Restless nights

Obnoxious Being


Dongho POV
Almost a million thoughts came to my mind why they didn’t show up. Why wouldn’t they show up? It was free and everything. Who wouldn’t show up at a free performance. There are tons of fan girls/ fan boys that would die to show up at our performance. I shouldn’t blame them. They aren’t fans of U-Kiss. It makes me wonder but also a bit of sadness overwhelms me. 
I sat up straight on my bed. Should I call and ask why? My cell phone is right there telling me to grab it and dial his number. My cell phone was on the small table beside my bed. I rolled toward it and grabbed it with steady hands. All I need is to know why they didn’t come. I can’t sleep right because of them. 
I looked for Hyo’s cell number and dialled it. I held the phone to my ear listening carefully to the other side of the phone. The ringing of the phone stopped and I heard Hyo’s voice. 
“Hello?” Hyo asked uncertain. 
“Hey,” I said stand up from my bed. “Why didn’t you and Hyun-Jae show up?”
Hyo laughed and I imaged him showing his goofy grin. He was tripping over his words. “Well, we were heading over to your performance. Then we saw this girl crying near the bridge. I went up to her and asked her what was wrong. The girl said she dropped her pass to go to the performance. Hyun-Jae and I gave her ours. Then we also sold our free backstage passes on e bay.” 
“What!?” I yelled into the cell phone. I hit my fist to the nearest wall with frustration. What did they just do! AISH! What to do!
“It’s okay. We can just watch you on the T.V or youtube,” Hyo said suddenly. I held my breathe. This is what happens when I make friends with commoners. Commoners that don’t go crazy over me that is. 
“What’s wrong?” Kevin Hyung stormed in my room. He had a very serious look on his face searching every part of my room. He stared at me wide eyed. 
“Yeah it’s okay.” I said before I hanged up. I didn’t want to say want to say a simple bye right now. Today I don’t feel so nice. I’m mad and I have any right to be. 
“It’s nothing hyung.” I said reassuring. Kevin looked through me. I felt him staring deep into my soul with his eyes. Something about that look makes me feel weak.
“The dare isn’t working huh?” He said as he sat down on my bed. He put his hands on his lap looking at me. 
“I’m not giving up.” I said while walking around in my room. 
“It is really that hard to make friends that don’t like you? People that don’t see you as a celebrity?” He asked. His voice was soft. 
“It’s strange. She doesn’t see me differently. To her I’m just another person,” I said sighing. 
“Is she still mean to you?” Kevin asked patting my head. 
“No, not anymore. She’s becoming more of a friend. I don’t feel her having any feelings toward me. I like this feeling,” I smiled. 
“Do you think that we can see the performance on T.V?” Hyun-Jae asked laying on the couch. I kept trying to find the music channel that showed the performances on. Hyun-Jae usually came over to my house. So it’s no big deal for her to act like it’s her own house. Wait I think she treats my house more like her home than her own. 
“Yes! I’m sure.” I replied still looking for the channel. My older sister always is on that channel. Where is it? What is it called again?
I walked a easy pace. Slowly I walked side by side with Dongho. He called me and he said he just wanted some guy time. I had no excuse to say no. So, I had to go. He’s been silent for about ten minutes now. What’s wrong with him? Did he just want me to walk around with him while he doesn’t talk? 
“When are you going to ask out, Hyun-Jae?” I asked awkwardly looking in a different direction. 
“BWOH!” Dongho asked shocked. “Where did you get that from?”
“Well when that day we met. You asked me a lot of questions about Hyun-Jae. So I thought you liked her. You were with her all the time,” I said facing him confused. 
“No you got it all wrong! It’s a dare my hyung gave me. He said I should make friends that don’t go crazy over me,” He said waving his hands in the air. 
So what this guy is saying is he doesn’t like her. He doesn’t like Hyun-Jae? When we met he told me to get some questions from her and it was weird questions. Ideal type and whatever else he wanted me to ask her. It was all a dare? He’s friends with me and Hyun-Jae because of a dare? I’m I here with him because of a dare? Am I really that controllable? 
“What was with your stupid questions then!” I yelled hitting his head. This guy is making me think weirdly! He moved away from me. 
“I don’t know. I just thought if I become her ideal type that she would like me as her friend,” He said rubbing his head. I smacked his head again. 
