691200; 여덟 번째 깜짝 이벤트도

day eight: one hundred ninety two hours: eleven thousand five hundred twenty minutes: six hundred ninety one thousand two hundred seconds.


I was in no way shape or form a morning person. The fact that it was a Monday morning didn’t seem to help at all; despite the fact there was no longer school (until the graduation ceremony waiting in a week), the urge to claw myself into the thick of the mattress was strong.

The only thing that pulled me out of my sleep though, was the lack of the lump of sheets next to me.


Prying open my sleep ridden eyes, rubbing them harshly to get the blur away, I patted the space that would usually be full of Yongguk to find it empty. Yongguk wasn’t in bed.

Frowning, I crumpled my hair with a low hiss, sniffing the air for any signs of ramen (because if not sleeping, where else would he be but the kitchen? Maybe he got hungry but didn’t want to wake me up) Unfortunately though, I smelt nothing. Nothing but the chilly winter morning air.

For a minute, I thought of it as nothing but a bad dream, brushing away the bed sheets that curled around me and tugging on my jacket that lay just an arm’s reach away, folding nice and neat on the last remaining chair in the room. Maybe he was in the living room. I couldn’t say I expected much though.

My frown lasted the whole of the three minutes it took me to peek around the empty house, only lowering further and further throughout my search. Where the hell was he?

Giving up eventually, I crawled back to his room, expecting him to return sooner or later - because, where else would he go - only to find something in the bedroom (beside the usual bed, sheets and pillows).

It wasn’t Yongguk, but it was something.

Narrowing my eyes, I approached the silly little pink sticky note (the shape of a bunny, I was sure it was Natasha’s), pulling it off Yongguk’s pillow. Why hadn’t I seen this earlier, before I’d gone on my pointless man hunt around the house?

Good morning, sleepy head.
Mission one for this morning:
Guess where your phone is.

My automatic reason was to pat my jacket’s inner pockets, frowning at the lack of rectangular device that would usually sit there, stabbing me in the gut whenever I wasn’t ready. Yongguk must have hidden it, for fun and laughs. Wait till’ I got my hands on him.

Groaning, I glared down at the note left in my hands. Staring at it wouldn’t do any good, I know, but still, the need to glare at something was far too strong to withhold.

My one sided stare off was put to a quick end as I threw the paper; it didn’t go very far, twirling a little in a air before landing right where it started, but this time, flipped to the other side.

Here’s a hint, cause I’m sure you’re confused now:
It’s with the thing you
never leave home without.

I hissed. I never left home without my phone, but seeing as that was gone, so much for a hint. This was not funny. Glaring a little back at the little shaped paper, I reached out for it, crumpling it up in my first before crawling back off the bed. Sitting around wasn’t going to get my phone back; and as much as I would have liked to watch Yongguk’s defeated face turning back in the room, complaining at my lack of playing along, I figured I might as well as humored the guy.

Tugging my jacket a little closer (and changing into my jeans spread across the floor of Yongguk’s room, seeing as walking around in a pair of flimsy flannel pajama bottoms was cold), I stepped back out the room, surveying the house.

What did I never leave home without? Clothes, but I’d already checked my clothes, patting down my pockets with such precision I didn’t realize I had. Yongguk gave ty hints.

Walking circles in Yongguk’s living room, I’d all but gave up when I heard my phone go off, instantly catching my attention. And from somewhere closeby as well.

“You stuck it in my shoe?” Was my exasperated greeting upon finding my phone, propped up straight inside my shoe. Well, he hadn’t lied; I didn’t leave home without shoes. But couldn’t he have made better hints than this? Starts with a Sh and ends with a oe would have been a nice hint.

“You mean you just found your phone?” He was laughing at me, shaking his head, I’m sure. “I’d thought that you’d found it and just decided to ignore my hard thought out event for you.”


My ears perked up at the news, my back straightened a little eagerly. I liked events. This would have been our first event as well since we began dating (first, hopefully not last).

“Yep. Now I’m going to hang up, before I give away too much. I’ll see you soon, baby. Check your messages!”

There was a smack of lips on the other end, a horrible interpretation of a kiss, then the end to the line.

