Wreck in the Pool


Sungjong has been gone for more than two weeks to his hometown and leave Seoul becuase of his sick grandma. It’s really hard for Eunji to smile, when she’s missing her best friend like crazy.


That morning, Eunji could feel how was it, eating by yourself in the middle of a really big table, with no friend and no chat at all. Even Yunho is already home, but it only lasted for not more than 8 days and usually, he comes late because of his band activities and wake up late. That’s why Eunji never get to met her brother, and wasting time by doing same chit-chat and share secrets.


Imagining Sunjong that usually came to the table and bring a plate of burnt toast with floral apron make her laugh, and also make her miss him more. Her own toast isn’t as good as Sungjong’s.


Eunji realized a permanent statement in herself. She could not live without his beloved girly best friend.


It’s 6. 30 PM, and Eunji waited patiently for her breakfast to be served. Lazily, she punched her hands to the table while ignoring the super-boring situation.


Another lazy thing. Eunji who are used to get up early because of Sungjong, has to freaking come to the Campus at 7 in the morning, just to continue her swimming schedule. Lazy, but what makes her happy is, Sungyeol was there, swimming like a professional. Sungyeol said, he liked to swim. Eunji know it’s clearly contrary to her nature. And sometimes, before returning back to his home, Sungyeol loved to take photos in the garden in front of the campus. That’s the main reason why she never get up late to the campus. Though she herself knows perfectly she’s weak in all kind of sport. Moreover, swimming. It’s her enemy.


A few days ago, Eunji come home longer than usual. She should get home at 6, Eunji got home at 7. Sungjong doesn’t even know why.


Sometimes, Eunji spent her time watching Sungyeol doing his archery before returning. Archery is his forte. He competed in Archery Competitions throughout Korea and cool, he’s the 2nd champion. That’s what Sungyeol said when Eunji asked the reason why he likes archery so damn much.


Sungyeol has a very high level of focus. If Sungyeol has been concentrated, the sound of an elephant fart next to his ear will not be listened.


Imagining about Sungyeol makes Eunji can’t stop showing her teeth. Everytime she was next to Sungyeol, she wanted to scream, but she couldn’t. And as there are butterflies on her stomach. Unfortunately, Eunji doesn’t know what Sungyeol felt every time she was next to him. She wanted to know, so bad.


He may not feeling anything towards me. But Eunji, you have to keep thinking positive.”


Eunji interrupted her reverie and then immediately changed her clothes.


And that day, she came to the indoor pool.


It’s not too crowded, but it’s certain that Sungyeol’s training in his butterfly swimming style. As usual, Eunji paused to observe her view, the seemed very beautiful in her eyes. So beautiful.


She concentrate on her view, without realizing she was too close to the edge of the swimming pool.


Whether it comes from, a girl pushed her and she dip into the pool. Eunji was in complete wet from top-to-toe. Also with the bag. The whole auditorium stared at Eunji intently, waiting for her presence on the surface.


In fact, more than 15 seconds she disappeared.


Sungyeol has just arrived on the edge until he saw someone almost drowned. Deftly, he went back into the water and then hurried over to the person. He put it alongside the edge, she went up to the edge, he examine her body and then he looked the person closely .


It turns out that the girl was Eunji. And Sungyeol surprised to see who’s the person he helped. And now, Sungyeol doesn’t know what to do .


Sungyeol almost touching her chest to drain when he remembered that Eunji is a woman.


He called everyone, asking for helps. But it seems everyone stood in their position while making a oh-my-god-such-cutie-couple face. Sungyeol clenched his teeth and finally, bursted out.


“HELP!” yelled Sungyeol.


“Why don’t you help her you fool!”


“What should I do?!”


“Press her chest before the water getting deeper!" Came a shout from across the room.


Sungyeol stunned, "Hoy! How can I suppress her chest, idiot! She is a woman!"


"Then kiss her lips!"


And Sungyeol gasped, while biting his own lips.


"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" the crowd was getting bigger, screaming “Kiss!” everywhere.


" T-t-there’s no way I’m g-going to kiss her!”




“She’s going to steal my first kiss-“








Finally, inevitably, Sungyeol kissed Eunji while taking out the water. His lips starting to touch her’s, and everyone started to cleared their throat.


Now everyone in a very awkward situation.


Fortunately, Eunji immediately coughed and woke up.


