A New Start

Falling In Love with Exo's Guardian Angel

|| EXO's DORM_8:00 a.m. - MINHA's POV ||

the guys told me to wake up early today. not sure why since they wouldn't tell me much. i remembered the conversation i had with baekhyun last night...should we really start over? my thoughts were interupted when someone knocked on my door.

''minha-ya..you done yet?'' someone shouted. ''yeah..i'm putting on make-up'' i replied. the door opened revealing luhan.  ''mind if i come in?'' he asked. i nodded. he came in and sat on my bed. ''soo...i heard baekhyun wanted to get back together..''he said while smirking. i blushed and nodded. ''did you say yes?'' he asked again. i nodded. ''you reeaally don't remember much do you?'' he continued. ''umm..no and i'm counting on you guys to help me..'' i said.

luhan got up and walked to my side. ''so..what do you think about the leader?'' he asked again. leader? why would he ask that? ''err..kris?'' i asked him back. he laughed and shook his head. ''no no..the other one..Suho..'' he answered. i looked at him weirdly. did something happen between me and suho?

''i..don't know..i've never spoken a word to him..he probably doesn't like me so..i try to keep my distance'' i said. he nodded and sighed. ''actually..he does like you..'' he said. almost inaudible. ''what did you say?'' i ask since i thought i heard wrong. ''uhh..nothing..nothing..just come down soon..xiumin and d.o cooked breakfast'' he said before he left. well..that was weird..i shrug the thought off and put on the finishing touches of my make-up before heading down.

''good morning guys!'' i bid to them. they all responded with ''good morning'' and ''hello!'' . i went to the dining table to help xiumin and d.o to set the table. i took a seat next to baekhyun who greeted me with a smile. i smiled back..but siting in front of me was leader, suho. who just ate in silence. ''eat up guys cuz after this we're heading to the dance studio to practise for our comeback..'' kris announced. ''does minha have to come?'' maknae sehun asked. kris nodded ''yeah Mr. Sooman asked to bring her along as well..'' he said. i quickly ate my food.


i walked into their dance studio and...wow..it is..huge! ''so..mr. president didn't tell me what to do here..whether to teach you some new choreography..but he just said to practise so..kai, lay and sehun..you guys teach her..''kris said. the three agreed and we went to a seperate dance studio.

''are you sure its okay cuz...you guys must wanna practise for you comeback and all...'' i said. ''don't worry about it..we'll practise later'' kai said. i nodded in understanding. lay brought me some clothes ''change into these before practise'' he said.

i grabbed them and went to the changing room across the hall. when i came back, we started the practise.

after 2 hours.........

''are you sure you can't remember..cuz you catch up fast..'' sehun complimented. i laughed and said ''what can i say..i'm a fast learner..'' then, my phone beeped.

From : baekhyun oppa~ <3

hey..can you come out for a sec?

i put the phone back in my pocket. ''its baekhyun hyung, isn't it?'' sehun asked. i nodded shyly and went outside. baekhyun was waiting in the hallway.

''hey..you wanted to see me?'' i asked him. he smiled and said ''i already asked the manager to let me go early so that i..can take you out for lunch'' he said. ''seriously? but i'm wearing my training clothes.'' i said. ''yeah well...so am i..now let's go..'' he said. before i could say anything, he grabbed my hand and we walked outside for lunch.

~baekhyun's training clothes~ i can imagine him wearing it..teehee~ >.<

he took me to a chinese food restaurant nearby. ''is chinese food still your favourite?'' he asked. ''umm..i guess so..'' i said with a shrug. he smiled and we sat down. we ordered our food and waited for it to arrive..in the mean time, there was silence...until baekhyun broke it.

''thanks..'' he said. i looked at him confusingly. ''for what?'' i asked. ''for giving me another chance..'' he answered. i still looked at him weirdly. ''another chance? weren't we together before this? i mean..its not like we broke up..right?'' i asked him. he smiled and nodded. ''err..yeah..i guess so..'' he said. when our food arrived, we ate straight away since we were hungry. we chatted about lots of things. he really helped me remember a lot.

we had to go back to the studio after lunch. when i went in the dance studio, all three of them were standing and looking at me with a smirk.

