1209600; 내게 와 줘서 너무나 고마워.

two weeks: three hundred thirty six hours: twenty thousand one hundred sixty minutes: one million two hundred nine thousand six hundred seconds.



Today marks one million two hundred nine thousand six hundred seconds since we first started going out. That’s exactly two weeks. Nine days with you and five agonizing days without.

In a way I’m sad, beyond the point of tears, but in another, you’ve made me the happiest I could ever hope to be and so much more.

(I miss your smile, by the way.)

My name is Bang Yongguk, and I love you, Kim Himchan, more I probably should.


I read your little notebook, by the way. I read how you’d written each day out, what we did, when we did it and all your thoughts. (I took pictures for memory, I hope you don’t mind.) Every day, every second, was recorded in there. You should have told me; I would have helped.

Every day except our last two, anyways.

You ripped pages out on purpose, so you wouldn’t have enough room to write in those last two dates, didn’t you? That’s childish, you know? Escaping reality like that shouldn’t be allowed, even if it hurts to know that I won’t be able to see you again for the next few months.


I almost screamed when you asked me out - so nonchalantly, as expected of the great Kim Himchan. Did you know that? It was a queer mixture of screaming and crying after you’d left to go to your class. In one hand, I was happy, but on another, the reality had struck then that we had only nine days.

Nine days wasn’t that much go along, was it?

I held back on telling you about those nine days for a long time.

Originally, it was a hundred. That hundred shrunk to fifty, and then twenty. It kept dying on me until it reached its last nine. By then, I couldn’t hold back from telling you.

Funny how time seems to slip from your hands when you’re at a restraint.


I made a new friend today, his name is Joe Lee (funny name if you ask me). He claims he’s Korean, but his Korean absolutely . I can’t understand a single word he’s trying to say. Probably because he’s been living here for so long.

Do you think I’ll lose my Korean too, if I live here?

Would you still love me if you couldn’t understand a word I’m saying?

(I’ll brush up on my Korean, just for you, just in case.)


Yongnam apparently hates it here. He misses his girlfriend back at home and he claims that he would much rather go to military than stay here. I agree with him, for once.

So we made a deal with our parents. Two years; if we stay here and be good for two years, they’ll let us transfer back to a college in two years. Yongnam’s been quiet since then and so have I.


I dreaded counting down the seconds until I left, but now, I’ll do so gladly.

Thirty one million five hundred thirty six thousand more seconds until I next see you.


Day one, our first eighty six thousand four hundred seconds apart.

I love you, I miss you.


ps. I filled in our last two days in the included package. (as well as some treats from America. I hope they didn’t go bad during the flight.)

pss. I wanted to include myself in the package, but apparently, that’s not allowed. I told the mail man to give you a hug in my stead, but I don’t think he’s going to do that either. If he did, please don’t punch him; he only did his job.


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

a/n: the end. hope you enjoyed.

this has to be one of my awkwardest endings.

i tried to make this as fluffy as i can get it to be, seeing as my mind’s been forever stuck angst for the longest period ever. but in the end, it didn’t turn out as fluffy as i planned it. then again, nothing ever goes the way i plan it to be. story of my life. can you tell, my brain's already one foot on the angst ship.

and i’ll be getting back on that angst ship for a while, but just wanted to have a break of happy fluff for a few days. my nine days - it’s actually been more for me, seeing i took a break in the middle for testing - with this fic made me want to throw up trying to think of all things fluff. (even if in the end, it’s not all that fluffy)

thanks to everyone that left comments.

hope you didn’t cry. cause that would mean i did my job wrong.

how to happy. i can’t.

now go listen to the song. it’s really pretty.


내 소중한 너 baby ~ baby ~ baby ~ baby boo ~

word count: 630

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131226: my parents surprised me yesterday saying we're going on a train ride ti chooncheon. automatically thought of this story. lol.


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LoveBabyCass #1
Chapter 10: Aaahhh! You're fast becoming one of my favorites! More BangHim please!?!
Chapter 10: Oh... I must make you sad. I cried. Once. I can't stand goodbyes -.-' This ff was perfect. I mean the idea of counting seconds and making it day by day... all was perfect. I loved the event ^^ I love Running Man so I found it really amusing ^^ thanks for another good fan fic ♥
hi authour-nim
i just want to say that i love your fic so much!
can i translate into Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put the link to your page :)
starmoonlight #4
Chapter 10: All of ur stories are really nice authornim.. ^_^
Chapter 10: this is adorable. now i want to read what happens when they see each other again /orz. me bein greedy /cries.

in btw i can so picture himchan punching that mail man thinking "only gukkie is allowed to hug me" OTL
Chapter 9: *huggles* too precious.
take care of your hand ;^;
Chapter 10: LOL yongguk's pss XD
I really love the ending !! \(≧∇≦)/
I'll be looking forward to your next banghim project !
Thanks for all of your hardwork ! Love ya ♥
The separation was so sad yet so sweet \(≧∇≦)/
Yayayah #9
Chapter 10: i cried happy tears ㅠㅠㅠㅠ thank you for sharing these lovely 9 days.