Part 5


Word: 1197
Tag: fandom, au!medieval, PWP, bap, daehyun, youngjae, junhong, jongup
A/N: This is a part of an idea I had come up, may continue posting other parts in the same manner (not in chapter form). Excuse the grammar, need beta reader for this one.


DaeHyun's still ashamed to admit that he is working under someone. He told the kids from the orphanage that he can provide them the supplies they needed just by using his skills, without anyone helping him. He's an adult now at the age of 15. He can do it. Just like any adult in their village is doing. He knows how to hunt and appraise any item of value. That was all that he needed outside the orphanage. That's what he thought before.

But the life he knew inside the house he grew up with was not the same as the life of other family in the village has experienced. There is a huge difference. And the thought he had as a child, that it's more comfortable living outside the orphanage, was not true at all.

It was true that living in the orphanage was a constant struggle. How long would the amount of food last was the common concern. To survive with a meager amount of food, supplied by the monarchs, they planned on how to divide the available bread among the increasing number of abandoned and orphaned children in the institution. The children sometimes go to the woods to hunt for animals for its meat, which was a feast for the children of the institution. There was a garden they are cultivating located at the foot of a mountain near the orphanage which helps a bit but was not enough. Their only hope was the constant visit of good hearted ladies from the city who had problem bearing a child. Every time someone got adopted, the orphanage was relieved. One child was spared from hunger and the food division in the orphanage improved.

If he is to compare his childhood with others, he is more privileged than most. He has a house to sleep in, others have none. Some were living in a tent or in a wrecked brick house. He has problems with mosquitoes disturbing them during the night but others don't sleep because of fear that they might get killed by wild animals roaming around the village during the night time. He has chores to do to help with the maintenance of the orphanage; others don't have anything to do with their lives and are waiting for their death at a young age.

After freeing himself from the care of the orphanage and experiencing the life inside the village, he cannot guarantee himself that being an adult is worth looking forward to.

He went to the city to experience the comfortable life he wants. The life he's dreaming since young, he realized, is not in the village. He had to leave their village to visit the city. That's where most of the valuable hunts are. That's a few miles away from the orphanage. In the city he learned how people got it easy living if they have a money to spend.

While wasting time reminiscing about his childhood in the pantry looking the outside horizon, he suddenly got the urge to asked YoungJae. That guy knows most of HimChan's business. The delivery of food to the orphanage might have a reason other than helping them out. Kim HimChan is not genuinely a generous person to them though he had seen him visit Sister HyoSung a few times before he becomes the magician's apprentice.

He quickly left the orphanage and went to the place where he and YoungJae mostly stays. It's their secret place when the Young Master HimChan, as YoungJae called him and Sir YongGuk are on a business meeting with prominent people from the guild.

The place was outside the city proper and near their house. No one has ever visited or surveyed that place because of the dangerous cliff. It becomes their secret meeting place to talk or banter. But to YoungJae he calls it the perfect place to have a rational negotiations.

The path to the cliff is muddy and slippery. It's because the soil was wet from the downpour of rain earlier. It could be dangerous for some unaware travelers especially to the area where there are steeped slopes.

DaeHyun, knowing that, gather a lot of twigs and large leaves to aid him on his footing. Also the twigs and leaves will cover his footsteps along the trail.

DaeHyun was not suppose to go to their meeting place today because of so many circumstances going on the village but there are questions he needed to consult to YoungJae. YoungJae might have the answer he was asking himself. He was not only a street smart kid but has a background in history and science (being a former student of a high ranked philosopher). He likes how he can asked anything to YoungJae in exchange of items he thought was valuable.

Their relationship grew in that place where they both realized they have the same problems and sentiments; and to ease any burden that they faced they both turned to music. They know a few songs they learned from staying at the tavern. And DaeHyun sings well while playing with a string instrument. They even become each other's opponent in a competition held in a tavern.

But today was a different day.  DaeHyun came to the cliff not to relieve some social pressure but to asked about the relationship between HimChan and the vassal who helped the children in the orphanage a lot. It also puzzled him that the vassal asked for YongGuk's help though he no longer works for him. This vassal was known for being against the queen but supports the king. The vassal also supported HimChan in some of his political quest but it seems he tried to avoid YongGuk's group. Or maybe only YongGuk because HimChan can always walks up to the vassal and speaks to him.

As he arrived at the cliff he was surprised to see both JongUp and JunHong at the sitting area, as YoungJae called it.  Both were enjoying eating fruits and YoungJae was nowhere to be found. He was not aware that the kids know their little secret place. Did YoungJae show the place to them? If so, this cliff will no longer be their secret place.

"Why are you here?" shouted DaeHyun as he sees them, a little irritated.

JongUp and JunHong were not surprised when they see DaeHyun. JongUp was smiling at him and looked like he was expecting him.

"You're here!" JunHong said to him and reached for his arm to pull him closer to them. He was offered to eat with them and talked about how YoungJae was so nice to them and showed them a lot of awesome places not only the cliff. He learned that YoungJae was looking for more food because he knew DaeHyun is coming. With the expected guest having an unexpected appetite they need more than just fruits.

They  greeted one another and waited for YoungJae. It was a sudden request, he later learned from the youngest, that YoungJae is looking after the two youngest adopted children of their Masters, as HimChan and YongGuk were busy meeting the guild's master to talk about a job request for them to fill in.

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