Shin Dongho is obnoxious?

Obnoxious Being


Nam Hyo POV
She’s so difficult. Asking a simple question and she has to turn it around and ask me. I need to do something else to get the information I need from her. 
Right. I went to my desk and grabbed a book and pen. Hyun-Jae looks mad. I hope she will talk to me. I better write this down.
“Don’t say anything that can offend her,” I wrote down in my note book. Here I go. 
“Hyun-Jae, I need your help with this survey.”
Hyun-Jae POV
And he has the nerve to nag me for not being more like a girl. It’s just Hyo, I don’t need to change. Why should I change? Not like the whole world is against it. 
“Hyun-Jae, I need your help with this survey.” Hyo said holding a book and pen. I wonder what the survey is about? 
“Why should I help you?” I asked standing in front of him. He forced me in my seat. 
“If your not going to be nice. I’m not going to be nice either,” Hyo said stern. He kept his words strong and that’s when I felt like I had a disadvantage. “What do you see first when you meet a guy?”
“His hair,” I answered awkwardly. Hyo looked at me weird then wrote it down in his book. 
“What’s you ideal type?” He asked stuttering on his words. I put my head down in defeat. This doesn’t feel right. I thought this kind of conversation was suppose to happen between girls. “Like how he should look like and his personality,” 
“I like boys that have blonde hair. He can’t be extremely tall. He should be around my height but a bit taller? He should have a good sense in style to. He shouldn’t be younger then me. He can be older or my age. That person has to be funny and very out-going,” I finally said. I felt too afraid to say more. Most of what I said seemed to apply to Hyo. Hyo messed up his hair as he blushed. 
“What’s your favourite boy group?” Hyo asked when he eventually got himself together.
“Big Bang,” I said looking for my IPod. When I looked up, Hyo gave me that look to say more. “F.Cuz?” 
“What do you think about U-Kiss? Who do you like from U-Kiss?” Hyo asked. 
“Their alright. Who I like from U-Kiss? No one.” I said trying to think about U-Kiss. 
“You know Shin Dongho from that group right? Don’t you think he’s cute?” Hyo said really close to my face. I blinked a few times
“Do you think he’s-” I was about to finish my sentence but then Hyo gave me that look. “He’s the rapper right? Yeah I think he’s pretty cool. He’s just so skinny though. Obnoxious guy I’ll say,” 
“But a good obnoxious right?” He asked curiously.
“How can obnoxious be a good thing?” I asked trying to think about if obnoxious can become a good thing. 
“HyunJae-ssi!” Hyo whined. “You’re so ignorant. You never met Dongho before and your saying he’s obnoxious,” 
Before I could defend myself the bell went off. I was already sitting down so I just needed to face the board. What kind of questions are those? It really made me think about it almost the  whole time. Somehow I couldn’t find out a reason.
As the class went on. All I have been doing was writing down notes and finishing all the work I had as fast as I can. I never got this focused on my work before. Today I need to finish so I can have some free time this weekend. 
“Hey do you have a pencil,” The person in front of me asked. 
“No,” I flatly said still working. I didn’t look up to see who I was talking to.
“Can’t I just have yours?” He asked me again.
“No,” I repeated myself. That’s when I noticed. That person in front of me was Shin Dongho. 
I tried to make myself unnoticeable. A U-Kiss member right in front of me. I forgot there were celebrities going to this school. Stupid, I hit myself. He looked at me as he gestured to my pencil. 
“Shin Dongho from U-Kiss right? Why don’t you have money to buy your own pencils,” I said rudely. He looked at me shocked for a bit.
 I got up with all my finished work and handed it in. The air felt lighter as I didn’t have homework today for the first time in my life. Well maybe some point in my life I didn’t have homework. This month I just been having homework non stop. Sleeping really does that. I’m surprised no one has caught me sleeping since I always sleep everyday. 
Hyun-Jae didn’t give me much information, So I just wrote down whatever I knew about her. We were friends since childhood so why wouldn’t I know nothing. 
I ripped the page from my book and it folded twice. It was about time to go home. I made sure no one watching as I went up to him. 
“You got it?” He asked.
“Yeah. Why are you interested in Hyun-Jae?” I asked not getting why. Dongho is a celebrity, he can have any girl he wanted. And he’s interested in Hyun-Jae? She better be happy that I’m helping her out. 
WHOA! I wonder what's going to happen next!? :O ;) A few chapters into the story are always so slow. Ugh! KMLZee think up new awesome ideas now!!! I really have nothing to say here right now. I wonder if people are actually reading this?
I found this awesome picture...It made me laugh LMAO. 
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OH MY GOD! I feel so happy ;~~~; Thanks for subscribing everyone~


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[ i mean on chapter 10, I'm Yuri in RB ]
crazykissme4ever #3
I want to know what is going to happen next !! :( update soon ~! :DD
LOOOOOL I LOVE YOUR STORIES! please update soon!~
HAHAHA!! i finally found a main character that shares my birthday :D december 4 :D
@asianrocker721 thaaank yooou~!
I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CherryCoke #8
Poor HyunJae, everyone around her must be pressuring her like crazy.<br />
Especially her sister, she doesn't seem like a nice person. x(<br />
Hyo makes me laugh, he's extremely... odd, I guess? I don't know.<br />
Hope to read another update soon!
update! please! ^^