Part 1

Word: 1189
Tag: fandom, crack, au!medieval, PWP, bap+SeoHyun
A/N: This is a part of an idea I had come up, may continue posting other parts in the same manner (not in chapter form). Excuse the grammar, need beta reader for this one.


Summary: Today was the best day to sell Bang YongGuk's excess weapons lying around his storage/armory room.


Today is the town's festival. A lot of people have crowded the main streets to check on things that might have caught their fancy. And today will be YongGuk's opportunity to sell the weapons that are taking up too much space in his house, while also getting some money out of the deal.

Kim HimChan, his ever-so-vain magician friend and roommate, is always bugging him to destroy it, or he'll find someone to destroy it for them. Or worse, HimChan will simply turn it into dust. Now that they need the storage and armory room for new recruits, HimChan has all the more reason to remove the weapons from the house. The weapons that he made but didn't use should be disposed of immediately.

Their family is starting to get bigger, especially with the addition of two more boys. At first, it was only the two of them: Himchan and himself. Though his roommate seldom sleeps or even stays in their cabin, he pays for the room, so it's their house. Then he adopted a child named Choi JunHong, and HimChan took responsibility for a child named Moon JongUp. Then came the new boys, Jung DaeHyun and Yoo YoungJae. By this point, the cabin is no longer "too big" for them.

The new boys are almost of the same age, only seven months apart, with DaeHyun being the oldest. They are some of the talented children YongGuk saw in the street, who had the potential for becoming soldiers if only they were trained properly. However, since they are no different from slaves or delinquents, they are not welcome into any academy specializing in warfare. It would be a waste of talent to just let these boys use their skills for petty crimes.

They did not adopt them, unlike what they did to JongUp and JunHong, even though both were orphaned. Both boys have people they grew up with, whom they called family.

DaeHyun and YoungJae have been recruited to be in his group—his and HimChan's. They just took the boys under their guidance—mostly YongGuk, because HimChan was busy with politics—to learn and become soldiers. They already had the basic skills of soldiers, so it would not be difficult to train them. YongGuk also noticed that the boys were friends, which is an advantage in teaching young blood; however, the constant bickering told him otherwise.

YongGuk looks again at his weapons on display along the main road. He doesn't have any plans of using the unqualified weapons he made, but he's still hesitant on selling them. Most of these weapons are composed of elemental materials that have magical powers. These properties could be an advantage or a disaster to the owner of the weapons. He has never checked them for passive characteristics; his only assurance is HimChan's word that he already removed the magical properties of those weapons. The magician is also afraid of what these weapons could do, so it has become his habit to deactivate any dangerous qualities these weapons might have.

Most of the weapons are products of YongGuk's experiment. When he sees a weapon with some flaws, he immediately throws it away into the storage room and forgets about it. They are works of art with lots of engravings and stones, and could even be mistaken as pieces of jewelry, if only there were no sharp edges.

Even though the weapons are strange, he doesn't have a hard time selling them. Collectors, merchants, and rich noblemen are plenty at the town square. Some are his acquaintances. Selling weaponry to them is no big chore, and after a few hours of lounging in the street, he has sold all of it.

Since it's too early to go back home, he plans to enjoy the town's festive mood at a tavern nearby. A few drinks and some gossip would uplift his mood after losing some weapons, even if they weren't useful.

On the way there, someone catches his eye. He sees Madame Seo JooHyun, whom everyone also knows as SeoHyun.

She's the same age as HimChan and himself, but she maintains her younger looks. People tend to think that she's still in her teens, which is why she has loads of protective supporters. She's already in her 30's and working as a king's adviser and spokesperson for children's welfare. She took over her father's position and won it not by being the daughter of the man himself, but for winning the hearts of the many families to whom the institution has provided help.

And as always, SeoHyun is surrounded by young ones and some old folks in their 60's, talking and playing games to celebrate the day. The view is amazing from YongGuk's vantage point. He can clearly see the glow on her face and how happy she is while carrying a baby in her arms.

"She's still beautiful regardless of her age, isn't she?" a voice from his right side catches YongGuk by surprise. The raspy voice makes him catch his chest. Upon seeing who it is, he just sighs heavily, not in relief but in annoyance.

"She's a nice catch," he continues. "She'll be a great mother and a lover, if I may say so," HimChan says without looking at YongGuk.

YongGuk doesn't know how to respond to his friend. He sure knows how to talk. And he's the best among his colleagues, too. HimChan—who even on a hot day wears a thick red silk robe—smiles menacingly at SeoHyun from a distance. It is one of HimChan's childish acts, to sneak behind his back and every time he's looking at a girl he likes. It has become a hobby he loves to do to YongGuk.

Meanwhile, YongGuk can't stop side-eyeing HimChan, wishing his stare would pierce through him and kill the annoying part of his childhood friend. But HimChan is enjoying himself so much that he rubs his ego again.

"If only she'd agreed on marrying you, I would be playing with little YongGuk by now."

There is a small amount of sincerity in HimChan's voice. YongGuk senses it, but he is not ready to talk about it. The talk of marriage irks him too much. It is the only topic he avoids.

He is ready to leave the place, but not without taking revenge on HimChan. He swings his forging hammer above him and turns it around in such a manner that it looks like it will accidentally launch over HimChan's face, before resting it on his left shoulder.

HimChan is so alert in this kind of situation that he gracefully dodges the hammer. He smiles at the common gesture of the blacksmith and taps YongGuk's back as a sign of counterattack. It was their form of endearment to each other, really. But since YongGuk aims at HimChan's handsome face, the tap brings a lot of pain to the bulky guy and causes him to kneel in agony. To HimChan, the face is his greatest possession, and no one is allowed to leave even a tiny scratch on it—not even his best friend.

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