Part 3


Word: 1406
Tag: fandom, au!medieval, PWP, daehyun, park, gyuri, dongwoo
A/N: This is a part of an idea I had come up, may continue posting other parts in the same manner (not in chapter form). Excuse the grammar, need beta reader for this one.


There are some suspicious boxes at the monastery's storage area, which is at the right side of the kitchen. Two crates, a one by two feet box, are sitting beside each other, b with fruits and vegetables. And those crates greeted DaeHyun as he stealthily entered the kitchen. There is also a sack of wheat flour nearby.

He has never seen such large amount of food especially in the orphanage he grew up with. Seeing an uncommon situation made him skeptical. DaeHyun's eyes squeezed a little, his smile earlier vanished.

When did these foods started to come in? DaeHyun wondered. He unloaded the sack he was carrying and walked towards the corner where the food supplies were located. He picks one of the fruits. Studying it like a Nobel person who was about to purchased it--sniffing it and touching every surface. He specifically checked the quality of the crop. After a thorough check he gave a big bite and proceeds to check another one.

A two weeks absence and then this happened? DaeHyun continued, talking to himself while estimating the produce. He was not happy about the incident, though this is a good thing for the children. When he finished eating he throws the core outside the window. There he noticed a door beside the window cracked open with a boy watching him from behind it. The boy is one of the orphans there. He has known him since the day he was brought to the orphanage, looking emotionless and timid. He was outside the kitchen's back door peering at him like a dog waiting for a treat. The door is just in front of him but he only noticed the boy just now.

"JooHee," DaeHyun called him. The boy perked up and instantly walked to him.

The child was not wearing his usual clothes, DaeHyun observed. He was wearing a new set of tunic and trousers than the last time he saw him. As usual he is bare footed, with a few dirts in among his toes. He leaves traces of dirty footprint at the floor.

"Where did these come from?" DaeHyun asked JoonHee, the little kid he found at the kitchen.

"It's been there for about a week now," he answered without hesitation. "Sister HyoSung said Madame SeoHyun gives those," the child said as he points to the crops.

"Madame...SeoHyun?" DaeHyun said to himself, his voice trailing off, thinking who it was. The name sounds familiar. He remembered Sir HimChan did mention her name when they had an argument at the house. His new home. But he cannot recall who SeoHyun was.

"Do you know who Sir Kim HimChan is?" the child suddenly asked.

DaeHyun look at him with furrowed brows. HimChan? "How did you know his name? He's not that popular to kids."

"I heard the old man GaeKo mentioned your name and the name Kim HimChan," the child said to him knowingly. "Are working for him now?"

DaeHyun sigh after hearing the question. It takes him a few seconds before answering.

"Uhm... sort of," DaeHyun said in a descending tone.

He suddenly felt weak after confirming his current status. He's still ashamed to admit that he was working under someone. But his answer brought a smile to the child. DaeHyun twitched his head.

"What does that smile means?" asked DaeHyun because of this sudden confusion.

The creaking sound of the kitchen's back door suddenly changed the mood between DaeHyun and JooHee. Both turned their heads towards the door. A couple of children emerged from it. One of them is Park GyuRi.

"Oh! Look who we have here," the girl with two ponytails announced. She smirked and folded her arms as she looked straight to DaeHyun.

"DaeHyunnie! You're back!" said the other boy behind the pony tailed girl. He was the shortest of the three children who went inside the kitchen. He ran towards DaeHyun and grabbed his shirt excitedly.

"Hello DongWoo!" DaeHyun happily greeted the boy. He touched his hair and combed it with his fingers.

DongWoo smiles brightly. He then looked behind DaeHyun, looking for something.

"Where is your bow?" DongWoo asked.

DaeHyun unconsciously reach at his back and then smiles.

"Oh! I must have lost it somewhere," DaeHyun said to the child whose bright smile suddenly fades as he heard it was lost. "I wonder where is it."

The child who was happy seeing DaeHyun become sad and tears starting to form from the corner of his eyes.

"You can't lose it DaeHyun!" shouted the small child. "You cannot!"

DaeHyun smiles. He kneeled down to face DongWoo and pats his head.

"I know, DongWoo. I'm just playing with you."

"I heard you're living a comfortable life now," the girl Park GyuRi suddenly said. DaeHyun then looked up at her. He senses sarcasm in those words.

DaeHyun never really liked the girl. She is one of the early children who lived in the orphanage but never leave. Every child in that house leaves if they were given the opportunity. But GyuRi is different. And DaeHyun don't like her for that. Or maybe because she has a high opinion of herself. She asked the bishop who manage the orphanage to let her become one of their helper in managing the children. And she becomes Sister HyoSung's apprentice then.

There is a rumor that she was a child of a royal family. Children believed it because of how she carries herself. She walked and talked differently. She knows a lot about history and literature. She also have some skills in knitting and dress making. She has a great talent, that even the older women of the orphanage did not know.

However, DaeHyun is not convinced about the rumor. These were because there were no special treatment has given to her. What everybody gets was also given to GyuRi. And GyuRi never complained. If she truly was a royal by blood the bishop should know and would treated her differently.

DaeHyun slowly stand up to face her. She was standing in front of them and tapping her feet at the floor.

"I actually am!" he said to her with a bit of caution. "I am currently studying to be a soldier," he added.

"By your new father?" she then asked.

DaeHyun twitched upon hearing her, eyes dilated. "What father?" he asked, confused by her question.

"The guy who sends the gifts," DongWoo interfere.

DaeHyun glanced at DongWoo. "Gifts?"

"So, you are just an apprentice of an artisan and not adopted by a lord?" JooHee now asking DaeHyun.

"Uh, what?" DaeHyun shouted because of the questions coming from them. He instantly becomes confused. "What are you talking about?"

The pony tailed girl, GyuRi, rolled her eyes after seeing a confused DaeHyun. She became wary about the situation and no one spoked for a minute. The children only looked at each other, questions coming out of their eyes.

"You're so dumb, DaeHyun. You don't even know what you are doing," said Gyuri in a hush voice while looking at the window. She can't control herself from bursting her annoyance. The children, on the other hand, waited for the two older children to speak. They are confused about the situation too. GyuRi then shot a strong stare at DaeHyun.

"Do you know that only rich men can be a member of Evlogiménos Guild Chéria?" at last GyuRi spoke.

"And that was...?" asked DaeHyun, now a little calm.

The older girl suddenly opened , her eyes almost pop out off her eye socket. She almost cursed under her breath. She was more shocked by his response. It only ticked GyuRi and made her head hurts.

"You don't even know what Evlogiménos Guild Chéria is?" asked the disappointed GyuRi who is actually affirming her doubts about DaeHyun. "You are hopeless," she said as she shakes her head more. She was trying to comprehend what had just happened.

DaeHyun, who was still confuse, raised both his shoulder and let out a sigh showing defeat. He was no longer curious about GyuRi's gibberish talk. It was only making his head hurts too.

"I still like you DaeHyunnie," DongWoo suddenly burst out, breaking the silence between the two older children. "When you become rich don't you ever forget us."

DaeHyun smiles at him.

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