I rolled my eyes. I’d smack him in the face when I next saw him.

Still, being the good boyfriend I was, I scrolled through my phone, clicking into the messenger application and to the newly arrived message. Surprise, surprise; new messages.

Congratulations, you have completed your first mission successfully. In your shoe, with your phone, should have been a pair of keys for a certain lock in the subway. Grab it and head on down to Sang Wangshimli station for your next mission.

For each mission to be valid, you must send a picture of yourself with the mission card every time you find a new one. You will not be allowed to proceed to the next mission otherwise.

Good luck!

Again, I rolled my eyes, but not without the slightest smile inching the corners of my lips. Stupid as it was, I had to admit, it was cute.

You’re an idiot.

Pulling the mentioned key out of my shoe, I slid into them, tucking both the key and my phone into my pocket before heading out. My phone rang, vibrating in notification of the message returned; but I didn’t need to see to know what it read.

But I’m your idiot.

He was my idiot indeed.

The subway station was just a few minutes ride from the location Yongguk lived, making the walk there short lived. the key in my pocket, I walked over to the lockers, noting that there were only a number of them without their corresponding keys in them. I figured Yongguk’s to have been the one at the far left corner; the same one we’d often use to store our bags whenever we decided to play before heading home.

Inside was a tiny golden envelope, oddly familiar to the ones we saw on a very specific variety program about the completion of missions through silly cards. Well, someone wasn’t very original.

Two missions down; how many do you think are waiting for you now?

Mission number three: go through exit four and up the stairs. Outside, in the coffee store we often visited (this is part of the mission, don’t you dare ask me which store this is) introduce yourself and order a cup of Americano (your favorite) and your package. You should either get a weird look or a box.

Remember to send a picture ♥

A weird look or box. Leave it to Yongguk to make me look like an idiot.

Closing the now empty locker (and getting the coins predeposited) I stood back up, feeling my knees crack under unexercised workout. I was getting far too old for this stupid wild goose chase.

Rubbing my knees with a groan, I swirled around to head for the fourth exit, moving as I took my phone to take a picture of the card with its yellow envelope.

You’re such a dork.

Again, but he was my dork.

Outside, just a few steps away from the entrance of the station (the specific one that Yongguk told me to go to) was the coffee store we usually visited.

Years back, we’d gone to the store out of pure coincidence. Good Coffee. The store said they had good coffee; so why not give it a go?

Hearing the soft ring of the store door close behind me, I moved in the fairly free shop, finding a smirking part timer watch as I walked in, fiddling with my phone and golden envelope in one hand, while digging for my wallet with the other. Judging the amusement in his eyes, I figured the said part timer knew just who I was and what I was here for.

“Hello, welcome to Good Coffee, how may I help you?”

His voice dripped of tease, meaning yes he did know who I was and why I was there. I felt the slightest (more) tempted to smash something into his face.

“Hi, my name’s Himchan,” I ground out through my teeth, “I’d like a cup of americano and my package please?”

Jongin, the part timer’s name was Jongin. And his smile was really starting to get at my nerves.

“Well, hello Himchan ssi, but I don’t think I need your name to make you your coffee.” He really deserved a good smack in the face. He was having fun with my embarrassment, wasn’t he? “Would you like your coffee hot or with ice?”

“Hot, so I can pour it down your face.”

He laughed (he dared) and I glared.

No matter, he seemed to roll his wrist to a loosely done salut before turning to the machines to make my drink (and hopefully fetch my package, whatever that was). He didn’t bother hand me a bell to inform when my drink was done, making me stand awkwardly by the counter waiting for him to finish fiddling with the machine. And that was well enough for me, this way, I could make sure he didn’t spit in my drink without looking too much like a creep. I had an excuse to stand here after all.

Taking his jolly good time with his work, Jongin came back minutes later with my coffee in hand and cocky smirk still drawn on his lips. “Here’s your drink sir.”

“And my package?”

He drew a finger to his chin, patting it as if he was thinking. I was seriously going to kill this kid. I swear it.

“This isn’t a post office sir,” he hummed, leaning across the small counter that separated us (the too big counter that kept him a protective distance away from my murderous arms). “What did you say your name was again?”

