P.E Teacher is a

Obnoxious Being

Hyun-Jae POV


Lazily I made my way to my classroom. I haven’t had much sleep that weekend. Fun things always seem to do that. If you want to do something fun you have to give up sleeping. 
“Hey there you are. We have P.E soon,” Hyo yelled as he jumped toward me. His eyes widen with excitement. 
“I don’t like gym.” I said making my way to my desk. Hyo just followed.  
“You forgot your gym clothes today didn’t you?” Hyo asked looking at me knowingly. “You like gym. You only say you hate gym when you forget your gym clothes.”
“No I didn’t forget my gym clothes and I always hated gym,” I muttered loudly. A lie is a lie. This isn’t a lie. It’s called a winning strategy. It’s not completely a lie. There are days when I do hate gym. Losing at a game always . 
“Hyun-Jae, you forgot your gym clothes.” Kang-Soo said standing at the doorway holding a bag. All the girls in my classroom went wild and flustered. Some girls even tried to attack him. 
“I love you Kang-Soo!” A couple of girls chirped. I made my way toward Kang-Soo. It was hard because the girls blocked my way. So, I had to push though. 
Kang-Soo handed the bag that had my gym clothes in it. When I got closer to Kang-Soo his smile faded. On his life cheek there was a purple bruise. Every time I look at him, my heart feels like it’s hurt. It was my fault that happened to him.
“Why don’t you ever say ‘I love you Kang-Soo’?” Kang-Soo asked with a grin. I stepped back in shock. This is embarrassing. How can he say those words without hesitation. Were family but I never seem to say things like that to Kang-Soo or Soo-Min. 
I felt speechless. I don’t want to say anything stupid in front of these people. Some might even think wrong. I looked at everyone as the crowd went silent. Everyone’s eyes bulging out waiting for some stupid word to be said.
“Thank you, Kang-Soo.” I bowed my head. 
“No, not like that. And aeygo style,” Kang-Soo laughed with a smile. He’s so evil.
“Thank you, big brother. I Love you, Kang-Soo.” I said with my sweetest smile and a high girly voice. I turned away from Kang-Soo and the crowd. Everyone was shocked and couldn’t help but awe.
“That was embarrassing.” I said to Hyo in my normal voice. Hyo just laughed at me. 
“What happened to, Kang-Soo?” Hyo asked.
“It happened that night when I got home from ‘The Club’.” I started to say.
***(When Hyun-Jae got home from The Club)***
The house wasn’t completely dark. There were a few lights on in the house. I was scared to go inside. I walked up a few steps and decided to sit down. 
“I’m late,” Is all I could say. I thought up more than five situations that would happen. Clearly one of them would come true. My parents really hate me being late. I’m always late. I stood up with determination. I went through this many times, it would hurt me as much. 
With a deep breath in and out. I grew the courage to go inside. Standing up with more steadily I walked inside. As I thought both my parents were standing in the living room waiting for me. Their eyes were pinned on me like glue or a eagle hunting down it’s prey. If they were eagle’s and I was a fish they would do anything to take a bite out of me. I’m not any average fish. My awesome fishy skills can smack them back before I get eaten. Or that’s what I like to think would happen if that ever happened. All I can say is just have fate. 
Have fate, have fate. I said over and over in my head. My Mom and Dad started their yelling about me not doing. They even brought things that I did in the past. They yelled about I didn’t deserve being called a Jang. Also that I should have been born into a different family. That’s when my Mom reached a point my Dad went to my side. He yelled at my Mom about her being wrong and she was out of hand. 
“So, your life would be better if I died.” I said looking down with a small smile on. It wasn’t that I was happy or anything. It was just I don’t know. I just seem to do that. I think I do that because I try to be happy about it. 
“That is exactly what I want,” My Mom yelled. 
“Honey, she’s your daughter. She’s my daughter.” My Dad said with a soft tone. I saw my Mom’s hand get ready to slap me. With a easy breathe in, I exposed my left cheek. 
My head turned and exposing my left cheek. I already felt like she already hit me but with words. I went though this more than a few times. This time wont make a difference. It will feel the same, hurt the same. 
When I heard the loud slap my eyes closed. I didn’t feel anything. She didn’t hit me? But I heard that loud sound. When my eyes opened Kang-Soo was in front of me. He reached be hide and grabbed my wrist tightly. His grip started to tighten as his anger grew. I can tell he was getting more angry because his grip with tighten more on my wrist. 
I closed my eyes and went closer to Kang-Soo. Covering my ears with my free hand, I zoned out everything. Kang-Soo’s heart got louder and faster. When his heart started to slow down a bit I uncovered my ears. 
Kang-Soo still holding me by my wrist dragged me upstairs. He then finally let go on my wrist. He didn’t want to look at me. Kang-Soo just stared into the darkness of the hallway without any words. He slowly left me by myself as he made his way to his bedroom. 
Kang-Soo, thank you. I wish I can tell you this but it just feels weird to me. I promise I will pay you back. 
Hello! Subscribers! Thank you for subscribing. I really hope you do enjoy my story. ^__^ Oh and this is just part one or whatever. . Please comment and tell me what you think so far. I really want to know what you think. ^__^ Oh the other chapter will be part 2 of P.E teacher is a . because the P.E teacher didn't come on yet hahaha. 
OH and did you see U-Kiss’s comeback right? AWESOME!!!!! It’s so awesome. XD I love it. 
Okay bye. Hahaha I hope to update soon again. 
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OH MY GOD! I feel so happy ;~~~; Thanks for subscribing everyone~


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[ i mean on chapter 10, I'm Yuri in RB ]
crazykissme4ever #3
I want to know what is going to happen next !! :( update soon ~! :DD
LOOOOOL I LOVE YOUR STORIES! please update soon!~
HAHAHA!! i finally found a main character that shares my birthday :D december 4 :D
@asianrocker721 thaaank yooou~!
I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CherryCoke #8
Poor HyunJae, everyone around her must be pressuring her like crazy.<br />
Especially her sister, she doesn't seem like a nice person. x(<br />
Hyo makes me laugh, he's extremely... odd, I guess? I don't know.<br />
Hope to read another update soon!
update! please! ^^