Chapter 3

If This Never Happened

Namjoon walked into Seoul High with Bangtan. There were reporters and they politely asked them to leave seeing as this was a learning place and not a place for photographers to be. He walked inside with the guys and all the girls started crowding around them asking for a picture or an autograph. One girl even tried to hug Jungkook. 

"I'm sorry, but can you please treat us like normal students? We are here to learn. Right now, we are not idols and we would like to get to the office," Namjoon (Rapmoster to the girls) tried to make them go away as politely as possible. "AH! MINJI-AH!"

MInji turned and stared at her brother in horror. The girls crowding around stopped and turned to look at Minji. They all began to whisper.  

"How does he know her?'

"He knows the plaything?".

"Wha?? Not fair. Why is he paying attention to that pabo?"

Namjoon listened as the kids around him said derogatory things about his sister. He watched as Minji ran away. 

"Sorry, JHope oppa. "Hyunah and Hyorin said together in a forced sweet voice, "we are gonna go to class now." JHope nodded and let the two girls go. 

Hyunah and Hyorin were beyond mad. They were beyond jealous. This was another thing they can use to get her into more trouble with the student body though. They walked calmly looking for thir plaything. "Oh Minji. KIM MINJI!"

They found her in the classroom, trying to act as innocent as possible. They grabbed her and brought her to the roof, "What was that about? Why did he call you? Their ours. Back off,"

Minji forced herself to defend herself, "Their not yours and they never will be. Stay out of it."

Hyorin and Hyunah looked at each other and called in their group. 8 girls came up to the roof and it began.

Minji came in late in class for she was trying to treat the wounds she had gotten. "Kim Minji! Why are you late?"

She bowed to the teacher and walked over to her seat not saying a word. She smiled as to not let anyone worr but inside she was trying not to show all the pain and the tears that were threatening to over flow. Shinhye tapped her back and with her eyes asked if she was ok. 

Minji smiled like it was second nature. But all she wanted was for someone to be there. She wanted, no needed, a friend but she was shunned. She wondered how her brother was doing but she made herself forget about it. She didn't need her brother to worry about her problems, he had his own. Minji wanted to tell her brother to tell the two girls to stop, but she couldn't bring herself to. The wall that she made so early in her life was to important that she didn't want it to fall. 

She looked around and saw that Jungkook and Jimin were in her class. Just great, just another obstacle to try and get my brother to not suspsect anything. 

It was lunch and Jungkook went over to her, "Minji, do you want to sit with us at lunch?"

She smiled and said no. She didn't need another reason for the queenkas to kill her. And the queenkas would probably do worse to her if she was seen eating lunch with them. The queenkas might sit with them too since they were coniving, little, persuading liars. 

Jimin and Jungkook looked at her examining her smile. They concluded that she was ok and that she was probably going to sit with her own friends. "Hey Jimin. Jungkook, tell my brother not to tell anyone im his sister ok?" Then Minji left the two alone in the classroom. 

Jimin and Jungkook walked over to BTS who was sitting with Hyorin Hyunah and the other 8 girls. Jungkook called Namjoon over to talk to him secretly and said, " Minji told me to tell you not to tell anyone that you two are siblings. MInji came in late for class and we don't know why either."

Namjoon blinked. Was she embarrased? What was her reason? He needed to know more, but for now, he decided, he would take him mind off of it. He was going to ask Hyorin what was Minji like in the school, but then he thought that maybe it wasn't the best way to get to know more about his younger sister. 

Almost everyday, Jihyun and Suki went to HSH (Home Sweet Home). They wanted to become friends with Jaemin but it was proving to be a challenge. Although Jaemin had a happy facade, she didn't open up to people very easily. No one knew much about her. They always wondered why she never wore skirts without opaque tights or short sleeve shirts. She was also not seen at swimming pools. 

They wanted to know more about her. They wanted to get to know her. They wanted to befriend her. They saw as she wrote in her journal and how she talked to customers. It was like she wasn't even getting bullied. But they knew it wasn't the right time to talk to her yet. 

Jaemin was going up to the roof to eat her lunch. As she was going up, she saw another girl there. She recognized the girl as Minji, the girl who came in late for class. She sat of another part of the roof and took out her lunch and journal. She began writing and ate her lunch at the same time. She checked her watch and it was nearing 10 minutes before the bell rang to get back into the classroom. She walked downstairs and passed MInji, who didn't bother to look at her, and saw a familiar face. 

