Woman in Love


Moonlight Sonata plays in the afternoon, the rain, accompanied by a few glasses of cold milk soda is the best. She was supposedly in her room doing her homework, but she prefers to expend her expression through the piano.

From day to day, Eunji was still curious about the man she saw in the Indoor pool a few days ago. To be sure, he was a student at the campus. And the only question that still running inside Eunji’s head is is, what grade was he? How could he be so handsome? And what thing did he did so his body looks like a professional boxer ?

Remembering the man, he reminds her childhood friend. He was very good, playful, and sometimes mocking others followed by laughter. Her childhood friend was also very close to Sungjong. It’s like, they three played together a lot. But, no matter how hard and how much Eunji trying to memorized his name and face, she couldn’t. For some reason, she felt she forgetting something important. Really important.

Talking about love, Eunji have never experienced it . She has not been dating for 19 years  she lived. She just didn’t want a relationship. When the time is right , says her eommoni, she will get it.

It's been almost two months Eunji in her college with her ​​new friends. Eunji was very happy to be in this college. In addition to getting friends, Eunji’s popularity increased because of her goodness and beautiful face she has. Also her beautiful  voice and her ability to play the piano that can’t be doubted.

Once Eunji and Jieun thought, they will make money by making duo , with Eunji as a keyboard player and Jieun singing . They will be the most fit duo with catchy acapella songs.

Sungjong’s fans also increased. In fact, Jieun said, she had seen some fanatic girls make a special fan cafe only for Sungjong. Eunji could only shake her head with weird looks.

She continued playing her piano. Still with full of expression.

Calm, but meaningful.





Eunji’s class was doing experiments in the class, and Shin seonsaengnim which teaches biology and chemistry assigned Eunji to return the equipment to the chemical laboratory on the 3rd floor.

Seeing the 3rd floor which were deserted and quiet, Eunji increasingly frantic. He hastily fear of being late to the class. Haste, she bumped into a man who runs after finished exercising.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I didn’t see where I was walking. I'm sorry!" Eunji said sorry as much as she can while bowed her head a few times.

The man just looked at Eunji in his fall position with a smile, "Ah, it's okay. Do you want to go the lab? Here, I can help, this thing quite heavy you know." He was taking several stacks of books and magnifying glass that Eunji had held while heading toward the lab.

Eunji only gape, initially she wanted to refuse, but because it’s really heavy and the man had walked away from her, she simply obeyed.

After Eunji remember again his face, he believes that it’s the man she saw in the Indoor pool.

Arriving at the lab, they put the experimental tools and books on the desk, and they said goodbye to the security guard Yeo seonsaengnim in the laboratory and walking away.

"Hey, are you the girl from the pool?"

Eunji surprised because at first she wanted to say hello first. "Uh, uh? yes ...?"

"I don’t know what your name is. Are you a new student? "

Eunji that runs next to the man tilted her head toward the man whose height is approximately 15 cm different from him .

"Uhm, I'm Jung Eunji, yes I'm a new student, are you a new student too?"

“Ah, I have learned here for three years. Next year i’m going to pass.”

Eunji blushed, "Ah! I'm sorry oppa, does that mean you’re two years older than me?"

The man nodded, "That's OK, my name is Lee Sungyeol. Don’t be shy, just call me Sungyeol oppa." The man named Sungyeol with 180 cm height developing his most fabulous smile. Eunji froze while still directing his gaze to the 180 cm man.

"Sungyeol oppa." Eunji smiles while playing her fingers. "Thank you for your help earlier."

Sungyeol replied, "Anytime." and then he smiled.

"Without you maybe now I'm still troubled with those things and I'm sure .... oh no! I should have entered my class now! I'm sorry oppa, I have to go now." Eunji remembered that she had to go to the next class.

"Ok , if I could see you this afternoon or , let’s meet in the cafeteria later." Sungyeol bid goodbye first, followed by Eunji who looked at his strapping backs with a smile.

I finally found him. She thought.




Eunji, Jieun and Sungjong went eating together in the cafeteria. In addition to their similarity boyband SHINee lovers, they both liked purple, French fries, both had a really melodious voice, and have the same hobby, playing the piano. Eunji sure she gets along well with her new friend.

While with Sungjong? How come he isn’t, she even lived together! Of course not in the same rooom, eh.