Everyone relieved, but it’s not a second she opens her eyes to see who had helped her, she fell unconscious.








Eunji woke up with towel clothes wrapped her body. She felt her body in a very very very cold temperature. She coughed a little, yawned like what wild animals do, shuddered briefly and then focused her eyesight.


Eunji groaned while squabbed her left shoulder .


“Hm? You’re up, Eunji-ssi?”


A friendly voice came from the side of her bed.




“Are you awake?”


“I.. Where am I?”


“School health unit. You fainted in the swimming pool.”


“Say what?! Seriously?”


“Of course you are! If you’re not, how can you get here?”


“How can I know? And who’s taking me here?”


“I do.”


Feeling curious about who’s the strong and good people who bring her her, Eunji stood up straighter and turned to the sound.


Eunji scrunched her eyebrows and widened her eyes afer examining the people infront of her, who greeted her in a very friendly voice earlier.


“Sungyeol oppa?!”


“Hee hee.” Sungyeol smile charmingly.


“H-h-how can?! Why are you- OH GOD!”


“Why are you that shocked?”


“How can you brought me here?”


“Why not?”


“Well.. yah..”


“At that time, I’ve been on the edge and I saw you almost drowned. So, I’m helping you automaticly, knowing you can’t swim.”


Eunji blushed really hard. Actually she's a bit pressed about the last word Sungyeol said.


“Oh god, how can I suddenly fell into the swimming pool?”


“Someone pushed you.”


“Do you remember her, or him?”


“It’s a girl and I think her name was Sooyoung?”




Eunji burst into laugher when she heard the name that’s being mentioned and Sungyeol just stood there, suprised seeing Eunji’s other side.


“W-why are you this happy..?”


“Ah, it’s okay oppa.”


“You got a problem with her?”


“Oh, no no no, of course not. Take it easy, Everything’s gonna be alright.”


Eunji falsified her best smile. Sungyeol chuckled and nodded.


“Oh yes, I apologize in advance.”


“About what?”


“About...................... about................ Ikissyouinordertosaveyou.”




“I’m sorry, about..”


“About what..?”


“I’m sorry I kiss you earlier!”


“You what?!!”


Eunji let out her girly shriek as she heard what Sungyeol said.


“He... he what? He kissed me? Am I dreaming? Oh god, Eunji wake up!”


Eunji slapped both of her cheeks, hoping she will woke up soon. But well, she was awake.


“Y-y-you kissed me? For real?”


“Yeah, it’s for your own sake, too. To be honest, it’s my first kiss.”


“Well me too! And oh god thank you so freaking much for helping me. I owe you a lot, oppa. Please remember my name.”


“Once again I’m really sorry for stealing your first kiss.”


“Don’t mention it, it’s not a big problem.”


“Are you cold?”


“It’s okay, I’ve recovered a little while back.”


“Call me if you need anything beyond from me. Maybe you want to change your clothes? Is you bag wet?”


“It’s really okay, I don’t want to trouble you. You can continue your swimming activity.”


“Never mind my swimming activities, I’ve changed clothes. I have no itention to swim again. Call me, ok? I’m waiting for you.”


Eunji fluttered as she heard how caring Sungyeol is.


She touched her lips, imagining how’s the real situation up there.


and that's how he departed from the room , leaving Eunji blushing with thousand of butterflies inside her stomach.


And yet, she still could not believe it.


Her first kiss, is with Sungyeol, a guy whom one likes.

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Chapter 1: I'm touched when I saw Namjoo giving Sungyeol the barbie doll :') I'm here to support you honey~ ^^
swagmonster #2
Please update!!
JungYeonsDiary #3
cute! more color in the conversation would be great, so people like me cant be dizzy reading these! keep up the good work! ;)
Chapter 1: Aw! The conversation between Namjoo and Sungyeol was really cute :) It looks like you are setting this up for future chapters when they are older. Can't wait!
Limonium #5
Chapter 2: The first 2 chaps are good..keep it up..fighting ^^
Limonium #6
Chapter 2: The first 2 chaps are good..keep it up..fighting ^^
karindhiya #7
Chapter 1: hey babe!! luv u ok<3
update asap pls~ hope there's will not too much IU,jiyeon,and Suzy here because i don't really like them.-. More pinkfinite&bapink pls~~