Chapter 5

If This Never Happened

Jaemin walked into the school alone. She was about to go into her classroom when a hand covered . She smelled something funny but she didn't mind it and struggled. She kicked behind her but was still covered. After a while of struggling, her world turned black. 

She was now on the roof with Hyunah staring down at her with a sneer that could rival the joker. "What do you want now, Hyunah?" Truthfully, she was getting tired of this. This bullying has gone on for months and she was tired and felt like she could snap at Hyunah at any time. 

"Why are you with BAP AND BTS?" Hyunah narrowed her eyes. 

Jaemin was tired and now she wanted change, "Hyunah, i am tired of this bullying and i want you to stop. I can hang out with who i want and if you don't like it then oh well!"

Hyunah eyes flashed dangerously. She made a hand motion and her friends came out. Doing the dirty work for her, she made them make quick of Jaemin. In the end, Jaemin ended up with twice as many bruises she got from her parents. 

Jaemin's eyes stung. She wanted a way out. She wanted to show the queenkas that she was better that they thought she was. She wanted to change to become someone that can stand up for herself. She didn't bother going to classes after that incident. She was busy planning out what she wanted to do and she knew exactly how to do it. 

Like everyday, she met up with everyone at the lunch courts. "Jaemin-ah, why weren't you in class?" Jongup asked. 

"Ah, i kind of slept on the roof," she pretended. She gave a look to the girls when the boys weren't looking though. 

Zelo chastised her, "Ah, noona, its not good to sleep on the roof because you're missing the lesson and you might get a cold."

Youngjae lightly punched Zelo, "Don't talk to her about missing the lesson. I know you sleep during math."

"Yah! Hyung, you just made me look like a fool," Zelo complained. His blonde hair creating a shadow in his face as she looked down. 

"Too late for that," Minji ate her kimbap. Everyone laughed. This was the kind of atmosphere Jaemin wanted to be in. She stopped laughing first and took a look at everyone. 

"So what happened?" Suki asked. The girls were walking to Jihyuns house and they wanted to know what happened on the roof. 

Jaemin touched her arms, "The usual, Hyunah got mad and confronted me about BTS and BAP. She's jealous and she took it out on me."

Suki sighed and asked, "Is there anything to treat?"

Jaemin smiled trying to hide the pain she felt on her body, "No, not really. I treated it at the nurses earlier."

They got to Jihyuns house and they saw no one so they sat at the couch. "I can't believe Hyunah. I'm scared what they might do now. I was happier when they kept low," Suki muttered. 

"Can we see what they did?" Minji asked Jaemin. 

Jaemin's eyes immediately widened and she scooted back, "No."

Jihyun knew there was more than just Hyunahs work on Jaemin, "Jaemin, we won't judge. We'll help." Suki said a few reassuring words into Jaemins ear making Jaemin nod. Jaemin lifted her shirt of her uniform off her head which left her in a sports bra.

The three girls gasped. There were so many black, purple and blue bruises on Jaemin's body that they wondered how she could even move. "What happened?" Suki asked softly. 

Jaemin then broke down and told them everything. How her parents are abusive and how she had nothing. She was forced to pay for everything herself whilst going to school and giving 1/4 of her paycheck to her parents. She told them that she had no idea as to why she was getting tormented by Hyunah. 

A sneeze rang out. Jaemin kept her crying level to a minimum. Jihyun stood up and looked around. The Kitchen, she thought. And she was right. In the kitchen were 13 boys trying to hide behind the counter. They heard everything. 

"Eavesdropping now are we?" Jihyun tried controlling her anger. She picked up her brother by the ear and dragged him into the living room. "Say sorry to Jaemin-ah."

Daehyun's eyes widened just like the girls when he saw Jaemin's arms, "Mianhe."

Jaemin smiled, "Gwenchana, oppa"

Yongguk came out and grabbed his 'little sister' in his arms. He gave her a little hug, "you didn't tell me anything," he accused her. 

"I didn't want anyone to worry," The rest of the boys came out and just stared at Jaemin. 

"YAH! stop staring, its making me feel weird," She rubbed her arm. "I'll be fine anyways. I just need ointment and stuff."

