345600; 네 번째 등에 업히기

day four: ninety six hours: five thousand seven hundred sixty minutes: three hundred forty five thousand six hundred seconds.


“Hey! Over here, pass!”

For whatever the reason, the teachers decided to have an outdoor day, letting us play outside in comparison to our usual dry mornings stuffed in classrooms until the noon bell, when we’d be released early. (Really, I saw no point in keeping us in classes in the first place; as the graduating class and with only a single week of school left, there really wasn’t anything left to do but with there and be bored.)

And seemingly, we’d thought that playing basketball in the freezing weather - some of us stupid enough change out into flimsy training shorts to freeze their asses off - would make the time pass by faster. Well, it did make the minutes run faster, but that didn’t mean it gave excuses for classes still existing any better.

With plans to play outside, a number of us had snuck into the gym - Eunji picking the lock skillfully as our infamous picklock - and nabbed a number of torn jerseys, having to sort through the ones torn beyond repair. I was part of the nab team, wrinkling my nose at the stench of the uncleaned strips of fabric (you couldn’t even clothes anymore, just fabric that’s been badly tied together).

It was classes one and four against three and five, putting in the opposing team to Yongguk - pity.

The players - the few that decided it was worth the effort to fight against the unkind winter weather - instantly ran for the courts, bursting out into a fit of laughter when finding the court frozen. Or, at least, partially frozen anyways.

We slipped and slid across the surface, general rules of the sport going completely ignored as flying out of the court became a happening too common. If we’d decided to stop every time the ball slipped away, we’d never get a single point in, never mind give time for everyone to touch the ball at least once.

For the most part, the girls tried to create a sort of human fence around the boundaries of the court, snagging the flying ball and tossing it at one of us (it was a popularity thing, who got the ball) whenever it was in their hands. They did it for the sweaty smile and thumbs up.

I thought it was stupid.

(I would have done the same, to be honest, though.)

The whole duration of the game, Yongguk decided to stick by my side, that goofy grin on his face and absolutely refusing to let me do anything worth mentioning in the game. It was frustrating, but to the other members of my team, they claimed it was even worse, having to put up with our flirting.

(I was not flirting.)

Rather than shooting a basket, my goal became to escape his shield. Mind you, I would have never in any other case scenarios, ever even dream about getting away from Yongguk. But let’s be realistic, winning and losing was based on pride. My ego needed , and not even my dearest boyfriend would keep me from that.


Playing a game of basketball on ice proved hard to do, especially with no referees calling out Yongguk’s need to pull his arms around my waist every time I was so close to getting away. The only way to get the ball, I later found, was to ski away while he was distracted; lucky for me, Yongguk was easy to distract.

With his eyes following the flying ball - thrown by Insoo dearest, attempting a two pointer (falling the minute the ball was out of his hands) - I skated ran for the ball.

Now here’s the thing. There’s both a good and a bad.

The good, I got the ball.

The bad, I got flatted, literally, by a running Kangin.

(And did that hurt.)

One second, the ball was in my hand, just leaving it in forms of a rushed layup and another, I was on the iced floor, clutching my ankle with a hiss.

That was probably also the most crowded I would ever feel in my life. The most attention I’d grab from our (zero attention span) classmates.

“Hey, you alright?”

I glared, hissing through clenched teeth at a much apologetic Kangin. (I did look okay? Would I be laying on the ground holding my ankle if I was okay?) I opted not to answer him, and he took the silence as a no, mumbling an apology before yanked out of the circle by a much worried Yongguk.

His hands fell on my ankle and I batted away with a whine. “That hurts. Shoo, you’re not allowed to touch!” I frowned, crawling up and hugging my leg closer to myself with a hiss. The only good thing I could find about the situation was that the cold was managing to nicely numb the pain away. Imagine how much it’d hurt later today, when it decided to swell.

“I’ll take him to the nurse.”

With a sigh, Yongguk debated hooking his arms under my legs and swinging me in a cradle. In fact, his hands came under my knees for a second before I slapped it away, going a little red in the face. I was not about to be swept away by him; my classmates would never let that go. If so given the chance I became famous, they’d laugh and put it up on all my fanpages: “Kim Himchan likes being carried like a little princess.” (I did not. I was very manly.)

So instead, he turned, baring his back for me to climb on, helped by Insoo and Sunhwa on both sides, hopping a little wobbly on one leg before latching my arms around Yongguk’s neck. God help him if he dropped me; I’d make sure he didn’t have a body left over to hop on his blast plane to America.

Shooing away the girls whispering and mumbling (I swear someone squealed a little, something I should have been doing) Yongguk hitched me higher up his back, earning him a yelp of complaint and a tightening of arms by yours truly.

“Don’t you dare drop me.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, princess.”

He mumbled that last part, just under his deep voice, but I was close enough to hear it.

And it wasn’t that I liked it or anything.

I just didn’t have the energy left to complain.


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

a/n: god. i don’t know why the hell these are in this order. because like. i don’t know. kissing then piggyback ride? um. g.na, what were you thinking? you want to kiss on the first day, then get a piggyback ride? maybe it’s just me, but i took a few months at the very least to kiss my boyfriend. /kay. but then again, she never said she wanted to these in this order … … otl. the boy’s side of the song sounds so much more innocent though (or, my mind’s just in the gutter - get your mind out fo da guttah).

word count: 1093

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131226: my parents surprised me yesterday saying we're going on a train ride ti chooncheon. automatically thought of this story. lol.


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LoveBabyCass #1
Chapter 10: Aaahhh! You're fast becoming one of my favorites! More BangHim please!?!
Chapter 10: Oh... I must make you sad. I cried. Once. I can't stand goodbyes -.-' This ff was perfect. I mean the idea of counting seconds and making it day by day... all was perfect. I loved the event ^^ I love Running Man so I found it really amusing ^^ thanks for another good fan fic ♥
hi authour-nim
i just want to say that i love your fic so much!
can i translate into Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put the link to your page :)
starmoonlight #4
Chapter 10: All of ur stories are really nice authornim.. ^_^
Chapter 10: this is adorable. now i want to read what happens when they see each other again /orz. me bein greedy /cries.

in btw i can so picture himchan punching that mail man thinking "only gukkie is allowed to hug me" OTL
Chapter 9: *huggles* too precious.
take care of your hand ;^;
Chapter 10: LOL yongguk's pss XD
I really love the ending !! \(≧∇≦)/
I'll be looking forward to your next banghim project !
Thanks for all of your hardwork ! Love ya ♥
The separation was so sad yet so sweet \(≧∇≦)/
Yayayah #9
Chapter 10: i cried happy tears ㅠㅠㅠㅠ thank you for sharing these lovely 9 days.