First Move


Sungjong just got back from the campus at 1 at night. And accidentally, Eunji hasn’t sleeping yet. She can’t sleep. The strains of house soungs that has been tuned loudly in her room keep her awake. She kept musing about the occurrence that happened when she finally met Sungyeol. How happy she is.


Eunji was still dreaming while admiring Sungyeol and smiling terribly in her balcony finally winked her eyes and turn around to see who’s coming and pat her shoulders. And she realized it’s Sungjong.


“Ya. It’s 1 at night. How come you didn’t sleep?”


“You too. How can you got home at this hour? Clubbing?


It was a dead silent.


“Hey, seriously?”


Sungjong bowed his head and staring blankly to the floor.


“Hey Lee Sungjong. Look at me when you’re talking.” Said Eunji firmly.


Slowly, Sungjong tilted his head and staring straight.


“Hey. Answer my question. If you still shut your mouth up, I’m going to tell eommoni.”


Sungjong was still silent.


“One.. Two.. Thr..”




Sungjong shouted loudly as he grabbed her hand, which was already toward his eommoni’s room. Eunji closed his mouth tightly, afraid their parents will hear their voices.


Their eommoni and abeoji strictly prohibits both of them to go to the club. They strictly prohibits it. And Eunji caught Sungjong went into a club.


“Why, Sungjong-ah? What did you do there?”


“Hey, don’t think negative first. Well, I admit I went to a club but I will never harass a woman. I don’t even want!”




There are some reason why I was invited to go to the club by a friend.”


“Tell me. I promise I will not tell eommoni if I can accept it.


“One.” Sungjong swiped his tongue along his lower lip anxiously as he grew breathless while he spoke.


“My friend wanted to meet one of his friends from college in Osaka for the game business. Because he comes from far away, my friend used to give up his time for him. And you know who’s the best at games in the world?”


Eunji rolled her eyes and nodded lazily. “You are.”


“Good.” Sungjong grinned happily while crossing his arms.


“Two. My friend said, there’s a new wine with 100% no alcohol. Sometimes I want to try it. And because I’m grown up now, I decided to go and try it.”


“You know how much eommoni hate alcohol, blood, and cigarette.”


“And like I told you before, it doesn’t contain any alcohol.


Eunji sharpen her view.


“Three. My friend which met his friend from Osaka had an older brother. He’s a master of games like me, and we were in the same college. He wants to introduce me to him.”


“What year he was born?”




Eunji widened her eyes. “Name. Mention his name.”


“Lee Howon.”


Eunji sighed freely. “Fyuh. Thank goodness it’s different.”


“’Thank goodness it’s different’? What do you mean?”


“This afternoon I met a senior. He was going to pass the college this year, it hink? He was born in 1991 and I think I love him since the first sight.


Sungjong sighed heavily. “It’s late night and you can still be someone poetic.”


“I’m serious. Look at my face. His name is Lee Sungyeol. Have the same family name like your hyung.


“Did I ask his name?”


Eunji kicked his thigh lightly.


“Did I?”


“No! Just please continue or I gonna punch you right on the gut.”


“Whoa, slow down. I can’t continue if you threaten me like that.




“So yeah, that’s how it is. I met Hoya hyung and we..”


“Hoya hyung?”


“It’s her nickname you square-head.”


“Oh, sorry for being a square-head. If I’m a square-head I should have just tell eommoni you’re going to a..


“Enough with your foolish chit-chat and listen to me. It’s getting excited.”


Eunji punched his stomach hardly.


“Awch, that hurts you know?”




“Yikes! Sorry sorry. Okay. It’s the best part.”


Sungjong scowled and take a deep breath.


“And that’s how we end up playing until midnight. And you know what?




“Hoya hyung is your first love’s best friend.”


“SAY WHAT?!!!!”


Eunji shocked as she hears what Sungjong just say.


“You didn’t believe me? What kind of friend are you? And why are you so surprised?


“Please. Sungjong-ah. Please help me getting informations about Sungyeol oppa via your Hoya hyung!”


“What the hell, why me?”


“You're the only one who can be relied upon. And come on! You may not have the heart to let your best friend dying to know, right?"


“Oh please, Eunji-ah. Nowadays there is someone called STALKERS! You can follow him everywhere or you can find informations on his fancafe or you can ask some of his fans! Right? You can ask his sister, or why don’t you just ask Hoya hyung directly?”


Eunji scrunched up her nose and thinking really hard to make a decision.


“All right! I will ask Hoya hyung directly. Call him tomorrow. Talk to him. I want to meet him on Sunday, in the same club. You’ll going to take me there if you don’t want your head being cut into two.”


Eunji ing her hand.


Sungjong gulped, and finally take her hand.







Sungjong bring Eunji to the club when he met Hoya for the very first time.


At first, Eunji encaged her intention to met Hoya, because she afraid something will happened to her and if her eommoni and abeoji knew it, she will be a perfect dead meat.