“Himchan. Kim Himchan. Just give me my ing package, I know you have it.”

Again, the kid laughed, not bothering at all to cover his mouth with his hands and laughing straight out loud whilst tilting his head a little back. Wow. I was going to kill this kid. He was going to wish he was dead. And then, I’d kill Yongguk next.

They’d all be dead once I got my hands on them.

“Well, while this isn’t a post office, I am holding a package for someone.” I held my hands out expectantly. “But,” he continued, “not for you. It’s for …” Ducking under the counter, he pulled out a box, smirking again as he read directly off the words taped to envelope on top. “Princess Himchannie ~”

I swear, I died right then.

Feeling my face light a bright red, I snatched the box out of his hands and glared.

I could feel him laughing, continuing to do so, as I seated myself as far away from the counter as physically possible, only then digging into the box left behind. This had better be some god damned important box.

Digging in it, I found the envelope from before as well as a bunch of papers.

I swear I was going to kill Bang Yongguk.

What is this.

Feeling the stare of the part timer still on me, I flipped through the papers left behind whilst waiting for a reply from Yongguk. It was an exam; at least, it looked like an exam. But I hadn’t studied for such an exam. And I was pretty damned sure there wasn’t really a subject called Bangster.

I need my picture to reply to you babe.

Growling, I took it, clearly showing my teeth in the picture with the box, envelope and drink. I didn’t forget to message him that I was going to murder him

Congratulations getting this far. You’re one step closer to finding out the true prize behind this long ride. Do keep your spirits up, the prize will certainly be worth it!

You seem to have found your test. From here on, the minute you received this message, you are under a time limit. Solve the exam in ten minutes and report back to the part timer (Jongin, he’s a sweet kid, don’t kill him) with the gold envelope. He’ll check your answers, and hand you one or several prizes.

Good luck!

Your exam begins now.

The minutes I read time limit I began to panic. I hated being put on a time restraint.

Finding in the box a pencil, I cracked through the questions.

“Woow ~”

Just as I’d finished the last question (a good minute before the time limit, mind you!) - it was a test all about Yongguk, not too hard, knowing how long we’d known each other - the irritable voice of the part timer returned. As well as my headache.

Again, I glared, pulling my papers away by the slightest. “Excuse you, don’t you know anything about personal space?”

“Well, Yongguk hyungnim asked me to help out with his special event for his little princess, but you took way too long getting here. I’m on my break, so I figured why not sit with you while you finished. May I?”

That smirk again on his face, he rolled into the seat across from me, setting two bags in the seat with him while holding out his now free hand for the papers.

“No need to grade it, I know I aced it.”

I was a Bang Yongguk expert, after all.

“We’ll see about that.”

And I had been right. The paper was drawn through and across with circles, circles and even more circles. I could visually see Jongin’s smirk fall with each oval he drew across the paper. Ha.

“Alright, so you’re a Bangster, cool.” A slight pout on his face - did he want to see me fail? - Jongin slid the bags he brought over to my side. “Well, have fun with the rest of the event I guess.” And with that, sighing, he left, mumbling something about how nice it would have been to see me fail the test.


In the bags were clothes. The bunch I’d wanted to buy the last time I’d gone shopping with Yongguk. I’d always known my boyfriend had a good eye. But also tucked between the fabrics, was yet another envelope (in the last one had been the answer key to his mock test). This time, with instructions on what to do next, I supposed.

Still, going through with his usual instructions, I took a selca with the newly acquired items, getting an immediate reply from Yongguk.

Wow! I’d almost thought you’d failed cause it took so long for your message to come.

Shouldn’t have expected anything less from my dearest boyfriend ♥

Here’s the next mission. In the bag, as you can see, are clothes. Change into them and leave the clothes you’re wearing with Jongin (he’ll get them to my house, he promised) and head on down to the address printed on the card. Your next mission will take you to the final destination.

Fighting ~

Hurry down Channie, I’ll be waiting.

In record time, I rushed to the restroom and changed into the clothes given, passing the package and box back over the counter and in Jongin’s face before he could chance to make fun of me again. He may have been of Yongguk’s acquaintance (I don’t remember the two of them ever meeting) but that didn’t make him any less annoying. Yongguk had annoying friends, I found out.