Jongup, her closest friend in BAP, just stared at her. He was mad because she didn't tell him anything. But he was more mad at himself for not noticing anything wrong with her. Jongup and Jaemin were close friends since primary and he didn't know that she was hurt ever. He just assumed that since 4th grade, her fashion was wearing hoodies and sweaters. 

"Are you sure this was all Hyunah and Hyorin?" Himchan asked not believing what was in front of him. 

"Oppa," Jihyun explained, "Hyunah and Hyorin are not nice. They're nice to you but not to these girls. Suki never beat Hyunah up. That was all fake. If you noticed the next day she was walking ok. And Hyunah and Hyorin target us four as their main victims of abuse. If you need more proof, then i guess you have to wait until it happens again. But none of us want that to happen of course."

The next day, Hyunah and Hyorin were planning on taking down Minji. Hyorin, being Minji's main abuser, took Minji out of her classroom before any of the boys could get to her. 

*SLAP* "Stay away from BTS and BAP," Hyorin said, "they're only hanging out with you because they feel bad."

"If that's true, then why would they still be hanging out with me?" Hyorin didn't have an answer to that resulting in her getting mad; making her call up her friends. They did the exact same thing they did on Jaemin to Minji. 

At lunch, Minji was probing at her arm continuously. "Gwenchana?" Jaemin asked. She knew if someone was hurt immediately. 

"Hyorin..." Minji looked down. Jaemin took her arm and pulled up her sleeve. BAP finally believed them and boy were they mad. Especially Himchan because he was close to Hyorin and Hyunah.

"I can't believe it," Zelo muttered, taking in Minji's bruises. 

Yongguk asked, "How long has this been going on?" 

Minji just stared down, "The beginning of the school year." Namjoon just took in the bruises on her arms. So thats why.

"Oppa!" Hyorin and Hyunah cooed when they saw BAP at their lockers. 

BAP ignored them. Confused, the two girls looked at each other. "Oppa, whats wrong?" BAP continued to ignore them. Hyunah pulled on Himchan's arm, which he sharply pulled away. Both girls flinched at the sudden harshness and actions of they boys. "Oppa, did we do something wrong"

Himchan closed his locker, "You bully our friends."

Hyunah gave a nervous glance at Hyorin, "No we don't. We don't bully anyone." Hyunah expected them to believe her.

Jongup put his fingers up, "Suki, Minji, Jihyun and Jaemin."

"Their our friends, do you expect us to be happy with what you do with them?" Youngjae asked. 

Hyorin complained, "But oppa, you were our friends first! Why should you care about them?"

Daehyun smirked, "We knew some of them before you. And it doesn't matter how long we know a person. Bullying isn't right."

Hyunah and Hyorin walked away infuriated, "You're gonna regret siding with them. You'll see."

Jaemin and the girls, BAP and BTS walked to Yongguks house. Yongguk was going to show them his studio and this was the perfect time for Jaemin to execute her plan. 

When they got to his house they all immediately made their way to the recording room. "Jihyun, can you sing for me?"

Jihyun immediately became shy, completely opposite to her rebellios attitude she uses against the queenkas, "N-no thanks."

"Please?" Jaemin asked using puppy dog eyes. 

Jihyun reluctantly gave in and sang the bridge of Genie that Taeyeon sings. "Waah, unnie you're so awesome," Suki commented. Jihyun's cheeks turned pinkish. 

Jaemin looked over at Suki, "Can you sing for me?" Yongguk smirked, realizing what Jaemin was trying to do. 

Suki nodded and sang the chorus of Day by Day by T-ara. 

"Minji, i want you to rap for me," Minji looked at Jaemin wondering why she was told to rap instead of sing. Minji started rapping Crayon by GDragon. 

BTS was surprised and amazed at Jihyun and Suki's voice and Minji's rapping.

"What's the point of making us do this?" Jihyun asked. 

Jaemin eyes shone bright, "What do you think about making a girl group with the four of us?"

WASSUP!!! Muahahaha. Hope you like this. Ummm, comment and subscribe!! Jaemin is so happy. But Hyunah and Hyorin. -.- 


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MisaMato #1
MisaMato #2
wow mate this story is great
EunMi219 #3
Chapter 6: I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this story !!!!! *squeals
klienchoung #4
2ne1fanboy #5
Sounds interesting