“Don’t play with her feelings! What’s wrong with you? You don’t play with girls feelings!” I yelled angrily. Who in the world does that! Every guy should know not to do something that messed. I don’t know what I should be mad about. The dare or him playing with Hyun-Jae’s feelings. 
“She doesn’t like me anyway.” Dongho defended himself. I stopped and calmed myself. 
“I hope so.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “What kind of stupid dare is that?” I muttered. 
Hyun-Jae is a girl. Every girl has feelings. No matter what she will have those feelings. Even if those feelings are going to be new to her. I’m afraid for her. She never had those feelings before and she wont know how to deal with them. Knowing Hyun-Jae she might be very clueless about it. Is she already having feelings toward Dongho? 
***(Next day)***
My stupid thinking kept me up all night. What was I thinking about? My eyes kept finding it’s way to the floor. I don’t know why I was looking at the floor. I guess I just felt lazy. 
“Hyo,” Hyun-Jae called out running toward me. She was holding a flyer in her hand. 
“What’s going on?” I asked while I took the paper away from her. A club? 
“Can you join this club with me?” Hyun-Jae asked with a smile. She seemed happy about it. “I came to school early today. Six o’clock.”
I almost dropped the paper when I heard her say six o’clock. What? She woke up early today just to look for a club to join? She’s crazy why would she waste her sleeping time? 
“What does this club do?” I asked giving her back the flyer. 
“It’s tennis,” She said re-reading the flyer. “I picked something really easy. So we will be okay. I heard everyone is friendly and it seems it will be easy to become a leader in that club.” 
“What a leader?” I asked trying to understand what she said. Is she trying to become like her family. I heard that’s what the Jang family is known for. Being a leader of a club and what not. Can she really become a leader in this kind of club? If she says it’s easy then it’s easy?
Hyun-Jae pulled me with her toward the club. We double checked if we were at the right room. I reached for the door knob and turned it. Hyun-Jae looked at me nervously. 
We slowly walked into the room. It didn’t look like a tennis room. There were only guys, about 20 of them. They didn’t look friendly. They weren’t wearing their uniforms. Big deal I don’t either. Who wants to wear those idiotic things? I grabbed Hyun-Jae’s wrist and tried to pull her out. She didn’t respond to me. I looked at the room number once again, it was the place. We are at the right place. 
The guys walked closer to us. They were looking at us closely. Until one other guy dressed in a black shirt and jeans stopped them. He jumped off of his table he was standing on and went toward Hyun-Jae. 
“It’s a Jang?” He bended over to look at her straight into the eyes. Hyun-Jae was kind of short but this guy was also tall. His group starting laughing when they heard she was a Jang. I could see her making a fist and her breathing getting heavier. She’s getting angry. She always gets mad when someone labels her as a Jang. 
“I just want to join this damn club,” Hyun-Jae said looking up at the boy. 
“Why?” He smirked studying her. I just stood still holding her wrist. 
“It’s the only club that my brother and sister that don’t rule,” Hyun-Jae replied with a cold look. 
That’s why she seems so determined to join this club. She has to be a leader of a club and she can’t do that when her brother and sister are already leaders of the other open clubs. This is no club! It’s something else. I scanned the room again. 
“Were not a club girly. You don’t want to play with us.” He grinned and chuckled. 
Hello fellow friends. Or are you my friends? .___. Very silent friends. Well anyway this is an all boys POV. Since it’s just Dongho and Hyo’s POVs. So, Dongho didn’t like her at all and it was just a dare? Oh my~ Hyun-Jae is also working on how to become a real JJANG already….So what do you think that club really is? Is Hyun-Jae and Hyo going to leave or stay? 
This chapter was actually supposed to be a face book fun thing but yeah. I can’t think of anything funny for it. :O Roleplaying seriously made me forget about my stories and anything else. GAH! I like Rping! DX hahaha
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[ i mean on chapter 10, I'm Yuri in RB ]
crazykissme4ever #3
I want to know what is going to happen next !! :( update soon ~! :DD
LOOOOOL I LOVE YOUR STORIES! please update soon!~
HAHAHA!! i finally found a main character that shares my birthday :D december 4 :D
@asianrocker721 thaaank yooou~!
I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CherryCoke #8
Poor HyunJae, everyone around her must be pressuring her like crazy.<br />
Especially her sister, she doesn't seem like a nice person. x(<br />
Hyo makes me laugh, he's extremely... odd, I guess? I don't know.<br />
Hope to read another update soon!
update! please! ^^