I was wrong

Obnoxious Being


The road to Hyun-Jae’s house was fast. We didn’t live far away from each other anyway. I tried to call this morning to tell her change of plans. It wasn’t really a change of plans. It was just to say that we were having someone else coming. If I don’t tell her she’s going to be really off guard. I hope she got my text message. 
I knocked at the door a few times before it opened. There stood Hyun-Jae wearing a dress. She had this flowery scent from her. A scent that made me want to smell more. Why is her hair longer? She looks, Great. 
I couldn’t barely open my mouth to talk. The Hyun-Jae I know wouldn’t do anything like this. If it was the end of the world and she had to dress that way. She wouldn’t do it. Maybe this Hyun-Jae isn’t the Hyun-Jae I know. Maybe that’s Hyun-Ae. 
“Hyo, are you okay?” Hyun-Jae/Hyun-Ae asked. Who is this?
“Who are you?” I asked bluntly. 
“Hyun-Jae,” She looked at me weird. 
“Why are you dressed that way?” I asked more confused. I get it. I plan worked. That’s why she’s dressed that way. Dongho is going to love to see this. “Never mind lets go.” 
The club was full of our friends. Everyone was having a goodtime. When I looked at Hyun-Jae her eyes were shining. It was like this was the more amazing place ever on earth. I left her to hang around and talk to people. I searched almost every inch of the place until I found Dongho. 
“Hey,” I yelled toward him. Dongho instantly looked at me. 
“Where’s Hyun-Jae?” He asked looking everywhere. That’s when I noticed he dyed his hair blonde and dressed fancy. 
“What’s up with the new hair do?” I asked messing up his hair. He smacked my hand away and tried to fix his hair. He started to panic when his hair didn’t go back to it’s normal place. 
“She likes blonde hair so blonde hair it is,” Dongho said letting out a sigh. 
“Just don’t get your hopes up. If she likes you, you don’t need to have blonde hair,” I said tying to help him out. Dongho is so lost. “She wont care how you look but care more about how you treat her.”
“So, be myself.” Dongho said looking down. 
“Exactly,” I said wisely. “Young bird, you will fly.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” He asked as he raised his eyebrows. 
“I don’t know. It seemed cool to say.” I laughed.
Hyun-Jae walked toward us. Her eyes got big when she saw Dongho. Both looked really shocked to see each other. Hyun-Jae with her girl looks and Dongho with Hyun-Jae’s ideal boyfriend looks. What a lovely scene. Something just doesn’t seem right. There’s something missing. What can it be? 
“Hi,” Dongho simply said. 
Hyun-Jae POV
When I looked at Dongho. What I thought who was in my dream was actually Dongho. I thought it was Hyo since his hair is blonde but this is the person I saw. Shin Dongho, what makes you so special to end up in my dreams?
Dongho POV
It was the first good conversation we ever had. She acted more open and nice. When I first talked to her she wouldn’t say anything. Maybe she was just shy because I never heard her talk much. 
“I never heard you talk before,” I stated with a smile.
“Yes, you did. Yesterday,” Hyun-Jae said.
“Yeah,” I said. “What do you think about ‘The club’?”
“It’s fun. There’s a lot to do in one place,” Hyun-Jae smiled like a little kid. Those kind of smiles I never see from her. It’s always a blank look. 
“Yeah. I’m having fun to,” I smiled back. 
“Dongho, why did you change your hair? I thought your normal hair was nice,” Hyun-Jae said looking the other way. 
“I wanted to try something different. Thanks,…”I said looking at Hyun-Jae. She’s interesting in her own way. Something about her makes me wonder. 
Time went by really fast with Hyun-Jae. We had a lot to talk about. We also had a lot in common.
 Hyun-Jae was talking away. I never saw her so talkative. From time to time she would smile and laugh. I laughed with her. Most of the stories she told were funny I couldn’t help but laugh to. She was good at telling stories and interesting. Honestly, I would like to just listen to her tell stories about whatever. 
