#1 The holidays !

The Sweet Escape

"Kringggg !"  

The bell had just rung.

"Woohooo! Finally, it's holiday! Seriously, I've been waiting for this day since the past two months you know", said you happily towards Krystal when you and her came out from the class.

"Yeah, I know that. But Syrena, homeworks,  don't you remember? The science project? We have to submit it on the day the school open", reminded Krystal.

You sighed.

" Yeah, I know. But Krystal, we have holidays for three months! That is really, really a long time. We have plenty of time to work on our homework and the science project. Chill Krystal. We can do this " , you said smiling towards Krystal.

Krystal smiled. *Aish this girl, she really keep me positive. Plus she's intelligent. How lucky I am to have a friend like her* , thought Krystal, smiling to herself.

Both of you walked along the corridor then went to the lockers. You opened your locker then put all the your books in there.

Then you faced Krystal. You thought of something.

"Krystal, our holidays is very long right? Don't you think we should go for a vacation?", you asked Krystal.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, being outside the country for a few weeks" 


You nodded.

"But where do you want to go?", asked Krystal.

You thought for a while. "Hmmm, I don't know yet. Do you have any ideas?"

Both you and Krystal closed their lockers and continued to walk toward the main door.

"I say we go to Paris!", said Krystal.

You smiled. "Yes! Brilliant idea, Krystal!", you answered happily.

You both walked together towards your car, given by your father for your 18th birthday last year.

You suddenly stop walking. "Wait", you said.

Krystal stops. "Why?"

You faced Krystal. "I don't know why but somehow I could feel that you're hiding something from me", you said. "Right?"

Krystal trembling and make her innocent face. "No, I don't"









"Oups" , said Krystal, shile closing .

"See? There's no point of lying to me. Just tell me the truth", said you. "What is it that you're hiding from me?"

"Okay ", said Krystal, giving up.

You both continue walking towards your car . You both got into the car and you drove away from the school compound .

Krystal starts the conversation . " Okay , I had a boyfriend " , said Krystal , slowly .

You were shocked . " Oh my God ! Are you being serious ? " , you asked , shockedly .

" Uh'huh " , Krystal nodded . " We declared about 3 months ago . We start knowing each other since 2 years ago , on twitter . Since then , we start meeting whenever he's free and during school holidays . But he's already work now " .

" Chincha ? What does he do ? " , you asked more .

" He's the secretary of Prince Kyungsoo , you know the crown prince ? "

You even more shocked . " Omo omo , really ? Wow Krystal , you do make the right choice . Good one " , you said while smiling , tapping Krystal's shoulder .

Krystal laughed . " Mwoyaa , thank you anyways " , said Krystal , laughing .

" Why don't you tell me about him before ? " , you asked . * Yeah , why don't she tell me before ? Wasn't it me that was her bestfriend? * , you thought to yourself .

" Well , I wanted to tell you before , but you were soo busy studying . You said you wanted to go to Harvard and you were soo focused on acheiving them . I don't want to disturb your concertration , so I just let it slips away " , explained Krystal . " Sorry "

" No , it's okay . It's my fault anyway . But remember , this kind of thing , you can tell me anytime . What friend are for , right ? " , you said . Somehow you felt guilty for not being there for your bestfriend .

Krystal nodded . " Yeah , I will . You too , have to tell me everything if you want to tell me , okay ? " , said Krystal more towards you .

You smiled . * What a good friend *

Then all of sudden , an idea popped out from your mind .

" Krystal , I've got an idea ! "

" What ? "

" Why don't you asked your boyfriend . . . , "

" Kai " , Krystal corrected .

" Kai , to join us on our vacation " , you suggest .

" Ohh , can he ? "

" Of course he can ! Come on , it's holiday . I'm sure he can make it " , you persuade Krystal while turn the car streng to go to a juction , which was Krystal's house . Then you stopped the car in front of Krystal's big house .

Krystal step out from the car .

" Thanks Syrena . Later I'll inform you weather he care to join us or not "




" Syrena ! Syrena ! Come down , ppali ! We're going to have dinner now " , shout Mrs Oh , your mother from the kitchen . 

" Coming omma ! Five more minutes ! " you replied . You changed to into your baby t-shirt and a pair of sleeping pants . You comb your hair and tied them into a bun . Then you go down the stairs to the dining table to have dinner with your family .