"Hey Jaemin!" Jimin smiled going up to her and dragging her to the others. "That was a good song-" Jaemin hit his head. 

"Don't talk about that here, talk about it later. Somewhere else. Just not here," Jaemin threatnened him with her not so usual serious face. Then she smiled and said, "i'd rather not go over to them," she eyed the males who were conversing with the queenkas. 

"Come on, it'll be fine. We'll introduce you to Hyorin and Hyunah, too," He continued pulling her hand, "HYUNGS!"

BTS turned over and say Jaemin. "Jaemin," they gave her a hug. Hyunah and Hyorin's eyes practically bugged out. 

"Not here," Jimin said and they knew exactly what he was talking about, her songwriting alter ego. 

"Do you know Hyunah and Hyorin?" Jin asked. Hyorin and Hyunah dared her with their hateful stares. Better say something nice or else.

Jaemin smiled, "Ah, de. I don't hear much about them. I don't talk to many people," that was as close as nice she was going to get to them. The queenkas inwardly sighed with relief. Their secret wasn't out yet. If Bangtan knew, they wouldn't hang out with them anymore. Thy were still going to get the girl though. 

Hyunah was raging. Why did the girls that they torment know the rookie group? Why did they seem to like her so much. 

After school, as Jaemin was walking to her friends house, Hyunah and her friends came out. "Park Jaemin, you are crossing the line," 

"What did i do?" Jaemin asked, smiling trying to piss Hyunah off. It did just the trick. It set Hyunah off. She made her friends take Jaemin to the alley and they kicked her. Scratched her. Whatever they could do for straying Bangtan's attention from them. They left her there, bleeding. She took out some rubbing alcohol and cleaned her wound not noticing the stinging pain since she was so used to them. She took some bandages and applied them. This was a routine now.

Leaving her friends house, she walked into her safe haven of HSH. She bought herself a frappachino before she closed down the shop. She finished it before she got home and threw it in the trashcan. As she got inside a phone got thrown at her. And it begins again she thought as she heard her father calling for her.


Jihyun met up with her brother, Daehyun, at the front of the school with Suki. Daehyun and Jihyun had to go to their house because they were told to go straight home after school and that it was ok with their parents so of course, Daehyun brought BAP. They walked together with Suki and Jihyun in the back talking about the queenkas. BAP were casually talking but overhearing what the two girls were saying as well. 

"Did they hurt you?" They? BAP knew who Suki was because she used to be very popular among the school students. But they, like everyone else, had heard that she beat up Hyunah. They didn't know anything about bullying though. 

She hummed her approval, "It's not so bad though. They went easier on me today than normal. My arms hurt though." 

They got to Jihyuns house and Jihyun immediately brought Suki to her room. They talked and did their homework. When they finished, they went downstairs and saw BAP watching movies while eating popcorn. Suki was off of work so she asked if they could go to HSH.They put their shoes on and Daehyun asked, "Where are you guys going?"

"HSH," Suki said quietly but loud enough for all to hear. 

Zelo looked at Daehyun and Yongguk, "Hyung, can we go? I haven't been there in ages!"

"Coffee would be nice," Daehyun nodded and got up. They all walked to HSH and like normal, Suki and Jihyun saw Jaemin inside. 

They all ordered and then sat down. Jaemin came with their drinks and Jongup said, "You're Park Jaemin in my class," 

Jaemin smiled and nodded, "Yup, Moon Jongup, right?" He nodded. She bowed and then walked away.

A bell rang, meaning someone came inside. Kim MInji came inside and ordered. She sat alone in a corner. Jihyun knew, by following Hyorin once, that Minji was Hyorins main target. She stood up and sat down in front of Minji, with Suki following behind. "Kim Minji, right?

Minji nodded knowing who this was. Jung Jihyun sister of Daehyun and the only girl that went against the bullys openly. "Jung Jihyun and Lee Suki," 

Jung Jihyun went straight to the point, "Would you like to be friends? I know that you aren't exactly on good terms with the students and the queenkas and i was wondering if you'd like to be our friend."

Minji smiled a true smiled and nodded at them thinking, Thank you.

Muahahaha Double update!!! Hope you like it. Comment and do whatever. Tell me what you like or don't like and yeah. Not the best chapter and not very long too but. HOPE you guys likey

~Jaeminnie went BAIBEE~

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MisaMato #1
MisaMato #2
wow mate this story is great
EunMi219 #3
Chapter 6: I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this story !!!!! *squeals
klienchoung #4
2ne1fanboy #5
Sounds interesting