriend,

“Get out,” Jongin's mum commands, pointing at the door, “out!”

“No!” Jongin shouts, and Kyungsoo doesn't move, appalled.

“You're insane, completely ing insane. Get away from my child!” she stands, the chair legs scraping shrilly against the tiled floor, and yanks Kyungsoo away. In a state of shock, doesn’t resist her.

“No! Kyungsoo!” Jongin yells, “mum, let him go! Kyungsoo!” he tries to get up, but he can't, the moment he's half upright he falls. Kyungsoo doesn't start struggling until he's half way out the door, and then he's shrieking the same thing,

“Jongin!” with one last rage-fuelled shove on his mother’s part, Kyungsoo is outside, and the door is slammed in his face and locked. Kyungsoo pounds on the door hard enough to rattle the entire building, shouting his name. Jongin shouts back, and tries to push his mum away from him, so he can go to him, but in this state he’s far to weak to do anything, and she’s strong enough to push Kyungsoo out, what chance does he have of fighting her?

“Stay away from Jongin!” she warns him, clenching tightly the blankets around him.

“Jongin!” Kyungsoo cries, his voice cracking, and he stops hitting the door. He can hear Kyungsoo crying outside, and he knows he needs to get to him. He glares at his mum, his face damp and his head spinning so badly.

She reaches for a button, and presses it. It's the alarm button, and that means a doctor is going to come and investigate. Kyungsoo is going to be expelled from the building,

Jongin can't even form words anymore, can only sob. He hears a scuffle outside, 'sir, you cant be here,' and Kyungsoo fighting them off, but they must have called security or something. Kyungsoo's voice echoes down the hallway.

“I hate you,” he snivels, wiping his face with the bandage of his arm. He stares at it, revolted, and begins tearing it off, manic.

His mum tries to stop him, and calls for help. A woman hurries in with a syringe, and injects it into his drip,

“No! I don't want to go to sleep,” he thrashes, reaching for the clear bag to pull it off or something, and accidentally smacks the nurse, but then before he can inflict any more damage his limbs stop responding, “no, no,” he whimpers as his minds slows down.

The last thing he hears is his mum bawling, “I'm sorry,”


wow im dead its basically 2am and my arm hurts from typing BUT i finished the kyungsoopov oneshot  :) ahhhaaahhhhhh DX pain

here it is: This Lurks go read it gogogogo its up noww  :D

show some love for this poor tired and pained author and comment while i go...sleep...ugh

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fml this wedding 'drabble' is probably going to be long enough to be a standalone oneshot -_-


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Can someone tell me what the story actually is about? Without much spoilers please
Naliaparamore #2
Chapter 50: Awwww♥ i really REALLY enjoyed it ♥ TT.TTA THANK YOU,IT WAS PERFECT SWEET AUTHOR-NIM! I'm kind of confused about something... so i'll re-read it in a week probably haha. Love for you! Again, muchas gracias!!
Chapter 7: wibbly wobbly ual wexual lol
nesi0806 #5
Chapter 50: That was soooo good, their not so cheesy but actually cheesy relationship was so well described I love it!!! I loved their constant arguments, it made their relationship more real in my eyes. All other wolf aus has that always lovely and protective alpha stereotype that he treats his lover like a fragile flower! But Kyungsoo in this story was so... how to say it... real (?) towards Jongin. I just love it!

Besides I would love to read them adopting their own tiny wolf! (^-^) Like he could be an abondaned little thing that Kyungsoo's parents have found and Jongin and Blaidd would warm up to him so fast that even if Kyungsoo would be against the idea at first (because he would keep taking all Jongin's attention and time to himself), they would end up adopting him and all that fluffy stuff I have just imagined! \(*-*)/

Overall, it was a good read. Thank you author-nim.
Bulbie #6
Chapter 50: Waaaaaaah this is so lovely tbh
I really loved reading ♡
Thanks for writing and sharing!!!

Awesome French btw ^^
audbear #7
Chapter 12: May I know who tops before I continue reading pls'?? ;)
laubar #9
Chapter 41: whats funny is that when kyungsoo talked about how wolves mate with humans for some reasons and said "until i met you" or something idk... I started imagining the whole plot in my head and i thought your story would be very similar to what i had in my head: jongin's father that was not present in his life was a wolf so jongin was also one and for some reason he just didn't developped it yet. The reveal to jongin's mother, freaking out at the hospital knowing that kyungsoo was a werewolf would be because shes scared that jongin gets hurt like she did when her lover left her. I thought that the wolf that attacked jongin could be from his father's pack and his father was the alpha of that pack. The bites would have alarmed jongins wolf and jongin would finally transform into his real form and in the end kyungsoo and jongin would have attacked that pack amd would have won and kyungsoo would end up as the alpha (sorry my english ) but yeah thats basically what i though was gonna happen hahaha (oh and i though that sehun was a wolf too because he was really not scared of kyungsoo at the beginning hahah. But Hey !!! i'm glad i've read this story and that it wasn't how i imagined it in my head because it would have been boring for me to read something whem i already know what will happen Do good job!!! it was cute :))) oh attend tu parles français?? aaah bon je n'aurais pas pri tout ce temps la a essayer decrire en anglais hahahah too late!!