Smoothing out the front of my pants, a smile unmistakable on my lips, I pulled back out the yellow envelope, stabbing my hands into my pockets before head to the destination printed.

Our high school.

Not much of an address, but I suppose it worked.

The next mission included mostly of digging in my old seat to find another golden card and a package of cookies (much like the ones Yongguk’s mom used to bake with Natasha noona). I dug into the cookies while heading to the final destination. A single title.


It was the club that Yongguk and I’d once snuck into. The same one Natasha noona and her boyfriend before performed at. We’d been kicked out back then, but Yongguk had, over the days, learned the befriend the people there, giving us a safe pass in and out without too much of a hassle.

It was also the place we grew to spend the majority of our Friday nights at (much to my mom’s displease).

The door was closed when I arrived, not a soul in sight (it wasn’t nearly late enough for anyone to head to the clubs yet, after all). I pulled it open, and found my surprise.

A candle lit path led down all the way to a single chair in the middle, just in front of an empty stage. I’d almost expected Yongguk to be there as well, but he was no where in sight. Instead, a path of sticky notes led down the path to the seat.

Hi Babe.

Going down, a number of the sticky notes were left unfilled, leaving the faces of the little bunnies clearly visible under the light of the candles. Some of them, on the other hand, were labeled in Yongguk’s lazy sprawled handwriting (the same one most geniuses on tv had).





The smile was automatic on my face as I pulled myself to a stop at the chair, finding the last of the golden envelops on the seat.

Hey babe, thanks for coming.

And thanks for everything.

For being with me.

For accepting me.

For everything.

I love you.

Just as I finished the last line, the speakers roared alive behind me, making me jump a little as I twitched back, finding the stage to be as dark as before. But not for long.

“Listen babe, I’ll dedicate this song for you.”


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

a/n: warning, do not follow these instructions. lol. it’ll lead you to nowhere. i don’t even know if good coffee exists in seoul. i saw one back in daejeon by my dorm. apparently, they had bad coffee, but pft. i totally made up all the directions. and if my directions do work then - ffff. i’m a genius. worship me. /lolno.

this idea is not very original. i got the idea from a naver blog post who made her boyfriend go through a running man event for their anniversary. it was cute. originally, i wanted to make this chapter longer. have them go through the event and return back home, but one thing led to another and eh. (if you’re curious, the last line was sang by yongguk. it’s the first line to “happy birthday” by bap. pretty sure that line wasn’t sung(?) by yongguk - himchan maybe? - but for the sake of this fic, pshhhhhhh)

i may or may not be able to update tomorrow, as i have done for the past chapters.

sorry in advance, and a thank you to everyone that’s following through ~ ♥

word count: 3221

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131226: my parents surprised me yesterday saying we're going on a train ride ti chooncheon. automatically thought of this story. lol.


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LoveBabyCass #1
Chapter 10: Aaahhh! You're fast becoming one of my favorites! More BangHim please!?!
Chapter 10: Oh... I must make you sad. I cried. Once. I can't stand goodbyes -.-' This ff was perfect. I mean the idea of counting seconds and making it day by day... all was perfect. I loved the event ^^ I love Running Man so I found it really amusing ^^ thanks for another good fan fic ♥
hi authour-nim
i just want to say that i love your fic so much!
can i translate into Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put the link to your page :)
starmoonlight #4
Chapter 10: All of ur stories are really nice authornim.. ^_^
Chapter 10: this is adorable. now i want to read what happens when they see each other again /orz. me bein greedy /cries.

in btw i can so picture himchan punching that mail man thinking "only gukkie is allowed to hug me" OTL
Chapter 9: *huggles* too precious.
take care of your hand ;^;
Chapter 10: LOL yongguk's pss XD
I really love the ending !! \(≧∇≦)/
I'll be looking forward to your next banghim project !
Thanks for all of your hardwork ! Love ya ♥
The separation was so sad yet so sweet \(≧∇≦)/
Yayayah #9
Chapter 10: i cried happy tears ㅠㅠㅠㅠ thank you for sharing these lovely 9 days.