" Wow , what's for dinner ? " , you asked when you felt that you stomach is grumbling .

Mrs Oh put the big bowl in the middle of the table . " Here , it's macaronies cheese tonight " , answered Mrs Oh .

You smiled . It was your favourite dish . Your family likes to eat western food since your father like the taste of western . But somehow once a while your family will still eat korean food , like kimchi or anything else .

" Hmmemmm , smells good ! " , you said , smelling the aroma , and then taking your seat .

Your little sister , Sohee , take a seat besides you . She frowned when she saw the macaronies .

" Omma , but I don't like to eat macaronies . I want hamburger " , said Sohee sadly .

You knucked Sohee's head a little . " Aigoo this little kid . Just eat the food okay , no need to being picker right now " , you said to Sohee .

Sohee doesn't care of what you said . " Omma ~~ " , said Sohee more , persuading your mom .

" Listen to your noona , Sohee . Just eat , okay . Tomorrow I'll make you hamburger , it's that okay ? " , said Mrs Oh more .

Sohee's eyes turn bright when your mom said that . " Chincha , omma ? " , asked Sohee .

Mrs Oh nodded . Sohee smiled .

" Okay , I just eat this then " , said Sohee , while putting some macaroniess into her plate .

You chuckled . 

So then , your whole family have macaronies for your dinner today and everybody enjoyed it soo much . Your mother was such a good cooker . While your family were eating , you talked to each of the family member about what happened today . Sudden;y , you thought of your plan going to Paris with Krystal for this holiday .

You coughed .

No one listen .

You coughed again , a little louder .

All of your family turned to you .

You then broke the silence . " Ummm , omma , appa , are we going anywhere for this holiday ? " , you asked towards your parents .

Your mother then turned to your father . " Yeah , yeobo . Are we going anywhere for the holidays ? , asked your mother too , wanted to know if his husband had arranged any vacation for them .

Your father thought for a while . " Hmmm , I don't know . I'm not planning anything yet " , said your father . " Why ? Do you have any plans already , Syrena ? ,' asked your father , while continued eating his macaronies .

You took a deep breath before telling your parents about your plan . Somehow you feel afraid if the get mad about the plans .

" Actually , omma , appa , Krystal and I plan to have some sort of vacation , in Paris . We're planning to go there for like 3 or 4 weeks , " you explained .

" Paris ? " , asked your mother .

You nodded .

" What about your homework ? You have plenty of them , right ? " , asked your mother more .

" I know . I'll bring them with me later " , you said . You wanted your mother to agree with the plan .

Then , Sohee interrupt .

" Omma , can I join Syrena ? I've never been to Paris before . Please , omma , pleeassee " , begged Sohee with both of her hand placed under her chin .

Your father looked at mother . Then both of them smiled .

" Sohee , if you want to go , you need to ask Syrena . She's the one who going to brought you , not me , okay ? " , said your mother , tapping Sohee's head .

You shocked .

 You get up from you chair . " Omo omo omo , is that a yes ?! " , you asked surprisedly .

Your mother smiled .

" You can go , as long as you take Sohee along with you . If you don't want to bring her , then you can't go . As easy as that " , said your father , smiling .

A huge smile appeared on your face .

" And one more thing . . .  " , said your father .

" Yes ? " , you asked .

" The cost thing , don't worry . Let me pay for it " , said your father more .

You rise from your seat and rush to your father seat . Then you hugged your father tightly form the back .

" Awhhhh gumawo omma , appa ! " you said happily.

" But girls , you must promise me to take care of your behaviour " , remind your father to you and Sohee .

"No problem ! " , said Sohee happily .




How was that ? Is it okay ? Well this is just the beggining of everything . Sorry , I'm still weak in writing this kind of thing . Oh and don't worry , D.O will come out at the next chapter , don't worry don't worry . Me myself can't wait to write the next chapter weeeeee ahahahahaha

Well , do left me some comments about the story . I want to know what the respond was  :)  Till later guys <3



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Author~nim... Update soon... Your story is good! I like it!! <3
deerbaby #2
Chapter 4: update soon~ ^^
Chapter 2: D.O. is such a cutie !!!