“Hey, Are you deaf?” Hyun-Jae asked looking at me. I must’ve not heard her ask me a question. Did she ask me a question? I was so out of it I didn’t hear her. I must have looked stupid looking at her. 
“No,” I protested. “I-I,…dunno.” I stuttered feeling strange. My heart was starting to speed up. This isn’t normal. My voice went softer and softer. 
Hyun-Jae looked straight ahead avoiding me. All I could do was look at her. Why can’t I turn away? Hyun-Jae just looked at me coldly with no emotion. I hated when she looked like that. 
“I-I-I’m gonna go,” I said getting up from the table. She still didn’t look at me while I left. She was too busy looking at a piece of paper. Was it that paper that made her that way? I would go back but I can’t. 
Hyun-Jae POV
After a few minutes I couldn’t help but feel lonely. Dongho didn’t make sense with his words and it confused me. He mumbled some words before he left. I just held the list(chart) I had to do. Kang-Soo why do I have to do this? Looking continuously at the list I have to do, it makes me think. The harder I think my head starts to hurt. Why do I have to do this stupid list(chart)?
What’s going on?! Why do I feel lonely when Dongho is gone? I must be sick today. Shin Dongho your nothing to me!
“What are you doing?” A snobbish person asked. 
“Nothing,” I said feeling nervous. 
“Did I tell you to wear my clothes?” Hyun-Ae slapped my head. All I could do was sit still breathing in and out. I have to stay calm. I can’t let her get to me. If I get angry because of her, I lose. 
“I’ll go home and change,” I said standing up not looking at Hyun-Ae. 
“Hyun-Jae, why can’t you be more like our family. It would have been best if you weren’t born.” Hyun-Ae said with a spoiled tone. 
“I will be a true Jang,” I whispered to myself. Still not looking at my older sister I tried to walk away but someone grabbed my wrist.
“Hey! Do you think that was a bit too low? Apologize to her, right now!” Dongho yelled at Hyun-Ae. I struggled from Dongho’s grip then I look at him shocked. What is this moron doing!? It was perfectly under control. He’s just making matters worse. I reached and grabbed Dongho’s arm shaking my head. No, Dongho. Don’t do anything stupid. It’s just going to get me in trouble. 
“Your both pathetic,” Hyun-Ae sneered. Before she left she gave me a mean look. A look that scared me. The look that always get’s me yelled at or hit by my parents. 
“Aish! She didn’t apologize,” Dongho messed up his hair, frustrated. My heart beat went louder in my ears. I’m scared. 
“It’s okay. You didn’t have to do that but thanks,” I said with a worried face. I tried to not show my fright. “Just don’t do anything stupid like that again. Promise?”
Dongho just stared at me. He shook his head in disagreement. Why doesn’t he want to promise me? He looked side to side and let out a sigh. 
“Fine, I promise.” Dongho finally said. I smiled softly. What I thought about Dongho isn’t what I got. He’s different from T.V and music videos. 
I was wrong. 
Hello there, subscribers. ^___^ I honestly thought I wouldn’t have any…. I really hope you like this update. Hahaha I think the story is just getting started. Oh, facebook fun~! Is next. WOOHOO~! 
Like the poster I made? I think I’m getting good at making posters.(I’m not the best) Hahaha. Shin Dongho is the Sushi and Hyun-Jae is the onigiri. I thought it was cute. :3 
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OH MY GOD! I feel so happy ;~~~; Thanks for subscribing everyone~


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[ i mean on chapter 10, I'm Yuri in RB ]
crazykissme4ever #3
I want to know what is going to happen next !! :( update soon ~! :DD
LOOOOOL I LOVE YOUR STORIES! please update soon!~
HAHAHA!! i finally found a main character that shares my birthday :D december 4 :D
@asianrocker721 thaaank yooou~!
I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CherryCoke #8
Poor HyunJae, everyone around her must be pressuring her like crazy.<br />
Especially her sister, she doesn't seem like a nice person. x(<br />
Hyo makes me laugh, he's extremely... odd, I guess? I don't know.<br />
Hope to read another update soon!
update! please! ^^