604800; 일곱 번째 놀이동산도

day seven: one hundred sixty eight hours: ten thousand eighty minutes: six hundred four thousand eight hundred seconds.


Yesterday was nice.

Dinner was nice. The movie was nice (albeit, it was a tad on the scary side, but late night movies are always more fun when they were gory). And sleeping in bed with Yongguk was especially nice.

Waking up the next morning? Not so nice.

I groaned, feeling the morning sun hit me straight on, my consciousness slowly gathering as I squirmed into the sheets. Judging the intensity, I’d say it was slowly approaching noon. We’d slept the majority of the morning away.

Rolling over onto my side, I gripped at the closest object to me, finding moments later at the light mumble that I’d pinched Yongguk on the side. But I could apologize for that later; he was warm.

Throwing my legs around his waist, I pulled him closer, attaching myself onto his back and rubbing my face to the spine of his neck. It was nice, almost like having a living, breathing teddy bear (one with a nice heating device within its stuffings).

“Good morning.” Five minutes after throwing my phone, screeching complaints in morning alarm, Yongguk moved to roll the other way, facing me and brushing his lips against my forehead. “Did you sleep well?”

“Sleeping,” I corrected, nuzzling this time into his chest with a whine, “I’m still sleeping.”

He laughed, the rumble going straight down to my toes as he pulled me in closer, breathing down into my hair. Did he really think I was still sleeping? Of course not, not even he was that stupid, but he let me off anyways, pressing me closer into his warmth, pausing only just to pull the covers up to our chins.

Only after realizing sleep wouldn’t come for me again, did I lift my chin, just barely of the sight to shove Yongguk onto his back and lean against his chest. “Morning.”

Yongguk was smiling, that pink and white smile, his hands through my hair with a hum. It was moments like this that made staying in bed all the more better. I wouldn’t have minded spending the whole ot today just rolling around and being lazy. Even if it meant wasting a whole day of doing nothing.

“Let’s go to Lotte World today.”

I lifted a brow curiously at his suggestion, stretching my arms out to curl around his waist. “But it’s cold. What’s the point in going during the winter?”

He seemed to think this over for a bit, but still his mind seemed unmoved. He still wanted to go to the theme park. “We don’t have to get on the rides. We can go ice skating or watch the parade.” Tucking his chin up against his chest to look at me properly, Yongguk jerked out his lower lip in a pout. “Please?”

“Only if you stop making that face.” I wasn’t going to say no, but the urge to was too great. Plus, Yongguk looked the cutest when he wasn’t trying to be cute (when he was trying … … it was more scary).

Wasting the next hour getting ready - most of the said hour spent splashing water in the tiny sink (Yongguk was such a baby) - it took the total of two hours to arrive at Jamsil station, tickets bought and in the tightly packed amusement park. Really, it amazed me how people seemed to want to come to the park even in such a weather.

The place was stuffed with couples in general, matching colors of jackets indicating who was whose (I should have thought of this before hand). Feeling a bit nauseous in the swirl of colors, I grabbed Yongguk’s hand with a frown.

It was the colors that was getting me sick, not jealousy.

“You alright?”

I nodded, gripping Yongguk’s hand tight in mine and pulling him closer. Couple clothes were cute; why hadn’t I thought of this before? “Fine.” Just peachy.

In the end, it was decided that we buy little accessories; I’d pick his, while he chose mine.

“Try this on,” holding back a laugh, Yongguk arrived back to my side with a headband (cleverly disguised from my line of vision behind his back), plopping it on my head and tucking parts of my hair behind my ears. He looked generally pleased (if you minused the fact he was pressing his hand against his mouth to keep from laughing). “We’re buying this.”

And he wouldn’t let me see it until we purchased the damned thing.

In exchange, I’d picked out a pair of red sunglasses. Something gave me the idea that this trade wasn’t very fair at all.

“Here,” Yongguk pulled me, snickering, “let me snap a picture for you.”

Before I had a chance to complain, he was holding up his phone for me, having already snapped a picture. And surprise, surprise; he’d gotten bunny ears for me.

My jaw was dropped as I kicked at his shin. “I am not wearing this.”

I’d reached to pull it off, but Yongguk was a step ahead of me, grabbing my wrist to tug them down and away from his choice of gift. Apparently, he wasn’t going to have any of that. He was too determined to keep me in those stupid ears.

And no matter how much I struggled, whined, he wasn’t having any of it.

The stubborn idiot.

For being a nasty cheat, I got to pick our next destination, the two of us going back and forth in picking rides and snack bars. (Though, Yongguk let me cheat every so once in a while when we lost count of whose turn it was to pick next.)

When the day drew to a close, most of the park’s visitors now emptied out, our last ride was the ferris wheel, stocked nicely with couples on each cart. Us being one of them.

“Look at all the lights,” I gaped staring out the cart window, jabbing a finger toward the blinking rides with a grin. It was pretty; I liked pretty things. I liked sparkly, pretty things.

(That was probably why Yongguk’d chosen the ferris wheel as our last ride.)

He didn’t complain as I continued to (unconsciously) jab on about the lights and how it felt almost like we were far in the sky, looking down at stars - as illogical as that is.

In turn, I didn’t complain as Yongguk pulled me away from the window, seating me just by his side.

A shared smile.

A shared breath.

A kiss on the ferris wheel.


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

a/n: i’ve always wanted to go to the amusement park with my date. but i’m happy with going with my friends. i can’t ride the rides too well anyways. /scared stiff of rides. i’d gotten better at riding them, but still. my ex used to promise that he’d kiss me when we reached the of the roller coaster. i laughed and told him he would probably kiss me anyways if i didn’t go. (i was right)

the next chapter’s going to be a to write. i have big things planned for the remaining two days.

word count: 1111

(lol. the word count. i can't)

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131226: my parents surprised me yesterday saying we're going on a train ride ti chooncheon. automatically thought of this story. lol.


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LoveBabyCass #1
Chapter 10: Aaahhh! You're fast becoming one of my favorites! More BangHim please!?!
Chapter 10: Oh... I must make you sad. I cried. Once. I can't stand goodbyes -.-' This ff was perfect. I mean the idea of counting seconds and making it day by day... all was perfect. I loved the event ^^ I love Running Man so I found it really amusing ^^ thanks for another good fan fic ♥
hi authour-nim
i just want to say that i love your fic so much!
can i translate into Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put the link to your page :)
starmoonlight #4
Chapter 10: All of ur stories are really nice authornim.. ^_^
Chapter 10: this is adorable. now i want to read what happens when they see each other again /orz. me bein greedy /cries.

in btw i can so picture himchan punching that mail man thinking "only gukkie is allowed to hug me" OTL
Chapter 9: *huggles* too precious.
take care of your hand ;^;
Chapter 10: LOL yongguk's pss XD
I really love the ending !! \(≧∇≦)/
I'll be looking forward to your next banghim project !
Thanks for all of your hardwork ! Love ya ♥
The separation was so sad yet so sweet \(≧∇≦)/
Yayayah #9
Chapter 10: i cried happy tears ㅠㅠㅠㅠ thank you for sharing these lovely 9 days.