A fool all these days?

Obnoxious Being


Nam Hyo 
Hyun-Jae POV
The scent of her perfume flooded into my room. Without another hesitate I closed the door. How can I get ready when something like that annoys me? With a sigh I continued. 
When I was ready I headed out. Nothing can’t go wrong today. I already went though a lot this past month or so. 
“How are we sisters?” Hyun-Ae sneered, looking me up and down. I stopped to look at what was wrong with my clothes to. Nothing seemed to look weird but just about right. Sneakers, jeans, and simple T. Just casual clothes. Hyun-Ae wore a summer dress with pink sandals. The scent earlier was making it’s way heavily in the air. It felt like my nose was burning. 
“I don’t know you tell me,” I shoved my way downstairs. Be hide my back I bet she was making one of those faces. The face she makes every time she sees me. Disgust with a bit of “WTF”. 
I grabbed my backpack and heading to the car. The sunlight shined brightly as I took a deep breath in. The air in the city made me cough. Never doing that again. The clouds were big and fluffy looking, I couldn’t help myself to keep looking. One cloud caught my attention. It looked mad, was it just me? I heard Kang-Soo coming with a happy stride. 
“Hyung, what does that cloud look like to you?” I asked as I grabbed his sleeve. “Is it happy or angry?”
“It looks happy,” Kang-Soo smiled resting his hand on my shoulder. “Have a good day in school today okay? You know I’m keeping a close eye on you if you get hurt.” 
He leaded toward me, looking into my eyes. I stepped back feeling tense. I could feel that he was trying to find something out just by looking at me. His gaze got shaper.
“If one of your guy friends try something on you. Tell them I’ll be out to get them. I am a Jang after all. They should know what’s best for them,” Kang-Soo said in a serious tone. I never seen him like this before only in school. He stepped back as he brushed his hand through his hair. Kang-Soo looked into the sky and smirked. He gave me a small smile and mumbled something as he went back inside the house.
One thing about the Jang family was everyone would be popular. My parents were in there days. Now they expect me to be like them. Kang-Soo and Hyun-Ae already got that going on for them. Why is it just me? I highly think Min-Soo will be like Hyung and Hyun-Ae. 
Kang-Soo tells me almost every time I feel down “Your just different. Being a Jang is in your blood just wait and see,” His words always makes me feel better. Sometimes I think what if Kang-Soo realizes how lame I am and he becomes like Hyun-Ae. He wouldn’t treat me like he always does. It scares me what if Kang-Soo just forgets about me?
“Hyun-Jae! You have to walk to school,” My father yelled making me lose my train of thought. 
“It’s not a surprise,” I whispered to myself. They never give me rides to school. They say I’m not worth their time. Psst! Like I need to have a ride. I’ll just run to school! As I got myself ready to run all the way to school I couldn‘t help but feel lazy, so I just sat in the grass. 
My family always makes my blood boil. I’ll show them! I can do better without them anyway. No good for nothing family! I wanted to scream those words to the whole world to hear. I didn’t care if they heard but why wasn’t I saying them? Why can’t I say those simple words that I was so determined to say.
“Your still here?” Kang-Soo asked me curiously. I looked up. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in school by now?” I smiled dodging his question.
“They didn’t give you a ride, huh? You shouldn’t miss your bus if you knew that was going to happen,” He said sitting next to me. 
“Hyung, why am I the only one that has to take the bus?” I said in my head. I badly wanted to say those words but why should I? He didn’t have to know my soft side. 
“Will I better get running,” I stood up stretching. My hands looked like it could touch the sky if I tried harder. 
“I’ll give you a ride to school. I have a car already. Like I promised that one day,” Kang-Soo said so cheerfully. His grin started to get bigger. “Now we can go to school together!” 
When I entered my classroom. It was quiet will mainly because there wasn’t much people in it. On the board it big bold letters it read “Find your seat with your name on it,” I was a bit confused at first but I set out to find my seat. When I found it I sat down. Not long after I looked to the seat next to me to find out who was sitting next to me. I sure hope it’s not a girl I never get along with girls. I’m so odd and I know it myself. It read Jiyeon.
Jiyeon I thought. After saying that name a few times or more. I realized it was a girls name. This semester is going to be a long one. How am I supposed to act toward her. Do I talk about boys, pink, or maybe shoes? Maybe if I don’t talk at all I don’t want to seem like a idiot. 
What if she tries to talk to me what am I supposed to say. Right I’ll just look away and not show any eye contact. If I don’t pay any attention she wont know I’m here. I’m just a wall. A really amazing ninja that can blend into the wall. Yeah ninja Hyun-Jae! That sounds weird. Ninja Jae! Yeah I AM NINJA JAE. I smiled to myself with my eyes closed pleased with my discovery. 
“Hey, what’s up with the big smile,” Someone be hide me teased. He gave me a little push. I turned around and pushed him back. 
“What do you want, Hyo?” I asked making him my focus. 
“I wanted to ask you something,” Hyo stopped for a while. “What kind of guys do you like?” I practically choked on the air itself. 
“What kind of girls do you like?” I asked instead of answering Hyo. 
“I like girls that are famine. A girl that I can protect and hold her without her hitting me. A girl that would let me be a man,” Hyo’s eyes sparkled. 
“That’s deep,” I said mocking him. 
“YAH! Don’t mock me!” Hyo yelled at me. We started play fighting. 
“Why do you like girls like that, Hyung?” I asked still play fighting. Hyo stopped and I later jumped on him. 
“Because don’t you think it’s foolish for a girl to act not like a girl. I mean a girl shouldn’t act like a boy or dress like one. Girls should act like,” Hyo stopped to think a bit more. “They should only say oppa and act like their gender. It’s like me acting like a girl,” 
I stayed silent. We were still in the middle of play fighting and I was still on his back. 
“To me your just one of the guys. I don’t see you as a girl,” Hyo quietly said. Why was he saying this to me? Why is he questioning me now? "It would be nice to see Hyun-Jae as a girl."
That was the first time I ever thought about it that way. All these days I've been a fool? Do I really have to dress that way to be noticed as a girl?
If I have to get him to see me in that way maybe I do have to change. 
Hello...The "Hyun-Jae talking" is her saying it in her head. Dongho nor Jonghyun appeared yet but they will soon. I just didn't plan on them appearing in the chapter one. They are coming soon ^_^ 
LOL awesome pictures 
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OH MY GOD! I feel so happy ;~~~; Thanks for subscribing everyone~


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[ i mean on chapter 10, I'm Yuri in RB ]
crazykissme4ever #3
I want to know what is going to happen next !! :( update soon ~! :DD
LOOOOOL I LOVE YOUR STORIES! please update soon!~
HAHAHA!! i finally found a main character that shares my birthday :D december 4 :D
@asianrocker721 thaaank yooou~!
I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CherryCoke #8
Poor HyunJae, everyone around her must be pressuring her like crazy.<br />
Especially her sister, she doesn't seem like a nice person. x(<br />
Hyo makes me laugh, he's extremely... odd, I guess? I don't know.<br />
Hope to read another update soon!
update! please! ^^