But thinking about her love, she keep moving.


What Sungjong said to their parents: buying birthday present for their friends.


It’s the first time Eunji visited the club. She gaped everywhere because of diverse disco lights and how tall wine glass is. Also with the Bartender which has clever ability and skillful action to serve their customers.


Eunji take a look at the whole club while helping Sungjong find an older boy with blue shirt, hair with gel and white trousers. And she did! She found a boy with blue shirt and white trousers sitting on a high chair with small table infront of the bar while drinking his wine.


Sungjong approached the man followed by Eunji behind him.


“Annyeonghaseyo, hyung!”


Hoya, which was drinking, almost shed all his drink as he shocked by the shrill sound of Sungjong.


“Ah! Hey, you arrived already?”


“Yes we are. So, let me introduce you. This is my best friend I told you on the phone the day before yesterday. Her name is Jung Eunji.”


Hoya divert his attention to the girl with fence bangs beside Sungjong and then grinned.


“Ah, so you’re my best friend’s girlfriend candidate, eh?”


Eunji almost fell hearing his words. Hoya is still grinning. Faint blush spreading on both of her cheeks.


“Not likely candidates as his girlfriend, oppa. Before that, let me intoduce myself. I’m Jung Eunji. I was born in Busan, 1993. Nice to meet you oppa!”


“Woah, I was born in Busan too!”


“I know it. Your Busan accent is still strong.”


“Still.. sounds? STRONG? You know what? I trained myself for not having those Busan accent for more than 5 years and now you come and told me with that relaxed voice of yours that my accent is still strong? How could you.” Hoya giggled.


Eunji laughed sarcastically as he stared the boy which is older 2 years than her.


“Ah, come. Have a seat. I’ll buy you a glass of perfect wine.” Hoya offered them 2 seats beside him as he make a space for them to sit.


“Ah no, thank you hyung. I didn’t drink wine. Buy us two glass of orange juice and we’ll gladly accept it.” Sungjong got a big hit on his shoulder.

Hoya sighed as he looking straight to Sungjong’s happy face.


Finally, he grinned his teeth and said, “Well, ok! As a nice hyung and oppa I’ll treat you guys. Special. Hey Mr. Bartender, 2 glass of orange juice over here please?”


“Soon, sir!”


“Already! Now have a seat.”


Eunji reached her tall chair and sit next to Hoya.


“Guys, hold. I need to go to the toilet. Where is it?” Sungjong stood up straigher in his position as he make a really serious face.


“On the corner beside the garbage bin. From here you turn left. Don’t get wrong, there are many adults having their good time. You know that.”


Sungjong grinned widely and run to the place that being pointed by Hoya.


Hoya opened the first topic.


“So. Eunji-ssi. What do you want to ask?”


 “Hem.. I don’t really know about him because I just met him on Thursday, oppa. Oh! How about his family, address, and birthdate?”


“He was born on 27th August 1991, and he has an adopt sister called Bae Suzy.”


“Adopt sister? Really? How come?”


“Long time ago, about seven years ago, there’s a girl that he met and I think he fell in love for the first time to that girl.. I don’t really know..”


Eunji justify her seat and concentrate.


“And I think her mother has an orphanage, so yeah.


“So yeah? What the hell is that?”


“His eommoni and abeoji adopt a child when he was 13 years old. He really wants a sister so yeah. His parents give it, although it’s not his real siblings.”


“Oh.. I know now.. so.. do you know informations about the girl he likes?


“Well, I don’t really know. Don’t you think I knew everything about him because I’m not his eommoni.”


Eunji grinned.


“Sungyeol said he forgot her name, but she live in Gwangju for sure. Sungyeol does too. They both live in the same place. Until he needs to continue his college in Seoul.”


Eunji thinked really hard to launched the next surprising questions. “Hmm.. how’s he in the class? How’s his personality? Is he quiet, smart type? Or the noisy type?”


“Sungyeol may seem like the studious & smart type. But he’s really allof. He has a lot of weak points like whenever he talks, he squeaks and he’s very emotional. And yes he always lighten up the mood whenever it get worse because of some of us.”


“Really? Whoa, he must be awesome. Do you know his ideal type girl?”


“I do. A woman who doesn’t pretend to be innocent and easy going. Maybe you are his type.”


Eunji blushed, “Ah oppa, it’s impossible.”


“Why not? Don’t be silly, you never try talk to him in person. You’re easy-going, aren’t you? I’m sure he likes you.”


“I think he still in love with the girl he met seven years ago. I’m sure of it.”


“Don’t easily downhearted. Tomorrow, try to meet him. Try to talk to him maybe in the cafetaria? Or maybe aftercampus. Or maybe every Saturday arrange a meeting with him in the indoor pool. Both of you likes swimming right?”


“LIKES SWIMMING HELL NO I HATE IT!” Eunji shouted, and fastly closed .


