Part 4


Word: 1430
Tag: fandom, au!medieval, PWP, himchan, bang yongguk, youngjae, bap
A/N: This is a part of an idea I had come up, may continue posting other parts in the same manner (not in chapter form). Excuse the grammar, need beta reader for this one.


The tavern was packed with people again, YongGuk thought as he entered the place. Noise from people was the first thing he noticed. The barmaids were everywhere and there were a lot of people walking around. It was uncommon for this tavern to be full of people without a reason. He looked around to see who's making the place popular that day. This tavern that he loves was situated in a secluded area and very peaceful when he first discovered the place. But because of the events that have gotten popular with the commoners, it becomes the city's main place to hang around.

The tavern was popular as a place of gathering. Most of it was for competitions of skills by artisans. Women gathered there, too to check them. Mostly the women were with the guy who was competing to cheer for them. However, today, the platform used for the competition was not present and no one was gathering attention from the crowd. There were families and group of males around, too. They were the unfamiliar group of customer that he knew inside the tavern. Maybe it was the warm weather outside that made that place popular. It's the solemn place YongGuk knew in the city but when it's humid outside the street, most families visit the tavern for refreshments and relaxation making the place congested and loud. With nowhere to go YongGuk silently walked towards the bar area, the only place there that were not fully occupied.

As YongGuk walk near the bar area he saw his friend Kim HimChan with some old guys. He was at the table near the wall talking to them. And it seems like he was talking nonsense again as the older men were laughing while HimChan was standing and doing hand gestures as he talks. He recognized the men sitting with HimChan. Those men were members of the guild council. But from the other guild, not from the guild where him and HimChan belongs.

The old men were wearing expensive clothing and headdresses that made them standout from the crowd, thus, making him saw them first. YongGuk made his mouth twitched after recognizing them. The group consisting of HimChan and the guild council smells like serious business. HimChan may speaks like he was having a fun talk with them but HimChan is not wasting time if he was with important people. And if HimChan is doing his usual business talk, he would rather be away from them. HimChan have this way of speech that you would know as a lie, but people who do not know his personality will consider it as a compliment. HimChan knows words. And he uses it effectively. And with this situation, he was not ready to talk to either HimChan or the council. He was hoping they were not talking about the resolution the King just passed. Rather than leaving the place to avoid them, he just lowered his head and went to the opposite direction.

Walking to the other end of the bar area, he saw another familiar back-side sitting there. His height and built, in comparison with the other bulky men at the front of the bar, gave an idea that he was a child among grown men. The child was actively talking with the older guys and was sitting among them. YongGuk slowly moves closer and become curious of whom this familiar figure is.

YongGuk cannot clearly see the face of the one sitting in front of him but he realized he knows whose broad shoulder it belongs. The child who suddenly leaves his seat was holding a mug. YongGuk's small eyes become more narrowed as he watched the kid raised his mug and said his cheers before he sipped from the mug.

"Yoo YoungJae!" YongGuk shouted unconsciously to the child in front of him, forgetting that he should not be noticed.

YoungJae, the child YongGuk called, looked over him. YongGuk was ten feet away from the young lad and looking towards him with his usual stare and folded arms over his chest. "What are you doing here?" YongGuk asked at that distance.

YoungJae, who seems happy before YongGuk noticed him, got alarmed by the sudden appearance of his master slash father-image trainer. After realizing who the person called, he becomes cautious about his surroundings. He looked from his left and right sides, checking and thinking about the possibility of escape. He also seemed whispering something to someone as he covered his mouth with his left hand and turned his back against YongGuk. The guys around YoungJae seemed curious about the situation. They all looked at YongGuk who slowly walks towards them.

YoungJae's reaction made YongGuk a bit mad. This was not the manner he taught to the children. And he blames HimChan for tolerating the kids. They need another lecture when they get back home.

YongGuk sigh heavily through his nose and told himself to calm down. He told the kids earlier today to enjoy the whole day without training. Both he and HimChan have personal business to do. And they do not have the time to spend with the kids. He did not gave them specific instruction to avoid hanging around the place where beer and liqour are served. But he told them not to do things they are not supposed to do at their age, like drinking liquor.

He reach the bar area with YoungJae still had his back against him. The mug was nowhere to be seen. And the child had his head lowered down as if he was praying, his right hands covering half of his face. YongGuk put his right hand over YoungJae's shoulder and turned his body to face him.

"Hey you!" YongGuk said as he taps the child's shoulder a little bit too hard.

"Ahg!" YoungJae cry out because of YongGuk's inflicted pain. The touch to his shoulder was strong that he could not avoid making noises. YoungJae didn't have the courage to answer back like he was used to when he was outside the street. He respect and understand YongGuk's reaction. His master had been like this since he joined the group. He also promised him to avoid doing things he have done before, when he was living a vagabond life, when he was still a lowly thief. And he was supposed to hide it from them. But unlucky for him he was caught...again.

YoungJae didn't have the courage to fend him any further. He looked at him with a guilty eyes and scratched his head. He tried laughing it off but YongGuk's eyes are piercing him through his soul and made him stop. There was nothing to explain. He was caught on the spot.

"Hello Sir YongGuk," YoungJae said greeting him with a lower voice. He was hoping that greeting him politely would make YongGuk dampen his mood. But the grip of his hand said otherwise.

"We need to talk," YongGuk said and pulled him away from that place. "Let's go home."

But a man behind YongGuk interfered. A guy, who was sitted next to YoungJae, put a hand over YongGuk and stopped him. He is a skinny guy whose blonde hair and dark skin tone matches well with his leather armor. Though he looks weak he did put an effort to prevent YongGuk to move further.

YongGuk was surprised by the sudden interruption. He immediately put his right hand over it and glanced over to the owner of that hand. He felt that there was a strong force exerted just to stop him so he let his left hand free of holding YoungJae and slowly put his left hand over his dirk that was hidden under his coat.

"JinYoung!" YoungJae called out when he noticed the guy touching YongGuk. YoungJae made a face of not to interfere with them but the guy he called JinYoung was not looking at them. He was casually drinking his beer on his left hand and resting his right hand on YongGuk's right shoulder. A few breaths were exchange before anyone made a move.

"I heard you are training YoungJae," JinYoung said, still not looking at them.

YongGuk took a deep breath and turned to the guy after he heard him asked a question. He doesn't sound drunk or dangerous the way he first suspected. His worries lessened and the tense he felt earlier vanished. However he was not comfortable talking to him with his hand still on his shoulder so he slowly moves it away from him.

"Yes," he calmly answered. "I am his teacher."

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