A clearer picture pt. 2

Luscious Affliction
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A clearer picture pt.2

I took my leave. I was just way too curious about this whole issue and have decided to ask NaEun about certain stuffs since she should be clearer about it. I rushed back to class for my English lesson, and the first thing i did was not to prepare for my class. It was,of course, to ask NaEun about this matter and i don't like to be leave hanging.



"And you said you aren't a fan of Jungkook........hmmm..." NaEun went.

"I swear, i am not. If not i wouldn't even ignore him this morning !" i exclaimed.

"Oh....i totally forgot about that incident. True true. Okay fine, what do you wanna know?"

"So...you know the Big6 right.....who exactly are they, and how are they related to Jungkook?"

"I honestly don't know who they are other than a teacher in this school. Rumours said that the Big6 are actually not even blood-related to Jungkook...." and whispered , " I know, its shocking"

"So....who are they?"

"We don't know, not even the teachers. I think only the principal knows the real identity of the 7 of them.. Its just weird, how Jungkook entered this school, how the Big6 is always so protective of him, the fact that he seemed to surreal of all Top5s, the oddest ball amongst them."

"How did he enter this school?"

"He was just announced on stage during assembly one morning, and everyone just started going crazy over him. One reason is him being a famous blogger and the others is just, well lets be practical, he is rich, handsome, fit, can dance sing and do almost everything. He is a full package, who doesn't want him? Strange thing was, ever since the first day of school, he wasn't even properly introduced but was immediately put into thr Top5s, have to report to the principal's office and also because of him, Mr Kim Seok Jin and our form teacher came. Also....."

"Also...??" i asked in curiosity. I couldn't wait for her to spill the milk.

"I don't wanna scare you but someone got expelled for discussing this topic" she then lowered her voice and said, "There is a rumour that Jungkook is gonna be an idol, and that the 7 of them have a business together aka he has his own career, but is only coming here to get a certificate thats all. I dont know how true or how reliable this is, but some people overheard Jungkook's and the Principal's conversation. The girl that got expelled, it was because she was found recording the whole conversation and posting them online......Until now the recording is still deleted, and whoever manage to let it surface online again will be expelled. But it only makes us suspect that it is true as the principal wouldn't have done it if its fake... you get it?"

W.H.A.T. Jungkook is gonna be an idol? I dont know why but im so convinced. Everything suddenly makes sense. Like how the 7 of them looks so perfect, is perfect and just idol material. Just then, Jungkook entered the class. No, he actually came in with Shin Young. Seeing her really makes my blood boil, but i cannot be too obvious or I'll be on the losing end. Right now, i can only think of what NaEun said and try to digest it as quickly as possible without feeling weird -feeling weird because I actually had with a future idol, something many people dream of. 



Finally, its lunch break. I queued up and wait for the vendors to fill my lunch set. I sat alone, against the window. What a lonely site. Everyone has their own friends to eat and chat with. Although I only have NaEun which i am already grateful for, she still has her own clique. I was alone, but i didn't feel lonely. I looked at the scenery outside. It was a nice site, the crisp leaves dropped and settled gently on the streets in school. Trees were swaying side to side. Even floating wrappers and small rubbish on the floor looked amazing. Autumn is coming, sounds like something nice but it only reminds me of how i still have 1 semester left before i move on to my final year as a senior, and how winter is approaching which means me getting wrapped and suffocated in many layers of thick coats and having cold breakouts. But for now, i feel the warmth by the sun rays shone on me. I scooped my last mouth of cockle soup when someone stood before me.

Jeon Jungkook

I choked on my soup. This last mouth really tasted awful.

"You're alone, so im eating with you. Just in case you asked." he spoke.

"And did i? I didn't." i replied, when i suddenly remember what Mr Kim Seok Jin said to me. I had to distant myself from him before its too late.

"You know.... I know you're acting this way so that we'll be more distant. But if you haven't realise, by doing this, you are only making me more interested in you." He said, smiled, and swallowed his mouth of soup.

I stood up and was about to take my leave when he said something that made me stop my footsteps.

"Thank you. Thank you for yesterday." this time, saying softly, but loud enough for me to hear.

I held my empty lunch set and replied, "Nothing happened." and left. I feel bad, i really do. I am someone who is very sensitive of the feelings of others, and i cannot leave someone without giving a proper reason or explanation when i know i can. But this is different. It just is. I placed my lunch set into the container and rinsed my mouth. I need to forget what happened yesterday night. I need to forget what happened yesterday night.

I went to the bookstore to purchase my textbooks. My very first literature lesson is only 5 minutes away and I am so excited as i really love literature. I love how a simple story can be portrayed through a short poem, quotes, olden days english or even beautiful words. But this is exactly why people hate literature as well, because it is not straightforward. I only have one issue right now, and that is what activity i should join. I am really convinced to join the photography club right now as it looks like the only activity that doesn't involve dramas and the people there all look like normal humans that i can socialise with. Speaking of which, i just found out today that Shin Young is in hiphop dance club and she is not a bad dancer. With my 10 years of dance experience, I've participated in endless number or competitions and performances. I can also dance to a lot of genres. But i will not join, just because of the fact that i already don't like everyone in that club even without convers

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hllpsny #1
hllpsny #2
This is exciting
Maya090428 #3
Chapter 8: awaiting for your update!! :)
ohnanana #4
Chapter 1: woah:OOO i have a good feeling about that guy! Update soon~
Updaye soon~~~ ;)
Update soon~