“I.. I fell in love with him at the very first time at the pool it’s true, but it’s not because I liked swimming. It’s my schedule and accidentally he’s there!”


“Whoa whoa okay, slow down baby.”


Eunji cleared his throat and continued.


Before she could continue her words, he noticed the bartender is ready to serve a really good-looking orange juice. She put Sungjong’s beside hers and mix both of them.


“I was very impressed with his swimming abilities. No wonder he has a very tall body. Like, really tall.”


“Azz, Eunji-ah. My height and his height difference is only 5 cm! It means I’m pretty tall, eh?”


Eunji add two tea spoon of sugar into her orange juice.


“That’s pretty big gap, well.” Eunji laughed sarcastically as she keep mixing her drink.




The club is getting crowded as the afternoon come.


A y woman who didn’t notice nudging Eunji’s hand while she was mixing. And it’s spilled everywhere.


“Gosh that old woman! Didn’t she even noticed where she was walking?”


Eunji yelled while grabbing the nearest tissue box.


“Oppa, do you know Park Sooyoung?”


“Ouh? That er girl?”


“Really oppa, er? How could you give that ridiculous nick name to a really beautiful girl like her?”


“Well actually, she is. She’s one of my rival. Everytime he came to my class to sees Sungyeol, I always be the one who closed the door and shoo her away. Pretty good reaction of mine, eh?”


“ er AHAHA I really can’t understand you oppa.” Eunji giggled. “Well from the information I get, she’s one of Sungyeol oppa’s fangirl.”


“Really? So?”


“Last Thursday Sungyeol oppa greeted me at the cafetaria. And I thought they were looking at me suspiciously. And here’s what they say to me.”


"Hey you . What the hell were you doing with my oppa?" the Long-haired woman staring cynical to Eunji who doesn’t know anything.


"Huh? Your oppa? Who?"


"Don’t act like you don’t know, idiot. Ofcourse it’s Sungyeol oppa."


"We're just friends, why?"


"Tch, friends? I'm warning ya, don’t ever approach my Sungyeol oppa. He’s mine, I hope you’re away before you regret later."


"Why do I have to stay away from him?"


"Because he's mine, stupid."


"Are you his? "


Suddenly it become dead silent. Two of her friends replied, "Certainly! Who’re you, huh? Don’t you know us?"


"Ah, firstly, my name is Jung Eunji and I'm a good person. Nice to meet you."


"Tch , new kid? We are a year older than you. And please I told you to stay away from my oppa. Oh , and my name ? I’m Park Sooyoung, remember this charming name." The girl that seems like the captain of their friendship walked passed Eunji while brushed her hair away from her face.


“AHAHA nice! A very nice respond! I know they’re embarassed right away.”


“Yeah of course! I was like ‘who do you think you are, fellas?’ AHAHA.”


“Well that’s a really nice counter-attack, you must try to have a long debate with me, sooner or later. Trust me, it’ll never be finished!”


Once again the club is getting crowded because of their laugh. The club is getting hot as Hoya wiped the sweat off of his brow.


Hoya hasten his drink and stand while stretching his back.


“Hoaaaaahmm!! It’s night already, eh?”


“What do you think? Well it’s 6 o’clock now.”


Eunji closed her ears as she hear a very sore voice.


“By the way. Where did Sungjong go? Is he having abdominal pains or what?”


Eunji scrunched up her nose as she noticed Sungjong’s taking to long in the restroom.


“I don’t know. Maybe I should check it first. Stay here. Don’t you dare move from your chair.”


“So what? What are you gonna do if I move from my chair probably because my feet get stiffed?”


“I’ll your like what she did to you!”


Eunji burst out laughing and Hoya went down from his chair and run to the toilet.


“Oppa! Just promise me you’ll never tell anyone about this meeting! And those silly questions I asked you! Promise me!”


Eunji shouted right away before Hoya turned to left and out of her sight.


It was a very nice meeting in a very nice afternoon in a very nice time in a very nice atmosphere in a very nice talking topics.

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Chapter 1: I'm touched when I saw Namjoo giving Sungyeol the barbie doll :') I'm here to support you honey~ ^^
swagmonster #2
Please update!!
JungYeonsDiary #3
cute! more color in the conversation would be great, so people like me cant be dizzy reading these! keep up the good work! ;)
Chapter 1: Aw! The conversation between Namjoo and Sungyeol was really cute :) It looks like you are setting this up for future chapters when they are older. Can't wait!
Limonium #5
Chapter 2: The first 2 chaps are good..keep it up..fighting ^^
Limonium #6
Chapter 2: The first 2 chaps are good..keep it up..fighting ^^
karindhiya #7
Chapter 1: hey babe!! luv u ok<3
update asap pls~ hope there's will not too much IU,jiyeon,and Suzy here because i don't really like them.-. More pinkfinite&bapink pls~~