''err..did i do something wrong?'' i asked. ''looks like someone went on a date with baekhyun hyung~~'' kai said. i looked down trying to hide the blush that's creeping on my face. ''okay..no time for blushies..let get on with practise'' lay said as he the music. we continued practising until lthe evening..it was really fun..its a shame i can't remember much...

at 5 o'clock, kris told us to gather in the main lobby. ''i know you guys are tired..but tonight is the annual SM Town dinner~ so..when we reach home, take a shower and dress appropriately..and by appropriate, i mean..wear a suit..'' he said. all of us nodded and went into the car.

when we reached home, i can't decide what to wear. i looked at my closet and looked at my options. after some thinking, i finally decide on something simple..yet elegant.

i gotta admit..i look great in blue~ after putting on make-up, i head downstairs. baekhyun was at the bottom of the staircase waiting for me. he looks absoltely dashing~

''you look great'' he complimented. ''you don't look so bad yourself'' i said. he smiled and said ''ready to go?'' i nodded. when we got outside, i suddenly remembered that i left my phone on my bed. ''baekhyun oppa..can you wait in the car? i left my phone in my room.'' i said. he nodded and i went inside. i quickly rushed upstairs. i glanced at suho's room that is right across mine. its still lit. guess he's not done yet.

''sehun-ah..can you help me with my tie?'' he suddenly shouted. i was startled. i opened his bedroom door. he's wearing a vintage brown suit with a light pink dress shirt ''umm..sorry to interupt but..they all left..you want me to help you?'' i asked. 

|| SUHO's POV ||

''umm..sorry to interupt but..they all left..you want me to help you?'' she asked. i wanted to decline but since i'm running late, i just gave her a shrug. she went inside and took the tie from my hand.

''the colour doesn't really suit your shirt..let me choose another one..where's your tie drawer?'' she asked. i was about to protest but..something made me give in.. ''second drawer in my closet..'' i said. i watched her open my drawer and she picked another tie and cufflinks for the suit. '' i think this is better'' she said.


since i was taller than her, she had to tiptoe to reach my shirt collar. our faces were only inches apart. i tried to look anywhere but at her. she tied my tie slowly but neatly. ''there..done..now give me your hand'' she said. i reluctantly let her take my right hand and she put the cufflinks in the holes. she did the same with my left hand. ''done..now you look handsome..''she said softly. our eyes met. my heart started to beat furiously. why am i feeling this way? i've moved on...right? i realised we were late so i said ''the others are waiting..we should get going'' i said. ''right..'' she said softly. we both went down the stairs and went into the car. i couldn't stop thinking about what happened. do i love her again? well...i guess those feelings for minha never changed.

author's note:

next chappie is up~ you guyz like it? please comment and subscribe~ ^^ xoxo!






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sorry for not updating in a long time..=( well..since i'm in boarding school, i can't update often so..hope you guys'll be patient~^^


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kimirina #1
Chapter 16: Y u like that suho? Update soon!
Chapter 14: Joonmyeon if you give up imma tell author-nim to make special appearance for me and i shall slap the heck out of you until you get your mind right >:( Sorry im a bit grumpy...joonmyeon is being a jerk ㅠㅠ help him author-nim!!!
kimirina #3
Chapter 12: Yay! Finally cofess! And kiss hehe~XD
Just update when you have the time! We can wait! Anyway some of us have to deal with school too! Update soon! Saranghae Bbuing!
RamaitaMemet #4
Chapter 12: Hwaah!!! The confessing is really, totally, perfect!!! Love you so much author-nim, i really can't stop smiling after reading it! Hope your school time going well. Fighting!!! (>_<)9
kimirina #6
Chapter 11: end up with suho~! we'll it is the title of the story anyway~....
update soon! Saranghae Bbuing!
RamaitaMemet #7
Chapter 11: Yeeey!! She end up with suho!! Saranghae author-nim, you're the best ;))
kimirina #8
Chapter 10: Yay! Kris and luhan help help help!
Update soon ! Saranghae Bbuing!
RamaitaMemet #9
Chapter 9: Be with suho please.........BTW, your story is great author-nim ;))