Chapter 9




“Morning!” I smiled brightly as I met up with Hakyeon and Hongbin.


“You look extra happy today” Hongbin ruffled my hair and gave me his signature dimple smile


“Yah. Don’t ruin my hair.” I whined and playfully pushed Hongbin away as he stuck his tongue out at me


Hakyeon judged us from the sidelines but he stick cracked a smile “You two are such kids.”


“Sorry Mother” Hongbin and I bowed in unison towards Hakyeon, making us all burst out into laughter.


We continued to walk down the school hallway to find a table to sit at. It was a moment of living simply and just laughing with two of the most important people in my life despite all of the internal difficulties I bottled up, afraid to tell them.


“Why are you so happy today Eunyoung? Not that I want you to be sad or anything” Hongbin asked clearing any misunderstanding.


“I just feel good I don’t know why and also I gave Hakyeon Oppa’s phone number to Bomi”  To be honest… I felt the opposite of good. I was hiding everything in, all of my difficulties with Seyong  were getting the better of me that I needed to fake being happy. The worse thing was my two closest friends couldn’t even tell fake happiness.


The only thing that made me happy was that I had helped someone else who I knew would be able to make Hakyeon happy. Part of my happiness is Hakyeon’s happiness.




She might be fooling herself, Hongbin and everyone else but not me. I knew Eunyoung as much as she knew herself and that was not a genuine smile. I don’t know why Hongbin didn’t realize her fake smile since us three are like the three musketeers, but I guess he’s blinded by his own recent happiness. You can’t blame him since I too would be too happy if I were dating someone I really loved.


Either way Eunyoung wasn’t herself. Of course she wouldn’t be happy, especially after the incident with Seyong. I wanted her to be genuinely happy but I can’t be sure of anything now that she’s faking happiness and keeping secrets from Hongbin and I.  She kept the chatter going on as if nothing was wrong but her eyes tell a different story.


I observed Eunyoung trying to get her attention so I could give her some reassurance but nothing worked she continuously just kept going on and on about how she gave my number to Bomi. I have to be brutally honest Bomi was the least important thing on my mind but Eunyoung couldn’t stop herself from talking about it. I just nodded and gave small smiles whenever she acknowledged me but I was still more interested in what was really going on in her mind, what her true feelings were.


“I do really hope Hakyeon and Bomi become such as good couple. Don’t you think Hongbin Oppa?”


Hongbin nodded in agreement and I just laughed sheepishly but I was in turmoil inside my head.


“I have to go. I’m going to meet up with Zinni before the next class. I’ll see you two later. Hakyeon hyung give Bomi a chance okay?”


I rolled my eyes. I was hoping Hongbin would be on my side but I guess not. “Sure Hongbin run along to your girlfriend now” I playfully waved him away.


Once Hongbin had left Eunyoung turned to me instantly and asked the question I needed to ask her. “Oppa, you’ve been quiet today. You were just nodding and replying with short answers when we were talking. Is there something wrong?”


I looked at her confused “I think I should be asking you that Eunyoung. You can’t fool me. You aren’t acting the same. What’s wrong?”


“No- Nothing.” She stuttered shocked at my words “I asked you first Oppa. Why are you so quiet?”


“I’m worried about you.” My hand reached for her arm to console her


“You don’t need to worry about me Oppa! I’m fine!” I was taken aback by her shouts and she ripped her arm from my grasp and rushed out of my sight.


I looked around in disbelief of what had just happened. All I wanted was to make her feel better but I guess she didn’t want any comfort from me. I sat down slowly alone at the table. I sighed, my lips not knowing what to do next.


“Hi Oppa!” The person I had no interest in seeing at the present moment sat down in front of me… Bomi. I didn’t want to be rude but in all honesty I was in complete anguish that she would just add to my difficulties.


But then Eunyoung and Hongbin’s words came into my mind and I knew I had to stay, sit with Bomi and talk.



Just an update for you! Hope you enjoy. It was a quick update and I’m so sorry for making you wait so long but I have been so busy I wasn’t sure when I was going to update. Thank you for reading 

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Ummm... when are you gonna update??
Chapter 8: Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe! Mehrong! ^^
wanda22 #3
Chapter 8: Please update it soon
Chapter 8: She really does like her best friends! They are a cute small band :) Eunyoung really wants to find him a girl uh? Haha. Sweet though. Wonder if he really changed his mind about it... Anyway, good thing Seyong got a little punch ;p good chapter. As always, I will be looking forward the rest of the story~
Chapter 7: It's good to see you again! And in addition, I really liked this chapter. Eunyoung is really clueless, uh? Must sting N. Aah~ now I really am curious how it will go with Seyong at the theatre too. Fighting, I hope you are okay by the way :)
Chapter 5: I nearly cried in the chapter so touching
Chapter 4: So okay, cleared about Hongbin's behaviour. Now N's just weirder with her... I'm not sure, I've got two ideas. I'm curious! Haha.
Chapter 4: ZINNI !!!!!
touchchandara #9
Chapter 3: I am really curious
Chapter 3: Hongbin's really sweet =) I wonder what is it behind N's weird behaviour and Hongbin's too... Hmmm, suspicious hehe. Don't worry too much and fighting!