Sungjong told Eunji that, just a few days he was in the college, he found a fan in his class. Eunji sure Sungjong must be lying . But the reality he isn’t, when yesterday Eunji visited Sungjong’s class , 2 girls who saw Sungjong from a distance while shouting hysterically.

Eunji remember the promise she had with a man who she had met on the third floor. A man called Lee Sungyeol. She searched the man's presence throughout the cafeteria, she eventually found him talking with some friends at the corner of the cafeteria. Under her vision, she believes Sungyeol including “the popular guy” on campus , and she was convinced that his fans reached dozens.

Eunji saw Sungyeol from a distance, smiling at him.

Eunji ceaselessly smiling while occasionally staring at her food.

Accidentally, Sungyeol looked at Eunji who were looking towards him, and Sungyeol smiled. Eunji happily smiled back, waved, and went on eating with her two companions.

Not too long, Sungyeol walked towards her table and say hi. "Hi."

Eunji surprised and looked up at him. “Hi”.

Shyly, Eunji continue her words. "Thank you once again oppa, for your help earlier." Eunji said with a smile .

Sungyeol nodded, then walk away. Once again, Eunji looked at his strapping backs with a smile.

Jieun noticed that her best friend was smiling alone.

"Hey, Eunji-ah, who's that? Your crush?" Jieun bumped one of her hand to Eunji while teasing her.

"Huh ... huh? " Eunji still not awakened from her speculation.

"He’s handsome, and looks nice. Wow, good choice.” Teased Jieun.

Eunji hit Jieun’s shoulder softly, "Jieun-ah, what the hell, it’s not my crush and I just met him! He’s seniors who I had just met this morning. He’s very nice."

"Handsome too, if you like the same person as him, I approve you." Jieun’s words make Eunji blushed very hard.

Eunji push Jieun out from her seat while growling.

Without their knowledge, some eyes looking at them with dislikes feelings.




After break time, Sungjong went back to his class alone while Jieun walking beside Eunji. Before Eunji entered the class, she was intercepted by some female herd.

"Hey you . What the hell were you doing with my oppa?" the Long-haired woman staring cynical to Eunji who doesn’t know anything.

"Huh? Your oppa? Who?"

"Don’t act like you don’t know, idiot. Ofcourse it’s Sungyeol oppa."

"We're just friends, why?"

"Tch, friends? I'm warning ya, don’t ever approach my Sungyeol oppa. He’s mine, I hope you’re away before you regret later."

"Why do I have to stay away from him?"

"Because he's mine, stupid."

"Are you his? "

Suddenly it become dead silent. Two of her friends replied, "Certainly! Who’re you, huh? Don’t you know us?"

"Ah, firstly, my name is Jung Eunji and I'm a good person. Nice to meet you."

"Tch , new kid? We are a year older than you. And please I told you to stay away from my oppa. Oh , and my name ? I’m Park Sooyoung, remember this charming name." The girl that seems like the captain of their friendship walked passed Eunji while brushed her hair away from her face.

Jieun just froze beside Eunji. Jieun could not help it any longer.

"Woah, what the hell was that?" whispered Jieun.

"I don’t know. Maybe they were psychos?"

"Hahahaha nice, Eunji-ah!"

"It's true ! Do you see the captain’s expression when I asked 'Are you his?'?"

"Yes! They were silent as dumb."

Jieun and Eunji laughing while entering the classroom.

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Chapter 1: I'm touched when I saw Namjoo giving Sungyeol the barbie doll :') I'm here to support you honey~ ^^
swagmonster #2
Please update!!
JungYeonsDiary #3
cute! more color in the conversation would be great, so people like me cant be dizzy reading these! keep up the good work! ;)
Chapter 1: Aw! The conversation between Namjoo and Sungyeol was really cute :) It looks like you are setting this up for future chapters when they are older. Can't wait!
Limonium #5
Chapter 2: The first 2 chaps are good..keep it up..fighting ^^
Limonium #6
Chapter 2: The first 2 chaps are good..keep it up..fighting ^^
karindhiya #7
Chapter 1: hey babe!! luv u ok<3
update asap pls~ hope there's will not too much IU,jiyeon,and Suzy here because i don't really like them.-. More pinkfinite&bapink pls~~