Part 2


Word: 1191
Tag: fandom, crack, au!medieval, PWP, bap+zico
A/N: This is a part of an idea I had come up, may continue posting other parts in the same manner (not in chapter form). Excuse the grammar, need beta reader for this one.


Summary: The group met up at the guild's hall to watch over Zico.


"Its about time that you show up," bursted HimChan when he saw YongGuk join them at the table. YongGuk, who was weary from today's event, lazily sat down at the available chair next to HimChan and put his sword beside him.

He is accompanied by JunHong, that tall kid who, at the age of 12, was already taller than YongGuk. People who saw them together always mistakenly thought they are of same age, unless someone stared at them and got shocked that the tallest one looks younger. Puberty did a great job to a boy like JunHong, and both YongGuk and HimChan never thought that their youngest kid will be like this.

JunHong is carrying a big bag and struggles as he puts it down. It is the bag they use to fill with materials they needed at home. Food supplies for a week, books for the kids and some trinkets they found, or should we say fought to own.

YongGuk knows he's already late for the guild's meeting and him showing up when everyone is just starting to enjoy the night is not helping his cause.

He looked over to HimChan, who also looked back at him. YongGuk wore his concerned look and HimChan only smiles. YongGuk, who understand what that look means, abruptly sigh in disgust and averted his sight to look around. He caught the eyes of the bar maid and asked for a glass of ale.

Their group was now complete: HimChan and YongGuk sat beside each other at a long table with JongUp at the right side of the magician. On the other side are YoungJae, DaeHyun and JunHong respectively who are too busy watching a young bard singing a song about the new land the Archanic Guild are raving about.

The bard at the center platform is singing an unfamiliar story. This made YoungJae curious and he focused his attention to him. He then realized that he wanted to memorized all the words he just heard. There is some familiarity in it that made his curiosity aim for him. And anything that is familiar and new to YoungJae, YoungJae must know.

DaeHyun—who is busy stuffing himself with steak and veggies that HimChan ordered for them—becomes curious too. YoungJae didn't touch his food after it arrived a few minutes ago. He on the other hand is about to finished his first serving. Both of them are hungry when they arrived at the hall. A whole day of training without food and water made them exhausted and hungry. He could eat a raw chicken if not for HimChan teasing them that he'll treat them for dinner. But YoungJae forgot how hungry he was after hearing the guy sing.

DaeHyun examined the younger bard singing and playing the drums that accompanies his rhythms. People around him are paying attention to his performance and only a few ignore him. That guy can definitely sing, DaeHyun thought to himself. Though his looks kind of intrigued him. The performer is wrapped in a dress that looked like a girl's skirt, with soft color and smooth looking fabric like silk. But it is definitely not silk. And its not exactly a skirt. He looks clean too. He also wears a lot of chains around his neck. It does not looked like a necklace but it sure wrapped his neck luxuriously. And his hair. The hair is neatly groomed but its texture is different from the nicely combed hair he is familiar with. The hair looks likes the same as those DaeHyun saw on the slaves and beggars. Frizzy and clumped together.

"Who's that guy?" DaeHyun suddenly asked YoungJae. DaeHyun is not familiar with the bard's face. He looks young for his face but the way he uses his words seems to denounced old age.

"He is Zico from Logger Farm, the town below the city," answers YoungJae, whose focus is not disturbed by the sudden question. ''He is one of those genius who can sing stories of olden time for hours and has a good ear for music," YoungJae excitedly announced. DaeHyun was baffled by the tone of YoungJae's voice. He knew YoungJae as one of those kids who never admired younger bards with the likes of Zico, he prefers liking older and experienced bard like Park JaeBum and some well known musicians who performs at the palace. But by the tone of his voice, he seems to like Zico. And it puzzles DaeHyun more.

"He is one of Sir YongGuk's rival for today's performance," YoungJae suddenly whispered to him with an exciting voice.

Even with a low voice, JunHong heard him. The youngest boy who is busy eating his meat got his eyes wide open upon hearing the word 'rival'. "Ow? Is he qualified for the position?" he whispered immediately while his fork is still in his mouth joining the two in a whisper stance.

YoungJae put his hand over his mouth signaling to lower their voices and points to JunHong to move closer. JunHong then leans closer to YoungJae.

"He is the best candidate to replace Sir YongGuk!"

"Hey! Stop that," HimChan suddenly shouted. The three look over him, checking if he's listening to their conversation. "The competition is not today. They cancelled it two days ago."

"They didn't announced that!" YoungJae said in surprise. He got a dismayed face not because of the cancellation, but for missing the announcement.

"Because it's between the competitors' decision. We don't need to announce that," YongGuk said in his lowest voice before he drank the liquor in front of him.

"Then what is this performance for?" YoungJae asked, now irritated and facing HimChan. He never really like being behind any news.

"They changed the event today and replaced today's performance," HimChan suddenly interrupts, "each group will now perform for the crowd. And I choose JongUp to represent our group." HimChan smiles and put his arm around his favorite student. JongUp only smiles shyly. The three guys are shock with the sudden announcement.

"Ei~! How about us?" DaeHyun protested. "You know we want to perform too."

"You two are known already. Let JongUp get his chance. Also, this is a light performance. You three are into your skills too much. It might spark competition outside. And I am not ready to fill your incompetency if chances arise. I have a name to uphold to," HimChan said to the boys then tidied up his clothing.

The three boys only grunted upon hearing the vain magician. Its hard to be under his wings. Being the popular one and all. Expectations are bigger in HimChan than in YongGuk.

The boys only sigh and continued watching the performance, whispering some complaints to each other. YongGuk only watched what happened. In time, maybe, he'll be ready to let go of the position he's holding now. Maybe after he teaches all of his skills to his four students. This kid, Zico, though talented and young, lacked manners he wish he possess. Skill is not all that was needed to carry the position of conserving history through songs and poetry. There is more than telling a story through songs.

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